The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, February 01, 1917, Image 7

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    AM.IAXCK IIKItAI.I), KKimt'AUY !, 1017
When it's cold and you are out of
coal, COAL is the big thing then.
We have the coal and you can have
it when you want It, good coal, too
really better coal
JJust telephone us andjsiv, "send up"a ton
(or two terns or three), we need it quick, it's
cold," and you'll get action. Phone 73
Notice is hereby given that by vir
tue of an Order of Sale, issued by
the Clerk of the District Court of the
Blxteenth Jud.t al District of Nebras
ka, within and for Box Dutte county,
In an action wherein The Alliance
Building and Loan Association of
Alliance, Nebraska, is plaintiff, and
Edward Whetstone, et al, are de
fendants. I will at 11 o'clock, A.
M., on the 27th day of January A. D.
1917, at the west door of the Court
House in the city of Alliance, Nebr
aska, offer for sale at public auction,
the following described property,
lands and tenements, to-wlt:
A tract of land commencing at a
point on the north line of lot 65, In
County Addition to Alliance, accord
ing to the recorded plat thereof, 46
and 2-3 feet from the northwest cor
ner of said lot 65; thence south par
allel with the west lino of Lots 65,
6 and 67, in said County Addition,
to the south lkie of said lot 67 thence
west on the said south line of said lot
67 to the southwest corner of said
lot 67; thence north on the west line
of said lots 65, 66 and 67 to the
northwest corner of said lot 65;
thence east 46 and 2-3 feet on north
line of said lot 65 to the point of be
ginning, the intention being to con
vey the west one-third of said lots
65, 66 and 67,. County Addition to
Alliance, Box Butte County, Nebras
ka, together with all the appurten
ances thereunto belonging.
Given under my hand this 27th
day of December, A. D., 1916.
C. M. COX. Sheriff.
Burton & Reddish, Atorneys.
Notice is hereby given that by vir
tue of an Order of Sale Issued by the
Clerk of the District Court of the
Sixteenth Judicial District of Nebras
ka, within and for Box Butte County,
In an action wherein The Alliance
Building and Loan Association of Al
liance, Nebraska, Is plaintiff, and Ed
gar B. Ozinun, et al, are Defendants.
I will at 10 o'clock A. M. on the
27th day of January, A. D., 1917, at
the west door of tho Court House In
the city of Alliance, Box Butte Coun
ty, Nebraska, offer for sale at public
auction, the following described
property, Innda and tenements, to
wit: Lot 1, Block 10, first addition to
Alliance, Box Butte County, Nebras
ka. Given under my hand this 27th
day of December, A. D., 1916.
C. M. COX. Sheriff.
Burton & Reddish, Attorneys.
Serial No. 015956.
Notice for Publication
Department of the Interior, U. S.
Land Office at Alliance, Nebraska,
Dec. 13, 1916.
Notice is hereby given that Emma
Gentle, of Alliance, Nebraska, who,
on May 15, 1913, made Homestead
Entry. No. 015956. for the SW4
6ec. 25. and NEV4 NE4. SVi NE,
and N SE'4, Section 26, Township
23 North, Range 50 West of Sixth
Principal Meridian, has filed notice
of Intention to make final three-year
proof, to establish claim to the land
above described, before the Register
and Receiver of the United States
Land Office, at Alliance, Nebraska,
on the 22nd day of January, 1917.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Leo Carnine, of Angora, Nebras
ka; Alvln Turman. ofxAngora, Ne
braska; Glen Gentle, ofVAllianee, Ne
braska; Mrs. Glen Gentle, of Alli
ance, Nebraska.
T. J. O'KEEFE. Register.
To Hamilton Hall. John Hall.
Lump and Nut
and Nut
Lump and Nut
When You Want It!
Mary Hall Bltts, Jemima Hall Mur
phy, Iva Hall, Charles Hall and How
ard W. Hall, heirs of Hamilton Hall,
the unknown heirs, devisees, legat
ees and personal representatives, and
all other persons Interested in the
estate of Hamilton Hall, deceased,
will take notice that on December 6.
