The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, February 15, 1917, Image 12

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    ALLIANCE Hl.ltALl. FEBRUARY 15. 1)I7
When it's cold and you are out of
coal, COAL is the big thing then.
V have the coal and you can have
it when you want It, good coal, too
rcallv better coal
Lump and Nut
'Jiut telephone us andsiy, "send up"'a ton
(or two tons or three), we need it quick, it's
cold," and you'll get action. Phone 73
Notice Is hereby given that by vir
tue of an Order of Sale, Issued by
the Clerk of the District Court of the
Sixteenth Jud.c'al District of Nebras
ka, within and for Box Butte county.
In an action wherein The Alliance
Building and Loan Association of
Alliance, Nebraska, is plaintiff, and
Edward Whetstone, et al, are de
fendants. I will at 11 o'clock, A.
M., on the 27th day of January A. D.
1917, at the west door of the Court
House In the city of Alliance, Nebr
aska, offer for sale at public auction,
the following described property,
lands and tenements, to-wit:
A tract of land commencing at a
point on the north line of lot 65, In
County Addition to Alliance, accord
ing to the recorded plat thereof, 46
and 2-3 feet from the northwest cor
ner of said lot 65; nience south par
allel with the west line of Lots 65,
6 and 67, In said County Addition,
to the south line of said lot 67 thence
west on the said south line of said lot
67 to the southwest corner of said
lot 67; thence north on the west line
of said lots 65. 66 and 67 to the
northwest corner of said lot 65;
thence east 46 and 2-3 feet on north
line of said lot 65 to the point of be
ginning, the Intention being to con
vey the west one-third of said lots
C5, 66 and 67, County Addition to
Alliance, Box Butte County, Nebras
ka, together with all the appurten
ances thereunto belonging.
Given under my hand this 27th
day of December, A. D.. 1916.
C. M. COX. Sheriff.
Burton & Reddish, Atorneys.
" sln5lUFiALK
Notice Is hereby given that by vir
tue of an Order of Sale issued by the
Clerk of the District Court of the
Sixteenth Judicial District of Nebras
ka, within and for Box Butte County,
in an action wherein The Alliance
Building and Loan Association of Al
liance. Nebraska, is plaintiff, and Ed
gar B. Oimun, et al, are Defendants.
I will at 10 o'clock A. M. on the
87th day of January, A. D., 1917. at
the west door of the Court House in
the city of Alliance. Box Butte Coun
ty, Nebraska, offer for sale at public
auction, the following described
property, lands and tenements, to
wit: Lot 1, Block 10, first addition to
Alliance, Box Butte County, Nebras
Given under my hand this 37th
day of December, A. D., 1916.
C. M. COX, Sheriff.
Burton & Reddish, Attorneys.
Serial No. 015956.
Notice for Publication
Department of the Interior, U. S.
Land Office at Alliance, Nebraska,
Dec. 13, 1916.
Notice Is hereby given that Emma
Gentle, of Alliance, Nebraska, who,
on May 15, 1913, made Homestead
Entry, No. 015956, for the SWhi
Sec. 25, and NEV4 NE4, S NE,4,
and SE14. Section 26. Township
23 North, Range 50 West of Sixth
Principal Meridian, has filed notice
of Intention to make final three-year
proof, to establish claim to the land
above described, before the Register
and Receiver of the United States
Land Office, at Alliance. Nebraska,
on the 22nd day of January, 1917.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Leo Carnine, of Angora, Nebras
ka; Alvln Turman, of Angora. Ne
braska; Glen Gentle, of Alliance, Ne
braska; Mrs. Glen Gentle, of Alli
ance, Nebraska.
T. J. O'KEEFE, Register.
To Hamilton Hall,
John Hall.
Lump and Nut
Lump and Nut
When You Want It!
