The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, May 31, 1917, Image 11

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    Are You
Going to Build?
You have been planning, perhaps, to repair your barn,
build a garage, build a chicken house, put on a new roof or
erect a new wing to your house.
You want to do it WELL, but CHEAPLY.
That's where WK come in. If you're going to do the
work yourself or have it done by the day 'a work, get our fig
ures on lumber and supplies.
We know what we are talking about. We invite you to
Alliance, Nebr.
Phone 73
Bp ft
Owners of Ford cars are advised to beware of
"counterfeit parts." If your car needs adjustment
bring it here where you will find reliable service with
the complete mechanical equipment to give the highest
quality of Ford service obtainable. All the Ford parts
used arc supplied by the Ford Motor Company. You
can not expect your Ford car to give the service and
endurance you demand unit , s you have it cared for by
men experienced in Ford methods. Hunabout $.'145,
Touring Car $360, Sedan $645, Coupelet $505, Town
Car $595 all f. o. b. Detroit. On display and tor sale
Wall Paper and Paints
The store that carries a complete stock. 1 1 you want wall
papering done we will attend to the entire job, measuring the
room, furnishing the wall paper to suit you and employing the
paper hanger. It saves you trouble and worry. Try us. We
are also headquarters 1'or
Lee's Poultry and Stock Preparations
At this store you can buy Lee's Lice Killer; Germoxotie;
Lee's Lice Powder; Lee's Kgg Maker and Chick Grower; Lie's
Best Conditioner, for stock; Egg-o latum, egg preservative; Lee's
Dip, for cattle, sheep and hogs; and other effective Lee prepare
tions. Now is the time to use Wood-Lark squirrel and gopher pois
on, ready prepared. Sure death to gophers, squirrels, mice,
prairie dogs, etc.
Phone 84
301 Box Butte Avenue Alliance, Nebraska
whn vnn in in Omihi come where all Stockmen aton. Yon will
always find your friends and acquaintances at the
Omaha's new absolutely nre-proof hotel. We welcome the Stock
men. We'll make you comfortable and our rate are most reasonable
In the city. Rooms with private both, f 1.60 to 1175 Rooms with
private toilet 11. Good car service to the Stock Yards and Depots
Have your commission firm telephone for room reservation.
FRED A. t'ASTLK, Prop.
(Continued from page 1 this section)
all the people.
The taking over of control by the
government of all Horace ware
houses and elevators and the issu
ance of warehouse receipts to every
depositor. The power In the gov
ernment to conscript food at a fair
price whenever necessary to break
monopoly, prevent hoarding and se
cure proper distribution.
A survey of seed requirements and
seed supply should be made, to the
end that local government may be
met by local supply.
The critical time for farm labor
will come during cultivating and har
vest of crops. Statements of when
this is needed should be made to the
rentral labor organization and ar
rangements should be made to fur
nish surh labor.
We believe the conscription for
war of men engaged in the produc
tion or engaged in any industry as
sisting In the production of food sup
plies, should be deferred until there
is greater need for men in the
trenches" than there Is on the farm.
Injury to alfalfa and clover has
been severe. Preparations should
be made to meet this and not de
pend upon buying hay on the mar
ket. There is still time to seed sor
ghums, millet, sudan grass and such
crops. We urge that special efforts
be made to save extra amounts of
corn fodder which is a valuable feed.
In eastern Nebraska or on irrigat
ed or sub-irrigated land where there
is abundance of water, root crops
such as rutabagas or turnips should
be sowed up to July 10.
Rape can be sowed in the corn at
Its last cultivation, or can be sowed
alone or with smnll prain for hog
pastures. It can be seeded any time
up to the first of August.
The potato acreage of Nebraska
for this year will be double that of
1916 with a probable, corresponding
increase in yield. We recommend
that the crop should be allowed to
mature before being harvested in or
der that the full value thereof may
be obtained and we recommend that
the consumer not demand new po
tatoes. We find that there is probability
of a labor shortage in harvesting the
potato crop and we recommend that
steps be taken to provide the grower
with the necessary labor in order to
save the crop before the freezing
period, this labor beins necessary in
the potato bolt between September
25 and October 15
In the eastern part of Nebraska
Where potatoes are not a major crop!
we recommend to farmers and Rant-1
ners the state and national publlea-1
tions with special emphasis upon a
Study of the insect enemies of pota
toes and methods of destroying them.
We recommend that the producer of j
western Nebraska study and adopt j
remedies for the prevention of dry
rot and other diseases of this nature
which attack the potato in storage.
(Experience has shown that Intons
pre cultivation Will double the yield!
of potatoes. vYv recommend that
Special attention be Riven to intens-J
ive farming of potatoes by the mow
The loss of potatoes due to im
proper transportation facilities at
the time the crop must be moved i
has been very heavy. We urge that
the railroads co-operate by furnish-)
ing cats at the proper time and!
HMVing them faster to the points of
destination. ' We urge shippers toj
load the cars with the utmost dis
patch and receivers to unload them
with equal dispatch.
Proper grading of potatoes lea Ml
economy and fair prices to Nebraska
producers. When properly graded
Nebraska potatoes are of as high a
grade as any produced. We recom
mend that potato growers form asso
ciations and adopt rules for the strict
gradina of potatoes.
We find that there is a marked in
crease in acreage of potatoes in
eastern Wyoming near the Nebraska
line and recommend that all the ad
vantages and facilities given to Ne
braska growers be tendered to these
in our opinion there is no danger
of over production in potatoes Ex
periments now being tarried on as
sure a bright future for the potato
industry in the use of the culls and
lower grades in making of alcohol
for use in power machinery.
