ALLIANCE IIKItAI.D, FKIUU AUY 1, 1017 W IS, 74 7 (MB They work while you Bleep Her ald Classified Ads. There will be a masquerade at the skating rink Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Norton are spending a few days in Denver. Robert Cm ham returned Monday from the stock show at Denver. II. Settles returned Sunday from a two weeks' visit at Table Rock. Misses Winifred and Emma Barry spent the week end at Ellsworth. Miss Laura Weaver Is convalesc ing from an operation for appendicit is. Mrs. Lloyd Johnson had her ton sils removed at the hospital yester day. There was work In the W. M. de gree of the masonic order Friday ev- enlng. Rev. C. II. Burrill was here from Oering Sunday for a visit with his family. Mrs. W. Minnick of Ellsworth was operated on recently at St. Joseph's hospital. Mrs. Dert Ponath leaves next week for Rapid City, S. D., for a visit with her mother. D. U. Mains left Tuesday night for Denver, called there by the death of a relative. Real Estate. Loans and Infur ance. F. E. REDDISH, Reddish Block. 15tf-6727 fJYou need not be an "ad writer" to use these columns. State your wants simply, and above all truthfully. CJOr telephone this office and the clerk will write your ad. CJWant ads are the biggest little investments you can make. Mrs. A. S. Enyeart returned to her home et Hemlngford Monday after spending several weeks in Lincoln. Frank Hart left Wednesday to be at the bedside of his brother, Ed ward, who is in the hospital at that place. Mrs. Crawford of near Hemlngford has been a guest at the home of Mrs. J. A. Wolverton a part of the past week. Mrs. O. M. Hums returned this morning from Lincoln where she had been visiting her daughter, Miss Jes sie, at College View. Mrs. W. M. Mcllroy of Denton, Mont., spent Tuesday and Wednes day in the city visiting with her friend, Miss Mabel Young. The Baptist Ladies' Aid will hold an exchange at Duncan's grocery store Saturday beginning at 10 o'clock. Home cooking will be for sale. The funeral of Donald Ward, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Mc Fall, was held from the faintly home Friday morning. The child died Wednesday night. A. C. Beckwlth, manager of,, the Beckwlth Realty & Live Stock Co., of Sheridan, spent several days In Al liance on business the past week. He returned to Sheridan yesterday. Mrs. Wilseida Wills left Sunday night for a two months' visit with her daughter, Mrs. Hamilton, of San Gabriel, Calif. She was accompanied as far as Sidney by Mrs. C. A. Wills. Art Wiker of Douglas, Wye, ar rived In Alliance Monday for a short visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Al Wiker. He was accompanied by Bert Plummer and Glen Jordan of that place. J. S. Michael and wife of Oakland, Colo., spent a few hours in Alliance yesterday on their way to Hemlng ford where they went to visit Mr. Mtchael.s father. Thilip Michael, of that place. Al the home of Mrs. J. M. Scott, 40". Nirbrara avenue, this afternoon at 2:30 will be held a meeting of the Rebecca circle. This is to be a bus iness meeting and all members are requested to be present. E. H. Wright, who has been con nected with the Arkansas Valley Light and Tower Company of Can yon City Colo., comes to Alliance to become chief electrician with the Alliance Electric Company. Robert Morgan, who had been em ployed at the store of the Standard Mercantile Company since that store commenced business here, has re signed his position. Mr. Morgan wes at Casper, Wyo., on business the ti ret of the week. Miss Chambers, Instructor In the .ocal schools, was' operated upon lasi week for appendicitis. . Haven't you something for a Her old Classified Ad to doT A few cents will make you dollars. 1'rove it for yourself. E. H. Boyd was a business visitor at Oshkosh last week having business before the district court which was In session there. Do It now look at the Classified Ads on the last page of this issue. Anything there for youT What have you to advertise? W. D. Rumer, F. W. Rumer, Frank Bauer and Floyd A. Hively have been in Chicago the past week attending the automobile show. Eugene Burton arrived home Thursday from Scottsbluff where he had been visiting at the home of his sister, Mrs. S. K. Warrick. Mrs. W. D. Rumer and Mrs. F. A. Hively and daughter left the last of the week for California where they will spend the next two months. A. M. White, a representative of the Omaha Paint and Glass Co., will make his headquarters here in the future and will move his family here. If you have anything to buy, some thing to sell, rooms to rent in fact, anything you want to buy or sell use the Herald Classified Columns. They get results. C. O. Dedmore was here from Fair mont last week looking after a bus iness location. lie states he 1st pleased with prospects here and may be expected to return. Word was received by John O' Keefe telling of the death of his cousin, Rodger Henshay, who died at his home In Clinton, Iowa, after a short