The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, February 15, 1917, Image 6

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    .i.wsi . .ikhaia. Kiamt'AiiY i . i i
Hot Water Each Morning .
Puts Roses in Your Cheeks
5 y
?! i
5" ' i
To look one' best and feet one's bpstUlimpntarv tract, before mittinir more
is to enjoy an inside bath each morning1 food into the stomach.
to flush from the Byntom the previous
nay a waste, sour fermentations ana poi
sonous toxin liefore it it nbnorlied into
the blood. Just as coal, when it burns,
leaves behind a certain amount of in
combustible material in the form of
ashes, so the food and drink taken each
day leave in the alimentary orpans a
certain amount of indigestible material,
which if not eliminated, form toxins and
poisons which arc then sucked into the
blood through the very duct which are
intended to suck in only nourishment to
untain the body.
If you want to seo the glow of healthy
bloom in your checks, to see your skin
get clearer anil clirer, you are told to
drink every morninr upon arising, a
glass of lt. water with a teaspoonful
of limestone phosphate in it, which is a
harmless means of washing the wate
material and toxins fro?n the stomach,
fiver, kidneys and bowels, thus cleans
ing, sweetening and purifying the entire
Girls and women with sallow- skins,
liver epots, pimples or pallid complex
ion, also those who wake up wiUi a
coated tongue, bnd teste, nasty breath,
others who aro bothered with headaches,
bilious spells, acid stomach or const ipa
tion Bhonld begin this phosphated not
water drinking and ore assured of very
pronounced resnlts in one or two weeks.
A quarter pound of limestone phos
phate costs very little at tle drug store
but is sufficient to demonstrate that just
as soap and hot water cleanses, purifies
and freshens the ekin on the outside, so
hot water and limestone phosphate act
on the inside organs. We must always
pon aider that internal sanitation is vast
ly more important than outside cleanli
ness, because the kin pores do not ab
sorb impurities into the blood, whihj the
bowel pores do.
Women who desire to enhance the
beauty of their complexion should jut
try this for a week and notice results.
When you are in Omaha come where all Stock men stop
always find your friends and acquaintances, at the
on will
Omaha's new absolutely firo-pr oof hot'l. We t'lcoiu' he Stock
men. We'll make you comfortab'.e and our rates nr- iiium reasonable
In the city. Rooms with private ho'h. ?l..n to $17?. koo is with
private toilet $1. Good car service to the Stock Yards and u
Have your commission firm telephone for room repei vation.
I RKI) A. CASTI.K. Prop.
ill i;i I oia -i'.i l i s
of Serviceable Ace
Good Individuals and Priced to
Ilaiuh adjoit'.s town.
i'im: KiiHii: t ati i.i: kantii
J. M. Tollman, Prop.
M,r.ntil, NeliiaUii.
Let me tell you a bit of a secret, don't let anybody teach you short
hand by the "class" method. It's the slow way, it holds you back,
you've got to wait on somebody else. The longer he takes, the Ionis
er it takes you. Snell Shorthand is entirely different. The teach
ing is Individual. We Htudy YOU see Just what you want, then plan
out a course for YOU you can advance as fast as others. If you're
apt, studious and persevering you can complete the course and qual
ify for 60 to $100 position in only three to four months no charge
If It takes you longer. Send today for full Information.
Kirnti :m;i: ni iKi. ih:x i n
AM? 5vBQCs iroGucal? f$
-y. r:;liul LT itil
Xm-MMI ,17
The constant strain of
factory work very often j
results in Headaches,
Backaches and other
Aches, and also weak-
1 KT .1
ens ine ierves.
will quickly relieve the
Nenes, or Pain, while
Dr. Milea
Heart Treatment
is very helpful when
the Heart is overtaxed.
"I usH to suffer a g'-eat deal
with liinibatro in my shoulders
hikI back. A friend Iml Ke. mo
t try Dr. Miles' AMl-I'u!n
l ilts ;nid 1 am only too glad to
be ahte to uttewt to the relief
that I K't frerni these Splendid
pilU. They furin a valuable
medicine and do all that It la
claimed they will do."
Marietta, Ohio.
This wnw the mI t tin t ion with Cl.xdo
ticlmrds when hist twenty-llrst birth
lay arrived He hud Bold Ills Mist
ileture n n luiidsenp' nrtlst iitnl hi
rothcr nrtist hnd found only n little
atilt with it. He had money ciioul'Ii
0 struile lilonu until success came,
nit mine to mnke n tdmw with. Ao
luiiintatices hnil eiiulioned him not to
tamper himself, nml frlemN had told
lini outright that It would not be pxnl
tolicy to handicap himself with n wife.
Clyde Kichnrils whs In love and led
icon for a year oi more, and .Marian
('letcher knew that he was, hut no
word had been spoken. lie wix :i
'ovular caller at her father's h ire
Hid had reason to believe thai bin
alls were rather looked for, but he
lid not indulge In any hopes. Mcr
Either was a broker nml reputed l h.
ivell off, and she held her bend ei
'mkIi us a daughter of a licli mini.
