The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, March 01, 1917, Image 10

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rludinc the tlmo of going to and Mrs. E. A. Strand wife of engineer
News oi ;c Railroads
and of Railroad Men
from the place where such examina
'lion In made and the time required
Strand of Marnland, left Satudday to
upend a few weeks with her parents
to make a report thereof to said com-. In Missouri.
mission ;and in addition thereto the
I traveling and hotel expenses of such If. S. Melton, operator at Seneca,
I person Incurred outside of the state leaves Sunday for a business trip to
of Nebraska while so employed. 'Sedalia, Mo.
"Si-ctlon 2. Immediately after the
imu;vi:ntinj noisi; on .transportation mi.n
Trainmaster J. E. Jomnson left
Wednesday for Lincoln where he will
resume his old duties as engineer on
Another riddle, "How to Reduce
the Noise Incident to Train Operation
and Make Travel More Pleasant,"
bas been solved. Although car build
ers have heon sitting Up nights for
years trying to solve this baffling
proposition, no particular and prac
tical headway has been made. Af
ter much experimenting, C. II. Young
Chief mechanical engineer of the
Railroad men say that It Is no se- fore, and after such
. .. . ... ... ..... , lhave been approved
crei uiai m u u- ti... commission,
hills affecting the railroads now be-,,j10 corporation ,
fore the state legislature that one rrom WMO hau immediately remit
most feared Is that Introduced at the Tnp nnl0unt bo found due in the name
request or victor vnson, suue ruu-lt)r (n state treasurer to said rotn-
completlon of such work and report
the person making the same shall
prepare a sworn itemized statement
of the fees and expenses due ther- passenger. F. O. Guerley will take
statement shal . his place as trainmaster herr.
ns correct by
it shall be sent to
company or person
mission, on receipt of which reriiit
'tance said cottiniinlon shall pay tho
same Into the state treasury. Provid
ed, that said commission may in its
discretion require tli deposit with it
F. A. llively intends leaving the
seivlce about March 10th. L. L.
Smith of Sheridan will take his place
as Chief Clerk at Alliance. Perry
lluckles goes to Sheridan as Chief
Clerk, and his place here will be filled
by George Keough, who has been pri
vate secretary to W. F. Thiehoff of
Omaha, for the past several months.
J. P. Phelan of Sheridan has been
assigned to the position of trainmas
ter on the Casper Division.
. r i lit a .1
way commissioner. inoiwiuihihihi
ing that the senate has acted adverse
ly they still fear Its passage. It Is
on the general file In the house and
will come up for action later on. Tin;
Burlington route, announced the pro- hill provides that tho cost of making 0f ninnies suftlclent In Its judgment to
Auction of a car llooor that possessed Investigations on complaints may no roVor tj1P fees and expenses of any
unusual Insulation properties. This charged up to the railroads at the nontemplated Investigation as afore-
nnnr xnr flrmrltiir tni'ftllfr with ft rata of 110 nnr lliiv WOllld etl- I.I ll.n nonm In ha iv.liirniwl In tho
number of other unusual features for able the railway commission to put depositor on payment of amount sub-j F. L. Glvin has taken a position as
the comfort of travelers, has been as many men In the field at the ex- i equently found due or in lieu of clerk in the division superintendent's
embodied In a lot of new steel chair pense of the railroads as the com- BPh deposit, to require the giving of offlce.
tars, coaches, and smoking ears, Just plaints received might call for and to security for the same to be approved j .
placed In service on the nuriingion charge the expense up to ine roaa. hy said commission, Mrs. J. L. Bederman left Wcdnes-
says one writer. A Nebraska rail-1 "Section 3. The funds arising! day for Casper after a week's visit
road official says: "The day after j rrom the aforesaid provisions shall be j with Mrs. Harry Thlelo.
