AI-iJAnck iiKitAi,i, MAttcil 15, ioif ORDINANCK NO. MO ORDINANCE KHTAHUSIIINtT ttULKS AND II KU II LA TIC) N 8 OK THE SY8TKM OK WATKK tt'OKKS OK THK CITY OF ALLI ANCE. NKDKASKA, II HULL A T INO AND UOVEUNINU THE AME. KSTAULISHINU WATEK HATES AND HULKS AND H EMU LATIONS FOR THK OOVEHN INO OK WATER CONSUMERS. PLUMBERS, AND OTHERS, l'KO V1DINU FOR THE LAYING AND BEPA1K1NO OF WATER SER VICE Hl'ES IN SAID CITY, AND TO I'ROTECT SAID WATEK WORKS, INCLUDING PIPES. HY DRAN1S AND OTHER AITARA TVB FROM INJURY, AND PRO VIDING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION OK SAME, AND RE PEALING ORDINANCES. NUM BERED 33, 44, 74, 75, 98. 141, nd Section 19. 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 4b. 26. 27. and 28, OF ORDIN ANCE NUMBERED 180 AND SEC TION '32 of Ordinanro 192 OF JAID CITY OF ALLIANCE, AND ALL OTHER ORDINANCES OF AID CITY OF ALLIANCE, IN CONFLICT HEREWITH. it ordained by tho Mayor and .Council of tlio City of Alliance, Ne braska: Section 1. That tho rules, regula- Hoa and water rates hereinafter jaajued shall bo considered as part ol rtb contract with ivory person, coin- fitmr or corporation who la supplied rltb water through tho water works ,iet tbe city, and every perron, com 4any or corporation by taking water ffrt) be considered und held to con vent to bo bound ttiereby, and when of them are violated or such oth tc M the said city or water commis sioner may hereafter adopt, the wa gpr ahall be cut off from the building ,,f0t place of such violation, even ,ffceu(h two or more parlies may re oiro water through the same pipe, d shall not be let on again except 4gr order of the Water Commission er, ajid on payment of the expeusea M abutting olf and turning It on, ad upon such other terms as the ,4Paid commissioner shall determine riMtd a satisfactory understanding ita the party, that no further cause -lor complaint shall arise; and that j disease of violation the Water Com missioner shall have the right to do fAara any payment made for the wa jun by the person committing such etiolation, to bo forfeited. Section 2. Every person desiring A supply of water must make appli cation therefor to tho water commia jtoaer upon blanks to be furnished pf blm for that purpose, and upon .-the payment of the charges in ad- nce permit shall be Issued. Not fMot than one bouso shall be sup plied from one tap, except by Bpociai ormlsslon. Section 3. Water will not be t&rnad into any bouse or private errice pipe except upon the order f the Water Commissioner or bla Jlr authorized agent, and plumbers 4r strictly prohibited from turning be water Into any servlro pipe ex .upt on the order or permission of im water commissioner of his duly authorized agent. This rule Bhall jiot be construed to prevent any clumber admitting water to test toes and for that purpose only. tinrtion 4. No consumer shall .PPly water to other families. tiectloii 5. Any persons using wa iT shall be responsible for uny dam mii or injury that may reuult to UUTB from the Improper use of sal1- Mater. Stvtion 6. All house boilers hall be constructed with one or iioa air bok'B near the top of the inlet Pipe, and be sufficiently strong fi bear ine pressure of the atmos kie under the vacuum, and stop .'. s ami other appurtenances must M kulhciently strong to bear the, iXl'uure und run of water in the " trains. All persona taking water -ttuill keep their own service pipes, Mop cocks and apparatus inside side "am line on their own premises, In 40rt repair, and protect it from frost Ak aeir cwu risk and expense, and hall prevent all unnecessary waste water, und It is expressly stlpulat of said city und water commis 4 nor that no claim shall be made finst tnem or either of them by iwlmd of the breaking of auy serv cock, or if from any cause ttie mi.dy of water should fall or from ctaUiBge arising from shutting oil arur to repair mains, making ron " .i.ion or extensions or for any oth- T purpose, that may be tleeiued nec ry; and the right is hereby re- ,,eTed to cut off the supply of water t any nine, any permit granted to ne coimu.y notwiiustanding. ruction (. When the water shall i lurneu off from any consumer he auil not turn it on or permit it to be ir.ed on without the written con ol waier commissioner, b ctiou S. Every service pipe . be provided with a stop and .ae cock for each consumer, easily .cctdsibie. and so Bltuated that the .0 .i.r can be conveniently shut off utl drained from the pipes; stop ocfcS to be of such pattern us shall j approved by th water cominis ,o..vr. b ction 9. Unless otherwise per mitted, stop cocks shall be placed In vbe