Mary Hall Bitts, Jemima Hall Mur
phy, Iva Hall, Charles Hall and How
ard W. Hall, heirs of Hamilton Hall,
the unknown heirs, devisees, legat
ees and personal representatives, and
all other persons interested in the
estate of Hamilton Hall, deceased,
will take notice that on December 6,
1916, Elizabeth Hall, Plaintiff, filed
her petition In the District court of
Box Butte County, Nebraska, against
laid defendants, the object and pray
er of which are to foreclose a mort
gage deed executed February 6,
1913, by Robert C. Wright and Una
Wright, his wife, defendants, to
Hamilton Hall, defendant, upon the
NW4 Section 28. Twp. 28, N. of
Range 49. W. 6th P. M. in Box Butte
County, Nebraska, to securo the pay
ment of three promissory notes for
1300 each, and becoming due and
payable March 1, 1916, March 1,
1917, and March 1, 1918, respective
ly; said mortgage, provided that de
fault of payment of tho interest or
principal on any one of Bald notes,
when same shall become due and
payable shall cause all of said notes
'.o become due and payable; that de
fault In payment has been made and
there Is now due and payable thereon
mere in now uut? nun iiajauici mvirvn
the sum of $998.90. with Interest at"- " '"""'
7 per cent per annum from Septem
ber 25. 1916, for which sum, with
Interests and coBts, plaintiff prayB
for a decree, that defendants, Rob
ert C. Wright and Llna Wright, be
required to pay Bame, and In default
of such payment, said premise may
be sold to satisfy the amount found
due; that said mortgage and 3 notes
were assigned by said Hamilton Hall
to plaintiff; that plaintiff is now the
owner and holder of same; that each
and all of the above named defend
ants may be forever barred an dfore
closed of any and all right, title, In
terest or equity of redemption In and
o Bald premises, and for such other
and further relief as may be Just and
You are required to answer tuld
petition on or before the 5th day of
February, 1916.
By Plaintiff.
Burton & Reddish, Ler iittorneyB.
Serial No. 016460.
Notice for Publication
Department of the Interior, U. S.
Land Office at Alliance, Nebraska,
January 17, 1917.
Notice Is hereby piven that Bessie
W. McCool, or Ellswort . Nebraska,
who, on January i, 1914, made
Homestead Entry, No. 16450, for
the west half of Northwest quarter
and the V of SW'i. Section 10,
Township 23 North, Range 43 west
of Sixth Principal meridian, has filed
notice of Intention to make final
three-year proof, to establish claim
to the land aVove described, before
the Register and Receiver of the
United States Laud Office, at Alii
ance, Nebraska, on the 28th day of
February, 19J7.
Claimant names as witnesses:
It. E. McCool, of Alliance, Nebras
ka: Howard E. Young, of Pawlet
Nebraska; Clarence E. Leishman, of
Ellsworth. Nebraska; Don Shrews-
berry, of Ellsworth, Nebraska
T. J. O'KEEFE, Register
State of Nebraska,
Box Butte County, ss.
To Mrs. Ester Parks Forsythe
formerly Ester Parks and Claude Car
penter, the persons In whose names
the title to the Lot, Land herein be
low described appears of record, and
James Makris, the person in actual
occupation of Baid lot, laud, as a
renter, you are hereby notified that
on the 2d day of November A. D.
1914, J P. Hazard purchased at
Public Tax Salo, the Lot. Land de
scribed as Lot One (1), in Mock
Four (4), in South Alliance, nn ad
dition to the town now city of AUW
ance, in Box Butte County, State of
Nebraska, for the delinquent taxes
for the year 1913, and received from
E. M. Martin, the then County Treas
urer, tax certificato No. 2. and tax
receipt No. 3.M5. therefor; That af
terwards, and after the taxes on said
Lot, Land, became delinquent, said
purchaser paid the taxes thereon for
the years 1914 and 1915. and re- w
ceived Tax Receipts No. 3182, dated
August 28, 1915, nnd No. 3711. dat
ed October 28, 1916. respectively,
from said County Treasurer.
That the title to said Lot, Land ap
pears of record in the names of Ester
Parks and Claude Carpenter; That
said Lot, Land was assessed in the
names of Kster Parks nnd Claude
Carpenter for the years 1913, 1914,
and 191.r, and that after the expira
tion of three months from date of
service of tliis notice, the Tax Deed
will be applied for.
That afterwards ,1. P. Hazard, the
purchaser, duly ussicned said Tax
Certificate and said Tax Receipts to
Laura Hazard, with full authority to
obtain a Tax Deed, in her name and
title. Taxes paid for 1913. $3.30.
for 1914, $2.25, for 191S, $2.70. to
tal. $0.:b.
