ALLIANCE HERALD, MARCH Stti. 1P17 800 ROOMS SAFETY FIRST 800 ROOMS When you are in Omaha come where all Stockmen atop. You will always find your frlenda and acquaintances at the HOTEL CASTLE 10TH AND JONES STS., OMAHA Omaha's new absolutely lire-proof hotel. We welcome the Stock men. We'll make you comfortable and our rates are most .reasonable in the city. Rooms with private both, $1.50 to 11)76. Rooma with private toilet $1. Oood car serrlce to the Stock Yards and Depots. Have your commission firm telephone for room reservation. FRED A. CASTLE, Prop. COMFORT WITHOUT EXTRAVAGANCE LEARN SHORTHAND RY THE NEW, SWIFT, SURE SNELL INDIVIDUAL INSTRUCTION METHOD Let me tell you a bit of a secret, don't let anybody teach you short hand by the "class" method. It's, the slow way, it holds you back, you've got to wait on somebody else. The longer he takes, the long er it takes you. Snell Shorthnnd is entirely different. The teach ing is individual. We study YOU fiee Just what you want, then plan out a course for YOU you can advance as fast as others. If you're apt, studiouB and persevering you can complete the course and qual ify for $60 to $100 position in only three to four months no charge if it takes you longer. Send today for full information. CIVIL SERVICE SCHOOL K1TTHEDUE BLDG. DENVER S3 o oamble. You Got a ro Deal in Value here. Modern Garages, Barns and Cribs There's style to garage or barn building as well as to home building. The modern, up-to-date barn provides many conveniences and im provements that make your work easier and your crops and live stoek safer. POULTRY HOUSES SHEDS No matter whit kind of a building you need or whether it's for farm or town we can be of service to you. We have building plans for all kinds of buildings and all the necessary ma terial to make them. Our prices are the lowest and our advice is fret k Phnno 73 FOR SALE or! TRADE Grazing and hay lands in Arthur County. Can supply one to eight sections in body. Well grassed and watered. Ideal stock country. Write or call on A. E. STAPLES, Arthur, ISebr. International SlNMrSOIOOL Lesson (By B. O SELLEns, Artlnf Director of Sunday School Course of Moody Bible Institute.) (Copyright, 11T. Western Newspaper Union i LESSON FOR MARCH 25 JESUS THE WAY, TRUTH LIFE. AND (BILIMIM) fimrarfm (Review.) ftcnirrunE LESHON-Read John 14: 1-14. UOLDEN TEXT- JeBun salth unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man coineth unto the father, but by me John 14:6. W AS NOT A HOUSE THIEF AFTER ALL Hny Springs News: Sheriff Bruce was in the rlty Sat unlay. The Sheriff has been en Staged the pant month search for horse thieves and effect n ally assisted other sheriffs In captur ing several of (hem. Last Thursday The purpose of John's gospel r'- he received a telephone call from par venled In John 20:31. It was to prove ) ties south or Kushvllle that a suspic that Jesus Is the Christ, the Son of 1 lous looking fellow passed thru the God, nnd to prove It In such a way 'south part of I he county with a bunch tint men might believe it In their J headed for Alliance Sus- hearts, and thus obtain, through that ! 8Mj"2 to bo iX? bA " ,, ' ' , ... , " . .the fellow had several different stor- bellef, eternal life In his name. There- m enro1(p (jpofl receipt of this iu fore the best method of review for forma(lon Mr. BrttCt telegraphed the (he lessons of the past quarter would Hherlff at Alliance to detain the man be to go over the lessons one by one. 'and make Inquiries as to whether the nd rind out how It Is that this great i horses were stolen or not. This was truth, which brings life to men. Is II- ! done, and it turned out that the hors Initnhvl in Mod nf the several les I1 been bought in Cherry county, The object of such n review of their destination a gentle breeie came whispering out of the bowels of Canada, which was soon accompan ied by spits of snow. The wind grew louder and stronger, Increasing In "freio" and the snow flakes grew In active thicker and liner and soon all trace of the road was lost, and so were the tourists. Night was coming on and their on ly thought was to seek some habita tion. Aftor many maneuverlngs they discovered ft dark object, which they took to be a hay stack, and con cluded to nestle down by It until the storm blew over. Their surprise was great and their pleasure greater when reaching the black object they found it to be a sod house with the latch string hanging on the outside of the door. Entering It, they found the owner to be nway from home, yet it was