service pipe on the edge of the .Jdewalk. near the curb line, and yroiected by a box of iron pipe reach ;S from tne pipe to the surface of . h uround. of suitable sue to aamu i atop key for turning on and off the 4dn. also wltn cast-iron cover u lata the letter "W" marked thereon. visible and even with tne pavement r planking. Section 10. In making excava tions in streets or highways for the toy in of service pipe or making re aairs, the planks or paving stone re moved must be deposited in a man ner tbat will occasion the least in nvenience to the public and pro vlda (or the passage of water along ; matters. Section 11. No person shall leave ay excavation made In a street or klfhway open at any time without barricades and during the night warning lights must be maintained t aucb excavation. flection 12. After service pipes re laid, in refilling the opening tbe eartii must be laid la layer of not ire than nine inches in depth, and jf - ach layer thoroughly muiH and settled with water. iu slroots, side- walks and naveinents niuul bo restor- ed to as good condition as previous to making excavation, and an ain, . me street main Detween tne corpor stones and rubbith mu4l be removed afion cock and the coupling in the Immediately after completing the I Iron service pipe, there must be at worn. Should an txtuvaiion in a tract' bIIpv or hUhway be left open i or unflnished for tue space of twen-A tv-four hour, or snouia ine worn ue i liupropewy done or the rubbish be - . . . ....!. 1. 1 1. V. I. .i I not reuiovea, toe wwr tuun"ioi- . . i . I. .i.M , flnlali nr rrrct the work, and the expense in curred shall be charged to the con sumer, or property owner ana snan be paid by him before tho water is turned on. ... Section 13. No hydrant except fr nnhllp drinking lountain buuii h tilaced within the limits of any street unless such hydrant be secure ly closed and protected against gen-, Drnl line, and no drinking fountain shall be erected for public use which haB openings by which It can oe useu as a BOUrce Ol uuiurmii; Section, 14. If the proprietor oi lumber yards, manufactories, hail, stores, elevators, warehouses, hotels or public buildings, icgularconRiiiu era of water from the works, wish to lay not less than 4 In. standard wa ter pipes, with standard Fire Hyd rants and' hose couplings to be used only In case of fire, they will be per mitted to connect wun Btreei niamn only at their own expense, upon ap plication to the city council, anu un der Its direction and will be allowed the-uso of water for Are purposes on ly, Section 15. Within forty-eight hours after completing any attacn ment or connection, the plumber or dIdo fitters shall make full returns of the service Installed. Section 16. No person except tne water commissioner employed by the city or bis authorized representative will be permitted under any circum stances to tap the mains or the dis tributing pipes or insert stop cocks or ferrules therein, and pipes must In all cases be tapped on top or at an angle of not to exceed 4 5 degrees and not, In any case, nearer than fif teen inches of either end of the pipe nor nearer than eighteen Inches of any other tap. Section 17. No person Bhall wil fully or carelessly break, Injure nor deface, Interfere with or disturb any building, machinery apparatus, fix tures, attachment, or appurtenance to the water works of said city, or any public or private hydrant, hose or watea trough or stop cock, meter, water supply or service pipe, or any part hereof, nor lhall any person deposit anything in any stop cock box or commit any act tending to ob struct or impair the intended use of any of the above mentioned proper ty, without permission of the water commissioner, or except in cases hereinafter or otherwise regulated by ordinance of said city. Section 18. All the hydrants erected In said city for the purpose of extinguishing fire are hereby de dared to be public hydrants, and no person or parsons (other than mem beis of the fire department, and then only for the use and purposes of said department, or persons, specially authorized by the city or water com mlssiouer, and then only In the ex erclse of the authority delegated by said city or water commissioner) shall open any of the said hydrants or uttentpt to draw water from the same or any time uncover or remove any protection from any of said hyd rants or In any manner interfere with the samo. Section 19. No person authorized to open hydrants shall delegate his authority to another, or let out or suffer any person to take the wrench ea furnished him or suffer the same to be taken