Dated January 19. 1917.
Three publications, February 1st,
Sth and lMh, 1917:
Serial No. 016259.
Notice for Publication
Department of the Interior, U. S
Land Office at Alliance, Nebraska.
January 30, 1917.
Notice is hereby Riven that Guy
Metz, of Lynn, Nebraska, who. on
September 30, 1913, made Home
stead Entry, Serial No. 016259. for
the Southwest Quarter of Section 34.
Township 22 North. Range 48 West
of 6th Principal Meridian, has filed
notice of intention to make final
three-year proof, to establish claim
to the land above described, before
the Register and Receiver of the
United States I Ami Office, at Alli
ance. Nebraska, on the 7th day of
April 1917.
Claimant names as witnesses: Ed
ward Loomls, Edward Peterson,
Monroe Robinson, Otis Peer, all of
Lynn, Nebraska.
T. J. O'KEEFE, Register
For A Bilious Attack
When you have a severe headache.
accompanied by a coated tongue,
loathing of food, constipation, torpid Sidney Telegraph: ! Hall was working for the light corn-
liver, vomiting of portly digested Judge Chambers went to Alliance pany when the accident occurred. He
food and then bile, you may know Sunday evening to see his daughter .was not killed Instantly, but lived
that you have a severe bilious attack. Anna who is convalescing in St. several hours. Attorney Johnson of
While you may be quite sick there Is Andrew's hospital and to accompany this city was apprised of tho young
much consolation In knowing that re- Mrs. chambers home. Trains dragged man's fate by wire. Hall's home
lief may be bad by taknlg three of BO that he had Just half an hour In was In tho South, and after his get
Chamberlain's Tablets. They ore Alliance Just about descending the away was brought from there by
prompt and effectual. Obtainable
Disnnnearance of Miss Mildred R
sXorVresnmanrugMer 'of M,
and Mrs. Frank L. Busche. 957
Busche. 15. pretty Central high
North Twenty-fifth street, Omaha.
was solved Saturday, when Mr.
Busche, a prosperous contractor,
brought suit in district court to an-,
nul her marriage or i-cnruary l to
Hoya u. watKan or bowara. ,
Mildred lived with Watkan one
day. Mr. Busche alleged in hla petl-
.1 II ,.l,a
ft ft. m w. n I a rr a T n crS,,t. n V ,1 1 T C M 1
. . .....
Dl r? . . . . .
Mildred has returned rrom ww-
, . w ...--innA nnr 1 n u
and Is living at home.
Apply Cream in Nostrils
Open Up Air Passages.
ntnunrling for breath at niglit. vour end
er catarrh is puiie.
Don't stav tu(Tt. up
Get mil
Imttle of try (renin Malm from y.r.r
druggiiit now. Apply h 1'Mle if llii
fragrant, antiitir cpnin in ymir nos
tril, let it peuet rate thrmirjh Vvvry air
pHHsuge of the head: ontln an. I hfal
the cllcn. inllnnird itun'o-.m mom! rune,
pi injj v'i in.-t.ini r l'' f. KIv's Cr ir.!
V;.!.,, i 1 1 -n !.t i-ry cull mil i i-t-r-'i
Mffner Im L.-u fctcL.iii.j. li'
j;i .;fV'nJtil.
h' What relief Your rl..'ed no- 'thrown to one biuo oi me iiacn. ", amended by a clause authorising tne
trils own right up, ti c nir pa'W,-, of I his car was smashed beyond repair. . president to appoint an auditing
vour head are clear and yoiicnn l.r.',itw i The injured man was hurried to committee thirty days before the nn
freely. No more hawking. inum;if1 i Mitchell and medical relief adminitj- nua meeting, to audit the books of
mucous discharge, headache, drvnes-t- ri' tered. Mr. Tiller Is a man past mid- tn( 8ecretary and treasurer and re-
homestead. He homesteadetl ror sev-
When Mrs. Ella Reynolds, Harley oral years and then in 1891 was
hotel. Omaha, arrived at her place elected county clerk of Hooker coun
of employment in the Elks' building ty. loiter he became Insane and
In that city, she discovered that jew- was sent to Hastings where he has
els valued at more than $1,500 which remained until this day.
she thought had been firmly fasten-! We are in receipt of a story writ
ed to her waist in a Bniall satin bag. '. ten by him and mailed by registered
had disappeared. I letter from tho Hastings home which
Among the valuables was a dia-' h desires published. It contains all
mond solitaire ring, a platinum lav- , the rambling ideas, interspersed with
ulliere with two diamonds set in bits or cowboy songs which might be
onyx, and a platinum ring set with expected from a man In the author's
diamonds and emeralds. j ('(.million.
