assesses "IK THR RMOK FIT VOU THRU WEAR IT ; By ADAM l MH "X. Y Z " who had personal nd rert isemcnt in the Herold classified advertising columns Inst week and the week before received two or three answers. He called Monday and was tix en his answers. He read them here in the office and then handed me one of them nnd asked me whether I thought the reply was a Joke of whe ther It was serious. I read it. I was n't serious after I read it, that's cer tain. "X. Y. Z." said I could print the reply if I wouldn't print the box number the writer gave. It was writ tan by "A. B. C." and read (is fol lows: Dear Sir: Noticing In the Alli ance Herald your desire to jommunl eate with some, good loosing and clean charactered young lady. ' And I am anxious to All your desire. "I am 18 years old. I have Irish green eyes, scarlet red hair. My diameter is 68, altitude 86, base 66. I am fond of wearing peak-aaoo mists and skirts. Iam a great fav-orttw-in all occasions. "If I can give you any more infor mation ubout myself I will gladly do o And would like for you to do the name. I also desire your picture. 1 will be the right one. I will Walt in patience until I receive the ans wer. I am, at A. B. C. I sure would like to meet this wo man. She was either showing her self tt good time (the letter looked like it was written by a man) or she must be some woman. Imagine 5 foot, 8 inches around 7 feet, 2 Inch es tall with an understanding of 6 feat and inches. There ain't no U;h animal j . f Ain't hain't no word. JHnbit is u funny thing for sure, tfusi the olner day one of the men who for years had been serving li quid refreshments over one of th Alltttnce burs, And who is still serving drinks oVer the Bame kind of bar, pulled it Kood one. It wan eight o'clock. The curfew bell was ringing "All out, boys, its eight bells," the bar lender yelled. For a moment he couldn't understand why (hey laugh ed. Mtibit is funny thnig for ure. . o I don't know as much hk I think 1 know, and i warn you ail who rand this dope, not to believe all I say. Now don't Idiune no If you go wrong. o The people of Penny slvn nls . accord Ing to reports, seem to he exercised over the abolishment of capital pun ishment, and I'm not sine hut that they are right; Think If you were being 'tied foi a heinous crime. - o - Say, do foil know 1 actually be lieve people read tins doe. The rea son i thlnkrao is beoaaa several have been i,i the Office the past week and asked who wrote i lie stuff. They seemed to like "The Klaer'a Pray or" that appeared last week. )ne man ranted to maet the fallow who wrote It io he could shake hands with him. I toi'i him to go ti Qermany. o A number have sent Hi stuff for this Column. 1 wish more of you would. It's not so much work when aome one helps you. don't 'ha know. o - . Harry Hole brought this one in. I don't know where he swiped it, and don't care much, cause It's not bad lit that. Tins little ditty is entitled. '.'Peeping Through the Knot-hole of Father's Wooden Lag" or "Who Bpllled the Beans.'-" Here it is: They were seated on the pink satin Ion sue in bef exquisite boudoir in a house not located on uapaved Bps' Butte avenue rei alendar, white hands lay tdlj on bar tap; on one giie- tened a plain gold wedding ting. "My darling:" ha murmured, as he "kissed hot lOVelj rounded cheek. "I can't bear the thought of leaving you even for a few hours, we have so lit tle time really alone, but that meet ing, you know " "But, sweetheart," she asked pout ingly, "you'll come back early?" "Of course, as quickly as 1 can." The man stood up and walked over to a table, on which stood a photo graph. In a heavy gold frame, of the woman. He studied it Intently for a mom ent, then kisses It passionately. "You are beautiful! What a lucky beggar