that bill becomes a law the commis-1 to defray or assist In defraying
sion could put one hundred men In the salaries and expenses of employes
the field at an expense of $1,000 a of commission, and the auditor
through trains
A sub-floor, consisting of sixteenth
Inch steel plate Is first applied, next a
layer of Insulating paper on top of
rhich Is laid a one-Inch course of
peclally prepared hair felt; then day to roads, and by the use of anyof public accounts is hereby author-
comes an air space of -16 Inch over
which Is placed a specially construct
ed '4 -Inch metal flooring, so shaped
us to provide an anchorage for the
composition flooring which is spread
over It. This flooring Is In reality a
army or Investigators could ouiid up Zed to draw his warrants therefore
a political machine that nothing aKutnst the general fuld in the same
could defeat. Tho railroads have manner in which warrants are drawn
much reason to fear this bill." for the payment of other bills.
The text of the bill follows: "Section 4. Whereas an emergen-
"Sectlon 1. Every public service, cy exists, this act shall take effect
Diagneslte cement, laid In a plaster corporation, common carrier, corpor-i and be in force from and after Its pas-
state. It sets, after standing, but al- atlon, company, dealer or person sub'
ways remains moro or less flexible, j Ject to the Jurisdiction or authority
And Is not, therefore, subject to dls- of the state railway commission, or
integration due to the continual concerning which said commission is
vinration. The aisles are laid with charged with the enforcement of any
strips of Interlocking rubber, placed law or duty, upon any Investigation,
flush with the composition flooring, examination or Inspection being made
'It Is obvious," said Mr. Young
"that a floor with a high Bound and
weather Insulation, which can be kept
clean and In a sanitary rondltion and
at the same time possesses econom
ical and durable qualities, is an Ideal
flooring. That we aro on the right
track and have Incroased the Joy of
traveling is plainly evidenced by the
gratifying remarks which panengers
have made about these new Burling
ton cars."
sage and approval."
of Its, his or their books, accounts,
records, property, effects or affairs of
any and every nature by any of the
examiners, experts, special agents or
r,4tmi amritnviiB nf antd nnmmlnulnn
thereunto specially authorized by The bridge was soon cribbed
A Burlington bridge near McDon
ald's spur, a short distance west of
Grand Island caught fire from sparks
from a passing engine before noon
Monday and burned. It caught Nos.
40 and 4 2, eastbound passenger train
behind It and made them somewhat
said commission, shall pay fees and
expenses of such Investigation, exam
ination or Inspection as follows, to
wlt: A fee of ten ($10) dollars per
day or major fraction thereof for the
time each person Is so employed, In-
IncliuliiiK Circassian Walnut
ami Mahogany Finish
Beautiful in Appearance and Tone Quality
Master Instruments at a Modest Price. Our plan of selling
direct from the factory to you, saves a middleman's profit.
Make your house a 110MK with music, cither a Piano vor a
All the New Sheet Music
up and these trains proceeded two to
four hours late.
C. C. Dye of Lakeside came into
Alliance Wednesday, to be given the
operator's examination, preparatory
to going out on the road as operator.
Max Fountain of Berwyn was ex
amined as an operator Thursday.
General Superintendent E. E.
Young left Wednesday on No. 303
for Sterling, returning on No. 302
Thursday morning. j
II. J. Hoagland. of W. F. Thiehoff's
office in Omaha, was in Alliance Sat
urday, talking over the new car serv
ice rules. I
J. R. Drent, Chief Electrician of,
Lincoln, was here Tuesday.
C. J. VanDuzen returned Saturday
from Douglas where he filed on a 640
acre homestead.
Claim Agent J. E. Tunnell and
Roadmaster Jack Gilmore were here
Wednesday and Thursday. '
Conductor M. .1. Colvin is laying
off and has gone to Taeoma. Was
(for a six weeks visit with his folks
m a
Itrakeman A. II. Bishop received
severe Injuries about the head and
also injured his arm when he fell
box car at Newcas-
Wlthln the past week the Burling
ton closed a deal with Woods Bros.,
of Lincoln for 115 acres of land ad
Joining the material yards at Have
lock. The land lies west of the
tracks and most of it north of the ma
terial yards with a small strip on the
west. The deal was known to have
been In progress for some time. Bur
lington officials will not talk regard- j f rom h f
Iiik the purchase more then to say!,. 0 '
that the land was bought and will bej1'" 0
made use of by the company In some! Mr Bn(1 Mrg- Henry Barger left thi
manner at some time. The peurchase wet,k for Sheridan where they will
of 115 acres added to what the com- j 1(,Sj(ie in the future as Mr. Barger
puny already owned in Havelock j work out of Sheridan instead of
gives it a total of 4 2 5 acres, uus- Kdgemont.
