THK ALLIANCE HERALD, MAT S, 1017 H rxz : 1 I W I ll IW t IT.IIHIVMr KIVAIC3 I fl yMoiag Canada" B FT MmPiTii everyone is I LIVED IN MISERY. 'I uffr4 gr sally from nsrrousness and hatd asheg. Ths least exelte mnt rave ma dreadrol paJa. I began uslnf Dr. Miles' Nervine and a few day later atarted to taka Or. Miles' Heart Treat ment. I soen got so much keUar that I was enoour aared aavd continued taking Um two retnedlaa until I was ao wall that wot k was ma bother to ma at all." lens, lot Tig mua, Idaho Falls, Idaho. Striving to satisfy the demands of everyone is apt to affect the nerves, and continual standing may weaken the Heart Dr. Miles' Nervine is invaluable for Nervous troubles, and for the Heart Dr. Miles' Heart Treatment is highly recommended. If FIRST BOTTLE FAILS TO BENE FIT YOU, YOUR MONEY WILL BE REFUNDED. MJMTIONAL SMOKE Lesson " (Br . O. RRM.KltH, Acting Director f the 8unday School Course In the Moody Bible Institute of Chicago ) (Copyright. 1 l 7. Western Mesrspaper I ntern LESSON FOR MAY 6 IN THIS PAPER Elsewhere is a list of GOOD USED AUTOMOBILES This firm is determined that its reputation shall be made by selling GOOD USED CARS. WRITE or TELEPHONE or CALL THE EARL FRANKLIN USED CAR CO. "The House of Satisfaction" r- 1544 Court Place DENVER, COLO. -Main 8339 Z i t f i 1 1 t i V A wJwwwJe Professional Directory of the Alliance Herald Interior and Exterior View. 8 UmOmt of A. V. of M Kodak Finishing BBlsiglBS .U Style. A' DUBUQUK. M(T. M. K. GREBR, Proprietor M. H. W HA LEY, Director ALLIANCE ART STUDIO Concert and IMmc Work Phone Red 165 j L. W. BOWMAN Physician and Surgeon Office: First National Bank Bldp. Phones: Office, 362; Res. 16 PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER (j. E. SLAGLE, M. D. At The Herald Office fkMUt KurKe.... Reasonable Rates Prompt Offioe . 65 RoH pbone s, 8tnrlce ALIAANCE. -:- NEBRASK. L. A. R I R r BURTON & REDDISH LAWS ER A 1 1 rn s-H i . M w I .ni.i Attorneys Phone 9 Room 0 Kumer Rlock Office: First National Bank Bldf . , PHONE ISO Alliance, Nebraska ALLIANCK. -:- NEBRASKA THOMAH LYNCH Att'y-at-Law 1519-1521 City Nat'l Bank Bldg OMAHA Special Attention to Live Sunk Claims J. D. EMERICK Bonded Abstractor I have the only set of abstract Books in Box Butte County. Office: Rm. 7, Opera House Rlock J. JEFFREY, D. C. Ph. C. A. O. JEFFREY. D. C. CHIROPRACTORS Office Hour.. 10 A. M , to 8 P. M. NEW WILSON RLOCK "Let Me t ry For You" HARRY P. COURSEV Live Nlock and (General Kales Specialist and Auctioneer FARM SALES A SPECIALTY Terms Reasonable Alliance. (Phone 664) Nebr. DR. D. E. TYLER OKNTIST PHONE 362 Over First National Rank ALLIANCE. NEBRASKA Geo. J. Hand, M. D. ASTHMA and HAY FEVER Bye, Ear, Now and Throat i PHONE 261 Call, ansvered from office day night. or JESUS THE SERVANT OF ALU LESSON TKXT John 11:1-16. GOLDEN TEXT And whoaoavar of. you will be the chtefeat, shall be aervant of all.-Mk. in 4 This lesson in really a eontlnunllon nf the latter part of the lesson of last week, for the glory of Jesus I. his un selfishness whereby he wrought out re demption for mankind. I. Selfishness Amid Holy Surround ing, (vv. 1-11). The world does not appreciate Jesus. If never has. "His own," the Jews, did not appreciate him. We are considering him today ns he was SB OBI to depart from tha world that had despised and rejected him to one thnt appreciated him (Heb. 1-0). The development. Verse 2 l'lls of the Satanic suggestion that caSM to the hearl of Judns. In It was I M'i sonul desire, anil, connected with It, lnitnan Conspiracy, The coining to his upper room has been pointed out hjr a man bearing a pt tetter (Mk. 14:12-10), the pitcher being suggestive "f the Holy Spirit which was about to PIMM in the place of the visible Christ, and It is in the midst of such sacred lurrotindlapi ns this thai lataa enters i he bearta of students. This I. a sug gestion as to the power of environment. I aivi rnnnicnt Is an aid, but It does not produce effee live "safety. No moment Is too holy for