from any house in said city, except for tho purposes strictly connected with the lire department or an they accompany hose carts on occasion of fire. No person Bhall attach hose and sprinkle during the time fire (treasure Ms maintained in the system. Section 20. No person shall make any excavation in any street or high way within lx feet of any water pipe while the ground is frozen, or dig up or uncover so as to expose to the frost any water pipe or newer of the city except under the direction of the water commissioner Section 21. No person Bhall place near or around any watering trough, any dirt, filth, Impure substance whatever, or any substance or fluid by which the water in said troughs shall be rendered Impure or unpal atable to horses or stock ordinarily using the same. Section 22. All service pipes on any street or alley In the City of Al liance shall be extra strong lead pipe from the main to the shut-off box, located at outer edge of sidewalk line, and strong lead pipe from curb box to meter, the pipe shall he laid five feet below the established grade and sufficiently waving to allow of an extra length of not less than one foot, and in such a manner as to pre vent rupture by settlement. All Joints of the lead pipe to be what is known as plumbers' Joints, in no case will u cup Joint or bolted Joints be allowed. Section 23. All lead pipes in the streets between. main and curb box shall be of the class known as "extra ftrong". and shall weigh per lineal foot for various diameters as fol lows: Size tap Weight per foot 5 S In. pipe 3 lbs. 3-4 in. pipe 3 lbs.. 8 oz. 1 in. pipe 4 lbs.. 12 oz. The service pipe used for interior pluti-bing may be of tbe kind known at strong lead pipe, but no pipe of lighter weight than this shall be used under any circumstances. The weight of this class of pipes to be as follows: Size pipe. Weight per foot 5-8 in. pipe 2 lbs., 8 oz. 3-4 in. pipe 3 lbs. 1 in. pipe 4 lbs. Section 24. Persons living, with in tbe city limits and not located up on a water main may take out a tem porary permit to attach to tbe city mains, and in this caae may use for the service pipe approved galvanized pipe placed according to the rules and requirements of the city and water commissioner, all Iron pipe so placed muni sustain a pressure of not less than 200 lbs. to the square inch and at the point of connection with leant eignteen incnes or leaa pipe to relieve the rigidity of the Iron pipe. brass coupling must be used for connecting ine leaa wun tne iron pipe, and In no case must lead be - i I . soldered to Iron. When the water main Is extended and laid In the street adjoining property, the tem porary permit Is void and tho party shall then take out a permanent per mit, and make a connection as a new service. This applies to service now Installed as well as to future new service. Section 25. There shall be a charge of one dollar ($1.00) for turning water off and turning water on in all cases for violation of ibis or any other water ordinance or reg ulation of the city or water commis sioner, and the same shall be paid before water is turned on again. Section 26. Hills for water fur nished shall be collected quarterly and shall fall due on the first day of January, April, July and October of each year. The quarter rates to be charged for water measured and reg istered by meters shall be as fol lows: For the first 50,000 gallons, 18 cents for each 1000 gallons. For the next 50,000 gallons, 15 cents for each 1000 gallons. For the next 100,000 gallons, 12 cents for each 1000 gallons. ' For tho next 300,000 gallons, 10 cents for each 1000 gallons. For all over 500.000 gallons at the rate of 8 cents for each 1000 gal lons. Provided that a minimum charge of $1.50 per quarter shall be paid by all consumers. Section 27. In case any meter falls to register from any cause, the amount charged for water during such period shall bo estimated by the water commissioner, Btich esti mate where practicable to be based upon the water used and registered during a like period. Sertion 28. The right is reserved to suspend the use of fountains and liose for sprinkling streets, yards and gardens wherever In the opinion of the water commissioner, public exi gency may require it. Sction 29. The city reserves the right to remove, repair and reinstall any water meter which In the opin ion of the water commissioner or his duly authorized representative Is not recording correctly, the consumer, or property owner Is to be charged with the Cost of any repairs necessary to put the meter In proper operating condition. Section 30. It Is further provided that on and after the passage of this ordinance that all service of water according to flat rates shall be and the same hereby is discontinued and no water thereafter shall be served to an Individual, firm, association, or corporation, except the same be measured .through a meter and the PUBLIC SALE I HmwiiiBi imtunwimiimmmmammmammmaammmnrmmaKammmmammmMaamm hi mil in iiiiMiMBgMBBBaMBMMa Having sold my farm and moving on a new place, I will cut down my stock on my place located 12 miles north of Alliance 9 miles east and 3 miles south of Hemingford, on . ,. FRIDAY, MARCH 23rd, 1917 Beginning immediately after free lunch at eleven o'clock, the following described property: Forty 13 Cows from 2 to 5 years old 1 Milk cow, giving milk 5 three-year-old steers 5 Two-year-old Steers 13 yearlings, 5 steers, 6 heifers 1 Whiteface bull, 1 year old 2 steer calves, 3 months old 1 McCormick Grain Binder 1 Potato Planter 1 Keystone Drill, 10-ft., nearly new TERM S $5.00 and under, per cent interest. H. P. COURSEY, Auctioneer Alliance same shall be paid according to met- er rates heretofore,, established, It la further provided that each person.! Section S3. The Bald city of Al assoelatlon, firm or corporation de-! nance shall have absolute control ov slrlfig water not heretofore measured ! er the repairing of all the water serv- inroupn a meter snau mane a aepos- i It of $15.00 In tbe office of the water commissioner of Alliance, Nebraska,' said deposit to be used aa a guaran ty for the payment of any arrears in water bills or for any damage that may be done by such user to any such meter, and the city of Alliance shall furnish meters to such water users desiring same, said meter to be furnished at the expense of the city, but the cost of installation to be paid for by such water users. Said de posit of $15.00 shall be held by the water department as security for the prompt payment of bills and may be placed to the credit of the customer at the option of the water depart ment in payment of bills, and upon a discontinuance of the use? of water by such peraon, firm, corporation, or association, the amount of Bald de posit shall be refunded to the person or parties paying the same, provided nil water bills and bills for damage to said meters or connections have been fully rid by such users. It Is further provided that any such wa ter user may purchase meters of the City or of any other person, provided that such meters shall be of a kind approved by the water commissioner, such approval to be made In writing and entered upon the records of the water commissioner. The said city of Alliance reserves the right at the discretion of the water commissioner to cut off all water service to any user of water, who la thirty days in arrears of any water bill rendered by said city, and the Bald city of Al liance reserves the right to cut off the water to all persons heretofor getting water on the fiat rates; If such user fails to comply with the terms of this ordinance In having water meter installed. Section 31. The city of Alllane shall have absolute control over all water main and service pipes In the streets and alleys of the city, and shall lay all water service pipes an do all repairing on water service pipes in said streets and alleys. Section 3 2. The city shall fur nish and install under the direction of the water commissioner, or some one appointed hy him, all new water service pipes and fittings from the water mains to the curb box, Includ ing labor and material, for which the following charges shall be made to the water consumer or the prop erty owners, as the case may be, to wlt: Water service to property on all streets In said city of 80 feet or less. For 5-8 inch service . . . $32.50 For 3-4 inch -service ... 40.00 For one inch service ... 47.50 For water serv'ce connections to all property located on streets of more than 80 feet In width within said city of Alliance. For 5-8 Inch service . . . $40.00 For 3-4 inch service ... 47.50 For one Inch service . . . 55.50 larger services to be charged for HEAD OF FARM MACHINERY 1 Dowden Potato Digger 1 Emerson 7-ft., Disc Seeder 1 Potato Cutter PETER SODERBERG, Owner .cash Over that amount a credit at a price estimated by the water .commissioner. irp nines In the streets and alleys of said city, which said repairing shall be made under the direction of the water commissioner or some one ap pointed by him. The said city shall furnish and perform all repairs nec essary to be made on the water serv ice pipes in the street and alleys of said city, Including labor and mater ials at the prices charged in the pre ceding section, for the installation of new service pipes, less the market prices, for all old material which may be used in making such repairs, provided that no repairs shall be per mitted to be made with any other tuaterlal than the lead service pipe as provided In the preceding section, said expenses for repairs to be paid for by the consumer or property owners. Also all repairs on service pipe between curb cock and meter to be made so as to conform to Sec. 22-23 of this ordinance at consum er's or property owner's expense and under the supervision of the water commissioner. Section 34. That Ordinance No. 192 being an ordinance of the said city of Alliance entitled "An ordin ance establishing rules and regula tions of the system of water works of tho city of Alliance, Nebraska, regulating and governing the same, establishing water rates and rules and regulations for the government of water consumers, plumbers and others, providing for the laying and repairing of water service pipes in said city, and to protect said water works, including pipes, hydrants and other apparatus from injury and providing penalties for the violation of same, and repealing ordinances numbered 33, 44. 74. 75. 98. 141, and sections 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 and 28 of ordinance num bered 180 of said city of Alliance, and all other ordinances of said city in conflict herewith" and all other ordinances . of said city in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Section 3 5. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage, approval and pub lication according to law. PENROSE E. ROMIG, Attest: Mayor. CARTER CALDER, City Clerk. Passed first reading March 13, 1917. Passed second reading March 13, 1917. Passed third reading March 13, 1917. Passed and approved this 13th day of March, 1917. 15-2t-809-8167 SHERIFF'S SALE Notice is hereby given that by vir tue of an order of Sale, issued by the Clerk of the District Court of the 16th Judicial District of Nebraska, within and for Box Butte County, Nebraska. In an action wherein the Alliance Building and Loan Associa CATTLE 3 dozen chickens 1 team of horses, 4 and 5 years old 1 mare and 1 gelding, well broke, weight 1600, one of the best teams in Box Butte county. mi 1 sorrel gelding, coming 3 years old 1 black gelding, coming 2 years old On account of not having enough help I will sell my entire herd' of dairy cows, consisting of 25 head of young tuberculin tested Hol- stems. J. A. REIMAN Owner of 12 months time will be given tlon of Alliance, Nebraska, Is rialn tlff and Francis T. Harrey and Ev O. Harvey, his wife, Sang C. Reck, and Grace M. Reck, his wife, S. A. Foster Lumber Co., H. W. Johns Manvllle Company, a corporation. Midland Glass and Paint Co., a cor poration, and John Ditsch, are De fendents. I will at 10 o'clock A. M., on AprH 9, 1917, at the west door of the Court House iq the city of Alliance, Dox Butte County, Nebraska, offer for sale at public auction, the following described lands and tenaments, to wlt: Lots 5 and 6, Block 6, Hitch cocks, Hills and Snedikers Additioa to Alliance, Box Butte county, Ne braska, together with all the appurt enances there unto belonging. Given under my hand this 3rd day of March, A. D. 1917. C. M. COX, Sheriff. Burton & Reddish, Attorneys. 14-5t-807-814 CHAS, BAUER WILL" " QUITFARMING NOW Will Hold Closinx-oiit Sale Wednes day, Man h 21 l.arge Crowd Ki rated Wednesday, March 21, Is the dat set by Cnarles Bauer, Sr., for hla public sale. Mr. Bauer has decided to quit farming and has leased hla farm. The sale will be held at the farm, which is located four miles north and three miles east of Alli ance. A free iuncn win oe serve at noon and immediately afterward the Bale will commence. Col. Cour sey will cry the sale. Twenty-six head of horses are list ed besides an abundance of farm ma chinery, chickens, etc. Read th display advertisement for the sale la this issue of the Herald. It wit pay you to attend this selling if yos are In the market. There should b a big turnout Wednesday. The Difference Between the Cost of Good and Cheap Printing is so slight that he who goes shopping from printer to printer to secure his printing at a few cents less than what it is really worth hardly ever makes day laborer wages at this unpleasant task. If you want good work at prices that are right, get your job printing At This Office Forty 1 two-row Cultivator 2 Sets Buggy Harness Some Household Goods on bankable paper drawing 8 C. J. WILDY and P. S. POTMESIL, Clerks First National Bank, Hemingford