evident that he had not been absent long, for there were live coals had gone about five miles when he lost control of his, owing to the bad roads, and the car turned turtle Marshall was so seriously Injured that he died before a physician could reach him. The deceased resided with his parents at Eddyvltle and the body was taken to the home, where the funeral took place. SKATING KINK QOEN TO BROKEN BOW ROCKY MOUNTAIN TOURS The season Of 1916 brought to tlie Rocky Mountains the greatest patronage yet recorded, Kstes Park, Colo., and a number of ranches in the Big Horn Mountains were forced to turn tourists away. Many mountain localities and ranch resorts are now increasing their capa city preparing for the coming Summer's volume. Every prospect now indicates a greater tourist volume in the mountains this coming Summer than ever before. Tourists will view Yellowstone Park by automobile; the magnificent Rockies with their three National Parks: Rocky Mountain Estes, Yellowstone and Olacier are luring Easterners from iheir limited environment, who want to tour the big, wide West and to understand it. In dim time, descriptive publications of Summer tout's will be available. If you expect to join the mountain Summer throng, especially if you desire accommodations at some particular place, it would be well to make early plans. Lei me know the region in whieh you are in- a i i w l m leresicu, mat i may list your name tor informa tion and publications. J. KltlDELUAl GH, Ticket Agent. Allium-, Neb. li. W. WAK.KLEY, General Passenger Agent, 100-4 Fumain St., Omaha, Neb. sens. should be to make Jesus as real to us as If we were with hlin and his disci ples, and could realize that the Word is now dwelling among ns, full of tTftOS and truth, giving dally of his ful ness and "grace for grace." (Ch. 1 :14 1(1). Jesus Is "the way." the way to heaven, the way to mi thnt is high est and best on earth, the way of life, i he way to the Father, the goal of nil human aspirations, the way out of all Sheridan County Democrat: but that he first tried to get away in a 8tove and other evidences of re wit hout paying for them. However ,r(.ni occunation. This did not bother after two or three days roundup the the weary travelers very much, and deal was settled and he went on with the horses. At Alllanco the suspect proved that his folks lived at Bridge port. Upon receiving this informa tion Mr. Bruce ordered the mans release. GORDON PROFESSOR TO ENFORCE THE LAW Imman darkness and sin, the way to holiness and to God. Jesus Is also the (ruth, the revealed truth ulfhut (led. lie revealed the forgiveness of God for I he sins of men, the right way of liv ing. Jesus Is the life, the source of life, the life Itself, the true life here on earth) and the eternal life which is to abide forever. Thus our entire re view centers about Jesus Christ. It would be good to have a mill) Chiefly of the vicinity of the Sea of Galilee to use In this review. Lesson I. Jesus, the Life and Light of Men. This is the central truth of the gospel. Note the pre-exlstence of Jeani Christ as the eternal Word, "In the beginning with God." Then again we see it as plainly showing forth or declaring him to be God. We see him also ns the Creator of all things. Lesson II. John the Baptist. This is a lesson of John's testimony to Jesus as the Son of God ; also that Jesus was the Lamb of God. eternal, pre-exlstent, the One who was baptised by the Holy Ghost , showing us the real nature of Jesus as the Word of God. Describe who and what he was and did that made him the perfect Savior. Lesson ill. The First Disciples ot Jesus. Andrew and Philip discovered i he Messiah of whom Moses and the prophets did write, und revealed him unto Nathaniel, who discovered in Jems the Son of God and the King ot Israel. Kelale how Jesus found these diSCl plea, their names and their char aeterlstlcs, and why each one was espe daily titled for his particular work. Lesson IV. His Father's House Jesus, manifesting himself as the Son of (iod. the Father, was the Ruler of Cod's house, and drove from it those who defiled it by making thnt house a house of merchandise. Lescon V. The Savior of the World Jesus, a- the only begotten Son of God, can give eternal life to those who be lieve on him. Describe the churnclci of icodeinus. what it means to lie born again, und what is meant by be ing born of wftief and of the spirit. Lecson Vi. The Woman of Samaria. Jesus declared himself to this woman as the Christ, and also as the giver Of eternal life; therefore