Al MAW K II KHALI), FEBRUARY , 1017 Mesdames Davenport, Hlrka, argory and Parker will be the boat- am to the ladles' Al1 of the M. E. -ksurch next Wednesday afternoon, sTMtruary 14, at 812 Toluca avenue. This will be the regular monthly ..jssrvlng meeting and all ladles are In rvsied. The following literary pro- nsjsam will be given. Mrs. Parker, werlntendont of the program. The 4telatlon of the Indies' Aid to the Cfcarch and Pastor Mrs. J. A. Mall Should the Ladles' Aid have an for Money and Membership. If jm. What? Mrs. Waddell. What re .satlon Should the Ladies' Aid Hare to fitrangers? Mrs. Bennett. The Ladles' Aid Society of the Saptlst church held their regular Iness meeting at the home of Mrs. II. Kobbins yesterday. The 1 at this meeting voted to try to a lecture course for Alliance for winter. Jlesdaines Cogswell . and Darnes -surtalned the Ladies' Guild of St. Matthew's Episcopal church yester day afternoon at the parish bouse. Miss Cecil Wilkinson and James fo tines II of Ilemlngford were united itn marriage ut Beatrice, Nebr., Uoa Aay, January 29. The bride Is a ' former teacher in the schools of Box Butte county and has been at , trading Peru normal this winter. Methodist ladies, attention Have ,Tr "wagon wheel" with the experl- sce In earning it or a poem ready by February 21. Watch for further no tice. Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock at the Imperial theatre the regular ftandconcert Is to be given by the Al jtiance band. Miss. Eunice Burnett ad Prof. Unlacke of the Alliance .School of Music have donated their daervlces. There is to be a musical .innovation, which' has been most buc saful In tho large cities, tried out tfanday afternoon. This deserves , the heartiest support of tho people of .Alliance. Every person In Alliance ; As Invited to attend and give assist--tace In making Alliance a musical :omter second to none in the state. '' Mrs. Mary B. Stansbury, expres--ton teacher with the Alliance School -rt Music, will give a recital of her twm work Friday evening, February 1S, starting at o'clock. The place ;4s Reddish hall. Tho recital is ab Mlutely free and the public is cor AUIly Invited to attend. Jirs. Elwooa unauncoy viets an- psanms the marriage of her daugh tar. Alva Clara, to Mr. Benjamin Clayton Anderson on Monday the 5th t0t February, at Oklahoma City. Mr. Every express brings us new crea tions in Suits, Coats, Skirts, Dresses, Blouses, A visit here will prove an edu cation in "what's what" for spring and Mra. Anderson will be at home after March 1, at 801 Cheyenne ave nue. Alliance. Friends here receiv ed the announcement of the marri age th early part of the week. Tho groom Is a brother or Mrs. F. E. Ilol sten of this city and Is employed at the Holsten drug and Jewelry store. The bride is well known In this city, having at one time been em ployed In the millinery department at the Horace Rogue store. Both of these young peopre are well known In this city and have a host of friends who will welcome thorn to their new borne. The Alfanco Choral Club has vot ed to affiliate themselves with the Federation of Musical Clubs of the state of Nebraska. The Choral Club Is making rapid progrens and all members feel gratified with the ad vancement made in the work. The concert to have been given Sunday afternoon at the Christian church by the faculty of the Alii ance School of Music has been post poned to Sunday, February 18. This Is one of a series of concerts being given by the faculty of the school and this special program deals with the Germanic Influence upon music Master Ray Smith was given a sur prise party Saturday evening in hon or of his thirteenth birthday. .Music and games provided tho entertain ment for the evening. A delightful three-course luncheon was served Tho guest list Included: Dorothy Hurst, Gladys McCool, Marlam liar rls, Hazel Herman, Julia Marks, Mar del Drake, Dorothy Dickenson, Al frelda Schafer, Artie Lee, Thomas Martin, George Herman, George Mc Cool, Cleo Lawrence, Harvey Cour Bey, Phillip Kllllan and Arthur Fea gins. Mrs. W. Q. Eubanks was hostess to the members of the T. O. T. club Thursday afternoon at a kenslngton. Guests of the club were Mrs. James Feaglns and Miss Howell of Chicago, The guests were the Mesdames Chase Feaglns, Thlele, Darling, Beckwith, Toohey, Basye, Hershman and Grif fith. Mrs. F. W. Lester will entertain his evening at a 6 o'clock dinner and card party. A