The lfivalliern and oiih of thAl Kvi-rvl hiiia is marked with the
rings, she said, were heirlooms which
had been in the family for over sev-enty-fivo
Feb. 20-21 Nebraska Clothiers As
sociation Meeting at Omaha.
Feb. 21 Annual Meeting of State
Opticians at Omaha.
Feb. 22-23- Nebraska Jewelers' as
sociation Meeting at Omaha.
Feb. 26 to March 3 Omaha Auto
mobile Show.
March 5 to 10 First Annual Auto
Show at Lincoln
March 6 to
10 Mid-West Cement
Show and Convention at Omaha.
March 12-17 Annual Merchants' They also paid $200 for an Aber
Market Week at Omaha. , ; deen-Angus yearling bull, which is
March 18 District Meeting of Odd ' from the best stock in this country.
Fellows at North Platte. Mr. Marlin ha been making a fad of
Morrill Mail:
E. C. Brown received a telegram
Tuesday telling Mm that his sar of
fat lions which were on the Denver
market that day topped (tie market
at the bin fat limine of twelve dollars
pi r hundred.
Mlts. row riiAsl:i
Morrill Mail:--
Some of our well known citizens
and business men were preity 'sore'
.Monday morning, after enjoying a nic
osprint of a few hundred yards with
an "angry" cow follow1 ng . close at
their heels. At tho very start of the
dash to the fi iice, a large jack rabbit
jumped up and started to go the
same way, Bill was heard to make
the remark to his rabbitship "get out
o' the way and let a feller run that
can. "So the story goes, but the cow
was merely a pet nnd thought that
possibly they had Homo sugar In their
pockets for her.
Hemlngford Journal:
John Sauerwein has purchased
thru K. L. Pierce, Executor, ten acres
adjoining the Bushnoll farm, for $80
per acre. This is a strip quarter of
a mile north and south fronting on
the main road west from town. . He
intends building a nice home there
on, nnd also to build a fine potato
Col. S. A. Grimes has bought thru
K. L. Pierce, Executor, one acre of
the Johnson estate 4 0, Just west of
the platted portion of town, for $100
It Is situated Just west of Mrs. Marg
aret Curry's residence.
car in time to greet himself climbing
The Sidney Basket Ball team de
feated Alliance here Wednesday by
a score of 38 to 24. The first half
displayed conalderable roughness
but the last half was quite human
Sidney boys displayed nrunaiu icani
work an7'tho' Alliance boys bad one
peach of along distance
Scott8Dlufr star-Herald:
T,mnms i Tiller, the well-known
. whl. P.Mei. north of
"." ' ..Th :rw from
" . . ' . . .
being killed, when a freight train
.... .
t ftUto no wa,B. ary:y and treasurer
tng acrods the tracKs near oven.
The machine, a new Dodge car, Is a.
... anA . Tiller in under
" m ..... - - -
tho care of a physician suffering
from severe cuts and bruises about
, his body and a wrenched back. His
physiclan suncring irom severe run
and bruises about his body and a
wrenched back. Hla physicians be
lieve that he will be able to be up
and around in a week or two. Mr. :
Tiller was alone In his car at the
i time and he evidently did not flee the
freight until it struck him. He wan
, - - ......... i.
die age and Is n barneior, residing on
. . .. ....., .. t t2.,, 1 . 1 1 1 iT
his farm northwest of ScottsblutT,
; where he la engaged in sheep feeding
on a large scale.
Custer County Republican:
Old settlers here will remember
Edwin F. DeMerltt who in Decem
ber. 1887. was sent to the penltenti-
jary convicted of manslaughter. He
shot Ed King with a shotgun from
ambush during the early part of that
year. He served about twenty-four
months of his term and was released
and came up here, but went on to
Hooker county, where he took up a
; inforuiatfon that
the author was
' . t..l In Iflin an1 la four
IJOm III .UillllC III oiv ...
feet nix and one-half Inches tall and
weighs only eighty pounds.