he was God. Referring to the last lesson, emphasise Prof. KIndley of the local High School Is determined to stop the sale of tobacco to boys under the lawful age, and has notified tho different merchants of Gordon who handle to bacco that the law will be enflrcod to the letter. It Is unlawful to sell tobacco to boys under the age of eighteen and Prof. Flndley's determlnat'on to en force the law will probably not meet with the approval of the youngsters, who think they are old enough to know what they want to do. Some of the boys predict that the town will go to the dogs, etc., but that of course remains to be seen and we believe that every merchant of Gor don will gladly co-operate with the Professor in enforcing the measure. Custer County Republican: Broken Bow Is to have a roller skating rink. The rink Is ot a port able type and Is being moved from place to place. The last set up at Alliance, where they have had a run of some weeks. The rink is to bo erected east of the Grand Central hotel. GORDON YOUTH IS fttllARLY BURNED II Kit FINGER AND CROCHET HOOK GOT TANGLED Hooker County Tribune: Mrs. C. C. Campbell had the mis fortune Monday evening to run a crochet hook into one of her fingers and had it not been for Striking the bone it Is very likely the hook would have went on through. She had stepped into a darkened room for the purpose of getting her fancy work when the accident happened. II was about three quarters of an hour be fore Dr. Atkinson arrived ut the home to cut the finger from the treacher ous little article that many Mullen ladies use to joyfully pass away the evening hours. That the ordeal was a painful one. It is not necessary to say. BIGGEST EVENT EVER HILLKD FOB MONKS Sidney Telegraph Has the idea come to you that Sid ney is about to enjoy the biggest af fair that bus ever been held in the city. The bigness is in class, in size, in purpose und. without doubt in re sults. The affair is the North Platte Valley Teachers' Association to come to Sidney on March 29th. :10th and 31st. This has outgrown the pro portions of former years and besides the eight counties which regularly be long we will this year enjoy the assis tance of Dawes county. The reason of this is that W. S. Bostder, presi dent of the association while elect' d from Lodgepole when superintendent there, has since become connected with the Chadron Normal, therefore he brlims his new field into the winil -lesus meant by his reference t" a8HO(.iilt jon tnis year. The Chadron Moses and the brazen serpent, and I .went v niece orchestra, will play. Alliance, Scottsbluff, Kimball. Bridge port and Big Springs are among the they proceeded to put on more fuel and look around for someth Ing to satisfy the Inner man. A short way from the house they discovered a cave, which was gingerly explored, and there were found a few peckB of i ubles ( potatoes . A peck of these was confiscated and carrieu Into the sod house nnd prepared with care for a feast. When starting on the Journey they had taken along one hundred doughnuts, which were to be used at the free lunch at the sale. Potatoes and doughnuts make a fair ly good meal for a starving man and our heroes four fixed up a pot fit for the Sioux. After their hunger was appeased they began to wonder whose kraal they were occupying and, looking around, they discovered several Rushvllle Standards careful ly placed on a shelf with the name of enry Sandoz thereon. Henry Is a single man and was probably visit ing his sweetheart when the storm struck and was compelled to stay ov er night. All night long and all tho next day the storm raged and well up Into the night of the second day, and all this time potatoes and dough nuts were served and the coffee and tea which Mr Sandoz had on hand were mercilessly treated. On the morning of the second day Geo. Peck started out to look for succor and was gone so long that his ab sence began to wrirry the others, so they started out to hunt him. but had not gone far when they discov ered him returning astride of a broncho with four body-guards Teams were secured and the men with what doughnuts were left were taken to the home of Mr. tchoen, The next day they attended the sale of Fred Klucklnger and returned to Kushvllle Friday, all the happier for their experience, hut if you wnnt to make either of them mad just offer then doughnut. COURT HOUSE to HAVE PHONES A FT Kit VRAM Scottublug Republican: At the meeting of the county com missioners held this week at tiering, a deal was entered into between the board and F. Alexander, manager of the Platte Valley Telephone Com pany, whereby nine new telephones will be installed in the court house. The people of this city and Gering have been demanding that this be done for several years, but it could ntM be accomplished until Mr. Ray mond secured the necessary help, which he secured by the assistance of Commissioner Springer. The convenience of the telephone at the court house will be appreciat ed by all of us. und It will save us a good many trips to the county seat in the course of a year. This move on the part of the commissioner will meet with (he hearty approval of everyone. Chadron Chronicle: A distressing accident occurred in Gordon last Saturdny morning, when Frank Ecoffoy, a deaf mute 19 yeara old, suffered severe burns while at tempting to stnrt a fire with the aid of gasoline at the homo of his uncle, Joe Eeoffey, in the northeastern part of thai city. The clothing was burn ed off the boy's body to the waist before the flames could be smothered and as a result he is in a Berlous con dition, although his physician thinks he will recover. The explosion was so terrific that the upper part of all the windows were blown out and the kitchen set on Are. Joe Eeoffey sus tained a badly sprained ankle in jumping from an upBtalrs window, being unable to get down the stair way on account of tho dense smoke emerging from the kitchen. A few neighbors who happened to be up at that early hour succeeded with some difficulty in putting out the fire. A few boys got tho hose cart out and started for the acene of the fire, but the short number furnishing motive power und the heavy roads caused by the recent snow made headway very slow. LARGK RANCH DUAL IjOHKD AT CHADRON bring out the fact that the water of which he speaks is the gift of everlast ing life. Lesson VII. The Nobleman's Son Jesus made his glory to be seen a sec ici lime in Cans of Galilee by healing sickness although not present at the Healing ami: tried to capacity to care for its vis- bedside of I he sick out tuitu sre co-partner. itora This can Les3on VIII. The Pool of Bethesda. with proper Attain Jesus niunlrmfa liis nnu-ur l.v I home should lo-iilinc l.v liifi Kill., vi.tfil llu ...,, .-i... rent had been infirm thirty and eight years, and who was utterly helpless ami hope less. Bring out how the mall show I his faith- Explain why Jesus should -ay to him: "Sin no more lest a worse thing beiaii thee." towns outside this county which art represented. The Chadron normal will come in its own car which will be parked at the Burlington and which will afford them sleeping quar ters. Bui at that the town will be be done, however. forethought. Ever be opened. Which can OUl S bedroom or (WO lor inis occasion, a program, rten in latent, has been arranged u :nl it has been kepi free from heaviness. Honora ble II. W POghl f Washington, D C, is one ot the brilliant nu n to ap pear, President Elliott of the Chad ron State Normal, known and be- Chndron Chronicle: The largest ranch deal ever made In Dawes county was closed last week when J. W. Good of this city contracted for the purchase of the T. P. Jensen ranch on White river, ten miles from Chadron. The ranch contains 3,120 acres of deed land and ft 320 school land lease, and was sold for 150,000. The stock and machinery went In at about 125 000, making the total amount in volved in the deal 175,000. Mr. Good Just recently sold his farm of 1400 acres west of Chadron for $44, OfJrO. This sale was made through Harry B. Coffee, who has been re sponsible for several large ranch Hales during the past year. The purchase of the above large ranch places Mr Good at the top of the list as ft land owner in this part of the state. He has too much faith in the future of Dawes county to allow uny land near him to sell too cheaply JOHNSON TOPS H.F.AVY MARKET AT OMAHA SIKH GUM ACCIDENTALLY (JOES OFF MAN KILLKD Minalare Flee Press: Commissioner H T. Johnson re ceived a meiSSge from Omahft yester day that tin' i wo cars of lambs that he shipped Monday had Just been Sold ut $14.40. ThiB is a record price on the Omaha market for lambs their size. The two car loads con sisted of 501 head averaging 8 5 pounds and brought Mr. Johnson ft total of $6,046. Heavy lambs as a rule ,'e juite a little undei the top and Mr Johnson attributes much of the success to the work of S. i. (Kid) Kyie and Sid Thompson of the Great Western 'Commission Co. who handled his Custer County Chief: shipment Mr Johnson Still has George Redfern of Oconto