ft i c 7"ie improved machine paste J plate U S L etor age battery i told on a 15 months' guaranteed adjustment plan. Trade In Your Old Battery for a New USL Tl I I famous machine pasted plate V S L starter battery is made in all sizes to fit all cars, and is very easy to install so bring in your old battery and 'et us put in an improved machine-pasted plate USL the starter battery with a IS months' Guaranteed Adjustment Plan the battery that's "jam full of juice," and "always on the job." Liberal allowances on old batteries. Free in spection. Courteous treatment. Prompt service. CHARLKS F. s uu i I; 114 Knst Third Mtreet Phone 6il ALMANCK, -:- -:- NHRRAHKA (USL Service Station) Eggs Royal Baking Powder makes it possible to pro duce appetizing and wholesome cakes, muffins, cornbread, etc., with fewer eggs than are usually required. In many recipes the number of eggs may be re duced and excellent results obtained by adding an additional quantity of Royal Baking Powder, about a teaspoon, for each egg omitted. The following tested recipe is a practical illustration: 1 cup auaar ! cup water 3egg( 2 teaapoona Roral Baalas Powdar 1 cup flour 1 taaapoon aa'.t M cup told water 1 taaapoon flavoring SPONGE CAKE DIRECTIONS-Boil augar nn1 watar until av:up aplna a thraad and add to tha stiffly beat an whit ca of rgga. beating until tba mlrture la cold. S it toaether three tlmea the flour, aalt and baking powder: beat yolka of egga until thick; add a little at a time Sour mlature and egg yolka alternately to white of egg mixture, etlr rlng altar each addition. Add ' cup cold water and flavoring. M lightly and bak j in modarata oven una hour. The old method called for 6 eggs and no baking powder ROYAL BAKING POWDER Made from Cream of Tartar, derived from grapes, adds none but healthful qualities to the food No Alum No Phosphate E. PROPOSED RULES ON GAR DISTRIBUTION i.Sfrtf llMilVYft) t WSaSBMMtHia lorntn- lelei 1tnxirr) Hula- In ton form With New IT IS YOU WE HUST C0.N3IDRR AND SATISFY Our business success has depended up on what you have thought of the mer chandise we sell and the service we render therefore IT IS YOU we think of when we purchase the mer chandise that must bear our label. We want something more back of it than "just price", for you know it is possible to pay much and get little in value. Our name on your next purchase means quality plus and at prices you are will ing to pay. CAPPS 100 PEA CENT PURE WOOL CLOTHES $15.00 to $30.00 G. L A I N G ' ' MODERN CLOTHES FOR MEN ' ' Tha state railway rointni s';on Ht Lincoln him Wformuln'.'d a st of ti-mporiiry rules to .onforni with the law paSSea' 1 th last lKlUtur COVertBg the distribution of frolKht enrs in time of nhortnirr. TaWSS rules aro as follows: Oar iMMtrihiiUtMi Haass On and arter May 20. 1917, fad until the farther order of the Coin mission, Hit freight ears affected hereby Khali bo apportioned and di trlbuted aoronliiiR to the following rules: DKFIN1TIONS The ears to be apportioned under these rules shall be all ears available and suitable for the transportation of commodi ties offered for shipment in Nebras ka. A 'division" shalll be that portion of a railroad under the direct sup ervision of a division superintendent. A "sUttlon" shall include agency and non-apency stations and all other points upon n railroad from which rates are quoted in the official tariffs of the carrier. A "shipper"' shall nieiui any per son, 8rm, company, association or corporation in Nebraska offerinn frolftth in carload lots to be carried over the railroad in accordance with the provisions of the ofllelal tariffs of the carrier. Shippers shall be divided into "regular shippers." "new regular shippers" and "miscellaneotis ship pers." A "regular shipper" is any person association, firm or corporation es tablished at u station who has made shipments of commoditiea in carload lots at frequent intervals ffOB) such station for one year or more imme diately preceding date of his classifi cation. A "new regular shipper'" Is any person, association, firm or corpor ation established at a station for less than one yoar and the nature of whose business requires shipments of commodities In carload lots at fre quent Intervals. A "miscellaneous shipper" shall be every shipper other than a "regular" or new regular snipper. . -m-r.il Rules Rule No. 1, The apportionment of cars by the railroad company be tween different divisions, stations and shippers, shall be determined by the relative volume of carload ship ments of freight originated by each division, station and shipper. The unit for determining the relative vol ume of shipments shall be the calen dar month. Division Rule No. 2. Cars shall be appor tioned during