1916. Elizabeth Hall, Plaintiff, filed
her petition in the District court of
Box Butte County, Nebraska, against
said defendants, the object and pray
er of which are to foreclose a mort
gage deed executed February 6,
1913. by Robert C. Wright and Lina
Wright, his wife, defendants, to
Hamilton Hall, defendant, upon the
NW14 Section 28, Twp. 28. N. of
Range 49. W. 6th P. M. in Box Butte
County, Nebraska, to secure the pay
ment of three promissory notes for
$300 each, and becoming due and
payable March 1, 1916, March 1,
1917. and March 1. 1918, respective
ly; Bald mortgage, provided that de
fault of payment of the interest or
principal on any one of said notes,
when same shall become due and
payable shall cause all of said notes
to become due and payable; that de
fault in payment has been made and
there is now due and payable thereon
the sum of $998.90, with interest at
7 per cent per annum from Septem
ber 25, 1916, for which sum, with
interests and costs, plaintiff prays
for a decree, that defendants, Rob
ert C. Wright and Lina Wright, be
required to pay same, and in default
of such payment, said premises may
be Bold to satisfy the amount found
due; that said mortgage and 3 notes
were assigned by said Hamilton Hall
to plaintiff; that plaintiff Is now the
owner and holder of same; that each
and all of the above named defend
ants may be forever barred an dfore
closed of any and all right, ytle, in
terest or equity of redemption In and
'o said premises, and for nuch other
nd further relief as may be Just and
You an required t' answer said
petition on or befor ih 5lh day of
February, 1916.
By Plaintiff.
Burton & Reddinh, her attorneys.
Serial No. 0164 50.
Notice for Publication
Department of the Interior, V. S.
Land Office at Alliance. Nebraska,
January 17, 1917.
Notice is hereby given that BesBie
W. McCool, of Ellsworth. Nebraska,
who, on January 6, 1U14, made
Homestead Entry, No. 0164 50, for
the west half of Northwest quarter
and the W of SW . Section 10.
Township 23 North. Range 43 west
of Sixth Principal meridian, has filed
notice of intention to make final
three-year proof, to "tabllsh claim
to ttv land above described, before
the Register and Receiver of the
United ' States Land Office, at Alli
ance, Nebraska, on the 28th day o?
February. 1917.
Claimant names as witnesses:
R. E. McCool, of Alliance, Nebras
ka; Howard E. Young, of Pawlet,
Nebraska; Clarence E. Leishtnan, of
Ellnworth, Nebraska; Don Shrews
berry, of Ellsworth, Nebraska.
T. J. O'KEEFE. Register.
State of Nebraska,
Box Butte County, ss.
To Mrs. Ester Parks Forsythe
formerly Ester Parks and Claudo Car
penter, the persons In whose names
the title to the Lot, Land herein be
low described appears of record, and
James Makris, the person in actual
occupation of said lot, land, as a
renter, you are hereby notified that
on the 2d day of November A. D.
1914, J. P. Ilaxard purchased at
Public Tax R.ilo. tho Lot. Land de-
rr.'b'l us Lot One (1). In Block
1'our (4), in South Alliance, an ul-
'dltlrtn to the town now city of Alll
nnv. in Box Butte County, Slate of
Nebraska, for the delinquent taxes
for the year 1913, and received from
, E. M. Martin, the then County Treas
urer, tax certificate No. 2, and tax
receipt No. 3515, therefor; That af
terwards, and after the taxes on paid
Lot, Land, became delinquent, said
purchaser paid the tuxes thereon for
the years 1914 and 1915, and re
ceived Tax Receipts No. 3182. dated
August 28, 1915, and No. 3711, dat
ed October 28, 1916. respectively,
from said County Treasurer.
! That the title to said Lot, Land ap
pears of record in the names of Ester
Parks and Claudo Carpenter; That
said Lot. Land was assessed. In the
names of Ester Parks and ChPude
Carpenter for the years i913, 1914,
and 1915, and that after the expira
tion of three months from date of
service of this notice, tho Tax Deed
will be applied for.
That afterwards J. P. Hazard, the
purchaser, duly assigned said Tax
Certificate and said Tax Receipts to
Laura Hazard, with full authority to
obtain a Tax Deed, in her name and
title. Taxes paid for 1913. $3.30,
for 1914, J2.25, for 1915, $2.70, to
tal. $o..'5.
Dated January 19, 1917.
Three publications, February 1st,
8th and ICth. 1917.
Alliance, Nebr., January 9, 1917.
Board of County Commissioners
met in regulur session, as required
by law. Members present: G. "W.
Duncan, chairman; C. L. HuHhmun
and Anton Uhrig.
Mrs. Sarah Story made application
for aid but after considerable Invest
igation and deliberation found her to
; be a resident of Garden county and
'further action on matter dropped.
, Members of the farmer's institute
called on commissioners and made
request for an appropriation of $1,
500 for tho purpose of farm demon
strator. Matter taken under advise
ment and board adjourned till 9 a,
in. tomorrow.
W. C. MONs'TS, Clerk.
Alliance, Nebr., January 10, 1917.
Board of county commissioners
met pursuant to adjournment, all
members being present.
