On Sunday will be given the fourth 4a the series of popular Sunday af- l fcaruoon concerts at the Christian f fcurch. The hour has been chang , to 2:30 p. in. instead of 4. l'rof. SsUacke will give a talk on the de- lopnient and influence of Germany mpou music. Tlie musical numbers VU1 be taken from the best German . : mposers. February 14 and March 17 are t;.Jtfce dales set for two Informal dauc. .m to be given at the Elks club rooms. ;- Only Elks will be admitted. It Is ex ceeded there will be a number from . wU. of town In attendance at each af-alr. Friends here have received the tmouncement of the marriage of A. i,X, Anderson of Lincoln, state lead ,mr of county agent work, to Miss Hulda Peterson at Bertrand, Nebr. "Tne bride recently was In charge of fib boys' and girls' club work In this -Sate. Lester and Charles Cross enter al talned eleven members of the Junior : boys' class of the Baptist church, ,srhich class is taught by Mrs. A. 11. I mobbins, at their home Thursday, from 4 to 7:30 o'clock. Music and , jcamcs were the amusements after f the regular business meeting. The members of the Young Ladies' ( Onion of the Methodist church were ( jeostesses to the members of tho Big -Brothers class of the same church Thursday evening at the home of Miss Mable Ormsby. Mrs. Acheson iiM the teacher of the young ladies' f-claas, while Archie Gregory is the v4a&cher of the Big Brothers class. . Forty-one Were In attendance. De- llghtful refreshments wore served nd a general good time enjoyed by present. The members of the Sunday school .class of the Methodist church taught by Miss llattle HenBwold were enter i talned Friday evening at the home of , Mrs. L. E. Mark. A pleasant lunch eon was served and a good tlmo en t Joyed. The membership of the class Via made up entirely of boys. Mrs. Carl Whitman entertained ,-the G. I. A. ladies Thursday aer , -soon. There was a large attendance . And all enjoyed the afternoon. Mrs. tJF. W. Irish, Mrs. Crawford and Mrs. J. O. Irwin were guests of the club. lira. John Burke and Mrs. Kay an. Clul) met witn Mrs. Nellie Wll .alark were hostesses at a six o'clock , Bon . ror a business meeting. After ( dinner p;iu at Uui home of the lat-!tnn election of officers, excellent mu- - ter Frl! y veiling lu compliment 10 ' Mrs. I. W. Wright of Deadwood. Charles 1 ailiiian of this city, em ployed at tho HoUleu drug store, and Miss Hazel Ann Osborne of Omaha twere united in marriage last Wed nesday by Judge I. E. Tash. The .bride wus gowned In a pretty dress of midnight blue crepe meteor with chiffon and taffeta trimmings. The troom is a well-known young man '.about town ami has made many friends since coming here some six - months ago. The recital given by students of , tbe Alliance School of Music at the i Oaptlbt church Saturday evening was successful one from every stand , iwint. The recital was well attend , 4t4 and the students made a most r creditable showing. The work of 4ttra. Stansbury's class was especial ly good, the little ones dramatizing 4 the story of "The Three Llttl Pigs." The following program was given: .-. Rogers "Amuleto" , Bohr "Little Dolly Mandarin" May Graham Kroger "The Mill Wheel" Cecil Woidenhamer , Eorowskl "Mazurka" 'KarganolT "By the Brookside" Martha Hawkins Dramatizatii n of stories Mrs. Stansbury's class. Kroeger "The liee Hive" Norma Trabert Gottschalk "Slumber Sons" Lena I'anwiu Rogers "Cloud Shadows" Denca "Roues Every while'' Tht luia Fitzpalrick Kryslnger . . . . "Sunbeams at Play" Kthe'yn Ellis Kroeger. "A Fourth of July Celebra tion" Wry Lowry. Gertrude Gwswold. "What the Chim ney Sang" H ib-Tt Atkvison, "The Seal's Lulla by '- M..li I Sward. Uossinl . . . "The Barber of Seville" Irma Ellis Uchner "Ring Dance" Dvorak "Humoresque" Helen Woods Kroeger .... "The Spinning Wheel" Dorothy Hurst Speaks .... "Now the Day is Over" May Graham A very pretty wedding occurred at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Wells, when their only daughter, Nellie Mae, was united In the bonds f holy matrimony to Arthur Nelson Allen, of Scottsbluff, on the evening of January 24. The number of friends in attendance and the many beautiful, expensive