number of the friends of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Morris, 624 Emerson, de lightfully surprised them Stmday ev ening. The event was In honcfr of their wedding anniversary. Same twenty-flve were present. The Women's Club meets Friday afternoon with Mrs. Rolla Wilson. The program Is as follows: Roll Call Literary Program. Early Naviga tion, Ferries and Railroads Mrs. Root. Territorial Organization Mrs. Dole. Planning the Modern House Mrs. J. Rowan. Reading by Miss Madeline Zedlker. Miss Alico Carlson entertained the following at a luncheci and card party Suturday evening: Mrs. J. Burke, Mrs. C. Feagins, Mrs. George how strikingly attractive are the new spring wearables Smart, graceful lines, new colorings, new fabrics, new style ideas; you simply can't help but admire them. Our Mr. Isaacson is now in New York rushing to us the new creations as they make their appearance in the east. Stop in any day this week for a few minutes to try on the new spring garments which ap peal to you most. Petticoats and Negligees Deltlien. Mrs. J. S. Ward, Mrs. Ray Mark, Mrs. H. F. Thlele, Mrs. F. Feagins, and Miss Maude Spacht. Mrs. F. G. Hitchcock was hostess to the members of the Inter Se club Tuesday afternoon, tho event being given in honor of her mother, Mrs. Elliott, who has been her guest for some weeks past. The affair was In the ,ature of a kenslngton. Music and a guessing contest were some of the pastimes. Mrs. Hitchcock served a vanity luncheon to the guests. Mesdames Modiaett and Jeep were hostesses to two tables at bridge on Thursday afternoon. The guests were the Mesdames Mitchell, Gantz, Was. Shaw and Howard Reddish. A luncheon was served. The Ladles' Aid Society of the Methodist church was entertained yesterday afternoon by Mrs. Lee Basye. A good program was enjoy ed. The ladles of the Baptist church realized a neat sum from their sale of home cookirg held at the Duncan grocery Saturday. The Baptist Young People's Union gave a "hard times" social in the church parlors Friday evening. A taffy pull was one of the features of the evening. The ladies of the W. C. T. U. are meeting this afternoon at the home of Mrs. Ira E. Tash. The Ladies Auxiliary of tho First rreBbyterlan church met yesterday afternoon with Mrs. R. K. Reddish. The C. W. B M. of the Christian church met yesterday afternoon with Mrs. J. E. Rice. Mrs. Helling and Mrs. Glen were In charge of the pvo gntm. TonlKht the members of the Christian church will hold a recep tion for the new members who en tcred the church as a result of the revival meetings conducted here re cently by Dr. Knowlets. The first Installment of a series of pictures on the life of Christ will be shown There will be a short program by the orchestra, and some selected read lne. The program "will be followed by a social hour. The church has extended a special Invitation to all new members of the church as well as to all who assisted during the re cent series of meetings, This morning James M. Murdock and Mrs. Lizzie Lane were united in marriaKa, Judge Ira E. Tash speak Inn the words that mado them man and wife. Both of the contracting parties give their residence as Alli ance. The groom gives ms empioy ment as an engineer. The groom is 38, and the bride 28 years old Our modern, sanitary cleaning .. . i and nressine costs no more thai the Other kind. Keep-U-Neat . AAC Tl TJ.. .v.nn uieaners, uu v Phone 133. III TELEPHONE HERALD Five Cents Per Line Count Six Words to a Line No Advertisement Taken for Less Than 15c Hunt the buyer who wants to buy and the seller who wants to sell through these columns, then your deal is two-thirds closed. No salesmanship is required un der those circumstances and salesmanship costs money many times the cost of a want ad. Get thatt FOK SALEFARMS FOR SALE! Just received list on quarter section of land three miles from erea that I can sell for $12.50 an acre if taken at once. Adjoin ing land haa all sold for $25.00 en acre. Tne owner Is a non-resident. This is a real chance and a real price Inquire immediately of or write to J. C. McCorkle, NebraBKa Land Comp any, .Mliunce, Nebraska. 