I am, for you are mine. There Is no one else. Is there'" He spoke fiercely, ss he stride tow ards her. The woman closed her eyes. "I love only you", she whispered, as he drew her to her feat. And as they stood clasped in each other's arms. What would be more charming than this picture of connubial bliss? For they were married, these two. But not -to each other. o King potato is beginning to get some of his highness peeled, so I am told. I haven't tried to buy any lately, however. - a If one's fingers are still crossed It will be in orderto compliment Miss May again on the balminess of her meteorological raiment. O 1 I was talking with one of the mer chants, this morning, who keeps a store on un paved Box Butte avenue. We were talking about how some people go to the dogs. The merchant said, "Most people go to Hell because of bad luck, few deliberately Jump in." By golly, he's right. Think about it. Why should any sane per son want to get burned up during the infinity of eternity. I was talking to a socialist yester day. Did you ever talk to a socialist about socialism. They don't all see it alike, Just the same as you and I don't see everything alike. Well, this socialist I was talking with said that this country should be a democracy of wealth and an aristocracy of brains I guess his idea was that everyone should be wealthy and educated, or that wa should have about the same of each, or something Ilka that. But it seems to ma that if this waa a dem ocracy of wealth and an aristocracy of brains , then almost everybody would consider themselves in the aristocracy and somebody would have to start an Association of Plebians. o When The War la Over (An Irish Ballad written by an A met igp who has been there.) When the war is over, laddie, Just take a tip from me. There'll be no Oermon submarines A diving through the sea. For the fatherland of "Kaiser Bill" The guy we're going to lick Will have a brand new Kaiser And the same will be a Mick. M fMIWIMmuiH.'M,.i I CjC TIMS, -! 1 III I kssjBrJke4 The tablet form of this old reliable remedy makes it possi ble for you to check any tllncj I at the very onset II i 0 fsjfc- fuard atfsfaut cou b i, I other catarrhal conditions, n i matter what symptoms wo manifest. Catarrh n an mtbimma tion of the mucous membrane ti it lines the breathing apparatus snJ the digestive apparat is, PI RUN ". relieves catarrh. lu tablet Ion i it EVER-READ YT Its prompt action i tat i il valuable for men and . posed to sudden chat i v weather or compelled io bo ill slush and rain. It will also be found most h factury as n tonic ! !' U I t-n tack of illness. CARRY A BOX whrrvM" SBUgS, tYavstsn nwl thr com pelled lo Uikr long lnvr in ihr cold anil anyone wiimi urniiiuiion BublMHs hiai to t he atSStW of midilrn colds n i) u a .- a preventive with the BMurtxi that ihe tahlrtf made are from the BM furouil tft ufttlie liiuid medicine With Ira t iai uf uocenii liefore tho Aiihi. MM iVaic TV frfu CapnT, (.'..lumbi'i. oV KING'S CORNER OM A On Draft j THE OLD BUDWEISER CORNER is now operating under the name "Ktufta Coruw" witli "Johnny" foraierty mixer t King & WU son's in charge, 0 M A The rtefreahiug tnd NOn-intox-icatinir lleeratfe on tlrafl ami in bottles. Oil A delivered anywhere in (own at $5 a fas. ut "ti pints. $1.25 fi liate for return of ease. SOFT DRINKS, LUNCHES, CIGARS, TOBACCO, CANDY KING'S CORNER John Hodgkinaon, Manager We'll change the song, "Dle-Wacht-Am-Rhlne" Into an Irish reel. And make the Dutchmen dance it. If It's so inclined we fel. For the police force in Berlin Will be Micks from County Clare When we put an Irish Kaiser In the palace over there. Sure in every German parkway There will be a sweet colleen An the fields of waving saur kraut We will plant with Shamrocks Kreen