and useful gifts . attested to the high esteem in which this worthy couple are held. Pink and white were tbe colors chosen, . and were carried out In both decora tions and refreshments. Promptly at 8 o'clock Mrs. W. B. Palmer of Scottsbluff presided at the piano and sang in a very impressive manner, "Oh, Promise Me." Then to the trains of "Lohengrin" inarch, the bride's little niece, Iola, dressed in pink and carrying a basket of pink - ribbon, and her nephew Howard, carrying a basket of white ribbon, slowly marched to the hymenlal al tar forming an aisle. After them came Elder Berry the officiating min ister, followed by the brldo and the groom. The bride was attired In pink crepe de chene and chiffon with white rose trimming, and carried a beautiful bouquet of brides roses and lilies of the ralley. The cere mony was performed under a canopy of ferns, lined with a large pink bow, under festoons of smylax, bordered with pink and white carnations, be ing very Impressive. After congrat ulations a delicious two-course luncheon was served by four of the bride's former pupils, Lela Nabb Effle Hawkins, Laura Scott and El sie Harris. The bride Is ono of Box Butte county's charming young la dies, and will be greatly missed In the home and neighborhood. The groom Is an enterprising young bus Incss man of Scottsbluff. Having lost his father In early childhood, he has made his way thru college, grad uating from his college course at Union College, of which college his bride Is also a graduate. They de parted on the midnight train for Denver and other Colorado points. Mr. and Mrs. Allen will make their home In Scottsbluff where their many friends Join In wishing them a long, happy and prosperous life. Those present from a distance were: Elder Berry and son Frank, Angora, Nenr. ; Mrs. Jennie Soucey, Collegevlew; Mrs. G. A. Klrkle. Minatare; Mrs Annie E. Allen, mother of ' 11 ' I groom; Mr. snd Mrs. V. B. Palmer; Joe Warren. Scottsbluff; Mrs. Ern est Kinsley, Omaha; Elbrli ge Wells. brother of the bride, and family; Charles Pemberton, Merle Wheeler Marsland. Mrs. F. W. Hicks entertained a number of guests at her home Friday afternoon. The party was in the form of a birthday party for Mrs. Nellie Taiker. The color scheme wna nlnk and white. Two etiessine contests were held. Mrs. Layton win- nlno- th fro-fnr-nll nrlr.P, In the cake contest and Mrs. Lunn first prize In the contest on the human body. A delicious two-course luncheon was served. The guests were: Mesdamos Cams. Iiyton, Lunn, C. C. Smith. Bennett, Phelps, Brown. Darling. Davennort. Acheson. Parker and Gregory I LaBt Friday afternoon the Worn sic was rendered and a dainty two- course luncheon served by the host ess. The officers elected were: Pres ident. Mrs. Lizzie Lester; first vice nres dent. Mrs. Emma Norton; sec ond vice president, Mrs. Eva Tash; secretary, Mrs. Alta Basye,; treasur er, Mrs. Myrtle Wilson. Frlday afternoon of this week the Woman's Club will meet at the home of Mrs. J, Rowan. The ladies of the First Presbyter ian church very pleasantly entertain ed the ladles of the other church aids Wednesday afternoon. There Was a very large attendance despite the In clement weather. After the devo tional exercises, a welcome address was given by Mrs. W. E. Spencer. Games were played and refreshments served. The B. Y. P. U. of the First Bap tist church will give a "hard times" social In the basement of the church February 9. The main feature of the evening will be a taffy pull. On Sunday afternoon, January 28 at F o'clock, occurred the marriage of Miss Nellie Klmore to Sterling G Mendenhall at the home of the bride's parents. Uev. II. J. Young be ing the officiating minister. The bride's gown was of silver crepe me teor with silver lace, with a corsage bouduet of pink rose buds. Only the immediate relatives and friends were tirt'Ki-nt. An elaborate dinner wtu The.1 served following the ceremony bride is a very popular young lady of Alliance, while the groom is a trust ed employee of Lalng's clothing htore. Mr. and Mrs. Mendenhall will be at home after February 15, at 31C Laramie avenue. Miss Naomi Gaddis entertained eight of her friends