6052-8-tf. f7jR13aTeTX1x acres of land located In Box Butte County, Nebraska, and owned by the estate of the late Joseph Jones of Utica, Nebraska. The land for Bale, to close up the estate, consists of the Northeast Quarter of Ssection four teen, and the Northeast Quarter of Section Twenty-three, Township I 1 n I IH J nii, nuuhi. v. i; v.du ' each containing 160 acres. The tot- ai 320 acres is for sale, if you are In the market for Box Butte County I lilliu. j uur UUUOI lUIIIljr IO u the estate. Write me. Ray W. Jones. Administer, Utica, Nebras ka. 8053-8-Zl. FOR SALE! 400 acres land, 4 i i.i ee rrom f-riogeoori. mrui flue valley land u.jtUr proposed Gov eminent ditch; the balance fine pas ture land. All fenced: a good ce ment house, two stories and base ment: Kood well. Price, $4,500 E. G. ROUSE, Owner, Nortnport, Nebr. 8062-8-3t FOR SALE Ranch within ten miles of Alliance. 1900 acres. In eluding some farm land suitable for alfalfa. Will sell part interest oi rhole ranch. A bargain and a tnou y-maker. Address Box 7 823, cart Alliance Herald. &u--iia FOR SALE Well-Improved farm, NW'i Sec. 4. Twd. 24. Range 47. 6-796 l-7t N. A. KKKWiitt. A BARGAIN! 640 acres school land lease running 25 years all of Section 36-24-51 Box Butte county, only $640. Terms if desired. Write L. C. Crandall. 404 1st Nat. Bank BldK.. Lincoln. Neb. 8069-9-4t FOR SALE 1080 acres twelve milea west and four miles south of Alliance. Would sell 640 acres of this. Write owner, H. Dainton Bartlett. Iowa. 8083-10-4t PERSONAL Notice To The Public My wife Delia B. Fortner, having left my bed and board, deserting me,-I hereby serve notice on any uud all concerned or who may in the future be con corned that on and after this date- February 1. 1917 I will not bo le Uponsiblc for any debts oMiuctcd by said Delia ;. Fortner. 8071-9-tf A. C. FORTNER OVERCOAT STOLEN You, Mr Man. who took my almost new over cout from the bowling alley Satur day night and left your old one In its place you are known ana unless you return that overcoat I may be compelled to have an officer make a trip up Hemlugford way. Return overcoat and no questions will be asked. J. A. Snoke. 8091-10-lt "Now therefore, I pray you, swear unto me by the Lord, since I have shewed you kindness, that ye will also shew kindness unto my father's house, and give me a true token. Joshua 2-12. ' 80880-10-lt$ money to loan on farms "moneytTloaTJoTIjoTu county land nd ranches In the aan a ills. No delay in making tne toaa ire intpect our lands and furnish t aioney at once. J. C. McCorkle, att Corkle Building. Alliance, Nebr. l-tf-6bS4 FURNITURE MOVED MOVE FURNITURE SAFELY We have equipped our dray wai jds and auto truck with the late appliances for moving furnltnr without Barring or scratching o damage. Up-to-date wagon pad will be used by us on all moving )obi JOHN R. SNYDER. Phone 18 !7-tf-6J60 THREE-FOUR-OUGHT WWW WW HELP WANTED MALE ARE YOU THE MANT For an Al liance general agency of a high class life insurance CompanyT Attractive opening for resident of Alliance. Must be man of ability a general producer a man capable of secur ing agents and developing them Into producers. Such a man can make an exceedingly liberal contract with THE BANKERS RESERVE LIFE COMPANY, Home Office, Omaha, Nebraska. 8056-8-3t It orders for lubricating oils, greases and paints. Salary or Commission. Address LINCOLN OIL COMPANY, Cleveland, Ohio. 8058-8-3t FOR SALE LIVE STOCK SOWS AND BOAR FOR SALE 4 brood sows for Bale, will farrow about April 1st. Also, full blood boar. Call Ash 8214. 8068-9-tf BUSINESS CHANCES Opportunity A small investment In an established business. Money secure. Open to man or woman. Will bring a $300 a month Income. No competition, selling or canvass ing. Inquire J. R. Caldron at Alli ance Hotel. 8065-8-lt$ STRAYED OH STOLEN STRAYED OR STOLEN A large black bow with a whlto strip on the face. A reward of five dollars ($5) is offered for recovery and if stolon a reward of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) for conviction of the thief or thieves. JOHN RILEY, Alliance, Nebraska. 8070-9-2t-$$ WANTED TO BUY WANTED TO BUY All kinds of rubber, rags, Iron, metals, and hides. Highest prices paid. Alliance Junk Co., 113 East Fourth street. Phone No. 222. 7-tf-8047 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Old newspapers in five cent and ten cent bundles at the Herald office. FOR SALE Herald Want Ada Spend fifteen cents and seo what a want ad yill do for you. Color printing done by exper printers attracts attention and bring prompt results. Try The Herald job department for your next Job- Phone 340. FOR RENT -ROOMS ROOMS FOR RENT 132 Che one Avenue, Alliance, Nebraska. 