No llverworstor sausage When the Dutchman drinks his suds He will get corned beef and cr.bbage And good, old Irish spuds. The heathen guns and gas bombs We will throw them all awey And make them use shillalahs Or bricks of Irish clay. They'll wear no Iron Crortses Sure 'tis Shamrocks they will wear. When we put an Irish Kaiser In the palace over there. LIVE STOCK PRICES AT SOUTH OMAHA Cattle Study to 10 Lowtr; Respectable Ritup s HOGS ABOUT KICK EL LOWER Lambs Open Slew at About Steady Figures Few tales Made Esiiy, Nearly Steady. Normal Supply, Run Consisting of About 4,300 Hasd. Just a Littl Sailing Bulk af Supply in Fens at 11 o'clock. riiinn stock fanta, south UafadMi Nebraska. Msy ttwd, 1!U7. The week Opened out with a very respeelxWIe run af iMit'e, receipts fOtlt( up 3N load r a lieu i v.." it1 head. Itoth local packer and sltlpitels Aceiueil to want the cattle Mouday atul competition wss best for the desirnhle light nnd handy weight steer; and i ij ohJ mostly ahoul s we'll m toward 'lie, close of last week. Receipts of heavy cattle, however, were fairly good and buyers hsd a chance to cheapen up nn these grades, their hid being some whst lower than lat Friday. Right good 1,'JOO to l.-t. ".it pen nil beeves sold at $1 2AOO V2M Hint, the fair to good 900 to 1,'JOO pound beeves. Including n lot of long yeHrling. sold around $11.6J012.28. Strictly good to choice she stock sold at 10.2ft11.38. Quotations on Tattle: ;od to choice beeves. I12.4O01S.2O; fair to good . beeves. $1 1 .T"i I2,9fi : common to fair beeves. $in.'J."4i 1 1 .."itl ; good to choice heifers. H0.4OO11.40; food to choice cows. $O.ftK01O.8ft ; fnir to food cows. 8,780p,TS; CttnneYs nnd cut ters. ST.tMtff : real cnjye. sn.itc) l&M', .beef hulls. -:siruy-j:,. A tulenilily IIIhviI ran of hofr showed uf for Monday, arrivals count Ing out il- enrs or ion heart, There wns n very fair shipping outlel for hogs UonrtaXi knd shippers bought iltf R few hofs ut the Start lit fully sternly prices. It w:is nrOUrd 10' o'clock before puckers nrtil selterg ; oould agrea On prices and bugs finally , 2&-2I-834I moved on I Be lower imsis. Bulb of the early sales were made :it gir.fi0 ttitxt. with tops reafhtuf n!.l. U Metlou A 1 Not enough bwduesa hml ha I be well Worth th dona up to 11 o'clock III 1he hilllb trade to give much of an Idup on the market, hut what sales had bean ma da were called slum! steady and lis there wns it fair detnMttd, prospects looked us iliniiyh offerings would tind a steady outlet with hii week, i'irnt Miles ininiii thai while iu good tlesh ntnl not very heavy Innl been shorn within lite last few dnys. Thews were railed nlxati steady at Kin.T.Y t 'nliforniii springers brought ! i '..'". with forty hand uul of fltra leek shipment t S'rt.00. Quotutlous on sheen mid lantha: l.iiiuhs. wiMiiiii. ta292iit0i lamha, sUoin. s i r. .7". ir; spring lanha, HT.004J l ..." : yearlihga, -I . IUUM ii l "i lTi : wethers, sBom, lli.10fj 1 !.-" ; eu.s. shorn,, S11.73Q14.0O; ewaa, cull shorn, la.'ititl II..".. Nome Rrtrt( tlon- Here A Grand Island traveling man who stopped over In Alliance last Sunday struck a string of coincidences that left him in serious flt of the blues. And all because of a string of "no" signs. He says that on wsklng up in his room at the hotel he saw a sign refuting, "Ha Intoxicating liquor al lowed In this hotel." Then he dress ed and wandered over to the Burl ington depot for a guiet smoke but as he stsrted to light his pipe his eye fell on the sign, "No smoking allowed hare." Ho then went to the bulletin board to see how soon he could leave town. But alas his eyes fell on the words, "No trains" and he then lost all hope. iSnadrU olamn The Kaiser's Prayer So many requests have come to us for the poem by an unknown writer