at her home, 613 Cheyenne avenue. Saturday ev ening. Dancing was the program of the evening and dainty refreshments were served. Sundav evening. January 28. at Sheridan. Wyo.; occurred the mar- riage of Miss Aleda Tipple of that place and Mr. P rry E. Buckle of Al liance. Dr. C. V. Fisher of the Con gregational church performed the ceremony, which was preceded by the singing of Loheugrlu's wedding march by the choir of which the bride was a member. Mr. and Mrs. Buckle arrived in Alliance Monday, where they will be at home to their friends, at 412 Big Horn avenue Mr. and Mrs. Sterling G. Meuden hall entertained a number of their friends Monday night at the Alliance hotel in honor of their marriage Sunday evening. The color scheme was red and white. Tbe guests were Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Lalng, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Dubuque. Mr. and Mrs H. A. Johnson, and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Gladson Mesdames Kibble, Pate and Park er of the Methodist Ladies' Aid en tertaln the members of the M. E choir at the home of Mrs. Kibble Frl- .lay evening. This In the first of a series that the Ladles' Aid are plan mug to give In honor of the choir. The Ladies' Aid of the Methodist (church meets next Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Lee Basye. A musical program Is to be given. At the First Baptist church: 11 la. in., A Talk with Jesus . Even ing subject, 7:30 p. m., "A Blind Man's Kyes." II. Y. P. U. at 6:30. Sunday school at 10 a. m. A men's Liible class has been recently organ ized In the Sunday school and they are planning some special features in the near future. The Eastern Star will have Its reg- lular meeting next Tuesday evening. WHOOP-'ER-UP IN JUNE (Continued from page 1) cial club rooms, Friday evening, Jan uary 26, President A. D. Itodgers presiding, Upon motions, duly carried, the secretary was instructed to cast a unanimous ballot for the following officers: L. II. Highland, president; C. A. Newberry, vice president; W. E. Spencer, secretary; Freu H. Moll ring, treasurer. It was decided that the office of general manager should be left open, appointment to be mado by tho pres ident at such time as he might de sire, It was the opinion of the board that the secretary should bo accord ed an assistant who could carry on the major portion of the detail work. Mr. Bushnell. the past assistant secretary, continued In that capacity Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the board authorized It. M. Hampton to act In the capacity of financial agent and attorney-in-fact, to use his discretion in paying off or renewing notes In the amount of $1210 and interest, which are out standing against the association. Upon suggestion of Eugene Bur ton. It was decided to request the county commissioners to refund tax- .P8 assessed against the. association. T . .. 1 . I- 1 , 1 4l.nl 11 WHS UIKUU Ull IU1S U1UUUM, mi a I since the stock was non-dividend paying, and the 'association not self supporting, that it was hardly fair to tax stock which was In fact a con trihution. Upon motion, seconded and unani mously carried, the fair board as sented to the proposition as advanced by the Joint meeting of the Commer cial Club directors and the 1916 fair board at the meeting held January 11, 1917, In regard to the Stockmen's Reunion. This proposition called for me iree ana unresincieu use oi me fair grounds on that occasion. The Commercial Club was to advance $1000 to be designated as receipts and there after any profits and losses Incurred would be divided upon an equal basis. The president was authorized to again offer for sale block No. 6, Fair Grounds Addition, to the school board of Alliance for the considera tion of $1000. Upon motion seconded and duly carried, the board authorized R. M. Hampton to notify all parties, whose lot contracts have not been fulfilled, that they would have a stipulated time In which to complete their con tract. At the end of such period nil such contracts not completed accord ing to the terms of the original agreement were to be declared void. tho mntifv nnlit therein tn tin retntn- La