ALLIANCK IIFJIALD, MAIUJ1I 1, lOlf A 1 The GREATEST Phonograph OFFER rado By The Greatest Piano House Tho SchmoIIcr & Mueller Pisno Co., of Omaha Anybody can own a Columbia Grafonola the worlds oldest and best phonograph and start the New Year with music in if the home if they will take advantage of our unprecedented oiler of no money duyyn -30 days free trial 2 to 3 years to lay. Write at once for our special in ducement to first buyers and see what a wonderful proposition we have in store for you. m mm -A ; Lloyd's Column THI3 FINE CABINET GRAFONOLA and 18 selection. (9 double records) of your own choice, in Oak, Mahogany or Walnut, piaao finish, 42 inches high, I9J inches square with compartment (or records, only $80.85 Fill out tbi Conpua lor dialog and Full Inlormslion. SchmoIIcr & Mueller Piano Co., 1311-13 Parnatu St., Dinahs' Neb. Pleaae tend me catalog and full particulars how to try Columbia Grafonola tree ia my home, also information shout your unexcelled payment offer. t Name .............. ..... ........................... ...... Address. 133 KjBJHMEl Wfl'llll litlJUWIUlMHa CHBBsSm or "Wi WW iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'iiiiniiiimiiiiiiima, Built on the proven Ford Vanadium Steel chassis, the Ford Sedan adds comfort and cxclusivencss to durability, simplicity and economy of operation and maintenance! about two cents a mile. A real fam ily car that fills all social demands. Appeals strong ly to women who drive. The Runabout $345 ; Tour ing Car $360; Chassis $325, f. o. b. Detroit. On sale at FORD GARAGE Keeler-Coursey Company GAS, OIL, STORAGE n Kterfc "Q How it looks when illustrated 'She sat down on tin' old man prct- tv haitl." The Bread Line Not tlie hreml line familiar to residents of large cities when' tliousands are ont of employment and starving, but a line of our prosperous citizens, such as may often he seen, leaving this bakery with our good bakery goods. Join the Procession F. F. PHONE 649 STEPHENS BAKERY 207 BOX BUTTE AVE. Kli)iiic Without Ilcason There was a young fellow named Frank Who put iifty cents in a bank; Then ho went every day To see when they'd pay The intercut on what he sank. There were two young women named KlliS, Who He husbands woro awfully Joul ous; "When this way," they Buid ' Our hubbies are led Of their undyiny passion to tell ua." A bungalow near Manitou, Has cciliugB but six feet or so, It is botched every way, And that's why people nay "The place is well named Bungle-low." It has occurred to us that a news paper ia much like a public school. Not one patron in twenty visits the school once a year, yet many of them are always ready to crltielso' it. The same is true with a newspaper. If every patron of a newspaper would drop Into the otlico once a week or in some way make known to tho pub lisher tho news they know, what a better paper most any paper would be. It was a week ago Sunday. There seemed to bo innumerable birds fly ing around stunned by the cold. She was from the city, visiting at the home of her uncle and aunt. "My! How many birds you have around thia place," she exclaimed to her un cle. "Yea"' he replied, "you see your autit is rather fond of birds and she plants a great deal of bird seed every year." A business man was commenting; this weokon tho one cent letter post- i age provision that was defeated in I congress recently. "You can talk j ahout cheap postal rates but I have ' seen 160 pounds go for one stamp. Cheap? I should say it was." "Where did you Eoe that?" "This morning. My wifo waa an gry, she stamped once. I got out." Would be poet. "I have a nice little poem here on "Appproachlng Spring," Just the thing for your pa per." Editor: "Well, we arc Just full now, but Would be poet: "Well, then, I'll call again when you are sober. Man ia a queoer animal. This week tho Commercial Club secretary told us of a fellow who had been run ning a bill with a local merchant for something over six months, giving him all of Ills credit business and spending his cash elsewhere. Hather a raw deal, wo should say, but one that the average business man exper iences often. L. W. BOWMAN rii)slclfin and Surgeon OFFICE: First National Dank Bldg. THONES: Office, 362; Residence. 