entitled "The Kaiser's Prayer 1 that wo publish it herewith: The latest ultimatum Oott, dear Gott. attention bloasc, Your bardner Villiam's here, Und has vord or two to say Into your hrlvate ear. l So durn avay all udders new Und listen veil to me, Vor dat I say concerns me much Meinself and Sbermany. You know, dear Gott, I vas your friend t From mesa hour of birth; I guietly let you rule de heffen Vile I ruled o'er the earth, Und ven 1 toldt mein soldiers Of bygone battle days, I gladly split the glory t'nd gave yoii half dcr braise. In every vay 1 tried to prove. Mein heart to you vas true, Und only claimed mein honest share In grest deeds vot ve do. You could not haf a better friendt In sky, or land, or sea', Den Kaiser Vilhelm Number two, D Lord of Shermany. So vot I say, dear Gott. is dis. Dst ve should still be friendts, Und you should help te send my foes To meet deir bitter ends. If you, dear Gott. vlll dis roe do I'll nodding ask again, Und you and I vill bardners be For evermore, Amen. But listen, Gott! It must be qvick. Your help to me you send, Or else I haf to stop attack Urfd only blay defend. So four and twenty hours I rJf To make de Allies run, Und put me in my b roper place. De middle of the sun. If you do dis, I'll do my part. I'll tell the vorldt de fact. But if you don't den I must tlnk It is a hostile act. Den var at vonce vlll I declare, Und den mein anger rises Und den mein Zepp'lin ships to vaee A battle in the skies. Dis Ultimatum, now dear Gott. Is von of many more, Mein mind is settled up to clean. De whole vorldt off de floor. Because you are mein bartner, Gotl, An extra Chance is giffen. So help at vonce, or else I'll be, De Kmneror of Heffen. --.. . . . . DRINK HOT TEA FOE A BAD COLD Oat s smsll package of Hamburg Itresfit Tea. or as the German folks nil if. "Hamburger Brust Thee,"ataaT pharmacy. Tske a tshlespnonful of the tea, put a cup of boiling water upon it, pour through a sieve snd drink a teacup full at any time during tba day or liefore retiring. It is the most effective way to break a cold and cure grip, as it opens the pores of the skin, relieving congestion. Also loosens the bowels, thus driving a cold from the system. Try it the next time you suffer from a cold or the grip. It is inexpensive snd entirely vegetable, therefore sat and harmless. LADIES ! LOOK Y0UN6r RUB BACKACHE AND DARKEN GRAY HAIR i LUMBAGO RIGHT OUT Use the Old time Sage Tea and Sulphur and Nobody will Know. Gray hatr, however handsome, denotes advancing age. We all know the advan tages of a youthful appearance. Your hair is your charm. It mskes or mars the face! When it fades, turns grsy and looks streaked, just a few application of Sage Tea and Sulphur enhances its ap pearance a hundred-fold. Don't stay gray ! Look young! Either prepare the recipe at home or get from any drug store a 50-cent bottle of "VYyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound," which is merely the old-time recipe im proved bv the addition of other ingredi ents. Thousands of folks recommend thin rrady-to-use preparation, because It darkens (he hair beautifully, besides ao 'one csn possibly tell, as it darkens so naturally and evenly. You moisten a sponge or soft brush with it, drawing this through the hair, taking one small strand at a time. By morning the gray hair disappears; after another application or two. its natural color is restored and it heeomes thick, gloity and lustrous, and you appear years younger. Wyeth's Ssgo snd Sulphur Compound is a delightful toilet requisite. It is not intended for Ike cure, mitigation or pre vention of disease, Rub Fain and Stiffness away with a small bottle of old hon est St Jacobs Oil When yonr back is sore and lass or lumbago, sciatica or rheumatism has you stiffened