On motion of Mr. Duncan second
ed by Mr. Uhrig, Mr. Hashman was
elected chairman for the ensuing
It is ordered that the contract of
Dr. C. E. Slaglo aa county physician
for 1916 be renewed for 1917; said
contract Deing for the sura of $155
per annum for the physician's serv
ices for the county paupers and In
mates of the county jail.
It is tho order of the board that
each member of the board with the
tfounty physician be made and con
stituted the Board of Health In and
for the county of Box Butte for the
year 1917.
It is the order of the board that
each commissioner be and is hereby
appointed a speclul highway commis
sioner, to view and look after roads
In their respective districts.
As no bills were filed for the bur
ial of county paupers, the coroner Is
instructed by the board that If burial
is ordered by him to confine burial
charges to $28, except where under
taker id called to- make long trips,
then additional expense may be al
lowed subject to the approval of the
boa rd.
Petition of F. W. Irish, county
treasurer, for allowanoce of clerk
hire considered, and It la hereby or
dered that he be granted one clerk
n ..lorn not tn lIVKMirl X fi S npr
.i. I
mum u.
Petition of W. C. Mounts, county
clerk, to be allowed deputy. It Is
hereby ordered that he be allowed
one deputy at a salary not to exceed'
$800 per annum, to be paid out of
the fees of the office.
The following estimates were
marie 'for the expenses of 1917:
County officials' salaries .... $6,000
Precinct officers' salaries . . . 2,000
Fuel and light 1.000
Criminal 3,600
Books and stationery 2,000
Pauper 2,000
Bridge and road 10,000
Insanity 3,000
Mothers' pension 946
Incidental 1.000 j
Total $31,545
It Is ordered that the Semi-Weekly
Times be made the official paper
of Box Butte county for the year
1917. The rate to be three-fourths
nf the leEHl rat'.
Whereupon the board adjourned
until tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock.
W. C. MOUNTS. Clerk.
Alliance. Nebr., Jan. 11, 1917.
Board of county commissioners
met pursuant to adjournment, all
members being present. j
County treasurer reports the fol- (
lowing cash balances -on hand: j
County brldiie fund $5,947.79 :
Auto fund 633.90 ,
Poll tax fund 1,139.60 j
Total $7,721.29
It U hereby ordered that $5,000
be transferred from the bridge fund
to the general fund.
That 947.79 b transferred from
the bridge fund to the road fund;
$633.90 in auto fund to be transferr-1
ed to the road fund; $1,139.60 In poll
tax fund be transferred to road fund.
The following claims were audit
ed and allowed and clerk ordered to
draw warrants on general funo for
sa me :
No. To For Amount
825 Geo. W. Duncan, services $43.00
851 Peter Soderburg. election $12.00
852 Klopp & Bartlett. supplies $92.75 ;
863 Annie Lewis, pension rejected
854 Klopp & Bartlett. supplies 21.39
856 T. D. Roberts, J. P. fees 8.50
i T7 The Famous, merchandise 1.50
8 68 Belle Robinson, pension rejected
861 Carrie Smith, pension rejected
862 A. 8. Gerdes. refund . 15.50
863 Nebr. Tel. Co., Dec. phones 25.25
365 J. S. Corp assn. Al. Nat. Bk
Nov. salary .... 75.00
866 Al. Steam Laundry, laundry 6 60
867 Herald Pub. Co. printing 37.60
869 Dan V. Stevens, supplies 3.20
870 Leora Kennedy, et al..
Stute vs. Marshall claim
$t9 0; allowed . . . 27.20
871 ll.ui ill Hi'uh. Co., piiper . 24.00
S7 3 A. II. Wheeler ft al., fees 16.00
S76 J. W. Miller, sal. Oct., Nov..
