The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, May 17, 1917, Image 4

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ltotory of the Flaht for Prohibition.
Tli' following statement hns the
JBpprovitl of the lry DmMMlt of
b OtMtf) .
The Nebraska legislature has nd
MHImmI. mitl tin- impression hit-1 POM
7ft oil III' State. I t vv- BtWBf liiill H
etic houao of repreaeatattvaa or n
HMlt, In I lit Isst diivs Un
to psssod Hie Dry Kill. Women 'I
iffri.f mill t Kill for s Constltu
NtoMi convention. Ttila in all that
Cvos Hie senate from universal iin
pt. Voto on Dry Bill.
The drj lull pitssed the house hy a
eeete of S4 to 4. ar1 the senate Bf 30
0 3. Many if the wet senators voto)
4rj ami offered orplsuiilloiis of their
to. Nearly all of these cxplHiin-
benr interitnl evidence of hartiiK
drawn bf one ersin, a lawyer,
understood the measure hotter
theso men could have. Theav el
ation tiMik the position that
e Hull 7!I.T the dry hill, aa It
1 the house, was defective and
orknhle. and theae senators wnnt-
the people to understand thut they
boon holding out because they
ateil to make a bettor hill out of It
i no inci ii inn: tnese men were
anil worked and voted for ti wi t
I. Klghteen senators entered into m
t wet caucus and they were
pledged hy three separate roll call to
Bland hy the wet program, which In-
efarfril neiir lieer. the unlimited poS
Ion of liquor and the lai enforce-
of the dry law.
The Wot Senators.
Tho rr.rn who eritoixi ihis etQetM
eaere Ms ties. tSntes. 'runner. Mormrl
rfy, Penned. Str.lilovv. Wilson of
loMtge. Nnt, Kohl. Henry. Holy. IjiIi
or. Spirk, Knhrinan, ttainticlson.
Jtobcrlaoii, Wilson of Frontier, Adams.
Albert wus identified with tho weft in
awme of their proceeding, hut did not
attend tho eMMM
Ton of them represented dry dia
trtcta: Ciitee, Wilson if I.rige. Wll-
oi iTontier. Sooat. Alherf. I.nh
Knlirniaji. Siimnelstin. Robert
Tou of these men pledged I hem
ohrs to the people of their dtttrlCU
Baring their cniupuign that if taej
ol.'eted, and if tho Ijieud.ueoi
rrlod. they would fHvor legiolallou
nmkif Die fliuondnioni effe tle
fee. floex. Albert. Doty. Lulinera,
rk, IVuVninn. ftuniiielsou. Jiolieit
, Adams. The anion of these met,
eetditute) a violation of their
liifc t their constituents. The)
414 all in their power to destroy t ti
tltal provision of the hotiat bill. The
Bet Haul they voteil dry on final roll
roll does not represent their real H
aHtlon A law could not have been
poaseil without Id. -ill. or ROOM of
them yet their II. lions ilidiured all
long I hn t they were wet. They did
t field their fight until public
pinion and political necessity drure
them to It.
Organization of tho Sonate.
Kvery act of this legislature has re
volved around to i i-booi . Thai lia
boon the paratitouiit issue every day,
nd its influence has extended to ail
lejllalioli The scum,. urgaHlsed by
'tint J obit Mi l ics,. a liri'wer. pfeol'
I pl'o LOMt, All of the wet xe'in
lra on the llomorriitlf side voted for
Mutli's. Later a Ntfttttg MMUUlll 1 00
ni m etmfarattot rowwlitoo mi tho
try hill w. re mI . tod, the purpos .'
abbh nii to allow the hreet to
aonufai Mire near beer and niaiiiiaiti
oar lieer saloons. Mattes ebowa
obaii'iiuin of both roiumitlees. ami the
oioi i ' f thoao 'oinmittees isos
Np.'l.t wot.
Tho Caao of Ntar Bear.
Noor-)H'er Is a rfiutU for the htiotj;-fO0-
K keeps i he brewer ami tho in-ill
boor taaaw In biialwraa. nmimlllaig our
4wlitU'a M before. If bo .an make
aioar-beer t h-y .an make sonn-iliiiu
cronicei' that l.ioks like near lie ami
BU It iutM .eac beer bottles with ear
labels. Hislorv dis. luxes kWi
r-beer karo fatoaao real boor ami
ryiblng else. Near beer saln.ui
nbl have bnuijilii iho law into ,11s
nto and prom red ibe way f.r auta
l iu ItCiB, It would liMe lloOII
Oitb buiidruls of Sliousallds of do)
aara t the hroarora to remain in iho
Vsli . ,.f ituiklnu near-beer.
Tho Lowor Houao.
Tko house waa at all ttlMoa .i.iiisf
il dry. It eleitf.l a dry aker.
ho ugsnixatl..ii Mas dry, ami a : y
atrong .-niiuitlee Waa plaixl in
.oBargo of the preparation of the pro
hibition bill. Noi t.m. Thomas, t lans
Wrj Walie ami Hosteller. To tile
labors of this . mi 1 1, aid1 by the
ouiie dr enuillllttoo. enaalotlllg if
oall 4"happell. Howell. Ranokll, Sa
yor and Seal, is duo rUMMS Bl iBH,
rhb-b is a maicntfl''ent plooo of log la
Tho wot senators have tried lo givo
SH tho iiupresaiou that this bill wua
oWaotUo, but as originally passed It
araa acceptable to tho dry ami
aa vary b.ei'iitnahto to tho et
ala&atora. It aaa a bono dry law. miy
tor tho right of tho posaoasion of
or oro rwwrodod, were tho wof
hMaaiora willing to voto for It.
Tho Bill in tha Sonata.
When the bill went to the aeaato.
tor Jiohiuaon in,r. tto
ondnienis !:! !, if adopted, would
a had tho aArrt, lat. to allow
ttnor of low aktiltolh- ttintoat to
! nianufMi-turod and sold. Vnd. tB
allow linlllilltotl posaesslou of IntoXl
rating tiuora In any place. 3rd. to
lata) saloon. 30 dnya to sell out tholr
tod of liipioro; 4th, to allow tho dis
tilleries to keep unit aell HfBBft in
liomled wBIBhBBBSB; fdh, to permit
liquor advertising: ti, to destroy tlio
rights of county attorneys to collect
evldnre by Inquiry proceedings and
otherwise; 7th, to allow anybody to
ship liquor Into the stnlo for medicin
al put poses; 8th. to loosen up tho
shipping sections; Oth. to take away
the rights of private citizens to proso
ruto. bring Injunctions ami hire prl- 1
vale counsel in communities where of-
Aetata pro Iraietlee; loth, to limit
seurch ami slr.uro of premises to
freeholders : to require the giving of
Injun, i Ion bomla ami to render the en
forcement of laws against bootleggers
much more difficult than it would huro
been tin. lor the hotiso bill.
Kvery one of the eighteen wot sena
tors voted for all of these amend
ments except Albert. lle voteil for
some iiml against some. Those amend
ments would hnvo made prohibition
Joko In Nebrnska, ao BMNB so that tho
house determined to atanri firm and
adjourn without a new law rather
than accept them. Tho house figured
that If would bo bettor to operate un
der, tho Sloeiiinb law for two years
than to pass n law crippled by Hie
senile amendments, it was well un
derstood by the wet senators that tho
Slocutnh law prohibited near-beer and
tho retention of that law would do
test I heir purposes.
Tho Conforanco Committee.
Tim bouse appointed those stalwart
rhampioai of tho dry cause. Norton,
Thomas and Hanahurg. The seiiaia
appointed those equally stalwart
champions of booM. Mattes, and
Moriarity. Tho wet uncus bad in
duced Itobertsmi to violate hia
pledges, and Introduce tho aenato
amendments, snd they gave blm
piaoe on Iho conference commit tee,
Treasure from home had been terrille
iKn him and he was now ready to
got an agreement. He held out for ten
lays In the Interests of near-beer, but
finally signed the report prepared by
the house members of the committee.
This report pertain the MS of liquor
In the home: without this concession
no law would have been passed. Tho
house conferees mnde no other es
sential concession to the wots al
though they did yield In many ameml
piciifs of minor consriimMico,
This posseaslon clause provides that
any person may hare liquor in Ins
home, providing he lays If In before
May 1st. If (lo re is s,U' h evident
ugalusl RDJ persou as. onuses the filing
of a case against bigg for law viola
tion, (lie possession of (iquor is prima
facie evblenro that lie had it for till
lawful purposes. After May 1st
liquor cannot be bought, sold. Import
ed or ahlptMMl for any purpose except
to certain specified classes.
Tho majority report was adopted
by the house hy a vote of 81 to 4,
lelen. Snxiler. Sogelko and Melscn
berg voting "no."
Tho Governor's Message.
The house conferees stood as a unit
ami tin- house stood behind them bke
u stone wall. When the conference rat
part was presented to the house, in d
it being apparent that the wet sena
tor would not yield, I lie house was
prepared to adjoint) without a law.
At ibis juncture the governor sent a
message lo the legislature urging tho
commit tee to continue .in confereiu o,
HIMl he told Ihem that he would call
hem back iu extra session if liny
failed lo pass a law.
The house still stood firm, and It h.
ame necesaaiy for iho hard dying
vvela to yield their position, which
they did. The) waived the wheta
near beer non enfoi . enien! program.