Satanic suggestion, lesu knew that the hour was come H'hen he was to depart out of tha world. "Having loved his own. ha loved them to the end." Even though the Father had given all things into Ills bands, still It was necessary for Mm to teach the disciples once more, nnd finally, the lesson of humility. He knew mid remembered ibe strife among the disciples (Luke 22:34-29). Doctor Bonard's famous dream, analyz ing zeal as being made up of ainbl tlon. pride mid elements oilier llniu lite love of ;tM is worthy of consid eration In this co- neeliou. We n 1 to realise ttlC danger of sellNlmess even In our service for (!od. Bare we examined our motives? If the pon-scqQeut-ea of our superiority, either of rank or ability, tempts us to shirk the lowlievt of services. I) is time f.,r Ood's children lo recall (bis scene, and remember that "II:- servant is not greater than his Lord." Peter's gtroBg proteat (v. S) brunt out the fnci that the washing by Christ of (be dig. dples' feet was deeper th-in merely the oulward sppllpatloB of water (See Rom. 8:U). II. Service, the Evidence of Divin. Humility (vv. 12-IA). (I) This service ns tender. Jesus bad nil things (v. S), yet he became the servant of all. CJ) It was for all. All needed a wash ing. All the disciples needed to loam, itnd all servants must learn, to obey. (") it signified sanclQcatlou. We art saved once for all. but we are con stantly being stained by our contact with sin In the world: hence the need of renewed cleansing. New light re veals new need of cleansing. (4) It signified deity. Jew rend Ihe thoughts, of his disciples. He became (heir serv ant that in years to come they might know Ibe meeting of service. " He be came their example, and in years to come they remembered his knowledge and service. ((!) if was An- "Ids ow n." The dl acini e did liol kn.iiv u'li.i i. v:is he bail done to them. Little do we understand oftentimes what It Is the Lord has done to US. Jesus set them an example whereby he would remove the dirt r crime, setf-sweklni ami every mnnifeatathw of aelflabness rroni their slu-stulned souls. may call Jeaita Lord ;iml M.ister. and It is well that we do s,,. for Master and i.oni he Is indeed, but. if we call blra s i. let us not do ndl( than make him In our llv.'s g-hat w- call him with our Upa. The idea here fimphsalsad has Riven rise to much religious litem tun i ne imitation of Christ by Thomas a'KempN. Is tb,. m ,xf popular book in (lie wore I text t,,. t.e. "Verily, verily. I say unto vou" (v, tit 'ii 1. ...... a. jius iniroumtioo shows how Im portant hilst considered his teaching I nils point. "The servant Is not greater than his lord" (See Matt 10--M: Luke :4: J-27). If the Lord bent to this lowly service, certainly thejr, the servants, should nt think it beneath t,,.m to do likewise, nor should the one that Is sent (an apos tie) consider hlms. if greater thun he that sent hiss, John, who wrote ibis epistle, was one of the apostles guilty of an unholy strlfa for power and po sition, and desirons of bringlnc tire low n uMui those who did not acknowb edge and follow Jesus, hut he became a marvel of love and tenderness. Knowing and doing are the twin pil lars of the Christian faith ujwn which the house of happiness Is hullt. Such service U not egotistical. It is this thnt has proved Ihe supe riority of Christianity over all the re ligions of the world. If we seek to do service for others, then we have the right to call Jesus Master and Lord, but If we seek honor rather, than to be humbly useful, we shall have no right to call him thus. Thia instance made a deep imprea sion upon Peter, us can be seen from the striking illusion in hi. Brat epistle (I Pet. 5:3 R. V.). .Inn a! LAiS i.t- TtH:v)i; j llook. for children ns Well a. tb (ntwn-iips Placed In Circulation at Library This Week A quantity of new books hnve Bftei ecelved at the Alliance Public L irary and are now ready for clrculn Ion, according to an nnnotincemcn .lade yesterday by Mm. Nollle Wll on, librarian. The