up, don't suffer! Get a 2ft cent bottle of old. honest "St. Jacobs Oil" at any drug store, pour a little in your hand and rub it right into the pain or ache, and by the time you count fifty, the soreness and lame ness is gone. Don't stay crippled! This soothing, penetrating oil needs to be used only once. It takes the ache and pain right out of your back and ends the misery. It is magical, yet absolutely harmless and doesn't burn the skin. Notiiinp else stops lumbago, sciatic and lame hack misery so promptly! Office supplies at The Herald of fice Phone 340. Whooping Cough One of the most successful prep arations in use for this disease is Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. S. W, McClinton. Blandon Springs, Ala., writes. "Our bahy had wboopinp cough as bad as most any baby out' have It. I gave him Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and it soon got him well." Obtainable everywhere. m Adv may f TELEPHONE THREE-FOUR-OUGHT HERALD Classified Advertisements Five Cents Per Line Count Six Words to a Line No Advertisement Taken for Less Than 15c sold. Inquire f , Berry. Room Q IflltlW,. t(lr,ob l1i-,n KT., I. .... I, .. ! i -.- miui i , viii i m' ,-, 1 III i n 1 , . ' Phono ?t S o S - o 9 r WANTED! Carpenters to work - i whether eneraved W.A NTKD MAI. I-'. Illll' nouncements, visiting nn (Jo, eminent building at Ardmore, S. I). Salary g&C per hour, tooiu furnlahed; board about 75c per day. Work now in progress. Address, Ardmore Kield Station. Ardmore, s. D. LAND M ANTED farm land', Must In' well worth the money. tiie price snd loeation when replying. Do not card bom tar from town. Will pay spot cash. Address Box IS7d, eare Herald. -'."-lt-8:S70. FOK UKVItM?MS' ROOMS' FOR RENT 132 Chef mit! Avenue, Alliance, Nebraska. 4-lf-TiiS2 Lady AKRON PAPER cards, etc, or printed the Herald offloo will supply you prompt- rule tvnewrit- ,y wi,h bJsJhelasa materials anil work- FOU BALE -High er carbon paper. The kind thai Kives i manship at reasonable prices. Kn- you a clear duplicate. The Alliance Herald. Phone nto. TYi'i witi 1 1:1: liimioNs Nobody Will Deny It. The ejuriesl WU to arouse a nisu's tathusiasm li lo show bin a way to gel money without earning it. Lloyd's Column tstmmmtttmtmttatxtttmtmmxtuxw "A RaawnnabWs Amount' An Alliance professional mail, in studying 'he new prohibition law. has found that seetiotl eleven states that a man may have in his posses sion in his private dwelliim a "rea sonable amount" of liiiior for his personal use. This citizen, who is of a eeteulatlBg turn of mind, has tl mired out that under this clause a , man of ordinary middle SgC would be entitled to haw not less than ten gallons of whiskey aii ha Igurea II out iu this manner "The Br4faar drink of whiskey consists of two ounces One-half ual Ino per year the ordinary man ex pects to live twenty years longer Would gtvu a total of two quarts, equal to four pints equal Io aixty-fOUr ounces Two ounces lo Ihe drink would mean thirty two drinks per BALK TWO raeldaaCS propertiis io year, m little more than one aver? sated M follows: Lola live aud six two weeks Or by suiting down the in block six. Wyoming addition to site of the drink aud saaking it one City of Alliance. The residences are ounce he could tuv a drink ooealnemposed of five and seven rooms, per week and a little left over." Theae residence ptoperties niust be Purn'sbi i Room For Kent preferred l .".tj. siltl9-34 Tut TrTx V I.ari;e furnished front room. Ill tjuirs Mi' Niobrara or phone 7 ft, &t-!t-fSlM9 FURNITURE MOVED MOVE FURNITURE SAFELY We have equipped our dray wag ons and auto truck with the latest appliances tor moviiiK furniture without marring or scratching or do ing damage. Up-to-date wagon pads will he used by us nn all moving jobs. JOHN