The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, February 15, 1917, Image 4

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    Geftfie" O
Poor Dad He Misses It Again!
By Gross
fy .S O'
NtSSiCyiF Tuts Ul SifrHfTjL-rQ PEftTM, ft frfrcg )
.-r3 I
In response to more than a thous
and requests from various parts of
the country, the bureau of Educa
tion, Department of the Interior, has
Just added to its list of reading
courses a reading course in Ameri
can history. In announcing the new
course Dr. P. P. Claxton, coniruis
sloner of education, declares:
"All American citizens should
know more of the history of their
country than can be learned from
the meager outlines of the textbooks
used In our elementary and high
schools. That a large number of
people should have such general and
comprehensive knowledge of the
country, Its life and growth and the
form and spirit of Its institutions, as
can be gained only from reading at
Fire-passenger Touring
j L: ' 111
least several of the standard histor
ies Is essential to the welfare of the
republic. At every national elec
tion nnd at many state and munici
pal elections the people are called
upon to vote on policies which can
not be intelligently determined with
out such knowledge. Legislators
and other representatives of the peo
ple are constantly In need of it. On
ly out of the history of the past can
come an understanding of the prin
ciples by which they must be guided
If they are to work wisely for the
future. To read extensively and
deeply in the history of the country
becomes therefore a patriotic duty.
Only thus can one love his land with
'love far brought from out the stor
ied past,' 'used within the present'
and 'transfused through future time
by power of thought.'
"Those who have learned to read
Decide to Buy It
7 ri tefXS
Your immediate decision on the 5-passenger 6-3G
Chalmers will save you $160. Now you pay $1090.
Beginning the first day of March you must pay $1250.
Why not decide and act. Look this Chalmers over
and you'll know why it is such a favorite. A solid
frame, long easy-riding springs. Good lines. A solid,
well finished, well upholstered body. A reliable
motor. All the power you will ever need in ordinary
driving. Then a large surplus added on.
Consider, also, the 2-passenger roadster, on which
you save $180 by deciding now.
Alliance, Nebraska
history nnd it the most Interesting
form of literuture. The story of any
country or of any great movement of
any people, fitly told, is interesting,
especially when the reader has learn
ed to understand the relation to each
other of the. thought and feeling ami
purpose and action of the people. No
country has a more Interesting his
tory than the United States, which,
from its beginnings In the scattered
settlements of Immigrants from Eur
opean shores three hundred years
ago nnd less, has grown through rol-
jonlal nnd national life till It has
; become the greatest, wealthiest and
j most powerful and most prosperous,
; the freest, the most self-controlled
and self-restrained, the most cosmo
politan and the most firmly united
nation the world has ever known.
The story of the United States Is the
story not of dynasties and courts but
5-pasieoger 6-30
Present Prices
$1090 Seven-passenger Sedan
1070 Seven Limousine
1350 Seven 44 Town-car
(All f.o.b. Detroit)
of. the people, their life, their indus
tries, their aspirations and the dem
ocratic Institutions through which
they have sought to attain these as
pirations, and every line of the story
throbs with present Interest and fu
ture meaning."
Will My Child Take Dr. King's New
This best answer is Dr. King's Nw
Discovery Itself. It's a pleasnrr
sweet syrup, easy to take. It n
tains the medicines which years of
experience have proven best
coughs and colds. Those who b
used Dr. Klng'B New Discovery ln
est are its best friends. Besides
cry bottle Is guaranteed. If
don't pet satisfaction you get ju'
money back. Buy a bottle, use a li
rected. Keep what Is left for cougf
nnd cold Insurance.
. 2550-2550
Chadron State Normal School
Robert I. Elliott, President
Miss Mary Wilson nnd Miss Jaan,pass the 13 mark. The Normal toy
I bibcock of the piano department
played for the music department of
the Woman's Club this week.
There will he an art cxhlhtt at the
Normal building next week. Febru
ary 16 and 17, with programs In the
afternoon and evening- Borne two
hundred reproductions . will bo on
display at that time.