4-tf-7682 FOR RENT Four-room suite In the Norton block. W. W. NORTON 8-2t-8064 AUTOMOBILES AUTOS FOR SALE: A second aand roadster and a second-hand Ford touring car for sale cheap. In quire at the Sturgeon garage. 52-U-7848 We have some snaps In used cars all in good mechcnlcal condition, some carrying the same guaranteo as a new car: 1. Packard 2-38 touring, 7 pas senger, 6 tires, 2-mounted on rims for extras, new seat covers, new paint complete equipment. Good mechan ical condition. 2. Packard 1-25 Twin Six Phae ton, 5 passenger, 6 tires, repainted. seat covers and bumper, Mecbanical condition guaranteed. 3. Packard 1-38 Twin Six Phae ton 5 passenger, fine condition. Me chanical condition guaranteed. 4. Cadillac "8," 1916 touring car 7 passenger, 6 tires, repainted, con dition first class. 5. Hudson "54" 7 passenger tour ing, 6 tires, good paint, seat covers, condition good. 6. Abbott 1916 churay roadster. 4 passenger, practically new, condi tion excellent. 7. Franklin touring 1914. 5 pas senger, repainted, good condition. 8. Franklin roadster, 1915, 2 pas senger, absolutely first class In every way. 9. Peerless 6-8, 1914. overhauled and repainted, first class condition. 10. Chandler 1916 Sedan, nl fine condition. 11. Alco "6" overhauled and re- nnintpfi riose-couDled 5 DascenKer body. Can be used as roadBter 5 passenger or could be made into dandy truck. 12. Lozier light "6 in good con dition, price right. THE MOUNTAIN MOTORS CO. 23 Colfax Ave. Denver, Colo. 8072-9-21-$ We do not claim that the mere use of want ads will produce pros perity. But it seems more than a coinci dence that most prosperous peo ple are quick to recognize the val ue of classified advertising. flLet us supply your wants through these columns. FOR SALE FOR SALE Water-motor wash ing machine, in first-class condition. Inquire 320 East Third street. 8078-9-2t-$ FOR SALE Brand new piano, on easy payments. Inquire of John J. Relnkober at Eagle Barber Shop, next to Herald office, or phone 340 and ask for Relnkober. 7-8051-tf - LOST LOST Gold monogram hat-pla with initials "E. M." engraved on the head. Valuable not so much because of actual worth as because of asso ciations. Finder return to Herald office. Reward. 80910-10-2t$ LOST Package containing waist pattern, believed to have been left oa writing desk In post office. Return I to or notify Herald office. 80920-10-lt$ LOST 32x3 demountable rim end tire. Leave at Keeler & Cour sey's or notify P. J. Knapp and re ceive reward, feb 8-2t-8085 FOKSATiT5LTW FOR SALE Soda fountain, back bar, tables and chairs, in first-class condition. .Will sell cheap for cash. J. R. Smith, confectioner, 213 Box Butte ave., Alliance, Nebraska. 8087-10-4t WANTED TO RENT WANTED Rooms, furnished and unfurnished, also houses. There Is hardly a day goes by but someone calls at the Herald office looking for rooms and houses to rent. This of fice cannot supply the demand for we don't know where to send them, al ways. Use these columns. Adver tise. Many times we get you a rent er before the ad appears. Try it and see for yourself. BUSINESS CHANCES FOR SALE A one-half Interest in a paying dray line. This is aa opportunity for a man to get Into a paying business with a reasonably, small Investment which will bring re turns from the day you start. Ad dress Box 8092, care Alliance Her ald, Alliance, Nebraska. 8092-10-4t$ FOR RENT FARMS TlTTtENolieTi Bixty '(160) acres of farm land eighteen miles north, two miles east and one mile north of Alliance, Box Butte county, Nebraska, In section 2, town ship 27, range 47. Inquire of II. M. Schandorff. Box 135, Seottobluff, Ne braska. 8090-10-4t$ FhTaTeI.IVK STOCK FOR SALE Five head of high grade white face bulls, will be two years old In the spring. Write or telephone owner. Fred Hoover, Alji- ' ance, Nebraska. Telephone, Birch 8031. 8086-10-4t hTHjmvXntiwfIk WANTED Woman who will do family washing at home, call for and deliver same. Phone 372. 7-lt FOR RENT FOR RENT Three modern rooms for light housekeeping. 219 Yellow stone ave. Phone 529. 8-tf-8059 FCm RENTSpudi ground on shares, one miles from town. M. D. llealy, 320 East Third st. 10-lt-8093 MATRIMONIAL 1 WANTED By a young man, a companion; widow between the ages of eighteen and thirty-five years pre-' ferred. Write to me. "Lonely," or ' Box 105. Ellsworth, Nebraska a 8073-9-41$ ' JIORROWED ATLAS OF BOX BUTTE COUNTY Will the party who borrowed the Herald's Atlas of Box Butte County kindly return the same at once?