" la
tness men at Havelock believe the
Burlington intends to add new de
partments to the shops at Havelock.
Dispatchers O. E. Dowell and C. A.
Sprague, who have been working
tricks In Alliance the past few
months, left Sunday for Deadwood to
take permanent positions there.
Operator Biggerstaff went to Alli
ance Saturday to meet his wife and
two children who came up from Ra
venna and who will remain here aa
long as Mr. Biggerstaff works here, i
Mrs. Harry Shedden and littlo three
weeks old son returned last Friday
from the northern Hills much to the
satisfaction of Harry who has been
keeping bachelor's quarters for some
Dispatcher A. Gregory and son Clif-jtime an(j who was becoming Impatl
ford left Tuesday noon for an extend
ed trip through the east. They wil
visit Chicago, New York and other
cities, and also to visit some of the
large naval yards.
Dispatcher O. H. Newman and wife
ent to form a better acquaintance
with his little son. I
Brakeman James Lynch and wife
departed Saturday for their long ,
planned vacation trip at Chicago,
Minnmmnlia nnri Omaha and are
arrived In Alliance Tuesday to make iookjng forward for an enjoyable va
thls their home. Mr. Newman 1 cation trip. James has had stronu
take the position of Extra Dispatcher OU3 iaD01. on the railroad for a long
here. time while Mrs. Lynch has faithful-1
'ly performed her ranch duties near
R. V. Cox. who nas oeen acting a Argentine and consequently both;
Wiker Music House
Opposite Postofflce
dispatcher at Deadwood for the past '
several weeks, returned to Custer j
Thursday to resume his regular dut
ies as agent at that place.
Dispatcher A. J. Welch returned
this week from an extended trip thru
the south. He spent several weeks
in St. Petersburg and other points in
R. E. Jones, agent at Thedford.
transfers Saturday to agent at Sene
ca, on account or W. P. Wagner,
former agent at that place leaving
jthe service. Mr. Wagner has accept
ed a position with the Homeslake
: Mining Co., at Lead, S. D.
! R. B. VanVoorhia. agent at Edge
i mont spent Sunday with his parents
at Crawford.
Leo O. Wilcek checks In as agent
at ThedMrd temporarily, on account
of agent R. E. Jones being transferr
ed to Seneca.
feel they
are entitled to this vaca,-
Haieguaru Your Child
If your child la pale, dull, at times
flushed, Irritable and fretful you j
should attcui to this couditlon at
once as the chances arc your little
one Is suffering from worms. Klck
apoo Worm Killer Is what you should
get. This well known remedy In loz
enge form Is pleasant to take and ex
pels the worms at once, the cause of
your child's suffering. Only 25c. at
all druggists.
Adv 3
Engine 4007, an oil burner just
out of the shops at Havelock went
Into service on the Deadwood line
Indications that Final Revival Meet
ing of Season in Alliance Will
lie Well Attended
A number of revival campaigns
have been put on in Alliance within
the last few months, each of them
MntivH attracting much attention ana oeing
. ' i .'; i.. .. ., a i Aiiiunr-a ! inteiiHflv interesting to those who
Monday morning, and lett on a lor
Brakeman J. H. Riggs left Tues
day night for a few days visit in Den
ver. Conductor R. U. Marks has been off
the last few days on account of sick
ness. Conductor 0. D. Reed went over
to Torrington last week to spend a
few days on his ranch.
Conudctor M. E. Lander returned
to work Sunday after being off sever
al days on account of illness.
Cold Sores and
Fever Blisters ijfsjr
ore only outwvrd manifestations of the -f(
inflammation of the mucous surface
that lines ii. i ;:ij;',,the etoinnch and Agrafe!
an tne H'CcfH.o tiaet, but tney give
you eviaenco rf-lvow sore a membrane AjM3
may becom n a result of inflamma- yr
tion. which i . iisr'x mi ion of tho blood. V
rightfully c-ii . I a-'uto catarrh.
I? yr-u . :,?vr f,-ora such conditions don't let them becorro
chronic, &m't sua t!;o ri.;!i -f systemic catarrh.
Cieai" Up With PERUNA
Wh 1 1; cleared of all its poisons, the mcnibrancs sootlic.l
and healed, tho i ll I'oii? and your digestion restored, you will enjoy lite, fc.1
equal to r.!l its lv..U:. u:u bu at peace with the wot Id. Let reruna do for y.-j
what it did fur t..'s . ulcer:
Mrs. L A. Tattc-Mii, L23 Utah Avenue, Memphis, Ttnn. says:
" I hnve m n n K.-mt of Pi-ninn ' ir tniiny ynrr I hn used it i.fTind rn for cstnn-hal
complaint and i.ur.l it a vcr ti'? I have a si.uill f.iiu.lvoi children, limes
ur Imid with us. It'll I cun Mar.ely afiord t.i dn without fcrima. morri.illy durinR ihe
seanon of l!n- yar v lir. nil jlis and tnl l.i ur.- jirrvdU'Dl. W(j rtlwy rJ'.C'jmmead I crut'a
10 our in'lhlx""'.. ' ' ' K wfi: " ' i.' Ihwii ,, ij,'-
You uc . j 1 1 K-iTc" let.j't-r with 6urh a remedy at hand.
PlStCTIPlS...i:r. . .
rrutn can be obtained in tablet form.
You can carry it with you and take it y
lont .tirally and refularly for a remedy, or
e.s Heeded tor a preventive. Get a box today.
tyPrwo cU.M('tw &7v The Peruna Company, Columbus, Ohio
For Auto Owners
Put Your Car in Good Hands
No matter what work you may want done on your car, you
can rest assured that it will be properly done if it comes to us.
Only the most capable men are employed by us, and care
fulness is our motto. We treat every car we work upon exact
ly as though it were our own.
We will gladly quote you prices on storage with full serv
ice or part service. Or we can give you service without stor
age if you prefer.
Why not give us a trial and let the results determine fu
ture relations between us? Fay us a call and we can talk it
i n
Allen Rooming House
(Succeeding Box Butte Rooming House)
I have taken over the old Box Butte Rooming House. It is be
ing cleaned and made up-to-date.
C. A. ALLEN, Prop.
Brakeman V. L. Reddington re
turned to work Sunday after a few
days off on accouut of sickness.
Brakeman M. V. Porter left yester
day for Ashby to spend several weeks
on bis ranch.
Conductor C. I). Rider returned to
work Tuesday after being off sick.
attended. Indications are now tnai
th nurtps of revival meetings that
will be the most largely attended of
any in Alliance duriug this season
are yet to bo held.
On Sunday. March 2 5. Dr. C. S.
Nusbaum of Colorado Springs, one
of the most noted evangelists of
America, will begin a revival cam
paign in the First Methodist Episco
pal church. Alliance. The singing,
which is such an Important part of
modern revival meetings, will be
conducted by Mr. Folsom Jackson, a
popular evangelistic sii.ger who bas
achieved a reputation for successful
work In this line.
A more detailed announcement
will be made later, but two newspa
per clippings here will sufflco for
tho present to 6how the estimate that
la nut unon Dr. Nusbaum and bis
work where he has conducted reviv-l
Make a Malt by buying a lxt on
monthly payments. See Snoddy &
MollrliiK, agents for the Nebraska
State liuilding & Ixau Co, tf
Public Stenographer
Alliance Herald Office
Work neatly and accurately done
PRICES : Two hours or less, 25c for each fifteen minutes
or fraction thereof; more than two hours, 75c per hour. 119
Box Butte Avenue. Phone 340.