illness. Mr. Henshay has vis ited here In the past. Rev. Colter, pastor of the Baptist church at Whitman, has been 111 here with smallpox. lie was new at his charge, hnving been there but a ! week when he became 111. It was af- terwards found that the Illness was smallpox. The hospital fund has been in-'; creased by the donations of John and Herman Krause, who have donated $100 to the fund. Several hundred dollars are still needed to make up the amount expected to come from local sources. J. M. Andrews returned home last week for Sioux City where he had been visiting his daughter and broth er for a number of weeks. Little Josephine Schlupp, his granddaugh ter, accompanied him to Alliance and will remain here for a several weeks' visit. Mrs. Ed Jeffers slipped on some icy steps leauing to her rooms over The Famous clothing store. She fell to the bottom, breaking a limb. A daughter who was living with her father at Bayard returned to Alli ance to care for the mother. The twice-a-nionth pay bill has passed the lower hoiiRe and as the senate reported eighty per cent I stronger for it than the lower house, it is expected to become u law. This change will be welcomed by almost everyone, especially the railroad boys. You will be surprised at what you will see in the Classified Columns, If you will but study them. You are provided with the opportunity to get a husband, buy land, rent rooms, buy a washing machine In fact the op portunities are many. Why don't you get busy and use the classified columns? J. Brown was here from Kane, Wyo., on business the last of the week. Grant Meltck was down from Hem lngford the last of the week on bus iness. J. C. Frandsen of Dalton was here on business Thursday. He Is lu the drug business at that place. John Covalt was here from Bridge port a part of last week calling on friends and enjoying himself. Typewriter ribbons of all kinds The Herald carries the largest stock In Alliance at all times. Phone 34i P. W. Johnson who recently suffer ed a paralytic stroke Is ill In this city at the home of his daughter, Mrs. W. C. Shaw. Joseph and William Blgnell have been in Nebraska City several days the past week, having been called there by the death of a relative. Mrs. F. W. Wright has returned to her home at Deadwood following a visit here at the home of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Carlson. A car load of Hudson cars has been received by the Sturgeon Garage, Sturgeon Brothers having the agen cy for the welt-known Hudson Super-Six. Rex Goodale, the young man who has been In charge of the fountain and steam table at Brennan's for sev eral months past, went to Omaha last week on business. It may not be right to laugh but a contemporary told last week of a certain minister who had his appen dix cut out prior to leaving for Chi cago to be married. What do you mean appendix? Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Frankle are expected home the last of the week from Denver where they have been spending a week at the home of his parents and also visiting with their daughter, Miss Matilda Frankle, who 5PBS3 Q Ever notice how often a discarded newspaper is turned to the "Clasei fied Advertising page? I Want ads are among the most thoroughly used columns of the daily press. You can scarcely fail of results when you use a classified ad. New Spring Dresses Coats and Suits JUST ARRIVED Dresses of Silk and Georgette and Serges Nifty styles,- new colors Coats and Suits-the new models are of pretty materials. New shades in high colors The Horace Bogue Store Honest Weight COAL Save Money by Getting-full Weight and Better GOAL at no Highter Price Burning the Candle at Both Ends DOESN'T "make Both Ends Meet." A Better way is to BURN OUR RE LIABLE HIGH GRADE HARRIS GEBO KOOI COLORADO COAL KIRBY or SOUTHERN WYOM INO COAL, OR NORTHERN WYOMING LIG NITE COAL It 'burns ALL up, giving - GREATEST amount of HEAT with SMALLEST amount of ashes. WE ABSO LUTELY give you full, honest weight. This fact is backed by our SUCCESS in Alliance. Let's do business together. BUY YOUR FEED HERE High test Gasoline, Kerosene. Paint; too VAUGHAN & SON Phone 5 Order Coal the Day Before You Need It ti is attending Denver university. : : : Mrs. Edith Zediker left Tuesday for Antiorh where she has a weekly music class. Mrs. Sawyer of the Angora neigh borhood is seriously ill at St. Jos ephs hospital. The members of the Knights of Columbus will hold a danre at their hall this evening. Art Schleb, boiler Inspector, left Tuesday for Crawford to Inspect en gines Ht that place. Mrs. I. O. Sampson of Ellsworth spent several days In the city receiv ing medical treatment. Friday evening the Elks will hold a smoker at their h.ill In honor of District Deputy G. E. Roth. Mrs II. J. Ellis relumed Monday from I n where she has been vis iting at the home of her mother. W. A. Davidson returned Friday from Denver where he had been In attendance at the live stock show. II. O. Pugli, a former resident of Alliance, pasned through the city Sunday on his way to Bridgeport. i W. W. Johnson left last Tuesday for Deadwood, S. D., where he took , the Conslstery Degree In Masonry, j He. was Joined Friday by Mrs. John-i son and Mr. and Mrs. James Gaddis whero they wero guests at the ban quet given that evening. About four hundred were present. They re turned Saturday. Masquerade dance at the skating rink Friday night. Everyone is in vited. Come and have a good time. A Victrola has replaced the old or gan In the Vogal schoolhouse. If you have something to sell, something to buy, or are Just in the market, it will poay you well to read carefully the Classified columns of the Herald this week. There will be another one of the big masquerades at the skating rink Friday evening. These affairs are proving very popular and alwsys draw large crowds. Many unique costumes me seen. Ralph Johnson arrived In the city Monday to remain until sprint. He Is a son of Mr. ami Mrs. M. r.. .lonn son of this city. He has been attend inir the HKrlcultural college tq Ore gon, but before coming to Alliance h visited friends at Portland. Seattle, Spokane and Missouri. Mont. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Urennan and Dr. and Mrs. W. T. Spencer arrived! Saturday from Denver where they had been attending the live stock show held there last week. G. M. Banks sustained a broken ankle Sunday when the horse slip ped and fell, causing him to do like wise. He was n"ar the house wbn the accident happened. Tom and John Collins returned to Alliance the first of the week follow ing a visit of six weeks In Iowa with relatives. They were guests of their sister, Mrs. Dennis McMahone while in Manilla, Iowa. Herald Classified Advertisement. are little wonder workers. Vou can eaBily prove this for yourself by spending a few centa on them. You get results, and that is what you pay for. Think haven't you something to advertise. If you have spare roomb read this There la hardly a day that goea by but what someone calls at the Herald office looking for rooms, rooms for light housekeeping or a plain house. We are unable to supply the demand. If you have anything In this line it will pay you well to advertise It In the classified columns of the Herald. Iu many Instances we rent the rooms for you before even the advertisement appears. It's service that counta and you get It In a Herald classified ad vertisement. . Sunday evennlg the fire depart ment was called out to put out a ore In a small barn located at the bak of the Andy Walmer property, 21 East Third Street. The building was owned by It. L. Harris and was used to keep the horse In. It Is estimat ed that the damage amounted tm some 1 50. The Are department was cult? t Tuesday evening Just at six o'cloclM to put out a fire In an ash pilo at tbaw rear of the Presbyterian churcfi-' Some ashes had been dumpod out am with tho rising wind they were being' i scattered in every direction, wit gravo danger that some buildintrf might be caught on fire. Tho alarm was turned In Just ahead or the btgi storm. The benefit program given .Mon day evening at the I'helan opera- house for the Christian church nett led the promoters $78. The uowd) filled the opera house and were n' warded with a program fitting such an appreciative and responses audience. Rev. Knowles, who close' a series of meetings at the Christian church on Sunday night was on tbsv job with his lantern, providing to' pictures for the illustrated songs. H-' part of the entertainment was a two part monologue, "In His Steps," Il lustrated with some sixty slides. Mrs. J. U. Walker pleased all wltl" her cornet solo, "The Holy CityJ" same being Illustrated by pictui. slides. Various children of liar, church competed in the selling tlcketB. Delbert Cole Won first' prize of three dollars and Roy Youos" the second prize of one dollar. About the Planets. The albedo or rcllcetlnx power f the planets Is believed to give ti li'ut r h to th'ir jili.f;i cnndlti"!!. In a table prepured by I'rof. II. N. Itu-wit the 1iIIi 1ii of the moon Ik given ii 0.07; Mercury, O.OfJ; Venn. .:!: Mum, 0.15; Jupiter, O.rtfl; Sutuin, Uranus, O.ffcl, and Neptune, .".".. lit earth's ulliedo, measured fiv:u tli etirthxhlne on the moon, lit. Iwtm placed us high as 0.80, though u newr calculation indicates OA'.. 'I'lte four large planet have high allied" on uc count of their cloud-laden ti Unisphere; I hat of Mercury, with pnieticully o e inohphere. Is low. Old papers for sale at the HeraW office. Papers are doue up In buss dies at fi" and ten 'ens a bundle fJNot a home ia this city but has its ijutp. ot discarded furniture, nips, stoves perhaps, a wheel barrow maybe. A few cents for r want ad and some one who needs the very article that lies rotting in your garret will call and pay you for it. J You are Letter off new owner is pleased and the article itself is contributing to the re duction of the high cost of living. !.