Dec 160.00
877 Kd EMred. bailiff 20.00
878 Dick Curtis, labor . 1.75
882 C. A. Shlndler. mdse . 3.70
883 F. D. McCormlrk. eats . 8.45
88 4 Frank Romer . . rejected
886 Stella Allen, labor, $9.00;
Assslgned to Ida Klnnamon 6.00
894 C. M. Cox. fees . . 197.20
875 K. L. Pierce, et al., ($15) 8.00
895 C. M. Cox, fees . . 8.00
896 C. M. Cox. fees . . 5.40
897 C. M. Cox, -fees . . 90.71
898 C. M. Cox. fees . . 25.00
899 C. M. Cox. salary . 200.00
900 C. M. Cox. fees and exp. . 42.20
901 C. M. Cox. fees . . 29.17
902 C. M. Cox, fees $89.76 84.76
903 C. M. Cox, fees 91.36 . 86.36
904 C. M. Cox fees 48.92 . 48.62
905 C. M. Cox Tees 10.89 . 9.89
906 C. M. Cox, fees 479.00 467.60
908 Opal Russell, sal. and exp. 182.92
90 F. W. Harris, agt., treas.
bond 120.00
910 G. W. Duncan & Son. as
signed to Al. Nat. Bank 37.85
911 Univ. Pub. Co., sch. books 6.30
912 Klopp k Bartlett, supplies 1.71
914 J. R. Iyaurence, labor 5.00
915 E. M. Martin, labor 16.88
916 J. M. Wanek. fees 27.20
917 Geo. W. Duncan (Al. Nat.
Bank), fees 40.00
918 C. L. "Hashman, fees 34.00
919 Allinace News, printing 4.00
920 Klopp & Bartlett. supplies 6.11
921 Robt. O. Reddish, Insanity 6.00
922 Guthrie & Wright, co. treas.
bond 120.00
930 Herald Pub Co.. printing 36.85
932 II. If. Bellwood, Insanity 45.00
933 Klopp & Bartlett. supplies 33.75
934 Hammond & Stevens Co.
supplies' - 29.79
935 Allinace News, printing 3.00
936 Forest Lumber Co., coal 179.05
937 City of Allinace, water 16.72
938 J. S. Corp. salary 75.00
940 Horace Bogue store, mdse 8.00
941 Opal Russell, expense 20.25
942 Nebr. Tel. Co., Jan. phoneB 18.60
944 J. C. McCorkle, election 100.00
945 J. T. Nabb, sec. 10.00
947 Sisters of Mercy, hospital 30.00
918 W. R. Harper, mdse 9.20
949 J. M. Wanek. fees 15.20
950 C. L. Hashman, fees 9.00
951 G. W. Duncan, fees 12.00
952 E. E. Bomhak, labor 4.26
1 J. S. Corp, expense 25.00
4 Ben J. Sallows, printing 96.95
vx 5 M. S. Margraves, expense 14.21
7 John Lenzen, elec. exp. 2.00
8 Jos. Carey, refund 19.20
11 Edna A. Martin, salary 129.00
6 C. A. Lalng, eats 9.55
12 E. M. Martin, salary 38.46
13 G. W. Duncan, groceries 29.05
13 The Famous,, mdse 2.60
14 I. E. Tash, fees' 2.60
15 C. M. Cox 54.90
16 C. M. Cox, mileage 32.60
17 Jno. W. Guthrie, auditing 37.50
18 W. E. Spencer, secy. Farm
ers' Institute 14.05
The auditor's report on county
clerk was examined and approved.
Report of T. D. Roberts, Justice of
Peace, was examined and approved.
Whereupon the board adjourned
Why People Buy from
the Stores that
You have often heard people ask
this question: "Why is it I never strike a har
gain like you do?" That person is not a
wide-awake nor careful buyer and does not
read the advertisements.
When a Business Man pays
money to make a public announcement, he usually has something worth while
to offer something that is to your advantage to know- He has a money-saving
sale, a new assortment of styles or extraordinary values of some kind to
tell you about.
To take advantage of. these opportunities you
must get at the meat of the newspaper its
THE ALLIANCE HERALD is a better advertising medium by reason of the
fact that its circulation is more than that of any other two papers in the
until 9 a. m. tomorrow.
W. C. MOUNTS. Clerk.
Allinace, Nebr., Jan. 12, 1917
Board met In session at 9 a. in. all
members present.
Reports of county clerk, county
Judge and county treasurer, were ex
amined and approved.
Notlco of the appointment of W.
Jeff era as constable by T. H. Roberts,
Justice of tho Peace, was received and
J. W. Miller was appointed deputy
sheriff by Sheriff C. M. Cox. which
was approved by the board, and sal
ary fixed at $85.00 per month.
Official bonds of C. W. Jeffers, con
stable; M. Hutton, justice of the
peace, and Jas. W. Miller, deputy
sheriff, were examined and approved.