16 PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER At The Herald Office KKAKONAI'LE HATES. PHOMPT SKKVICK GEO. O. GADSBY ' Licensed Kmbnlmer PHONE: Day. 498; Night, 610 ALLIANCE : NEBRASKA During the course of a conversation the other day our friend remarked, "Any man would rather be a willow's second husband than her first." Think It over. The writer krrows a woman who will attend a club meeting every af ternoon in the week, about, and then wonder why her husband, who works through the day, wants to go to a lodge meeting at night once in a while. Perhaps you know one also. That son or daughter who ia at tending school or college away from home would apppreclate the home paper week after week. Let the Her ald enroll their names now. And now they are telling this one on him: It seems that friend wife had one kind of a liniment or paten medicine that she used as a cure-all. She used it to get relief from every ache and pain. The other night her "tummy" pained her. Friend hus band obediently got the liniment bot tle from out the cabinet and after a thorough application of this wonder ful pain killer, the '"tummy" was at peace with tho world. The botttle of liniment was placed on the table and the next morning it was found that the bottle contained blueing. Who Kiiowk? Father! Nobody knows where I he money goes. Nobody knows, nobody knows! Frills and frorks. Silks and smocks. A bit of a feat her. A new dad of leather. A ravishing hat, A sporty cravat, Some powder, sortie cream, A gown that's a dream Hut nobody knows that it goes for clot lies; No hod v knows, or nobody knows Hut father! New York Herald. "Ah." sighed the boarder who was given to rhapsodies, as they sat down to Sunday dinner, "if we could only have one of those turkeys what we used to raise on the farm when I was a boy! "Ph. well," said the pessimis tic hoarder, "perhaps this chicken is one oi" your hovhood pets. You nev er can t MI. I Sirith: "Say, Jones, your wife is a graduate of the "V" isnt she?" Jones: "Yes." Smith: "How many tongues is she mistress of?" Jones: "Only one, but that's a rustler." He made no effort to preach a ser mon on tobacco or booio, though he uses neither of them. He ia a ranch man, and always when you see him in town you can't hellp but wonder at his cheery disposition and enviable robust health. Appparently he has never had a worrry In his life. He always carries a smile, and tho im pression he leaves with one is of abso lute contentment a man at peace and ease with himself and the world. This week we learned why. He told us unhesitatingly that he was not burdened with wealth. "In fact," he said "I have to work every day, but I enjoy working. Eat? You bet I can eat three times a day and all they put before me each time. My work creates an appetite and it is not. dulled by either tobacco or booze. If some men knew half the enjoyment these things rob them of at their meals, they would never touch them again." HEALERS HAVE HEARING hrugless Healing Practitioners .Make lYolet Against rending Mea sure of Medical Doctor The following item was sent to the Herald for publication in last week'n paper, but was Inadvertently over looked. As we desire to be perfectly fair to both sides of any controversy and give fair representation to those that are of general interest, we pub lish the article this week: Lincoln, February '20. Two factions of the medical doctors are quarreling over pending hills to reorganize t he s'nte board of health. One of these bills appropriates ?25,Oi)0 to meet the expenses of the board and most of the fund, it la said, would he expended in overhead charges. The opponents or the bill assert doubt as to whether Its provisions would, if enacted, have mtidi effect in conserving the public health. Ore faction of doctors is op posed to some features of the hill be cause they were suggested or dictated by one or more otli'-ials of the U. S. federal public health service, whose policy it is to put the medical doctors In absolute control of all ?tate and local bonrds of sanitation and public health. The advocates of the science of drurrless healing have had several conferences on the subject, with a view of inducing t he legislature to IMPKHIAL ORCHESTRA H Pieces Member of A. P. of M. H. A. DU BUQUE, Mgr. M. 11. W'HALEY, Director Concert and Dance Work im Famous Collins JUUUlf tjj Best saddle made. Have stood the test for 50 years. Write for free catalogue. Alfred Cornish & Comp'y Successors to Collins & Morrison. 