A Rirl of nineteen Is romantic, bow
ver, ami had he spoken i is loo m!io
onld tell what would have happened ?
The ease stood thus when a word or
two from Miss Marian daslied all of
be young; nrtist's hopes. Hue evenii g;
vheti lie was n culler nml they had
talked a little of his art she i-.iid in a
lauuliing; way:
"I-'ulher Is w piHctical. lie was
talking about you the other day, ntid
1 told him you were a lamlsenpe piiiiit
er. lie answered from his own icv
of tilings. He -asked why ym did not
paint bouses and barns and th 'i-liy
make a giooil livini;."
It was a very foolish spi h lie I in-
teiebd more tis a joke than l hurl,
ami the ;irl I ''i-iied It as so.m a
the words had loll hei" lips. Ii
too late, howevi-r. The young; man
lid not show his resentl:iei-t. Imt h
felt It nml it brought nbotit re; inii't
between them, lb left the houe v i t I
his mind made up t.ot to call auain.
Six months niter he saw In the pa
pers that the broker had sutVered a
complete collapse linanelally, and was
told by friends that be ami his ilamih
ter had retired to the country. A rela
tive had K'jven him a little farm, and
all tbeir friends soon forgot them.
It was two years Inter that Mr.
Clyde llichiii'ds was motoring along: a
country road when he enme to a coun
try sehoolhouse. School whs dismissed
for the day. tin the steps sat a yoiiny
woman who was weeping;, and beside
her sat an old mini whom anybody
would have called a skinflint after the
fust glance. In a dim way the nriisi
lelt that he had seen the young; wom
an before, but he could not fully recall
her. He whs driving; his machine slow
ly and he heard -the old man say:
"That mortgage nml Intcrol .e
g;'ot to be paid within ten days or I
shall commence proceedings to fore
close!" "Then we shall have to live in iho
holds!" sobbed the j;lrl.
'I lie artist stopped his car hIiho.-i
hi front of them, for lie saw it was
case of distress. The obi skiulhnt ros
iip ami shook his list at him, nml then
.uil to the girl :
'.Now, then, remember what 1 lia.e
said. 11 the niouey is not puid, out
.ou yo!"
l'or a long; minute niter he had
walked nwuy, the pil sat blinded by
her tears. Then she wiped them uway
ami looked up. Mm gave a sudden
start of surprise. She left (he step
aiid walked out l the car and, altei
taking? a oti.cful look ut the occupant,
she tried her best to smile us she said:
"Why, it's Mr. Kichards! Who would
have thought of seeing; you here?"
"Ves, it is Mr. Ilichnrds," wus tho
reply. "Uo you live uround hereV"
"About u mile ami a half down the
road. Hadn't you heard that I vm
.lie school teacher for litis district?"
He extended her his bund to help
her into tho auto, and, utter a mo
mom's hesitation, she whs beside him.
They had gjone half a mile before he
suid :
"Now, then, l. II me all u bout it."
lie was almost ti. ast mull in tlu
world she waiitoil to toll her troubles
to, but be spoke so kindly and seemed
so strong; that she begun to talk, utid,
after a time, he knew ull. Her father
bad almost colhipvd iiieulully and
i'h.sioally. lie was able to do little or
no work. They were, in fact, pension
ers on the bounty of relatives. She
had been a schoolteacher for two oi
three yours, but the salary was so low
that it did not help much. The obi
man with whom she hud been miking
was a money-lender urn had induced
her father to mortgage a little fan
without saying unytloug to her uhout
it. She was not complaining nor lu
melitiiig. She had done ihe best he
could, and she would bear her troubles
I lie best she could.
lie on his part to!d her of bis nuc-
ess. but not in u b usting way, und
l he past between them wus Dot re
ferred to. When they arrived ut the
bltle farm, lie helped her out of the
car and. instead of driving on, he
wulked into the house With her. After
he had greeted her futher, he sut
down und said :
Mr. Fletcher, listen cart-fully to
me. I am going to marry your IuukIj
ter. I nm going to pay up thut mort
gage ami then you are to deed tho
dace over to her. You shall live with
us, and we ll make you as comfortuble
as we can. This shall be my studio In
the summer, mid in the winter we will
live in town. Miirian, what do you
say to this?"
And Marian's tears und blushes
made the answer plain.
tCopyriKht, ITO-i. by the M.-Clure New
fHpvr Kyudicai.)
as you never thought
could be is yours to
command quick as
you buy some Prince
Albert and fire-up a
pipe or a home-mado
cigarette 1
Prince Albert gives
you every tobacco sat
isfaction your smoke
appetite ever hankered
for. That's because
it's made by a patented
orocess that cuts out
bite and parch! Prince Albert has always
been sold without coupons or premiums.
