ALLIANCE IIKUALD. FKIIIUAItY t.V 1017 1 3, I ECZVZX The GREATEST Phonograph OFFER Made By The Greatest Piano House The Schmollor & Mueller Piano Co., of Omaha Anybody can own a Columbia Grafonola the world oldest and best phonograph and start the New Year with music in the home if( 'icy will take advantage of our unprcv nted rfl'.r of no money down 30 , ; free f ri: 1 2 to 3 years to pay. Wn. : o: ft.r our spvehl in ducement to irst i . ?rs and sets what a wonderful proposu't .. have in store for you. Lloyd's Column :muutumuntuxxxtxmtmnunsnu THIS r:C CABtNKT C.RA .VML A m.J l-Uilccuons (9 doi.'.de records) of your own choice, in Onk, N"ahf.'.:ny or Wul"iit, piano finuh, iZ iacbn high, 19 J inches square with torn, . m : incut (or records, only $30.55 Pil! ut Ihia Coupon lor Catalog unit pull Information. Schmoller & Mueller Co., 1311-13 Furnain St., Omaha Neb. Please son J nic catalog ot'J full p-irtieidiir how to try a Columbia Orufonola free in my home, bIho information nbout your unexcelled payment oiler. Name. AddrrR-- ..................... . 133 3 Xs. More than a million Fords arc now in every day use, everywhere. Here are some Yeasons for this reniark ahlu record quality service reliability low price economy of operation ami maintenance ami the character ami responsibility of the, Company the Ford is certainly the only Uuniversal Car. KuiT about $:ihri; Tourinj? Car ..'Ui(t; f. o. b. Detroit. On sale at FORD GARAGE Keelcr-Coursey Company GAS, OIL, STORAGE This Mark Twain story might, have happened. It dates bark to the period when Mark was living in Hart ford, on the next block from Harriett Berrher Stowe and her huebnnd, Pro fessor Stowe. - One cold and blust ery winter morning, after on unusu ally heavy snowstorm, a neighbor, meeting Mark on the street, slowly plowing his way thru the drifts, with a corncob pipe in his mouth and a snowshovel over his shoulder, asked him where he was bound. "Oh, Just around the block an errand of mer ry," drawled Mark, removing the pipe from between his teeth and pointing over his should"r with the stem of it. "Mrs. Stowe has just tel ephoned mo that Professor Stowe is under the weather this niprning, and I'm on my way round there to shovel him out." The conductor of the IjoimIoii mo tor bus now and ana in seizes a ureal occension. It was a dark night, and a lady, laden with many parcels, boarded the bus. She was carrying an electric torch, and, not bcnlg used to the Instrument, found difficulty in extinguishing it. Again and again she tried, meanwhile sending dazzl ing flashes in nil directions, now on to some fellow travelers and anon thru the windows or the open floor. At last the conductor could stand it no longer. "For 'ravens sike, muni" an exclaimed, "put it nwy, or we'll be arrested. Copper'lll tike us for a 'Un tank." Hast us Johnson becjime converted a ramp-meeting. A few weeks later he met one of the exhorters and said: "Yo' doan' want me to 'sociate wid wicked men no mo', does yo'. Mistah Meekly. "No indeed." "Well, s'poie if one nigger kick anudder on de shins, whali it hurts he wurs', ain't it wicked fo' him to kick hack?" "Certainly, certainly." was the puz zled reply. "Den ah ain't gwine 'sociate wl 1 dat Sam Ilrown no mo' He's too wicked. Ah los' ma tempah dis iiiawnin' try-in" to 'duce him to jine de church. In mail escitcincnt ah kicked dat niggah on de shins, an' he up an" kicked me back ag'in. I 111 Jf -rCST l a f rtlltllllllIllIllHIHIlinilIttlHllUtUUKKttttfttttttt was chnrfeded for a year to ip-ri'e between the Atlantic nrd South Pa cifir hi $lnr..nno a month. l-'lUllg Pn-tli) tioiift In Friar Haeo.t predicted llyims would 'shortly' become n p'n ral practice, and Hi'-hop Wilkin in 16.12 said. ' It will ji l be as lo hear a m.i n en II for his wings v 'n h he is going on a Joiirm as it is imn to hear him call for his boots." Ilh.tiiifs Without I ten son There w:is a you.ig lady named Miry, Whose moods with ach hour wonid vary. When asked why so cross, She said with a to.ia: "Men notice a girl that's contrary."' "Deaf dumb bline," read Mr. Saucers. "Here my good man, lake this quarter." Begun r: "You lie! Dat's n nicklo you tier." "Darling," she said, weeping "when we were married five years ago, I never expected to see you com ing homo at 1 o'clock in the morn ing." "Well, you wouldn't now, m dear," he replied, "if you'd only go to sleep earlier." PcIMh of Philosophy Not all bald men are deen think ers, i To slop over with praise Is to prova ' yourself insincere. I One mark of being n good citizen is sharing your