12IO I'arnnm St., Omaha, Neb. Jump from Bed in Morning and Drink Hot Water Tells why everyone should drink hot water each morning before breakfast L. A. II K K It LAWYER Phone 0 Room 0 liumcr Mock Alliance, Nebraska J. JEFFREY, D. C. Ph. C. A. O. JEFFREY. D. C. ' CHIROPRACTORS OFFICE HOURS, 10 A. 8 P. Is NKW WILSON BLOCK Geo. J. Hand.n. D. A8TII AM A and HAY FEVER Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat PHONE 251 Calls answered from office day night. THOMAS LYNCH Att'y-at-Law 1619-1621 City National Baas Building OMAHA Special Attention to Live Stock Claims Professional Photographer Quality Portraits Interior and Exterior Views Kodak Finishing Enlaiging all Styles M. E. GREBE, Proprietor ALLIANCE ART STUDIO Phone Red 165 Why Is man and woman, half the time, feeling nervous, despondent, worried; some days headachy, dull and unstrung; some days really incapaci tated by illness. If we all would practice inside-bathing, what a gratifying change would take place. Instead of thousands of half sick, anaemic-looking soula with pasty, muddy complexions we Bhould see crowds of happy, healthy, rosy cheeked people everywhere. The rea ton Is that the human system does not rid itself each day of all the waste which it accumulates under our pres ent modo of living. For every ounce of food and drink taken into the system nearly an ounce of waste material must be carried out. else it ferments and forma ptoniaino-lilce poisons which are absorbed into the blood. Just as necessary aa it la to clean the ashes from tho nirnace each day, before the fire will burn bright and hot, so we must each morning clear pnint them a fair representation on i the Inside organs of the previous day's the slate board. They contend that rearly 0 per rent of the people of Nebraska make use of the arts of drugless healing as distinguished from medicine, and that the percentage Is increasing. For this and other rea sons they nsk for representation on the hoard. They have laid the mat ter before Gov. Neville in the hope that his sympathies may he enlisted. These several schools of scientific healing have formed an alliance for tho purpose of preventing antagonistic legislation. They advocate the policy of medical freedom and at the con ference here today they decided to send out requests to their friends all over tho state to write to the legis lators praying for fair treatment in the matter. One of the speakers accumulation of Indigestible waste and i body toxins. Men and women, whether ; sick or well, are advised to drink each ! morning, before breakfast, a glass of I real hot water with a teaspoonful of I limestone phosphate in it. as a har"i- I less means of washing out of the Men are strange creatures. They will spend an hour hunting a collar button instead of having an extra supply and letting their wifo lind the i missing one. ion never see a wom an look for a hatpin she drops. Her husband finds it when he walks around in his hare feet. Money makes the mare go, a bar gain advertisement in the Herald makes the woman go, and a. green pepper makes the man-go. stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels the Indigestible material, waste, sour bile and toxins; thua cleansing, sweeten ing and purifying the entire alimen tary canal before putting more food into the 6tomach. Millions of people who had their turn at constipation, bilious attacks, acid stomach, nervous days and sleepless nights have become real cranks about the morning Inside-bath. A quarter pound of limestone phosphate will not cost much at the drug store, but is (stated that our state constitution for- ! sufficient to demonstrate to anyone, ' bids the establishment of a state re-' 18 cleansing, sweetening and freshen- ligion. thus laying down a principle ,UB CI,e u,Mm lne ieni I which must protect the people against the establishment of a state medicine. which the medical doctors are trying to do as evidenced by the provisions of pending bills. Doc Baldwin of St. Louis has found there are 60,000,000 bacilli germs in a teaspoonsful of street dust. New the question ia who did he have count them for him? DYE & OWENS Transfer Line HOUSEHOLD GOODS moved promptly, ana Transfer Work solicit d. Dray Fken M KMldtaet phont t&t ud Bit 174 Close by Broncho lake with the sunlight retlecting itself Joyously from the ice over the surrounding country, they sat in silence following an hour's skating Harry and Laura drinking in the glorious beauty of the scene and communing with na ture in one of her chosen shrines. Afar in the west the sun seemed to linger at the horizon's brim aa if un willing to shut out from his gaze the lovely landscape that glowed with a softened and evxen melancholy radl ence in his departing beams. A thrilling cry burst from the lips of the beautiful girl. "Harry! Harry!" she almost shrieked. "What ia it darling?" lo asked, placing his arm tenderly around her waist. "Haa the roniatic. yet op pressive, loveliness of the scenery saddened your spirits " "No, Harry! she screamed, waving her hands wildly and making a fran tic Jad at the small of her back. "'. think it's some kind of a bug." A sign reads. "Shoes shined inside. Most persons prefer the old way of blacking them on the outside. LESS MtAI f BACK AND KIDNEYS HURT WHEN INOMAHA VISIT THE iflrt I lrT7. "Omaha's Fun '3arwSr Centre" Brand Now Show H,,.,-,, n.iwi EVERY WEEK Cilia. Clitrf En!rtlnmfit. tt"ytxfr Gdis. Ask Ants DIME KAPHtE OHILT . DONT CO HOME SAYING' I DIDN'T VIS IT THE GAYETY ILLUSTRATORS- ffj, ! H. A. COPSEY Physician and Surgeon Office Phone. 360 Res. Phone, 34 Calls answered promptly day and night from office. Offices: Alliance National Bank Building, over the Post Office. A BIG SALE OF CATTLE Splendid Hunch of Hcrefords and Shorthorns at Auction in Carload lots at Minatare, Nebraska I Take a glass of Salts to flash Kidneyi if Bladder bothers you Drink lots of water. Eating meat regularly eventually pro duces kidney trouble in some form or other, says a well-known authority, be cause the uric acid in meat excites the kidneys, they become overworked; get sluggish; clog up and cause all sorts of distress, particularly back. u he and mis ery in the kidney region; rheumatic twin ges, severe headaches, acid stomach, con stipation, torpid liver, sleeplessness, bin hier and urinary irritation. The moment your back hurts or kid neys aren't acting right, or if bladder bother you, get about four ounces of Jad Salts from any good pharmacy; take a tablespoonful in a glass of wutcr before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of grHpea and lemon juice, combined with litliin. and h;ta been iimhI for generations to Hush clogged kidneys and stimulate them to normal activity; also to neutralize the acids in the urine so it no longer irri- tftt, thua ending bladder disorders, ad Salts cannot injure anyone; r.e a delightful effervescent lithia- Urr drink which millions of men and women take now and then to keep the kidneys and urinary organs clean, thus avoiding serious kidney disease. A sale of cattle that will be of special interest to many readers of the Herald at this time of year will be held at Minatare, Neb., on Satur day, March loth. A quarter page ad vertisement of the sale will be found in this issue, to which we refer our readers for full particulars. It is needless for ua to say that an investment in cattle now is sure to be profitable, but we wish to call atten tion to the class of stuff that is to be offered at the above mentioned sale and to the high reputation for fair dealing of the owners Messrs. Lamb, Dodd and Whitehead, and the men who will conduct the ale. Ranchmen and farmers of western Nebraska who can handle one or more car loads of raV'e the coming season, in addition to what they al ready have, will do well to attend the sale at Minatare, Saturday of next week. Will outlast several steel tsnks ot several tanks made from other Ma terial, and cost less money. These tanks will keep the water cooler la summer and warmer In winter. Send for price list today. ATLAS TANK MFG. COMPANY. Fred lloisen, Manager, 1102 W. O. V. Bldg., Omaha, Nb When to Take ('linmhcrlaiii'K Tablets When you feel dull and stupid af ter eating. , When constipated or bilious. When ou have a sick headache. When you have a sour stomach. When you belch after eating. When you have indigestion. When nervous or despondent. x When you have no relish for your meals. When your liver is torpid. Obtainable everywhere. Adv mar C. E. SLAGLE, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Office phone, 65 Res. phone, 51 ALLIANCE : : NEBRASKA BURTON & REDDISH Attorueys-at-Law liand Attorneys OFFICE, First National Bank Blda PHONE 180 ALLIANCE : NEBRASKA LKT ME CKY FOK YOU" HARRY P. COURSEY live Stock and General Sales Specialist and Auctioneer FA KM SALES A SPECIALTY Terms Itoasonable PHONE 664 ALLIANCE : : NEBRASKA J. D. EMERICK Bonded Abstracter I have the only set of abstract books in Box Butte County OFFICE: Rm. 7, Opera House Blocs DR. D. E. TYLER Dentist PHONE 362 OVF.K FIHST NATIONAL HANK ALLIANCE : NEBRASKA