by the fair association and lots to be later re-sold by an authorized agent. There being no further business. the board adjourned. WEDDED IN ALLIANCE Young Couple from Hingliam l'nitel in Marriage at Home of Kriltor and Mrs, J. W. Thomas Miss Ida Charlotte Colson, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Colson, nd Mr. Iceland R. Shafenberg. both of Bingham, Nebr., two of the leading and most highly respected young people of south Sheridan county, plighted their troth and were united in the holy bonds of wedlock, at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Thomas In Alliance, at 11 a. ra., Thursday, February 1, 1917. The nuptial knot was tied by Rev. John W. Thomas. The parents of the bride were present. After the ceremony had been per formed and hearty congratulations extended by those present, the happy young couple uasienea 10 me rail road station to take No. 4 4 for the east, intending to visit a week or two with friends and relatives in Omaha and Chicago and see the sights of those cities. Upon returning from their honeymoon trip, they will take Up their residence on the groom's ranch near Bingham. nTl t 1 V 1 IieTC S 110 lllSe modesty about this want rrl pnre. '-jNo legitimate prepo sition need hesitate to !"uinch forth to find a Ljf M J t ji vv-LU IlvJl even sign 1 1 your pc5r:e i !.: :. oihee receives and holds replies for yon. t, It Is always a pleasure to record the wedding or a worthy couple, but specially so of those who reside In western Nebraska and come to this city, as so many do, to have the cer emony performed and from here start out on their wedding tour and upon the pathway of married life. The Herald's heartiest congratula tions and best wishes are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Shafenberg. TWO MONTHS OLI 11ABY 1K)Y DIES The two months old baby boy of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Klnnon died Tuesday at the family home. The child had been sick from birth. The body was taken to Plattsmith, Ne- TELEPHONE H E 'k J Five Cents Per Lint Count Six Words to a Line No Advertisement Taken for Less Than 15c fillunt the buyer who wants to buy and the seller who wants to sell through these columns, then your deal is two-thirds closed. -11 No salesmanship is required un der these circumstances and salesmanship costs money many times the ost of a want ad. U (iot lhatt FOR. SALEFARMS FOR SALIC! Just received list on quarter section of laud three miles from erea that I can sell for $12.50 an acre if taken at once. Adjoin ing land has all sold for $25.00 an acre. Tne owner is a non-resident. This is a real chance and a real price Inquire immediately of or write to J. C. McCorkle, NebrasKa Land Comp any, .Mlitnce, Nebraska. 052-8-tf. '"ToTnSATlTTXo'tal of 320 acres of land located in Box Butte County, Nebraska, and owned by the estate of the lale Joseph Jones of Utlca, Nebraska. The land for sale, to close up the estate, consists of the Northeast Quarter of Ssectlon Four teen, and the Northeast Quarter of Section Twenty-three, Township Twenty-six, Range Forty-eight West, each containing 160 acres. The tot al 320 acres Is for sale. If you are In the market for Box Butte County land, your opportunity is at hand. This land must be sold to settle up the estate. Write me. Ray W. Jones, Administer, Utlca, Nebras ka. 8053-8-2L FOR SALE! 4 00 acres land. 4 m. lee from F.ridgeport; 160 acres fine valley land uadtr proposed Gov ernment ditch; the balance fine pas ture land. All fenced; a good ce ment house, two stories and base ment: good well. Price, $4,500 E. G. ROUSE, Owner, Nortbport, Nebr. , 8062-8-3t FOR SALE Ranch within ten allies of Alliance. 1900 acr.a, In cluding some farm land suitable for ilfalfa. Will sell part interest oi tiole ranch. A bargain and a mon- sy-niaker. Address Box 7823, care Alliance Herald. jitl!.a,3 FTnTsAWell-lmproved farm, NWVi Sec. 4, Twp. 24, Range 47. 5-7961-7t N. A. KRENEK. A BARGAIN! 640 acres school land lease running 25 years all of j Section 36-24-51 Box Butte county,' only $640. Terms If desired. Write L. C. Crandall. 