The following claims were audited
and allowed and clerk ordered to
draw warrants on road fund for
721 J. E. Alexander, labor 42.75
Assigned to First State Bank
730 R. L. Harris, labor 2.30
736 A. R. Miller (assn. to T. 8.
Fielding) labor 18.00
737 Jos. l)u lion, labor 9.00
819 Chas. Wilson, labor 2.25
824 W. L. Ortftlth. labor 13.00
828 O. W. Nation, labor 6.00
833 A. E. Wright, labor 17.00
834 Miles Hagaman, labor 5.00
835 Jno. Wright, labor 8.00
836 Fred C. Robblns. labor 21.00
837 Otto Hagaman, labor 4.00
838 C. D. McDowell, assn. E.
' Cook, labor 5.90
845 Earl Alexander, assn First
State. Bank, labor '37.50
860 Jacok' Koper, labor 72.00
868 Forest Lbr. Co., lumber 8.4 5
879 Aug. Kohrman, labor 15.60
880 H. II. Pierce, labor 48.00
881 F. A. Nagelschneider, lab
or 52.80
885 C. E. Miller, labor 77.60
887 J. W. Blcknell, labor 241.25
(assn, Frang Abegg 75.20
888 C. W. Blcknell, labor 382.50
889 Frank Vaughan, labor 60.00
890 Jno. Simpson, assn, Frang
Abegg, labor 60.50
891 Ed Young, labor 126.00
892 H. L. Hashman, labor 2.50
893 F. L. Marsh, assn. Frank
Abegg, labor 114.12
907 C. E. Miller, labor 12.60
913 Jno. Simpson, assn. Fred
Rehder, labor 25.00
923 Frank Nagelschneider, lab
or 0.76
924 Geo. Gregg, labor 24.75
925 Wm. Curry, labor 1.60
926 Dlerks Lbr. & Coal Co mat. 10.65
927 Dorn Zimmerman, labor 4.00
928 Jas. Kennedy, labor 16.00
929 J. W. Hashman, labor 15.00
931 Newberry Hdw. Co., mat. 152.30
939 Jno. Sourwine, labor 3.25
943 Russell Miller, labor , 3.25
2 Syrus Simpson, labor 1.26
3 Wm. Manion, labor 4 8.00
9 L. M. Kennedy, labor 12.00
10 O. L. Harris, labor 6.30
Whereupon the board adjourned
to tomorrow morning at 9 a. m.
W. C. MOUNTS. Clerk.
Allinace. Nebr., Jan. 13, 1917
Members of the board met pursu
ant to adjournment. All members
The time was taken up by parties
in regard to allowance for farm den
onsirutor for 1917.
Whereupon the board adjourn
until Monday morning, Je;.uary IS--1917.
Alliance. Nebr., Jan. 15, HIT'
Commissioners met pursuant UP'
adjournment all members present
On petition of 107 of the land ow
era of Box Butte count, for aid &
support of a county demonstrate"
t lie following motion was put:
Moved that the board of tonnfr
commissioners of Box Butte coetr
Nebr., do hereby declare that XhifX
will appropriate the sum of $l,$0O,i
from the general rund of said coBBty
In accordance with Article XI
tlon 70 of the revised statutes of If'
braska for 1913, to assist in dfr
Ing the expenses of a farm dent'
strator for the year, 1917. Tta'
money o be paid over to that efl'
at such time In accordance wltfc tMx
the statutes governing the case.
Said motion carried and It i
Commissioners went to InvestlfafW
a case of sickness wherein aid is e
quested. Return and report finding
Mr. Sarah Story to be sick and
resident of Garden county, Nebr.
Whereupon the board adjourn
to tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock,
W. C. MOUNTS, Clerav
Allinace, Nebr., Jan. 1 6,111
Board of commissioners met p9
suant to adjournment; all memiMr'
The day was taken up by vitwinf
roud a and county poor farm, and
journed until tomorrow niornlngr aV
9 o'clock.
XV. C. MOUNTS, Clerav
Allinace, Nebr., Jan. 17, If 17
Board of commissioners met BSU'
suant to adjournment; all membej
The following claims were allow
ed and clerk ordered to draw wr"
rants on general fund for same.
20 A. Renswold, labor $ 4
21 S. R. Burkholder care paup 197.1
22 Rheln-Rousey Co., mdse
23 G. W. Duncan, salary $J.T-
24 C. L. Hashman. salary If.'
25 Anton Uhrig, salary $'
Whereupon the board adjourned
February 13, 1917.
W. C. MOUNTS, Clerk."
Telle now To Get Quick Relief
from Head-Colds. It's Hplendld! L
! i i
In Ana ininnU n..i lm.l rvl
will open, tho air paiiaages ef your IineJ
will eleir and you can breathe UtlfT"
No more hawking, snuffling, Mowltfr?"
keadaclie, dryness. No struggling fir"
breath at night) your cold or cat mi1
will be gonf.
Oct a small bottle of Fly's Crosnr"
Balm from your druggist now. A; ply?
a little of this fragrant. antisijpiic,'
healing cream in your notttriU. It
etrates through every air paafe of (be''
head, soothes the inflamed or wo!la-
mucous membrane and relief conn
It's jut fine. Don't fctay stuffed of
with a cold or naty catarrh Relief''
comes so quickly.