new juvenlb ook. are all rogBlBtlOfl "iwo-wiTkn' (inks, while the othem are ".even lay" book.. There la one feature of Ihe llbraij vork that perhaps so e are not fa nillar with, and that is Ibe weekly itory telling hour for children. Ev ry Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock his period la held and It is now h omlng a weekly event in tho live, ol nany of the little fol. The following is the list of new books at the public library ready foi your perusal: Complete Course, in Civil Service Jas. V. Calley. Spell of the Yukon Robt. W. Serv ice. Rhymes of the Red Cross Man Robl. VV. Service. Bond to Understanding Eleanor H. Porter. Dr. Montessorl's Own Hand Book Maria Montcssori. (tolling Stones O. Henry. Sixes and Sevens O. Henry. Genevieve -Laura Spencer Porter. Hrown Mouse Herbert Quick. Misalliance Bernard Shaw. Slaves of Freedom- Cotningsby Dawson, l'eer Qjrni Ileniik Ibsen. Juvenile Hooks Debating for Boys William llortnn Foster. Hunters of the HillsJoseph A. Ait- sheler. Brownies Many More Nights- Pal mer Cox. Century Book of American Revolu tion Kldridge S. Brooks. Boys Parkmat) Louise S. Has brouek. Four Corners at College Amy E. Blahchard. Double Plsy Ralph Henry Barbour. Paddy Paws (Jrace Coolldge. Qlenlocb (Jirls at ('amp West- Grace E. Remick. Camp Fire Girls in After Year. Marga rel VsnsVsreook. Ken Ward In the Jungle Stawe Grey. Tale of Pigling Bland Beatrix Pot ter. Left Guard Gilbert -Ralph Henry Barbour. Blltte WhUkera at the Circus. Boy's Life of General Sheridan Warren Lee Goss. Guns of Bull Run- Joseph A. Alt- sheler. Ptutareha' Liven. Watermelon Pete Elisabeth Gordon. IF HAIR IS TURNING GRAY, USE SAGE TEA Here's Grandmother's Recipe to Darken and Beautify Faded Hair. That beautiful, rvrn shade of dark, glossy hair can only be bad by brewing a mixture of Sage Tea and Sulphur. Your hair is your charm. It makes or mars the face. When it fades, turns fray or streaked, just an spplication or wo of Sage gnd Sulnlitu enhances its appearance a hundredfold. Ihin't bother to prepare the mixture; you can get this famous old recipe im proved by the addition of other ingredi ents for 60 cent- a large bottle, l ready for use. It Is called" Wyath's Sajre "nd Sulphur Compound, 'ibis can alwuys be depended upon to bring back the natural color and lu-tu of vour kuir. Everybody uics 'Wyeth'a" Sage and Sulphur Compound now because it dark ens so naturally and evenly thjt nobody can tell it baa been applied. You simply dampen a sponge or soft brush w it Ii it and draw thin throueb the hair, taking one small strand at a time; by morning the gray hair has diasppeared, anil after another application it beeantcf beauti fully dark and appears glodsv and lus trous. This ready-to use preparation is a delightful toilet requiste for those who deain dark hair and a youthful appear ance. It ia not intended for the cure, mitigation or prevention of disease. HENRY SAFFORD KILLS HIMSELF Former Alliance Man Takes Life in PM of Temporary Inaaidty, Hhot Through the Heart (aM for last week) Henry Safford. a well known farm er living Ave miles southwest of ScotiBbluff. killed himself late Sun day afternoon during a spell of tem porary insanity. His body was found between six and seven o'clock Mon day morning in e brush thicket on the banks of the river, a half mile from his home. He leave, a wife and other relatives. The funeral ser vice, were held Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Safford 'n mother. Mrs. Jennie Bro.har, In Scottsbluff. It appears that Mr. Safford waa at home Sunday alone, his wife coming to the city to visit her mother, Mrs. Jennie Droshur. and remuined here until about 6:30 o'clock, when she went home. A few minutes after .he arrived there .be found a letter on the table. The letter informed her that her husband contemplated kill ing himself, and told her that .he need not look for him. She immediately telephoned to ber folks In Scottsbluff, and they imme diately went to ber assistance. The