The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, February 15, 1917, Image 8

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AI I IAX( K IIKHAI.O, FnuU'AHV 1.1, 1017
This Year Comes
Don't do as so many men have done in the past and wait until the week before Easter to order your Easter or Spring
Suit. Every order is a rush order then.
ORDER YOUR SUIT, pay a small deposit down, AND HAVE IT ON TIME
Detmer Woolens maV.c
the best tailored qan
merits. Ask ihc man
who knows" ta
205 Box Butte Ave.
Phone 133.
baby boy was born on Tuesday
morning to Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Mc-
W. E. Rousey returned Monday
from Omaha where he had been in
attendance at the state convention of
Nebraska hardware dealers.
a a a
Mrs. Elias Adams of Ellsworth
-came to Alliance the latter part of the
week. She accompanied her daugh
ter, Naomi, here, he daughter was
operated upon at St. Joseph's hospi
tal on Monday for appendicitis.
The Public library was opened for
a while Saturday afternoon so those
who had books out could return
A. B. Wheeler, proprietor of the
Western hotel, has leased the rooms
over the Famous and will sublease
$10.00 a month will buy you a
Dwelling Iot. See Knoddy & Moll
ring, agent for the Nebraska State
Building and Loan Co. tf
Mrs. Hand, mother of Dr. George
Hand, is reported to be seriously
Mrs. Frank Dunning, neo Inez Mc
Corkle, and little son left yesterday
for their home at Hysham, Montana,
following a visit here with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. McCorle.
John McCoy, M. D.
Office and Hospital
Reddish Block Telephone 81
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bronkhurst
have returned to Alliance and will
make their home here. Mrs. Bronk
hurst is at present assisting in the
oflice of the General Superintendent
of the Burlington here.
Mrs. Chas. Evans of Marsland was
n the city Saturday.
A new lot of Reo touring cars ar
rived Saturday for Sturgeon Bros.
They are all new models.
Real Estate. Loans and Insur
ance. F. E. REDDISH, Reddish
eiock. 15-tf -6727
Mrs. J. U. Rehder left Sunday for
Fort Logan for a visit with relntives.
a a a
Mrs. Fred Vaughan arrived In Al
liance Saturday. She had been at
Canton, Ohio, having been called
there by the Illness of her son.
a a
P. W. Harris returned from Lin
coln Tuesday. He went down Sun
day on buslnes.
Burnard Phelan Bhlpped 700 head
of cattle from here to Thedford Sun
day. The cattle were purchased
from Whitehead & Dodd.
W. II. Gates of Scottsbluff was in j
the city on business Saturday. He
is a merchant of that city.
Monday night a baby girl was born
to Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Mullendar.
List jour Farm, Itanrh or City j
rroHTt with us. We will sell it
for you. Snoddy & Mollring. tf i
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Wlker went
to Omaha Sunday and returned yes
terday. They went down to pur
chase and look over pianos, phono-!
graphs and supplies for the Wlker
Music House. t
At the Baptist church on Sunday
Feb. 18. the pastor A. A. layton will ,
npeak on "The Symbol or Sign of i
Baptism." The Men's Bible class wm
meet at 10 a. m., in connection with
the Bible School. Young people's
C l
i a
S3 -
S r
is v s
a 5,
; a
' M
5 a a
i 1 1 i 1 i B
meeting Is at 6:30 p. m. Evanee
listlc Bervice at 7:30 p. m. The
church extends a cordial wolcome to
Gertrude, the small daughter of H.
U. Carpenter, is 111 with typhoid fe
ver. Miss Ituth Layton left. Tuesday
night to visit her sister, Mrs. J. C. L.
Crooks at Denver, Colo.
Mrs. J. T. Nabb left yesterday for
Seward where she was called by the
illness of her daugter.
Oh, sure you know about it. That
dollar day of the Methodist Ladies
Aid. Next Wednesday, Feb. 21, is
the day. What about your poem on
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Johnson were ,
at Omaha the last of the week in at
tendance at the state convention of
hardware dealers.
The First Annual Family Day of
the M. E. Church in-Alliance will be , nnce and i now employed as book
observed on Sunday, Feb. 18. All keeper at Highland's grocery.
Methodist families and all who are
affiliated with this church are invit
ed to attend Divine service next Sun
day. It is desired that in so far as
possible all families sit together this
once. No special offering will be
a a
Mrs. Mlnnick, who was operated
upon at St. Joseph's hospital here,
has returned to her home at Ells
worth. a
Mrs. Clara Albro and daughter,
Miss Vera, left the city Sunday for
Akron, Colo. They will make their
home at Akron in the future.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Was re
turned this week from Omaha where
they spent a few days.