Mattes ami Moriarity submitted a
minority report, but U was too Uts
Wei senators bad gone lo caucus an I
demanded that they ho release! from
their phdfces. Pressure from homo
itad become irresistible. Tho minori
ty report g. I only seen vote, iho
majority, or dry report, was now xoi
ed upon an 1 It receive rite votes of
thirty Sena- rs, fmh Unites. Molari
ty snd BtreNhtW going dona with tho
wet ship. o -
This og diawn-vitt Stht discloses
the p..v-r of ino people, the pulpit
ami (lie press. Tho power of public
pinion was illustrated in a way lltat
MetbtUg has dotto in a long Mast. First
requests began lo ooate In bouse
members iii voto for Helta Koll .Oil,
then Iho sons tors began to bear frig
boule. snd after the seuaro WOUl
reeor.l favoring tho wot ameuditieMia,
s altirm f angry protests expressed
la hagaaga more forcible than po
liio isnie up to tho senate from all
over the atatB. Keerosnt senators
were rHHluVd f solomii pledges
wbl.1i rhoy had made to Iho people
and broken, aid doioands wore made
that sotiators resign. Tho pressur
outd no longer b nrlihatootl, snd the
senators hacked up.
It is not likely that the wet sena
tors have fooled Ibe people back,
home or that the present senate will
soon lie fn got ten. Nebt ssks needs s
house cleaning iu ila upper loglslallrtg
body. New men are coining forward lo
contoet ibe seata of , wet sens tors,
and it is expected thst Wen of klloMM
dry and progressive snteeodenis will
go before the primaries next yesr d
btb psrtios. The dry pooplo of No
brssks msy b assured thst the tsar
as Anally passed is one of the boot la
the Uataa and that it caa aad wlM ha
The Best Endorsement
Tho larfro IIIUnbcT of our customers
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ioiicl ol the best materials. Tho many
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tho really well made shoes from tho
ordinary kind will ho found thronjrhout our lino of hoth men 's
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hnvint doelarod that the aupromo tost of our
nation has ronie. und bnvinc asked for tho
earnest support of our people in the prosrru-
uon oi tne war wntcn is now our war, I dom
it my duty to caution all citixens against tho
waste of food, and in mlvlm thof tho 1(1 to,., t
tpoonorny bo exercised in the consumption of
prooucts oi uncut, and of all other food
stuffs. The gravity of the situation, which mattes
ininoeativo a . it- .1 )nui..i. k. .. ,1 , .
- - - iiupuaiiiiiiiK ui in- worm s
food supply, is set forth in the following plea of Herbert C. Hoover
rhalrinan of the American Commission for Relief in Belgium and
recently appointed head of the American Food Board:
"Onr Allies ram light without fo1. Our onomios
arc mlctilHtJiiK that Amerira will full to suptilv them. anl
that they will neel to gtve in.
"The total stock of f.MM! toriav available In the Allied
world is not .sufficient to lat until September, if America
continues Its present rate of consumption. We are now
face to faee with the result of last year's poor harvest, the
diversion of man-power from agriculture all over the
world, the unavailing efforts f the European women to
plant available fields only, the Isolation of Russia, the sink
ing of food shins, and many other causes.
"England, France, and Italy are reducing consump
tion by drastic steps, but even with all this reduction they
must have fnSu us during the next three months more
tluxn twice as much food as we should have exported nor
mally or than we can send If we consume as usual. The
only hope of providing the deficiency is bv the elimination
of w-iwde and actual and rigorous self-sacrifice on the part
of the American people."
Thus, by the exercise of patriotic self-restraint and a judicious
selection of only the most plentiful foods for use nvef Amoriccu
man. woman and child can do his or her bit to aid America and US
Allies in this hour of need.
We are a nation of 102,860,000 persons, of upwards of twenty
million families. If each family will reduce its consumption of food
by but a pound a week there can be added to the food supplvOf Eur
ope ten thousand tons of foodstuffs a week, or over one half million
tons a year.
Such a savins represents but a small part of that which may
easily be made by the American people, and which it will be neces
sary for them to make in order to brinj? the war to an early and suc
cessful conclusion.
Not only must the most rigid economy in the consumption of
foodstuffs be practiced, but an enormous increase in their produc
tion must be made as well.
Therefore, 1 deem it my further duty to advise the citizens of
this community to make extraordinary efforts to increase the culti
vation of foodstuffs, and for this purpose to utilize all labor that can
be spared from, other occupations, and nil cultivatable land that ia
now idle. The labor and ground ordinarily given up to ornamental
cultivation may well be dedicated for the time being to this patriotic
and humane purpose.
Let It not be said that in the adoption of wise and patriotic
measures for the successful prosecution of the great struggle for the
world's liberty upon which our nation has entered this community
has not done its full part. CAL E. COX, Sheriff.
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