sheriff was also notified. Accom panied by a posse he went to the home to begin the search. All night long the sheriff, assisted by a num ber of citizens and neighbors, con tinued the March for the missing man. Monday morning hi. body wa. found on an hdand In the river south of his home. It see i a that he took a slnglo-bnr-rel shotgun, and tying one end of a string to his foot and the other end to the trigger, held the gun o his left breast gnd pulled the string. The full charge of the gnn entered his breast In such manner as to cause lnstane denth. He was about 45 year, old and was married some ten years ago. He Is considered In very fair circum stances, hut ha. of late been despon dent, seeming to thing at time, that tils life has been a failure, although he has been a successful feeder of stock in thU vicinity for tho la.t four year.. He had been doing a good business, and wa. considered one of the substantial feeders of the valley. FFiNL LIKE (JIVING VP? N lofted tike Doan'a K Pills. G. ,i. w'liliaiiis. stationary man. 421 Yellowstone are., All! says: "My bark was lame and lead ly. Heavy work would at up Donn's Kidney PHI lleved me, ao I endorse them first-t i i ,i medicine." Pi r0c. at all dealers. aimpi, isk for a kidney remed get Co n't KbliKty Pill. the naBBS thnt Mr. Williams had. Foster MBf burn Co., props., Buffalo, N. V, Adv- May 3-1S Hls.ll- I I H I N TO TALK ON PA THIOTrWgV M.n Alliance People on the Verge of Oollfipfte A bad back makes you miserable nil the t. me Lame every morning; sore all day. It hurts to stoop It hurts to straighten. What with headache, dic.y spells, urinary weakness, No wonder people are discouraged Who do not know the kidney, may be the cause of it all. Give the weakened kidney, need ful help. Use a tested and proven kidney remedy. Bishop Tihen of Lincoln will Ss liver an address on patriotism In As I la Dee luring the state meeting SB Hie Knight, of Columbus, to be BsJBB In this city Tuesday and Wedni May k and 9. According to It iiiatlon contained In n .cominuBtgB received by John W. Qutl&t Bishop Tihen will lake for hie awl Ject. "For God and Country In and War." EIGHTH GRADE RXAMINATIDlBB May 10 and It Regular Eighth grade exan iaa tlona will be given at the office aw" the county superintendent of ncbooSt In the Box Butte county court bousF at Alliance on Thuraday and FrMaf, May 10 and 11, 1917. OPAL RUSSELL, County Superintend SOO ROOMS SAFETY FIRST When you are in Omaha come where all Stockmen stop. always find your friend, and acquaintances at the HOTEL CASTLE soo fm HHMI You willl I L- 1IITH AND JUNKS STS., OMAHA Omaha's new absolutely fire-proof hotel. We welcome the Stock men wen make you comfortable ana our rates are most reasonaote m- in the city. Rooma with private both, $1.60 to 1.76. Rooma with private toilet 11. Good car service to the Stock Yarda and Depot. Have your commission firm telephone for room reservation. fi aanswrs a a - a !. - as I r XI til' A. K fn I I jilt I n)). COMFORT WITHOUT EXTRAVAGANCE How it looks when illuRt rated " Well sir it was a ground hog case, and 1 just took tho bull by the horns and did it." We Are Not Grasping WE DON 'T ASPIRE 'i your dry goods money, your hard ware or lumber money, but are intense itercxted solely in YOUR BAKERY MONEY OUR GOODS JUSTIFY s' 0 I IS l I EZ JC CZ T" c n B-J JE? l CH. BAKERY I PHONE 649 307 BOX BUTTE AVE , sgaaaaaaaaasaagsai t i saaagMaaaasssagaaaaa Restore Newness to Shabby Woodwork Keep shabliint-HK out of your home. Renew worn woodwork with Lincoln Interior Varnish. Retinish shabby tlooi's with Lin coln Floor Varnish. Kevarnish window sills and doors which B0VS become rough and unsightly with Lincoln Lin-Spar. LINCOLN VARNISHES IH made for every surface about the home. Why not make a list of the sahbby surfaces that need refinishing and let us tell you the proper Lincoln Paint, Enamel, Stain or Varnish that will be iviiiired to make it appear new. F. E. H OLSTEN ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA