(SLMKmi Hot W. C. T. U. INHTITX'TK AT hi;mi.i i;i Ilemingford Ledger: The meeting held last Friday wan welli attended, about 30 ladies from Alliance being here, coming on 41 that morning. The session was opened at 10. 30 by the president, Mrs Wm. Kosket. and the program published was pretty well carried out, though sme dele gates from awey, were unable to be present, their places on the program being well carried out by others out in the spur of the moment. In the forenoon, Mrs. Vance talk ed on Parliamentary usages and then conducted a Round Table In which there was much discussion concern ing the new prohibition law, Mrs. Vance giving some very interesting farts about it. At the noon hour a Cafateria lunch was served in the basement and an enjoyable social hour was had. The secretury somehow failed in giving us an outline of What was dono in the afternoon, but we heard from enough to believe that it was a most profitable time. In the evening some of us maleW. C. T. U's. were present ana watched how the ladles were holding out. Mrs. Paul Armstrong gave a solo in which we realized we have a soprano vice now in our midst of much more than ordinary ability. Mrs. J. W. Reed of Alliance read the report of the delegates from Western Nebras ka to the National meeting and which was full of trite information. This was followed by an instrumettol ren dering by a young lady from Alliance we did not learn her name, which was well received. The address of the evening was by Mrs. Layton of Alliance, and was timely and inspiring. At its close the silver offering was taken up, amount ing to a little less than $30. and the gathering scattered to their homes the ladies from Alliance going on 42, which was stopped here for their accommodation. f The l It. I,and & Cattle Co. ranch consisting of 9720 acres, twelve miles east of Chadron was sold to J. A. it'avers of Omaha Mr. Cavers bought everything on the ranch which In cluded all the cattle and horses. This ranch was owned by .1. T. May I of Fremont. W. A. Carmean and the A. W. Riekroan estate of Chadron. Most of the land lies in Sheridan county. This is one of the best ran ches in western Nebraska. Mr. Cavers, the purchaser of the ranch is president of the Cavers Kle- , vator Co., and is one of the largest handlers of grain in Omaha. Douglas and Keith Cavers, sons of J. A. Cavers, will operate the ranch. John Cellk who has been on the I ranch for the past fifteen years will be retained as foreman SCOTTHBM'FF ROY IH WOVNBKD IN FRANC K iScottsbluff Star-Herald: i Clyde Hays, a Scottshluff boy, and who is serving with the Canadian contingent on the western front in France, has been wounded and js now (in a hospital Recording to a telegram 'received by his father. W. S. Hays, of this city this morning. The telegram does not go into de tail with reference to the matter but merely stating that Clyde Hays had been received at the hospital suffer ing from a gunshot wound in the left leg, date of his arrival at the insti tution being April 30. It . was not learned how, or in what manner the A lilt; BACH I)KAI N HELLS 7ao ACTUM Chadron Journal: Probably one of the largest ranch deals ever made in western Nebras ka was closed this weeek through H. B. Coffree, one of our most enter prising real estate men. wound was received, but it is pre sumed from the date that it was eith er at the famous capture of the Viny ridge, or immediately thereafter, in the series of battles in which the Can adian troops covered themselves with glory and sustained an estimated loss in killed and wounded of approxi mately 10,000 men. Beset and nearly dead when an at tendant, who had stepped outside for a few minutes, was attracted by a wail from the small bundle on the door step and an investigation dis closed the disowned baby. Whether or not the mother and father will be made to accept the obligation of mat rimony is a matter for the officers of the law to deterimne but further in vestigations will determine this. OLD GLOmr" IN KVRRY V1NIMW OF tXM'RT HOI HE Custer County Chief: The work of placing the American fines in every window In the court house is nearly finished and the building already presents that patri otic appearance so in keeping with the times. Supervisor Fred Hayes, who is chairman of the court house cotumitteee. is superintending the work and so far has made a mighty good job of it. Get the flag in all the windows of the houses. The city has been very liberal so far in dis playing the American colors, but there are a few empty windows left and it would be showing the right spirit if the owners of these would get busy and Join the procession. T I ? I ? o 1 1 1 1 z ? O z MIX THOUSAND ACTtK RANCH REPORTED SOLD BABY TWO BAYS OIJ FOUND ON BOOR STEP Bridgeport News-Blade: Another mystery has happened in the neighboring town of Bayard to cause considerable comment and a large numebr of suppositions to be advanced. Early one morning last week about three o'clock, a baby was found on the steps of the hospital which is conducted by Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Leach. The infant was prac tically naked; carelessly wrapped In a Hyannis Tribune: A report is current that County Commissioner John H. Vinton, resid ing 18 miles south of Whitman, has purchased the 6,000 acre ranch to gether with f82 head of cattle, of which 150 are yearlings, owned by Lark Doyle. 30 miles south of Whit man. The consideration Is stated at $6 per acre for the land and $60 for each head of cattle. This trasfcr re presents the sum of $74,000 and is the most extensive one that has been consummated in this county for many years. HORSES RAN AWAY BOTH liBQB BHOKKN Hay Springs News: A most seriuos and painful acci dent happened to Mrs. Charles Shu bert last Saturday afternoon while on her way home from town. Whcm within about two miles of home the horses became frightened and ran away throwing her out of the spring wagon with such violence as to break AAAAiMikJA 4AA4A4A4A4AAAAiMkiMAAAA sA t AS 44aaa 44 AiAAikAk ift WANTED WAR HORSES WE HAVE RECEIVED ANOTHER ORDER THIS YEAR FOR A BIO LOT OF FRENCH WAR HORSES AND WILL HOLD AN INSPECTION AT The Alliance Stock Yards Tuesday, May 22, 1917 FD THE FOLLOWING PRICES WILL BEPAID FOR ACCEPTED HORSES Cavalry Light Artillery Heavy Artillery $100.00 i 35.00 150.00 ALL HORSES MUST BE WELL HALTER BROKE AND MUST BE FROM FIVE TO EIGHT YEARS OLD. THEY WILL TAKE JRSES THAT ARE IN FAIR SHAPE. THIS INSPECTION WILL BE CONDUCTED THE SAME AS THE ONE WE HELD HERE LAST YEAR. FOR ANY INFORMATION WRITE OR WIRE AT OUR EXPENSE OR CALL PHONE 10 4. C. L. Lester & Co. Alliance, Nebraska A X z z z z o z O z 4Q z z z i ? z z z z z z z o z z z z o I ? o z z z I z z z z z z z z z o z z z z z z z z z I z z z e z z z w Stock Cattle For Sale Spring Delivery We will have a large number of White Face yearlings, two and three year old steers for Sale. May first delivery, shipped on any road freight paid to destination. These cattle are good color and strong ages. Wa have on our ranch 12 miles north of Lakeside, Nebraska, 800 two-year-old steers of same quality as the ones we will have for sale for Spring delivery. These steers are on full feed of hay and can be seen at any time and are also FOR SALE. Anyone interested in purchasing stock cattle please correspond ith CoxJones-Van Alstine Co. SEUBKAHA both les, (hp right one just above the ankle and the left one about six in ehes above the ankle. Or. DolBom who wan railed to dreas the Injured members states that they were both badly broken The cause of the accident is duo to the fact that the traces to the heaTy work harness that she was UBlng un hooked and let the tongue to the. ve hicle down, and almost inotantly the team became unmanageable. Mrs. Shubert is a lady weighing nearly 200 pounds and the sudden ness and violence of the accident save her no time to save herself In the least. MA V III II.O fOTAKH PLANT AT I.ISCO Oshkoslt iletrald: K. M. Klderd, proprietor of Nebras ka's biggest cattle ranch, was down from the lakes country Wednesday transacting business at the county seat. Mr. Kldred wo understand has ban an analysis made of the waters of some of his numerous lakes and tinds that they contain potash in pay ing quantities, and is considering pip ing the water to I.isco and erecting a potash evaporating plum there. The potash industry is getting to be a big thing in the lakes country to the north of us. but so fur the business has been confined entirely to the sec tion of the country tributary to the Burlington railroad, although the Platte valley would seem to be the most natural outlet for the industry, as the altitude is lower, and, there fore, the water would not have to be pumppd but could be syphoned, to the evaporating plant, which must, of course, be located on the railroad. If the project is carried out Lisco will be the big town in the county one of these days unless Oshkosh and Iewel len wake up and do likewise. And why not? There are any number of potash bearing lakes to the north of us which could be syphoned down here and made to pay big dividends. We hope that Mr. Kldred will start the ball to rolling. It may wake up somebody else. ter inactivity. Flush your intestines with a mild laxative and clean out the accumulated wastes, easy to Uke, they do not gripe. Dr. King's New Life Pills will clear your com plexion and brighten your eye. Try Dr. King's New Life Pills tonight and throw off the sluggish winter shell. At druggists, 25c. Adv 2 CHRISTIAN St ll,N i; SKHVICKH The regular services of the Chris tian Science Society of Alliance, Ne braska are held as follows in the Ad ler hall 314 Box Butte: Sunday at 10 A. M , is held the Sunday School, to which those up to the age of 20 are admitted. Sunday at 11 A. M is held the les son sermon service. Subject) "Mor tals and Immortals." On Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock is held a service at which experi ences, testimonies and remarks on Christian Science are given. All are welcome to the services. HcaI Skin Eruption Painful eczema Is more active In spring when the blood la over-heated, the burning Itching torturo Is un bearable, relieve It at once nnd heal the eruptions with Dr. Hobson's Ec zema Ointment. This antiseptic rem edy is promptly effective in nil skin troubles. Pimples, blackheads, acne, tetter, ring worm, scaly blotchy skin, all respond to Dr. Hobson's Eczema Ointment. Oet It todry at your drug gists. 1 06, guaranteed. Adv 2 Pearson, Omaha, Moving Picture fltS lubricator. Valentine D. LawrM Nemaha, Cultivator shovel. Wm, T. Field, Lincoln, Automobile gun. William M. Brush, Brule, Bi Ing press block for hay balers. Had Oough? Feverish? Orlppy? You need Dr. King's New Di ery to stop that cold, the boo balsam ingredients heal tho irrl membranes, soothe the sore th the antiseptic qualities kill the and your cold is quickly relieved. 9ft King's New Discovery has for f years been the standard remedy coughs and colds in thousands homes. Oet a bottle today and it handy In your medicine cheat coughs, colds, croup, grippe and bronchial affections. At your gist. SOc. Adv a Clear Your Skin in spring Spring house cleaning means cleaning inside and outside. Dull pimply skin is an aftermath of win- Color printing done by expert printers attracts attention and bring prompt results. Try The Herald'f Job department for your next Job Phone 340. NltaiRASKA 57a1FNTS Official list of Letters Patent of in vention issued from t'te United States Paten Bureau Office nt Washington, D. C, to inhabitants of Nebraska for the week ending May 16th. 1917, as reported thru the office of Sturges &. Sturges. registered paten attorneys. Suite III Bee Bldg.. Omaha. Nobr. Adolph B. Hoefelman. Platte Center, Anti-theft pedal-lock for automobiles. Paul K. Siert. Blair. Chicken-brooder and grain sprouter. Elmer It. . ! DATES POK OMI N; EVENTS - May 16-17-18 Annual Encamps Nebraska G. A. R.. Indies of G. A. It.. Women's Relief Corp. Spanish War Veterans and Son 0t Veterans at Columbus. May 22-25 Nebraska SportsmeWaV Association Annual Tournament t Fremont. May 24-25 State Association T Commercial Clubs' Meeting at Alliance June 5 to 7 Nebraska-Iowa Em al Directors Joint Meeting at ha. June 6-6-7 State Association f ostmastersP' Meeting at Lincoln. I June 15 to 24 Nebraska State HH I ness Association camp meeting a Lincoln. June 18-20 Nebraska Press Al , ntion Annuul Convention at ha. Uune 19-20 Nebraska State Sui ! School Convention at Omaha. June 25 to 27--International ! of Railuwy Special Agents and I tee .Meeting at Omaha. June 25 to 30 State Golf Tour i meat at Lincoln Calling cards lor the ladles printed promptly and neatly at Herald office. The prices are onable Phone 340 for samples m price, or call at the office Chalmer 7-Pam nger Twriaf Car -Price $1475 Detroit Chalmers Small Enough for Five Big Enough for Seven Many cart that are delightful for five are impossible for even. Yet how often two extra teata would be welcomed. Here you have it. This Chalmers solves the problem. You have all the compactness, moderate upkeep, and essy handling of "five", yet with ample room, in comfort, for two Additional when needed. Ingeniously designed extra eats slip out of the back of the front eats. They are never in the way. Yet always ready. Come and see how Chalmers engineers succeeded where others failed. You will be surprised at the commodiousness of this moderate sued, moderate-priced car. Chalmers proved its superiority by winning the officially highest and the officially lowest 24-hour high gear performance through city traf fic. These tests proved Chalmers economy and performance under normal driving conditions. Both tests were officially certified by the Contest Board of the A. A. A. Come and see the car. Ride in it. Drive it. Touring Car, 7-pejttncer . . $1475 Cabriolet. 3-paasenger . . Touring Car, 5 SSMBfST . . 12S0 Limousine. 7-passenger . . Touring Sedan. 7 passenger . 197S Town Car. T passenger . . Roadster $1250 (all pttm le. Detroit m4 .ubjtct to ab without noti ) LO WRY A HENRY, Distributors Alliance, Nebraska $1615 2550 2550