We advise the plantiug of beans
in larger quantities than heretofore
and recommend that steps be taken
at once to secure additional seed for
the present season.
We urge that cultivation of beans
be confined to the heat of the day
when the plants are dry and that
special care should be taken to avoid
breaking the plants, as it is thru
such wounds that disease enters and
destroys the plant.
We recommend that the university
extension bulletin os beaus be ob
tained by all raisers. Beans are es
pecially edapted to a semi-sandy soil
and do exceptionally well upon vir
gin land. Inexpensive special ma
chinery for harvesting crops is rec
ommended to all who grow beans.
I.lvc Stork
We advise the conservation of
breeding herds by retaining the beat
anim.tls and marketing all animals
not desirable for breeding purposes.
We urge the raising of two litters
cf pigs per yesr, while the present
demand fot meat continues.
The stste live stock sanitary board
should adopt active measures to con
trol such 'ive stock diseases as tu
berculosis, hog cholera, anthrax and
others of like nature.
The constantly increasing price of
corn and other grains makes it nec
essary to utilize rough feeds former
ly wasted. The finished meat pro
due should be made upon a mini
mum of corn and high price grains.
The silo is an effective means of
utilizing rough feeds and helps to
increase the number of cattle which
can be maintained on a given acre
age Its est should be encouraged.
We advise the grinding of alfalfa
hay and other feeds and the chop
ping or siiredding of cane and fod
ler as lie, hods of decreasing the
feeding oit.
We recommend the utilization of
the grasses upon the range to the
fullest extent.
Stock growers should sow liberal
quantities i.f dwarf Essex rape and
rye for fall pastures.
We recommend that landlords and
tenants centrally adopt the plan of
co-operation, using the crops raised
on the farms in live stock produc
tion as largely as possible, with long
term leases.
increase the meat supply stop
slaughtering calves. Weed out un
profitable cows keep more cows
give the cow n square deal by feed
ing her better.
I'se skim milk products for human
food, they are muscle and tissue
builders and are palatable.
Feed surplus skim milk to young
Watch the pasture, supplement
shortage with soiling crops and sum
mer silage, save the corn fodder, util
ize fodder from sweet corn grown
for canneries.
Home-grown feeds are cheapest.
Provide alfalfa and corn silage, stop
wasting corn stalks.
Prepare now for winter dairying.
Don't let children suffer for milk.
w.m.i Supply
The wool supply of the COUOtry
should be increased by endeavoring
to increase our agricultural popula
tion in the keeping of a few sheep!
on each farm and by making an ef
fort to secure, for a time at least,
protection against the slaughter of
lambs and breeding ewes.
Wate in I reding Animals at .Market
The heavy feeding of corn for fill
ing purposes at market centers en
tails unnecessary waste. This corn
Is undigested by animals immediate
ly slaughtered. The regulations of
the government are such that this
grain is thrown into the sewer.
A concerted action at all market
centers is necessary. This should
be remedied by immediate federal
All raisers of poultry should main
tain for production purposes all pul
lets of laying age and all suitable
hens of at least one year of age.
All birds intended for meat pur
poses should be maintained until ma
tured, insofar as possible, in order
that waste products, such as wasted
grains, bugs, worms, etc., may be
profitably utilized in producing meat.
In view of the. present food emerg
ency the quick returns from poultry
warrant the production of young
stock tluuout the entire growing
Poultry raising in Nebraska should
be encouraged and extended. The
rat is a destroyer of poultry and a
carrier of disease. It costs $5 per
year to feed a rat. Exterminate the
The consumer should be encour
aged to preserve eggs during the
summer months for use in supplying
the n.-. -da of the household during
the winter.
Dealers in poultry should be en
couraged in the distribution of pure
blood by the exchange, weight for
weight, or at market price, of such
pure bred males as may be received
by them.
We urge the co-operation of all
dealers in poultry and eggs in pro
moting the production of infertile
eggs by encouraging the removal of
all males from the flocks when eggs
are no longer desired for hatching
Owners of orchards should make
an earnest effort to control insects
and disease pests.
Perishable fruits should be pre
served, canned or dried.
Less perishable varieties of apples
particularly, should be properly nan
died and stored for winter use.
r The modern and efficient way to light your home and
lighten your work. Eliminate the drudgery of needlese toil
and reduce the high cost of living by devoting your time
and energy to more profitable work. The cost of electricity
in Alliance is exceedingly small.
r Let us install your electric equipment, lights and fixtures.
All our work is done by men of long experience in the busi
ness thus insuring you complete satisfaction.
1 There is an electric appliance for every need and many
of them are. adapted to your needs.
f We carry a complete line of fixtures, lamps and labor-saving
devices. Confer with us and save both time and money.
Our prices are as low as any in the world.
Alliance Auto Supply Co.
J. H. Kane, Mgr.
I m I
I 1 Department, jj H
BB ir 0 U get first class printing and you get HP
JBm it when promised when you do it.
&S Having work done right and when promised Hg
HS are rules of this office. SB
HH Our service in helping yon plan your work 99
warn. is free. gmt
H Telephone 340 when you want that next
WEI job of printing. BBh
gel service yl
Mm c o m p y "JzB
Ha phone H ri EB
International Typographical Union No. 755
The UNION LABEL on printed matter ALWAYS means
the BEST, in both the front office and the workshop the com
posing room. There are two printing offices in Alliance en
titled to the use of the UNION LABEL:
UNION MEN and LABORING MEN of all trades, if your
tradesman solicits your business with printed matter ask him
to get the UNION LABEL on his advertising.
Demand the UNION LABEL on Your Printing
Alliance Junk Company
L. Kulakofsky, Prop.