B BNTDRR, Phone 15. J7-!f-59".0 At iomoiui.i; PAINT TAINT YOUR OWN AUTO Foi $: I will tend you snoagh of my hit gloss enamel to paint your car. ln poaalnle t streak or leave brusl marks. Anyone can apply. It wil make your car look like new. and you be the judge. If not sutisrie.l. 1 will gladly refund your money. J, (' MILLION, '1 58 Columbine St., Den vor, Colo. lii-tf-818l! wanSahtare WANTED 100 head of horses for past lire. (iood range ami good wa ter AddrSSS. Fled Hoover. Alli ance. Nebr Phone Birch IfSl, , Bl it .' u KOlt HtH SKS Ifo u sa le "a"t EUOIUS FOR SALK- A fresh stock of new, durable typewriter ribbons just re ceived at the Herald "ofl'ne. Guaran teed. For all makes of typewriters Oliver, Remington, Underwood, L. 0. Smith. Royal, Smith-Premier, etc. Phone MO and se will deliver rih l,on. At ixioisii,i:s AUTOS FOIt sXLKXcoted land roadster and a second-hand Ford touring car for sale cheap. In luire at the Sturgeon garage. graved cards made from old plates Phono ?40. SEED WHEAT I have on hand a latge amount of Macaroni or Durum spring wheal l$t.96 per bushel f o. b., here. Alsn millet at 1.50 per bushel. Can ship promptly. BTEAVE MADBR, Edge- mont, S. D. 22-21-8211- J HAL EN ROOKS FOR SALK The Herald Publish ing Co., has taken the agency for weatorn Nebraska for Adams Brot Co.. Topeka. Kans., the largest tnan Ufaetttre of manifold sales books in the west Western Nebraska imi- chante will find their orders for sales hooks tilled promptly for highgradi books at the lowsal prevailing prices Ask our salesman to call for y ur next order with his line ol samples. Phone 340. FOk BALI phonogra ph. bargain. Oak aid often. for HALE . - Nearly new Edison Perfect condition. A caBe. Phone 3 4 0, ller- 24-if-s:'. l x The Earl Franklin Used Car Co., Of 1644 Courl Place, Denver, is sure that each ar listed below offers the unusual opportunity of securing loipiI Used ''ar at prices determined by the service each car will ghe. Loalar, MoHns touring oar Overland touring car. KH'i Packard 2-:iS. Pierce, :'S. E pasaangt r Packard Fi-IS 7 passenger. Peerless coupe. Alco touring car. 1917 National. 12 iyl. I jiass National speedster. Bulek 7 passenger. Hudson ".4. 7 passenger. Packard 1-88 touring twin six. Marniou 34. Fverett cyl. "i passenger Abbott 7 passenger. Vour inquiri by letter, telephone or iersoual call will receive everv at- rin"V" i i .. . I 1 H,n Prepared to roach i few Ihe Kari I rankliii I n.1 t ar ompy students this summer Students who ' t m .desire to make up hack work or who . 'desire to advance will tind this an MoxkFto ixan on FAuRMS Hanl opportunity to be tutored ZZ L.. y a regular certified and accredited MONET TO LOAN On Box Batte I Instrnetor. Only a limited number county land and ranches in the sand ' of be taken. Comniuni- hills No delay iu making the loan 1 Wl" "'" i" . ,v""r "' vonv, ,,i We inspect our lands and furnish .,, 1 ,,,I,H s ' tke money at once J. C. McCorkle. II Nebraska Land Company, Alliance. 1 Nebraska. l-tf-554 FOR SAt.i: FURNITURE Hottaebold furniture. practically new. Complete (in t tit for home t'ost t'l.ii mi i ... - - . r. . vi in sen j or I 4 B mi terms In reeponeibie parties ittlre at Herald office 24-K-8331 s TI DRNTti l 'l l IhTk easy In- PKRHOJIAL I am desirous of getting in com munication with a young or middle aged lady Of good character who is lonesome. 1 am 34 years old and have steady employment and am sap sMe of making a good home for the niit party Communicate with me "X. Y. .," .are Alliance Herald Itl'tl-tt I N rTATfOXsT June will soon be ksrs If you will need wedding invitations, an- LUNCH EH, sAxiiwit hi:s, ETC, I am starting up in business again hi the King Corner, Thud and Box Putte avenue. A good piace io eat. Come in and nie. M. THOMPSON sec - t