Dr. Maxflcld and H. M. Bushnell,
Jr., were visitors at Antioch Monday,
a a a
Mrs. T. B. Shrewsbury and daugh
ter. Miss Neil, who visited here last
week with friends, returned to their
home at Ellsworth Saturday.
a a a
Mr. and Mrs. Dick O'Bannon are
home from a week spent with rela
i tlves and friends at Seward, Kear
j ney, Big Springs and Julesburg.
Miss Irma Lotspeich is homo from
Lincoln where sho has been attend
ing school. She was compelled to
give up her school work owing to
nervousness. She is recovering nice
ly A. D. Rodgers Ml Alliance Sun
day for Lincoln where he went to at
tend a meeting of tn board of dir
ectors of the Ncbra . Retailers' As
sociation. He is a me ber of the
a a
Buy your candy at the Alliance
Electrical Works Saturday after
noon. All home-ma !o and fresh.
Clyde Curry and Mary Rust were
married Thursday nt Hot Springs.
Robert Graham left Tuesday noon
for Lincoln,
O'Bannon Brothers, live stock
dealers, shipped four . car loads
hogs from this city Inst week.
A 0 white of lloffland, who had
his hand mangled in one of the
crushers at the potash plpnt several
weeks ago, was In town Saturday
n , h,B nand C8r,.d for
Homer J. Gaunt of Ellsworth was
i town a part of last week.
Sam Trenkle was here from Ells
worth a portion of last week.
E. C. Wilkinson, special represent
ative for George Darling in his Ed
ison department, has moved his fam
ily to this city. Mrs. Wilkinson and
the two children arrived in the city
C r ! i i
Mr. and Mrs. II. L. Wilcox and
daughter, Helen, left Tuesday for
eastern Nebraska.
Dean Shaw is in McCook attending
a convention.
Mrs. J. A. Madden and small
daughter and Mis. Emma Conklln
arrived In the city Saturday and are
visiting friends here this week. The
ladies are sisters.
W. J. Root was in Alliance th
last of the week. He has accepted a
position as cashier of a bank at
Lodgcpole. He returned to this!
city to pack his household goods and
nove the family to their new home.
a a
J. E. Rice and daughter, Ruth, are
enjoying a visit at Omaha this week.
They went to Omaha on Monday.
There is a great scarcity of houses
in "Alliance. People are living In all
kinds of places and claniering for
desirable houses or rooms. Thoae I
who have houses to rent or roon s to)
rent, whether furnished or unfur-i
nished, can get renters by applying
to the Alliance Herald. This paper
is unable to supply the demand. You
will be conferring a favor on the
renter and yourself by taking the
matter up with the Herald at your
first convenience. The Herald many
times rents places before the adver
tisement appears In the classified col
umns. It's service that counts.
" Mrs. Chas. Evans came from Mars
land Saturday for a visit here.
a a a
The N. P. Pool family of Marsland
were week-end visitors hero. They
returned to Marsland Sunday.
a a a
The Earnest Christian Workers
class of the Methodist Sunday school
will hold a home-made candy sale at
the Alliance Electrical Works Satur
day afternoon.
Use Herald Classified Advertise-
ments they get results.
Mr. and Mis. W. E. Spencer were
m Bridgeport Thursday where they
visited with friends.
Mrs. J. B. Knlest, who has been
Visiting with frifnrin in Omnhn fnr
several weeks, has ret urned tn Alii.
Have you something to sell? Try
a Herald Classified Advertisement.
a a
T. L. Burrow, employed at Miller
Brothers' store, left Thursday for
Lusk, Wyo., where he went to attend
to some land business.
Mr. and Mrs. Clark, together with
Miss Burmood, are now living in the
house at 618 Big Horn.
Mrs. Nancy McGinley and grand
daughter, Kitty Selton, are visiting
Mrs. McGinley'a daughter at New
Hampton, Mo. They left here
C. F. Fenner Is planning on get
ting Into the Ice business this spring
and has purchased an auto truck to
be used in the business. He has
been in the business in the past and
Is an experienced man.
C. W. Corp, a Burlington pipe fit
ter, has been transferred to Edge
mont and the last of the week ship
ped his household goods to that
Frank Hockett, a blacksmith at
the Burlington shops, has been trans
ferred to EJgemont.
Following a pleasant visit here
with Mrs. Joseph O'Conner, Miss
Haiuptob left Friday for her home at
Mrs. M. Shay and daughter Mar
garet returned Sunday from a visit
at Madison, Wis. They Intend to
leave in the near future for New
York, Boston and other eastern
A telegram received from Horace
tr TOD
J Waal a Clerk
Wa4 Tartacr
Waal a Sitaatioe
Waal a Sarvaat Girl
Waal lSlli PUaa
Waal I Soil a Carriafa
Waal la Sell Tawa fVsaarljr
Waal la Sell Tour GrecarWa
Waal la Sail T.r Hardware
Waal CaaUaara for AaytUai
Advartiaa Weekly ia Tbia Pper.
AaWtialaJ la Ike Wy la
IdWtlsiaf Brians Caati
Advertiaiai Keeps Caalei
AdvartiaiaJ lasvrae Sacceaa
Advarueial Showt Eaerly
A4artiaia Shows PI aca
Aivardaial U "Bia"
Advertise or Beat
Advertise Lea
Advertite WU
In Thi.'i Papei
Rogue states that he and Mrs. Rogue
leave New York tonight. They will
stop in Chicago enroute. arriving in
Alliance the first of the week.
a a a
The sivall child of Mr. and Mrs.
Empson of Lakeside who has been
seriously 111 at the Alliance hotel is
recovering. Mr. Empson spent Sun
day In Alliance.
H. Campbell Is In charge of the'
Standard Grocery delivery.
Mr. and Mrs. John Wlker return
ed Wednesday from a business trip
to Omaha.
a a
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Bnrnett re
turned Wednesday from New York
where they had been purchasing
spring stock for the Golden Rule
a a a j
George Young of Marsland was In
the city Saturday. .
a a a 1
Mrs. Russell left Wednesday night
for her home at Crab Orchard. Nebr.,
after visiting her daughter, Mrs. O.
R. Hale.
Mrs. Elias Adams returned'Thurs
day to her home at Ellsworth after
spending a week with her daughter
Naomi who was operated on at the
St. Joseph hospital last Monday,
a a a
' Mrs. .lack Hannoff returned to
Ellsworth Thursday aft"r spending
several days in Alliance for medical
a a
Vernon Copsey was operated on tit
the hospital yesterday for appendici
tis. Miss Bessie Wlntermuth of Ells-'
worth came up to Alliance Tuesday
to enter St. Joseph hospital to take
training for a nurse.
a a
'XBpsanx auuunjji 'Xnov isl
pO0MpB9(I OJ VM. H1KUOJ -fl B.lpJ
Tomorrow evening," Friday. Feb
ruary 16. Mrs. Ray Stansbury, ex
pression teacher with the Alliance
School of Music and also in charge
of the work of the declamatory con
test at the high school, will give a
recital of her own work at Reddish
hall. The recital is absolutely free
and Is one well worth attending. She
will be assisted by an Edison phono
graph. It is expected there will be
a large attendance at the recital to
morrow evening. v
0 0 0
The Latin Club of the Alliance
high school together with the faculty
members were delightfully enter
tained Saturday evening by Miss
Ethel Clary at the home of Mrs. R.
C. Pearson In the Flora apartments.
A short program was given which
was highly appreciated by all In at
tendance. Old Iitln games were
played. Liht refreshments were
0 0 0
Old papers for sale a; the Heralc
office. Pat jrs are done up in bun
dies at five and ten :ents a bundle
0 0 0
Sunday afternoon the postponed
concert to have been given by the
faculty of the Alliance School of
Music will be given at the Christian
church In this city. This is ene of a
series of concerts being given by the
faculty of the school, the program
Sunday dealing with the Germanic
influence upon music. This series
takes up the study of music as it
pertains to the various countries and
It affords nil who attend the oppor
tunity of learning something of the
boclnnlng and foundation of music,
thus affording them an opportunity
to h -tter understand the subject.
I 'our IHed In Hliinei)t Idling Jft
tilde of One and .Mondenlutll
(Jets Head of Another
' -rt Lalng is the proud possessor
of -j'i elk's hide, which he has aent
aw. v to have tanned. The last of
the week a car load of some forty
elk was unloaded at the stock yards
for feeding. Four of them died. The
shipment was in charge of the Wy
omlrg game warden and were being
taken to Independence, Kans., where
they are to be placed in a park. S.