the current month to each division according to the ratio the carload shipments originated by such division during the correspond ing month of the last five preceding years bears to the whole of such shipments originated by the rail road. A In determining the ratio ns provided in this rule, shipments moving In open top, live stock, and specially equipped cars shall be con sidered separately from shipments in other cars. B Cars moving under consign ment or cleaning in transit privi leges shall be included at point of origin only. C Care forwarded carrying less than curloud shipments from jobbing stations, shall be included in deter mining the ratio as provided in this rule. nut ion Rule No. Cars shall be appor tioned during the current month to each station according to the ratio the carload shipment originated by such station during the correspond ing month of the five preceding years bears to the whole of such shipments for the same period from all stations upon the division. A J Sub-divisions (A). (B). and (C) of Rule No. 2 shall apply to and modify this rule. B In the case of stations which have not been in existence for five years, the ratio shall be computed upon the actual period during which the station has existed. Shippers Rule No. 1. - Cars shall be appor tioned during the current month to shippers at a station according to the carload ship i.ents originated by each shipper during the correspond ing month ot the five preceding years. . A -In determining the ratio and apportioning cars, shipments mov iug in open lop, live siock and spe cially equipped cars shall be con sidered separately from shipments in other cars. B Cra shall be apportioned to regular aud new regular skippers as a class, and to miscellaneous shippers as a class according to the respectlve ratio which the number of carload shipments made by each of such classes bears to the num ber of all carload shipments dar ing the monthly Ave year period. C Care shall be apportioned Lo each regular shipper according to the ratio the carload shipments originat ed by him bears to the whole of such shipments by regular shipper dur ing the monthly five year period. In the rase of regular shippers who have not been established at the sta tion fof live year preceding, the ratio as to all regular shippers at the station shall be computed upon the corresponding monthly period that the Junior regular shipper has been in business. The purchaser of an established industry in the regu lar and new regular class of ship pers shall succeed to the riffkts of his predecessor. I Cars shall be apportioned to the new regular shipepr according to the ratio which the average num ber of carload shipments of like com modities made by regular shippers at all stations on the division on which such station is located during the five ear monthly period, bears to the sum of such average number and the average nuinhr of carload shipments made by regular shippers ut the station during such period. K Cars shall be aportioned to each miscellanleuos shipper In rota tion In the orcdr application Is made therefor by miscellaneous shippers in the order hook V Whenever any shqtprr decline or falls to accept a car apportioned to him, or falls to begin to load the same within the free period allowed for loading under the official tariffs of the carrier, he shall forfeit all right to such car and the car shall be apportioned to the next chipper en titled thereto. A car so transferred shall not be counted against the ship per accepting and loading the same in th' montnlv apportionment. Keep Order llook Rule No. I, Kvery railroad com pany shall provide each of Its sta tion ngents with a book to be known as the car order book, which hook shall be open to the Inspection of shippers during tegular business hours. Such book shall he properly ruled and iwth suitable headings and shall show (a) the name of the appli cant, (b)tlie date of the order, (c) the date car Is wanted, (d) the com modity for shipment, (e) the kind and capacity of car desired, (f) the general direction of the shipment, (g) the date car is furnished, (h) the initial and number of car furn ished, and (i) the kind and capacity of car furuisheil Rule 6.-- Kvery shipper shall ap ply for a car or cars in his or its own rm me only. No shipper shall apply in any one day for cars in excess of his or its capacity to load In one day, and no Bhlpper shall have at any one time unfilled applications for cars In the car order book the capacity of which cars shall be in excess of the volume of commodities owned or pur chased by him or itand offered for shipment. Rule 7. -Kvery station agent shall securely post the official copy of these rules in a conspicious place in the station building of which he has charge, which place shall be open to all shippers during regular business hours. LIVE STOCK PRICES AT SOUTH OMAHA Fair Supply Of Cattle; Karket Meaoy HOG K AftfET 0 U66Y AFFAIR Lambs Keep Going Up New Records for Both Wooltd and Shorn Stock Open Full 15i2!c Higher. Mem. an Lambs Touch $10.29. Best Clippers Not Sold. Decent Receipt!, About 4.800 Head. Union Slock Yards, South Omaha, Nebraska, Way lAili, HUT. -The mekk ojM-ucd vui wjth fairly liberal I'JU of cnuie. r.rj i.mi or bImmh 7.:mo nstttl Ih'Iiib recoiled in. As Minolies were uoi Very targe sail as Itoth local pack ers and shippers hail liberal orders to till, it took dealers but n skurl time to get down lo buslBeeS and clean up the offerings at prices" that were fully steady with Hie nose of lni week. Htrlctly good to choice 1,300 to 1.500 pound beeves hold from Sl'J.OO to $1.1.10, the hitler figure being a new record paid for beef steers at this point. The market was good and steady from start to finish and an early clearance made. Strictly good to fat she stock sold from 10.2BlfcS& Quotations ou Cattle : (Jood to choice beeves. f12.1018.)0; fair to good beeves, SI I u.ini ; common to fair beeves. $l..M) UM : god to choice heifers, $10.000 1 ; good to choice eows. Sii.T."l0.7."i : fair to good cows. $8.7.". 0.7.". ; tanner and cut ters, $7.o8.ro : veal calves. $o.OOi lAJB-j beef bulls. $7. 10.00. Hog receipts were Just uhout normal for a Monday nt this time of Hie year, arrivals footing up M cars or ubout 0. 500 bend. Demand from shippers wus fairly good n id more than a third of the offerings were taken hy them rutlier early at prices that were around Iftc higher generally, and ranging from a big Ifie n in some case to not over Be higher in others. Packers hod float BetMag up to a lailier late liur. They showed no In clination to follow the shipper's ad vance. Sheep and lamb receipts for Mon day were estimated at 'JO cars, or 4.8nn hemi. hHinf a little smaller than Inst Monday, but a gala of 1.800 head over n year age. Severs I , loads of shorn lambs aold falrlv early at prices that were at lesd irJ ." higher. s-'toH bring i.ide ns Maja' a SI5.40O 1"..Vi. the !fttT Iteitir new- high mark for tb's market. One of the two l-ads of sroolnl lambs that were ot fer,d sold at the uewr record price of SIIVC.-. Qttftfntteas on sheen end lambs: 1, stuls. MeTictn ? V.flnn.00 1 lambs, fed w. ser.Q Si 7 7r. 18.50 j lamb. h irn. si IJ01A. m; eftrlng lambs, SfljSjMatsxOB; eearlnaa, "horn. fUJM) t?..Ti- " ethers. s,rn. ft11.OftQ1S.00; ewe. t'id to choice. St l.:K 1ti .7 ; picna fn'r ti '?-id t?AO9l 1.75; ewes, plain to e" 1TJtgl"jri ; ewes, shorn, ft 10 751 '.'.50. Acme of High Art. "What ever those iare plagues I sroticed on your dtaing-roou plate rati" "My wife's first prer, air." Auiericpra Cookery. Mr. nuslnees Man. on your ner trip take along some artletieall? printed buslneaa cards. The expenw Is light and they are .business getters The Herald's job printing edpar tnent will turn fthem out promptly Pnone 340 and We will Sail. ALCAZAR Kerosene Gas Cook Stoves For Kfonomy of fuel, comfort in the kitchen, labor saving in cleaning, weigh! of material, strength of construction and perfect satis-faction Have No Equal Save Money by Buying before the Raise in Price Kay 20th RHEIN-ROUSEY CO. Alliance Junk Company OLD IRON $5,00 PER TON BONES 10,00 PER TON EXTRA BIO PRICES FOR OLD COPPER AND BRASS. L. Kulakof sky, Prop. PHONE 222 309 LARAMIE AVE. THE ELECTRICAL WAY !ii,i The modern and efficient- way to light your home and lighten your work. Eliminate the drudgery of needless toil and reduce the high coat of living by devoting your time and energy to more profitable work. The cost of electricity in Alliance is exceedingly small. Let us install your electric equipment, lights and fixtures All our work ia done by men of long experience in the busi nessthus insuring you complete satisfaction. There i an electric appliunce for tver ti 1 am! many of them are adapted to your needs. ' We carry a oomph te line of (Klines, (traps and labarar ing devie Confer with us and save both time m.d wmvy. Our prices are a& low us any in the wui ld. Alliance Auto Supply Co., ELM TK I . L DKi'A I iT.Mii.N T J. H. Kane, Mgr. t 1 Are You Going to Build f You have been planning, perhaps, to repair your barn, bitild a garage, build a chicken hoube" put on a new roof or erect a new wing to your house. Ton want to do it WELL, but CHEAPLY. That's where WE come In. If you're going to do the work- yourself or have it done by the day's work, get our fig Urca on lumber and supplies. We know what we are talking about. We invite you to PUT I S TO THE TEST. . Alliance, Nebr. Phone 73