We prefer to give quality I
. ; i ii iiui ii i iiiiiiiutiit
m r- ii l 1 1 1 i iuti ( t i l" '
On lha Nvtm 9kAm I
On tha r..rM iH
of Ihia 1H rd tin
you will raadi "Pro
tm Patrntad Julr
30th, 1907." which
baa mad. tttrmm man
amoka pipaa whera
na amok ad baforal
iti o nuRniNipipe and
rirttTt iohacco
eil I . J A IT TMTiV
If. V 1A U U 1J It
the national joy smoke
has a flavor as different as it is delightful You never tasted tho like of HI
And that isn't strange, either.
Men who think they can't smoke a pip or roll a ciga
rette can smoJce and will smoke if they use Prince
Albert. And smokers who have not yet given P. A. a try
out certainly have a big surprise and a lot of enjoyment
coming their way as soon as they invest in a supply.
Prince Albert tobacco will, tell its own story I
R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO, Winston-Salem, N. C.
Bay Prinem Albert mry
whtrm tobacco ' told in
loppy rd bag; 5c; tidy rmd
tint. Wet handtom pound
and half-pound tin humi
dor and that corking finm
pound cryttal- glatt huml
dor with pong-moittunr
top that kempt the tobacco
im euch clever trim alwaytl
hum. oi-' rill':
The comic valentine, the kind you
used to send teacher when you were
in, id at her, hi a tliinn of tb pant
No longer can you invest a Hhiimm
dime and receive ten cormously hid
eous cat leal urc;i to send to your en
emies. I ten let's s;i.v it may be the hili
cost of paper, and ui.iyhc tolKs' taste
has grown more t'ii:icd.
iKi i:
TIIKOl (.11
fendant. An appeal to the district
court followed. The dainnKCB claim
ed is f(J9.10.
The case of llo- Sollthoili Security
conijiatiy iitairst Mrs. K. I'. doil ,,
in which the pl.iiniili 1: puir.ff Iho
defendant for d. images i Mcnrrcd
when she drove her iitltomohile ilito
iho window of e. Ih-at ' ice automobile
how window, Iiu4 been appealed to
the district cent. A policy w;is car
ried by th' owner of the vara tie in
Ihe surety company, wliih paid the
lo;;s for the bnnkae of the window,
then tiliiiK suit avaiiiHt Mrs. Woods.
The company it I lopes that the de
fendant was driviiiK her car in a
reckless manner, while 3he assorted
that she lost control of the cur and
that the accident was unavoidable.
In justice court before Judge H. A.
liSolle, the court found for the de-
Scvcre Cold t.inichlv Cured
"On l)c i in !- lirst I had a very
severe cold or attack of the nrlp as
it" may be. and was nearly dim tt sick
in bed." writes O. .1. Metcalf, Weath
erby, Mo. "1 bou'-'ht two hot Hen of
Chamberlain's Couph Hemedy and it
was only a few dayn until I was com
pletely restored to health. I firmly
believe that Chamberlain's Courli
Heinody is one of Hie very best med
icine? and will know what to do wlier
I have another cold." Obtainable
naturalisation bureau had ordered
that no further applications be tak
en. Ono application for first papers
wiib held up Friday because the ap
plicant had failed to secure a certif
icate of arrival.
MANY IHS1I TO St 1 1 .111 U
Three applications for lirt-t paper?"
and three for second papers were til
ed in tho titlice of the clerk of the
district court tit lteatrlie In one day.
One of the applicants for second pa
pers took out his lirst papirs in lhUO
and the other in 1X01. The cb-rlt of
the district court has been flooded
with inquiries since the break inc o!T
of dipdoniatlc relations with (ier
many, by CerinatiB wtn failed to fin
ish taking out their papers. The
uctivlty has been occasioned to some
extent by reason of a rumor that the
Cnll.i.r'is lor the ladles rtiaj
printed promptly and neatly in 1'
Il r:il 'i odlt'e. The prices nre retoj-on.ihU-
l'liC'iie lilfl for samfile- nnr
prices, or coil at the office.
1 I COl'XTY lll'.COKDS
The iebkin of tho records by
an expet I accountant in the i.llli e of
County Cb-ik liul.-.on at llasiiims
came to a stKlden halt when upon At
torney Itrurkman's advice Clerk
Hudson fathered up the records and
hxked them in the vault. This no
tion followed the discovery of miss
; inn w iriaiit books taken possession
of by County Treasurer Haverly. Up
' on the advice of County Attorney
! Fouls, he explained Hie books would
not be returned to tho custody of
i the clerk under Investigation until
photographic copies have been ob
Offlcp supplies at The Herald of
fice, rhone 340.
Advertisers in
the Alliance Herald
Get the
as the
Big City
K liavc ariitnjjcii'ciits with the Muriy (.'ut Soiv
ice of New York City for iho furiiishine; of cuts
for advert isiu; pui joises. Tliis sei vict is ono of
the lost in America and has as clients some of the largest
I to wsj lasers published.
Never Irnfoic lias it been possible for a paper to fur
nish this service without a considerable added outlay on
the part of the advertiser, and even now it is only offered
to the paper reeofrnied by advertisers and readers as the
leader in its section.
We will be glad to explain the matter more fully.
Some of our patrons have already taken advantage of this
offer and others are invited to do so.