sect- six cars of lambs to market and says dentaiu shot and killed himself that he expects to consign them all Lesson IX. Five Thousand Fd iloved In the district, will l- present .....i to six aK. Miss Mazier, iei will be here ar lo all Prof W vine liower mult lie. tli lxit ,w mi, I sl' ,11.' , ' the teachers ' ,u - U. Pate, ever a favorite, will assist ing the tn.gments reveals the ampe s , k(.,,pilu. ,hinKlj KoinK UIi has sole ti. nnhJe. creative act of the power Ol command as toastmaster of the e Jeans Christ ftS pertlSpS BOM other ul lant banquet board Suporintend bls miracles. Eiupliitsize the pun lent W. .1 Braham is head of all coiu w hich the boy play ed in co-operul ing mil tees and has splendid assistance wiih Christ. I Professor Bodster. and County Sup- Lesson X. The B.ead of Lif. .!.,. . ! erinlendent Miss Mchadd"ii, seer. .i... it..-.. .i ... ,t . , tarv. have worked without stint to ... .... , ... n, , er of everlasting life. He is the Bread of Life which coiueth down from heu en. and the one going lo whom we shall never hunger nor ihlrst. Lesson XI. Jesus Saves From Sin. Jesus, the Light of th World, has pow cr to set men free from sin. and "whom i he Son shall make free is free In d. d." Iu Ibis lessou we huve the slav i ry of sin and tin- freedom of believ- i TrtJS faith is built umiii facts, mid l hose who accej.i and believe uu these fuels liae "everlasting life." put on a good convention. It is up to Sidney, now. to make a good ap pearance on this occasion. LOST IS SAND HILLS BUT COMFORTABLE nut limiting Wednesduv of Ibis to lie . III,' UU. ..i.i..D ' - - week. The victim of the accident in compan with his brother. Kay Ttedfern. and Clifford Slack, Started out in the morning to hunt ducks along the South Loup river Youna Redfern. It seems, had tried to shoot j at a duck a few minutes before thai accident and the gun failed to dis charge He then started to walk J along tl)-' bank With ,lis companions, j when in some manner the gun was discharged while in his hands, (he load striking him ill the top of the head and killing him instantly The dec eased was eighteen years obi and j was the son of Frank Uedfern living one mile north of Oconto and the ac cident happened along the river bank on the Hennsn ranch, something like seven miles from the Redfern home. Dr. Wade of Oconto was summoned Great Western. COMB SAGE TEA IN FADED OR GRAY HAIR If Mixed with Sulphur it Darkens so Naturally Nobody can Tell. Grandmother kept her hair beautifully darkened, glossy and attractive with a brew of Sage Tea and Sulphur. When ever her hair took on that dull, faded or streaked appearance, this simple mixture was applied with wonderful effect. By ask i 111' at anv drnu itnre far "Wnntli'i but of course could be of no assist- Sage and Sulphur Compound " you will ance as life was extinct. The body j get a large Uittle of tlilg old time recipe, of George Redfern was taken to the: improved by the addition of other ingred- home of his parents, and the funeral ients, all ready to use, for about 50 cents. is set for Friday or tins ween lnia simple mixture can be depended upon to restore natural color and beautv to the hair. YOUNG MAN KILLKD IN Al rO At 4 IBRSI j A well-known downtown druggist says everyooay uses t yet lis age and SUl- Rushville Standard A. D New. Hi C Dale. E. E. French and Geo. D. Peek started by auto Monday, March a, for the Bmll Schoen place, thirty-five miles south of Rushville. to attend a public sale When they left Rushvllle the weuih er was tine and they propheBled a tine day for the sale But a few I hours before they reached the place Custer COttftty Chief: Iee Marshall, hirty-one years of aue was killed in an automobile ac cident in the south part of CuBter county Thursday afternoon of last week. The accident occurred at the old Cy Drake place, known as the Warm Swamp Ranch. It seems that the 'lctim of the accident had at tended a public sale north of where the accident occurred and in com pany with John Brown, started for Eddyville, where he resides. They phur Compound now because it darkens so naturally and evenly thai nobody can tell it has hsea applied -it's so easy to use. too. You simply dampen a comb or soft brush and draw it through your hair, taking one strand at a time. Hy morning the gray hair disappears, after another application or two. it is restored to its natural ' i and looks glosM, soft un l beautiful. 1 his prtwration is a delight ful toilet retpiUiU. It la not intended for the cure, mitigation or prevention of dis-