Scottsbluff Republican:
When William Marlln and the
boys were at the stock show at Den-
j ver a couple of weeks ago they pur
chased a yearling colt for which
they paid the neat little sum of 1700.
This colt Is from the best strain of
I stock In the United States, its moth-
er taking the prize at New York. Chi-
icago. and Denver for the last year.
the black rattle business for tho
lart tew years, ami last week sold a
car of feeders (cows) on tho Omaha
market for 18.50, whieli Is consider
ed extremely good for cows which
were fed on beet tops.
Chadron Chronicle:
The Dawes County Farm Manage
ment Association has secured tho
services of Harry M. Thomas, of
Cage county, as county agent for
Dawes. Mr. Thomas conies to us an
experienced man. At the present
time he Is teaching agriculture In
the schools of Beatrice, and la as
sistaant county agent for Gage coun
ty. This work has been very strong
in Gage county under tho leadership
of Mr. LieberH, so Mr. Thomas comes
to us as a really experienced person.
He nnd his brother worked their way
through tho agricultural college by
buying a few cows and running a
dairy. The profit from their labors
secured for them their education.
His work since graduation has been
such as to put him In line for this
work. Over twenty ranchers were
present at the meeting laHt Saturday,
and they are very much pleased with
the apparent qualifications of this
young man.
He wlK1 sever his connections In
(iage county, and expects to be on
the field here by the middle of the
Custer County Chief:
Refie Hall, who was at one time
sentenced to the penitentiary from
this county for the larceny of a
team, and whoso term recently ex
pired, was killed this week at Seotts
bluff bv coming In contact with a
live electric light wire. It seems that
Sheriff Wilson to stand trial
Sheridan County Democrat:
The thlrty-Becond annual business
meeting of the Sheridan county ag-
! rura. society was hebl at the c,f;
, M JrSS
noon of this week, about twenty-five
business men and farmers being In
attendance, President LetBon In the
The business started with the
reading of the report of the secro-
,urv fir hi,h mmmiitne nm
r t mm- i w ii,
""imi '
auiit the report of both the secre
u Oliuilf,, r.uo B.i.. i
and have siiine
The next business in order was the
........ . ..... ,kiv,
I'uxiiun ui uiuino, iti u irnuuru no
p. c Duerfeldt. nresldent: John
u jone8 Vlce president; Ray O. Ly-
onBt secretary; Gene Brown, treasur-
er; C M. KebbocK. general superin
tendent; J. M. McGraw, superintend
ent of concessions.
By a unanimous vote of the meet
ing the same board of directors were
,.ieoted for another year.
The by-laws of the society were
. . . . -
.,ort wt ,jIP regular annual meeting
. . . ... ...... ... i
Tn ,i.,i,.h t the 1917 fair was
i tnn brought up for discussion and
it was voted to hold came on the
11th, 12th. 13th and 14th if Sep
tember, or a week later than the
1916 fair. It was also voted to have
all amusements and attractions on
the fair grounds, it having been
found to be the popular move.
Bridgeport News-Blade:
The buildings for the use of the
Bayard sugar factory are being push
ed along rapidly these days. The
large building in which the machin
ery will be installed has not as yet
been started, but the other neces
sary buildings such as warehouse,
seed house, etc., are being erected.
The waie house and seed house are
built of brick with a structural steel
framework, and this framework is
about completed. The club house for
the use of the managers and clerical
force is now enclosed,, as is also the
building in which the offices are to
be situated. Acres of pipings, fit
tingB, machinery and material are in
evidence, these things being enclosed
with only a heavy woven wire fence.
S.veral railroad tracks are being
built anout the works and the rail
road company1 has started the spur
which will run seven miles north of
Bayard into the beet country. The
factory proper, which will contain
the machinery, is to be built of con
crete, to the work on that will bo
delayed until warmer weather. The
management states that there Is no
doubt but that everything will be
ready on time for handling tho 1917
crop of beets.
Gering Courier:
Corporal O. R. Lewis of the U. 8.
army, stationed as recruiting officer
at Alliance, was In this city Wednrn"
day, giving instructions to Postmas
ter Iiiinim, who under tho present
regulations Is entitled to receive en--listmenta.