auto with the neigh-! bors. i Thot-e high-f opned shoes for woni-j en cover u multitude of sins as well as shins. An careful gossip won't harm any body as Innn a you don't spill it out of your incut h. Do somebody kindness every day. Your singing heart will pay the bill. Everybody will be interested in yuo, if you are interested in every body. Bigness of body doesn't necessar ily mean biirness of character. Men don't be afraid of vampires. They're harmless unless you are will ing 'o he lured. ' Clean thoughts make clean lives. If you want to be called a crank disagree with everybody. L. W. BOWMAN Physician and Surgeon OFFICE: First National Hank Bldg. PHONES: Office, 362; Residence, lb DR. D. E. TYLER Dentist PHONE 362 FIKST NATIONAL HANK ALLIANCE : : NEBRASKA PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER At The Herald Oflice 111 ASONAHU: KATES PltoMPT SERVICE V.'ill outlast several steel tanks o several tanks made from other it 'erlal, aud cost less money. Tbea tanks will keep the water cooler It summer and warmer In winter Senr for pi ice list tooay. ATLAS TANK MFO. COMPANY. Fred ISolsen, Manager, 1102 V. O. W. Illdjr.. (hnah. Nh L. A. II E R It T liAWYEIt Phone 9 Alliance, Itoom 0 Kunier Illock Nebrask JAMES M. KENNEDY DENTIST Nitrous Oxide Administered PHONES: Office, 23; Res., Black II FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDQ. ALLIANCE : : NEBRASKA J. JEFFREY, D. C. Ph. C. A. O, JEFFREY. D. C. CHIROPRACTORS OFFICE HOURS, 10 A. M. to I P. M NEW WILSON ULOCK Geo. J. Hand.n. D. A 8 T II A M A and HAY FEVEK Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat PHONE 251 Calls answered from office day night. 04 Duncan Mcljierson was sent to an outpost to observe any move of the i neiiiv. With rille and a few bonMis he took his lonely stand. Suddenly he observed in the darkness the ap proach of an enemy scouting parly, lie opened tire. The enemy charged. Emptying hi rille, he Hung a few bombs and the while maintained a frightful yelling defiance, threats, commands. Believing themselves facing a substantial entrenched force the attackers retreated, leaving ele ven dead on the field. Macpherson v:ne oil with a slight (lcsli wound, and was awarded a medal for brav ely. The comma tiding otlicer wound up his brief address with: "And a ood day's work it was sir. in', said the gallant ami simple soldier, quite foruetting that he was on par ade, and perhaps a little piqued at hi.- performance being spoken of as a day's work: "tut, it (liln'a tak' ne twenty meenutes. ian l' ranciM-o Argonaut. to have space on which to sack'the straw. Y.i ate awfully busy out here and hve to conserve our energy. One of our neighbors had crossed lightning buns with bees and now he has homy in the i.-.aking iwenly-four houis in the day. We get so much butter fat at t lie collecting that we've) found it necessary to cross the milk weed and strawberry vine in order to nave strawberries and cream on ; our table. I was shelling old corn i ist week and the engine broke down. was in a hurry to get the job done and while the man was out putting , . , , .j t, a new wafer gauge on the 1 1 action Try Grandmother's Old Favorite j j:irke(, the rear truck of my au Recipe 01 Sage Tea and tomobile, threw the belt over one Sulphur. v w heel and shelled 1.700 bushels of corn. Wife swings the baby in a THOMAS LYNCH Au' 1519-1621 City National Bank Building OMAHA Special Attention to Life Stock Claims I ..... - .. - i . fcM1 GRAY HAIR BECOMES DARK AND BEAUTIFUL F tin ,i ! si u:.. i J . "why so HrtcsvA B ll rtf7.l 'i:i::wmiv.v MY N j V : V l . ,7 111 JMI KflSfalllMtttft w. "I :i lilt.'., iif e:-. l wei:. ew to ";l.i i I ce .i !. b- on one side, in on t lie i,, her. tried How it looks rhen illustrated "(Mi my, he's all dolled up." Let the Baker Do the Work Do the work, do the work The work that you should shirk You should shirk, you should shirk. YOU WILL BE THE GAINER Try Our Bread 'Twill then be plainer Let The Baker Do the Work Which You Should Shirk F. F. PHONE 649 S T E P h E N S BAKERY 207 BOX BUTTE AVE. 'i. i :i lill.'.e II ce .l !.' la! Wit: An. I I 1 1 1 coin lor which we ve To in.ik" n newsy paper lor I lie pi i pie of the land And wed like that half and dollar (tut lome folks have got it canned. There s a llow nunc the corner And 'one ethers out the way. Who ate ulways tellin" ve'uns That they're sure goin' to pay When they sell their wheat or titters But it surely beats the band. They entirely ferglt us "Til they git tlfir money canned. Almost everyone knows flint Snpo Tea nn.l Sulphur, proixrij- compounded. i)rin;s hiu-k the natural color and lustre to the hiiir when faded, streaked or rrav. Years ago the only way to got this mixture wax to make it at homo, which i mu?sv and troublesome. Nowadays we simply ask ns any drug tore for " vet lis ai.' nn.l Sulphur (.'eiin.oanil." You will get a hi ro bottle of tlii.H old time recipe improved bv the iiil.lil'uni of other iliJleiluiit for about p() cents. ICvcrj uses this prepara tion iiiav, l.eeau Co one can po.-sih.y tell that you il irketie.l ;iqr hair, as it dm; it no "iiiitur.. .ly and -. Lilly, Vi a .bmpuii a spongo or oit. hru-'i with it mi-! draw this through jour !"'ir, lukiutr ' f-'i- ib stiand at i. time: ev inerui w' t ray hair disapf'carA, and after another a;.j'!! cation or two, vour hair lu-comcs beauti fully dark, thick and glossy and oii look years votmger. w veins uge ami Sulphur Compound ia a di-lightlul toilet xiiiiiaite. It la not inU'iiUed tor ttie cure. uiiligation or prevention of disease, t hammock swung between a couple of young trees In the back yard. We have to equip the hammock with a rope and n 'tackle because the trees and tie-' baby grow so fast. If we didn't we wouldn't reach high enough to touch the hammock and - if we could the baby would be too heavy to handle with ease. Last week I was raking down a radish bed in the gard n with u reke that hail four.bro kenleeth. Wife called me to the house for something and I stuck the handle of the rake in the ground be fore I went to the house. When 1 got hack an hour later the rake had' crown four new teeth and I bad to trim the limbs off the handle before I could use it. Tills is the greatest country you ever saw and the sooner you pull yourself loose fro;:i those stony fields of yours and get out here the better off you will bo. Professional Photographer Quail))- Portraits Interior and Exterior Views Kodak Finishing Enlaiging all Styles M.t E. ;iti:ilE, Proprietor ALLIANCE AUT STUDIO Phone Red 165 WHEN INOMAHA VISIT THE SJPrVf Zji tf "Omaha's Fun XSAJL4tf,il$ Centre" Brand Nw Show SSupiH t Pltoi refttlC EVERY WEEK fai'Skal b'JBl.ESQUE dun, Ciiifj S.-i'ii-tstif fM. FTo'y f. it. Ask Anrbettl Luas' t:.v.t tv-i.Uc cv.r DON'T GO HOME SAYING: 1 DIDN'T VISIT Tr!E GAYETY illustrators- C1 WAS THERE AS AN ADVANCE AGENT DYE & OWENS Transfer Line Or else the market busted. And they didn't sell the stuff nr when t hev saw the boodle They thought there weren't enough To satisfy their longings rash and eewgaws grand And we didn't get the half and dollar Or perhaps they have u cannea So the editor still subsists On the cheapest grub on sale And hopes and prays for money And watches every mail Thinkin" some day, somewhere. Will open up his hand And send us that half and dollar Before he gets it canned. 1 Promises are nice to get And we have a pood supply And we're still a livln" on "em. But no matter how we try The promise soup is purty thin And don't fill our belly-band So kindly come across once more Before you get your dollar canned. v,.i.f "Hero i3 the bill of fare 01,1 Times! "No. thank ye. 1 don't keer to read until I've had somethin' to eat." Clara (exhibiting photograph) How do you like it?"" lli'iie: "It is perfectly lovely. " no think it is a good likeness? "O no. it doesn't look a particle lit, von vnu know: but I would not mind that. Clara; you are not likely to have such luck again if you sat a thousand times." "Excuse me," he said as he bit off the end of a cigar and held out his hand to secure a liglit irom me u.un who was smoking. "Beg pardon." "I said excuse me." WIV, oortalnlv AlWaVS Wililllg tO Central Nebraska Fanner Spreads it 011 Thick in Writing to New England Friend QUIT rffl IF YOUR KIDNEYS AST BADLY Take Ublespoonfol of Salts if Bock burta or Bladder bothers Drink lota of water. " II. A. C0PSEY Physician ami Surgeon Office Phone, 3C0 Res. Phone, 341 Calls answered promptly day antf night from office. Offices: Alliance National Bank Building, over the Post Office. toft 1 HOUSEHOLD GOODS mored promptly, and Transfer Work solicit ed. Dray Phona 4 Residence phona 636 and Blia 17 4 The Beaver City Times-Tribune tells of a central Nebraska farmer who still clings to the rock ribbed hills of New England and told him of the wonderful fertility of Nebras ka. He said, among other things: We have a dirt floor in the barn. and we have to mow it every morning to find the horses so we can curry them. Talk about Jack and his won derful beanstalk I hung my hat on a cornstalk a few minutes while I rested in the shade, and when I woke up I had to go to the house and get an ax to cut the stalk down. It had grown so fast that I couldn't reach my hat. When the stalk fell it made such a dent in the ground I had to bridge it over to get to the other side of the held. A neighbor family had twins babies and had provided only one small cradle. The babies had to take turn about sleeping on the floor, and care umst be exercised in keeping up the rotation regularly. If one baby should sleep on the floor close to the soil more than the other one it would grow twice as fat. When we stand still we must take care to keep both feeet on the ground. If we didn't the on on the ground would grow so much faster it would bother us in walking. One railroad was enabled to declare extra dividends last year on the saving made in railroad spikes. It sowed shingle nails along the right of way in the fall and they grew Into spikes in time for the spring track repairing. I'd give anything if we c ill (1 grow pumpkins on our farm but we can't. The vines grow so fast they wear the pumpkins out dragging them over the ground. Early in June I cut ninety tons of alfalfa from my We are a nation of meat eaters and our blood is filled with urie acid, says a well-known authority, who warns us to be constantly on guard against kidney trouble. The kidneys do their utmost to free the blood of this irritating acid, but become weak from the overwork; thoy pot sluggish; the eliminative tissues do nnd thus the waste is retained in tha blood to poison the entire system. When your kidneys ache and fro! li!;e lumps of lead, and you have stinging eiiins in the back or the urine is cloudy, full of sediment, or the bladder is irri table, obliging you to seek relief during the night; when you have severe head aches, nervous and dizzy spells, sleepless ncss, acid stomach or rheumatism in bad weather, pet from your pharmacist about four Minces of Jad Salts; take a tablcrpoonful in a glass of water before breakfast each morning and in a few days your kidneys will act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with lithia, and has been used for generations to flush and stimulate clogged kidneys, to neutralize the acids in urine so it is no longer a source of irritation, thus ending urinary and bladder disorders. Jad Salts is inexpensive and cannot injure; makes a delightful effervescent lithia-water drink, and nobody can maka a mistake by taking a little occasionally to keep the kidneys clean and active. Famous Collins C.JJI. jauuie zit Moat an rid la "J made. Have stood the test for 60 years. Write for free catalogue. Alfred Cornish & Comp'y Successors to Collins & Morrison. 1210 Farnani St., Omaha, Neb. MBS. S1NCI.AIB AKUAN(ii:.S WOMAN SI FFKAtiE SCHOOL And he took the fresh cigar lighted twenty acre patch and then turned it. threw his old stump awey, mm he began on the new one he walked off with the rerfirk: 'Very good cigar sir very good. Of course I'll excuse you." The Worth of a Steamer in a drove of hogs. When 1 got ready to market the hogs I had to get the neighbors to help me find them the alfalfa had grown so fast it hid the hogs completely. They'd gained 150 pounds each without an ear of corn and I got $7.60 for them in An American steamer, purchased South Omaha, tut my wneai iasi by a San Francisco firm come two week. Had sixty acres and the yield years ago for $300,000, has Just been ' was so heavy I had to rent twelve sold for $1,500,000. Recently she acres extra from a neighbor in order .Mrs. r.lsie .Sinclair, Denver, is in Lincoln making preliminary arrange merit a for the school to be conducted for the suffrage workers of Ncbras ka next month. A school for workers of the South Platte district will be conducted in Lincoln during the first week in March and for the workers of the North Platte district in Omaha dur ing the second week in March. rr Kit 1 C. E. SLAGLE, M. D. Physician aud Surgeon Office phone, 65 Res. phone, 51 ALLIANCE NEBRASKA BURTON & REDDISH Attorneys-at-Law Land Attorneys OFFICE, First National Bank Bldg PHONE 180 ALLIANCE : : NEBRASKA "LET ME CKY FOB YOU" HARRY P. COURSEY Live Stock and General Sales Specialist and Auctioneer FA KM SALES A SPECIALTY Terms Reasonable PHONE 664 ALLIANCE : : NEBRASKA Our modern, sanitary cleaning and pressing costs no more that the other kind. Keep-U-Neai Cleaners, 205 Box Butte Avenue Phone 133. GEO. G. GADSBY Licensed Embalmer PHONE: Day. 498; Night. 610 ALLIANCE NEBRASKA J. D. EMERICK Bonded Abstracter I hare the only set of abstract books In Box Butte County OFFICE: Rm. 7. Opera House Block