State Superintendent W. 11. Clem
mons will be here Thursday of next
week to address the students at
chapel and give an address in the
Reverend Digger, pastor of the
Methodist church at Oelrlchs, S. D.,
was a chapel visitor Monday morn
ing, lleverend Digger 1b intending
to take Borne absentia work with the
In civics clasa Tuesday the ques
tion was discussed as to whether or
not the amount of land that an In
dividual may hold should be restrict
ed by law.
During the pust week tho class In
Chemistry II has been working on
the carbohydrates, alcohols and the
ioul-tar compounds, taking up a
brief study of tho manufacture of
sugar, starch and paper; also the
net hods of prepurlng alcohols and
ho chemical changes Involved in
bread making.
Mi s8 Frazier'a flrRT and second
crudes have about completed their
ludy of the Eskimo. These lessons
mve been made vivid by the use of
ii turH, stories, songs, games, black
uard drawing, the sand table and
iaper cutting scenes of Eskimo land
diss Marguerite Walsh has charge
I' i his clasB.
A concert was given In chapel last
'rlday and was very well rendered,
thich speaks well for I lie training of
he orchestra leader, Mr. Thomas.
The class In Agriculture I are be
ginning the study of the origin and
urination of Hoils.
Some new books Just received In
.lie library are, "The Victor Hook of
he Opera," published by the Victor
nople; and "Dictionary of Philoso
phy and Psychology."
Each child in the primary room
fiaa begun another piece of weuvlng.
Some are starting on their third
piece. All are learning something
about t v different kinds of mater
ials used in this work and the ways
ut managing these materials. Raf
fia, cottou-rovtng. mottled chlnelle,
rug yarn and germantown yarn, In
different colors, are being used. Ml as
liess Hemender is getting good re
sults in 't liia class.
The class in college physics has
been studying the fusion, vapor ten
ion and sublimation curves. While
studying Home of the familiar phe
nomena of nature as illustrated in
ho glacier motion, and the abnormal
action of water in regard to expan
sion and contraction with an In
crease of temperature, they have al
so been much interested In tsome of
;be apparently impossible problems;
as the possibility of freexing water
n a red-hot crucible or the condi
tions under which it would be im
possible to change ice into water no
mutter what )uuntity of heat was
In chapel Monday morning i'ro-
essor Wilson discussed trie blcak
nu. off f diplomatic relations bc
ween the l'iiit"d States and tier-
inany. lie defined the danger .one
hat tli imany bus cMi.blif.hed in th
astern Atlantic and northern M"d-
i tt era nea n and emphasized the f.'ct
that our relations are to lx- greatly
regretted, because tleruiany h:is fur
nished us several millions of tine
iti.ens. lie expressed confidence iti
the ability of the administration it'
Washington in regard to their man
agement of American Interests In
this crisis and he also said the dip
lomatic break may not mean war. lie
counselled moderation of expression
and observations regarding the af
The senior class held a very en
thusiastic meeting last Wednesday.
Plans for the semester and for com
mencement were discussed. As a re
sult the following committees were
appointed: Class play, Anna Smith,
Marie Ied and Wilma llruce; Class
ni;ht. Mudclln Leppla. Frances
Kieizeubeck and Marguerite Morris
aey; campus program, urpna car-
mean. Hazel Rcckwlth and Nina
Turecheck; Gift. Claire Gorton, Dess
Hemender and Mary Wilson; Caps
and gowns, Rowland Olllett and
Clarence Kelso. A committee was
also appointed to ask that chapel
sea tB be reserved for the seniors
This was granted and the seniors
now have permanent seats In
prominent part of the chapel.
On Friday night of last week Sup
erintendent Jackson of Rushvllle
brought his basketball team over for
a game with the Normal. Two com
plete teams were out for the Normal
and the second team was given a
tryout against the Rushvllle team.