G. Meudenhall, employed at the
luting clothing store, took the Job of
Eklnning the four elk and was given
one of the heads, which he s mount
ing. The elk came from the Jackson
Hole country In Wyoming. There
Is no feed there for them this win
ter and they have been bothering the
ranchmen to such an extent that the
ranchers have made traps for them.
The elk are great jumpers and can
go over the highest of fences. They
get to the hay stacks and make quick
work of the feed. While at the
stock yards here it was not an un-
i common thing to see them Jump over
' tho fences from one pen to another,
and It was some Job to care for them.
Don't Buy Coal
Buy Heat
There is no such thing as dissatisfaction when you
Phone No. 5
Messrs. M. J. McCarty and E. I.
Hannah of Omaha and R. L. Harris
and Walter Jones, of Grand Island,
officials of the Nebraska Telephone
Company, were In the city last week
on business connected with the com
pany. They were on a tour of in
spection covering the territory
through which the new proposed line
east to Broken Bow will operate.
L. S. Jackson, for five years em
ployed at the Darling undertaking
parlors, leaves Alliance Sunday for
Scottsbluff. He has accepted a posi
tion with McCreary Brothers, furni
ture dealers, and will have charge of
the undertaking department. Ray
Frost of Stanton, Nebr., has been
employed by Mr. Darling and he will
start his duties the first of the week.
Mr. Frost is a married man but has
as yet not moved his family to Alli
ance. Mr. Jackson will leave bis
family here until he can find a de
ferable home for them at Scottsbluff.
Make a Mart by bujlng a lot on
monthly paymentM. See Snoddy &
Mollring, agent for the Nebriuika
State Building & loan Co. tf
Inside Information i
the costly, valuable in
gredient that figurej
most prominently in al!
business deals.
1$ There is a wealth ol
"Inside Information' in
the want ads.
flMany business men
whose preeminent suc
cess is attributed to a
highly developed fore
sight and shrewdness,
are in reality making
daily use of this want ad
"Inside Information.
Parent of Worna.ii Who IVrUbe
With Children In UUzzard
Visited Here Yeeterday
Rev. Jones, pastor of the Metho
dist church at Morrla Bluff. Nebr.,
and Mrs. Jones spent a few hour M
Alliance Wednesday on their JouriM?
home from Forsyth, Montana, wbw
they went last week on receiving tb
Information that their daughter..
Mth. C. W. Mc Connell, and htr threw' "
children had frozen to death.
On reaching Alliance Rev. Jonev
immediately called up Dr. J. U. Carnrf
pastor of the First M. K. Church
this city and asked him to ome tt"
the depot and spend an hour wltt
him and his good wife, stating thai'
they were Just returning from burjr
ing their daughter and three grand'
children who were frozen to deatt'
lust week near their home.
The Forsyth Times Journal, f
which Rev. Jones had a ropy, gj
the folio lii ut count of th quadru
ple death:
The citizens of this eomuiiiuiryv
were shocked beyond expm.sIwV
Tuesd iy afternoon on learning of th
awful (rudt-gy wui.a .Mciut. l t, in
McConn 11 fa . ily Saturday mwi noet
30 miles nurili of Vauandii. Mr
C. W. McConriill has beeu leachlr?
schyol 5 miles from their fuiin, ii-
ing thir three children wild hi- n?wr1
doing light housekeeping ut tt
school house during the v.i.-k. !-'
urday it turned warm and it U 6UV
mlsed that Mrs. McConntll coiielu-v
ed to surprise her hu' b.aut at home
by a visit over Sunday ai:J started'
with the three children, two girls a4
a son. While on their way i.he oloritf'
that raged so severe all over this puif
of the state came suddenly upo
them (the mercury dropped 10 tl.
grees in a few minutes). They made
their way as best they could in i!t'
blinding snow unail a few huudrwtf
yards of their home' when they fell
exhausted where they froze to doaiKV
They lay there until Tuesday
m., when they were discovered by ih-'
husband who had concluded to go
the school house and pay them a vt
it. The people at the school sop'
posed they were at home on account
of the storm, while Mr. McConnii"'
thought they were at the school
houso comfortably situated. All four
were found dead together under
some sage brush.
The terrible ordeal for the fatherl
and husband came when he was com
pelled to load the four dead ones art
dear to him, Into his spring wagoi
and drive with them thirty miles t'
Vananda before he could reach as
sistance. Word waa sent here Ut
Coroner Booth who went tVanaud
Wednesday morning and viewed tbn
remains. He returned and started a
second time at noon with four cof
fins. funeral waa held the last of
the week, all four being burled in oa
i grave.