Corporal IjtwIb state'
that tho recruits nro coining In dor
ihg tho recent period at a rate mor
than triple what they were a your
ago. A young man who enlists now"
can leave the service at any time al
ter one year, If ho desires, but re
mains on the army reserve for a per-
lod of six years thereafter. Also oim
who has a fair education may get at
appointment to West Point and after
a. year or such matter of t mining b
come a lieutenant.
Western Nebraska Observer:
Monday and Tuesday nights Kim
ball was In darkness on account of
coi famine. "For several niontk
tho light company has had ordW
placed ahead for coal nnd have bon
unable to receive It. By buying lo
cally, managing every way poss'.Mev
they have been ablo to give light Bit
til 12 o'clock at night until last Mow
day when they were compelled to
shut down for want of coal in tow
Wednesday afternoon tho nltuattat
was relieved when a lond of coal be
longing to the Union Pacific arrlT
In town and was turned over to
Monday morning the Kimball v
pie found themselves without wattf
The light company has been doimF
tho pumping for the city and wb9
they were unable to run the watr
Bupply also stopped. As the towo
has a gasoline engine at the pom'
house, this situation was relieve'
within a short time. Tho local to
dealers say there are a number t
families In Kimball and vicinity f
lously In need of coal. The tle-wp
of tho trains In Wyoming Is larr4
responsible for tho condition.
Bnyard Transcript:
Agent R. H. Pinkerton him resign
ed his position with tin Burlington
and will take a much deserved lay
off for a time. Mr, Pinkerton ha
been for the past year literrtHf'
"worked to death" with the tiver-t1
creasing business at the d'jpot. TW"
"powers to bo" refused to give hiar
help or do anything to ligh'on K"
labors and he feels thiit he owes U
to himself to take a r fst. A to
whether he will go back nnd worir
for the Burlington again he is unl- '
cided but one thing is rure that Mr
Pinkerton is too good a man to re
main idle long if he cares to work'
We are glad to state that he de
not at all contemplato leaving By
ard. Ills place Is taken by R. W
Glvin. who comes to Bayard higftPj"
recommended as a agent.
Minatare Free-Press:
Frank Beeson returned from Alii'
ance Saturday, whom b mipcrln
tended the Installation of c -om-pouud
Merkle Hinea pump of a mil
lion and h half gallons cnpac'.ty
day. Although a homesteader, M("
Beeson is one of the best f ech intr
to be found.
: ..I
t ! I'livt
t -mall
Tea. or
u the
of IiuilibiM-f9r
German tomit "
.:i!l il,"llum!.ur-cr Brunt Thee," at
ll annacv. 'l ake it taldetipooiiful of tH'
ten, put a cup of Itoiling water 111
it, pour tliruii''li a sieve and drink
teacup full at any time during V-'
da or l.i'. ir- refiiiuu'. it i the lu""
elTi-cti Mt to lireuk a col I and CM"'
grip. it open!. I lie pore of tli tkM -relieving
context ion. A No loocna
bowcU, tliiiR driving a cold from ttA"
Try it the next time you Muffer fra'
a cold or tlic grip. It is inexpeii
and entirely vegetable, therefor
and harmless.
Bab Pain and Stiftneu away wiHV'
a small bottle oi old honest
8t Jacob Oil
When your hack, is sore and lass
or luiiiHago, sciatica or rlieuniatisra kaf -'
you stiffened up, don't suffer! Get 0
25 cent liottle of old, lionett "8m
Jacohs Oil" at any drug store, pour Be
little in your hand and rub it rigtrt
into the pain or ache, and by the tiBM "
you count fifty, the soreues and laa'
lien is gone.
Don't fctay crippled! Ihis sootltintf,
in-net rating oil needs to be ued tint
nice. It tukeat the ache and pain rilit
lit of ymir back and ends the initiery.
t i magical, yet absolutely harml
I ductiu't burn the skia.
r-Nolliiug eloe stops lumbago, sciatic
Uid lame back misery so promptly I
Mr. Business Man, on your neir
trip take along some artistically
printed business cards. The expense
Is light and they are business getter
The Herald's Job printing edparc
ment will turn them out promptly
Phone 310 and we will call