Roth teams showed lack of experi
ence and no one seemed able to hit
the basket. Numerous fouls were
called on both teams. At the end of
the first half the score stood 6 to 6
for the Normal scrubs. During the
second half several of the Normal
regulars went In and ran the score
up to 22, while Rushvllle could not
and girls teams expected to go W
Hemingford and Alliance respective"
ly the next morning, but Northwest
ern trains were so late that it W
Impossible to make connections at
The Alice Freeman Palmer Sort-
ety, at their regular meeting UMtf'
Friday, enjoyed a program of se!
tlons from the poetry of Theodora
Ilotrel, a nretorl poet, whose wot
is to be soon published In Engl Is
Through the courtesy of a friend Kl
a member of the faculty, the yoaa
women had the privilege of aslasT
the manuscript for the volume t4t
Is to be published. The music '
the masterpieces of art used to sop
plement the program were also mf
French composition. It was a
lightful progra.i and the girls mw
pressed their appreciation of ti
beauty of Dotrel's poetry. Miss Vl"
an llyser presided in the absent. f -Miss
Florence Collins, the presldemv
On Friday, 15. their next mectlr
the program will consist of BtudtsV
of great pictures, copies of whMf1
will be shown at the art exhibit 0 '
the two days following. On Mar
2, the program will consist of seta
tlons from the works of John
Neihardt, a Nebraska poet, and sV
March 16, the story of the opera Lis-'
hengrln, with selections from the
era, will be given.
Typewriter ribbons of all kinds
The Herald carries the Inrgest stort
In Alliance at all times. Thone 34 f
Holland has 190 machinery fac
tories. New York has 1,000 Chinese lau
Two-fifths of tho continental ara
of the U. S. Is arid.
St. Iiouts' 1916 factory output W
valued at S641.185.423.
Milwaukee during 1916 spent 116
000.000 for new buildings.
Twenty-live per cent of halibut l
In the head, tall and entrails.
reiton, cai., protuoits nutou tr.v
ellng faster than 100 miles an ho
In its streets.
The car shops of one of our raH
road companies turns out a box-Mkf
every six minutes.
Most of the lead mined In tk
United States is smelted In thra
states, Missouri, Idaho and Utah.
Violet rays keep the water In tW
swimming pool of a St. Louis gyi
tiasluni free from germs.
The word "tweed" as applied t
cloth means twilled and has nothis
to do with the river Tweed.
The largest hens' eggs are prodttt
ed in Manchuria those weighing on
sixth of a pound being common.
There has Just been Invented a'
do"hl- it ovin'T picture screen, on nW"
of which the picture Is shown, whU
th" explanation is on the other.
There are but two kinds of poibO.-
ous snakes in the l S. Those wltM
rattles and those with dark hour
shaped markings on a lighter""
Secretary Daniels favors laws 9
compel steel companies and other
private concerns to give government2
orders precedence over private or"
Shark skins are to w utilized is
this country in making leather as a
rcmlt of i vierirueiits by the L.
uureau or f isnerics. rne skitu arr
exceedingly tough.
American chewim- gum is exceed
ingly popular atuci:;i: tho fmhters ! TT
European war front. It stead "a tho
nerves. There is a story of a woun l-
ed soldier who was kept alive fur
live days by the
Besides William J. Bryan, Nehru
ka will have one other delegate (
the emergency peace league ineetlnjr
at Washington nXt week. That on.
will be C. A. Soreuson of the legislu
tive reference bureau, a member of
the Ford peace party last year an
chief backer of the pending legisla
tive measure to do away with coi
pulsory military training at the stafe
Mr. Sorensou does not represent
any particular set of citizens of tbts
state so far as any actual commis
sion is concerned.
Does Sloan's Liniment Help Klieinn
than? Ask the man who uses It. b
knows. "To think I suffered all
these years when one 25-cnt bottW
of Sloan's Liniment cured, ine,
writes one grateful user. If you
have Rheumatism or suffer frcnir
Neuralgia, Backache, Soreness a.4
Stiffness, don't put off getting a bee
tle of Sloan's. It will give you sue If
welcome relief. It warms and
soothes the sore, stiff painful place"
and you feel bo much better. Dor
it tt any Drug Store, only 25 cents.
Adv 1
Mr. Business Man, on your nex
trip take along some artistically
printed business cards. The ex pens
la llffht sa ilfl thlW O flA hiialnaaa a&l taM.
aie vuv nav vuoiuvoo tdiVV"
The Herald's job printing edparP
meut will turn them out promptly"
Phone 340 and w. will call