404 1st Nat. Bank BUlg.. Lincoln. Neb. 8069-9-4t PERSONA I Notice To The Public My wifa, Delia B. Fortner. having left my bed and board, deserting me, I hereby serve notice on any and all concerned or who may in the future be con cerned that on and after this date February 1, 19171 will not be le sponslblo for any debts corrected by Bald Delia B. Fortner. 8071-9-tf A. C. FORTNER MATRIMONIAL WANTED By a young man, a companion; widow between the ages of eighteen and thirty-five years pre ferred. Write to me. "Lonely," Box 105, Ellsworth, Nebraska. 8073-9-41$ MONEY TO LOAN ON FARMS MONEY TO LOAN On Bo Bull county land nd ranches in tbe san bills. No delay in making tbe loan we inspect our lands and furnish t money at once. J. C. McCorkle, M Corkle Building. Alliance, Nebr. l-tf-6654 W ANTED M1SCELLAN EOUS Clean cotton rags wanted at Tht Herald office. We pay three cenu per pound. Woolen rags not wanted braska yesterday for burial AGED WOMAN DIKI AT HOME OF DAUGHTER The remains of the late Mrs. Sarah M. Marsden, who died at the home of her daughter. Mrs. J. L. Nicholai, Thursday night were shipped to Curtis, Nebraska for burial. Curtis Is the old home. Deceased was 80 years old and had been ill for sever al weeks. Mrs. Nicholai accompan ied the remains, the family making the trip overland In the Nicolal car. MKUT. CONNERS MKD AT FOHT LEAVENWORTH Mrs. Arthur Conners of this city, THREE-FOUR-OUGHT R A L D mmw JiV'-iiiSI! ARE YOU THE MAN? For an Al-' liance general agency of a high class life Insurance Company? Attractive opening for resident of Alliance. Must be man of ability a general i producer a man capable of secur- ing agents and developing them into ' producers. Such a man can make an exceedingly liberal contract with THE BANKERS RESERVE LIFE COMPANY, Home Office, Omaha, Nebraska. 8056-8-3t "IjATElsMANWr it orders for lubricating oils, greases and paints. Salary or Commission. Address LINCOLN OIL COMPANY, Cleveland, Ohio. 8058-8-3t WANTED Woman who will do family washing at home, call for and deliver same. Phone 372. 7-lt WANTED Girl for general house work. Call at 708 Toluca, or phone 343. 7952-5-tf VAJTliT?riimm WANTED Wanted to borrow pri vately $500, good security. Address Box 1019 care this office. 7-2t WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT Furnished or partly furnished rooms with heat supplied. Box 1014, Herald office 7-lt WANTED Four or five room house, modern or nearly so, not too far out. Want something that is in good shape. Address Box 1010, Herald office. 7-4t, WANTED By man and wife with out children, a three or four room modern apartment including lights, heat, water and bath. If apartment is satisfactory will take It for long period. Address Box 1000, Herald office. 7-3t Fl)KNTrTluTM7)VI MOVE FURNITURE bAl'ELY We hare equipped our dray wa ona and auto truck with the latei appliances for moving furnttur wltbout marring or scratching damage. Up-to-date wagon par rill be used by us on all moving oli JOHN R. SNYDER, Phone 1C 37-tt-5960 FOR SALE LIVE NTOCK SOWS AND BOAR FOR SALE 4 brood sows for sale, will farrow about April 1st. Also, full blood boar. Call Ash 8214. 8068-9-tf BUSINESS CHANCES Opportunity A small investment in an established business. Money secure. Open to man or woman. Will bring a $300 a month income. No competition, selling or canvass ing. Inquire J. R. -Caldron at Alli ance Hotel. 8065-8-11$ STRAYED OR STOLEN STRAYED OR STOLEN A large black sow with a whlto strip on the face. A reward of five dollars ($5) is offered for recovery and if stolon a reward of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) for conviction of the thief or thieves. JOHN RILEY. Alliance, Nebraska. 8070-9-2t-$$ WANTED TO BUY WANTED TO BUY All kinds of rubber, rags, iron, metals, and hides. Highest prices paid. Alliance Junk Co., 113 East Fourth street. Phone No. 222. 7-tf-8047 FOR SALE CORP. STOCKS " FOR SALE Six shares of stock in Alliance Creamery. Will dispose of at a sacrifice. Inquire of Mrs. Al bro, or phone 287. 8075-9-21 formerly Miss Haxel Beck, on Friday; morning received the Information that her husband was dead at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. Mrs. Conners left Friday noon for Fort Leaven worth, meeting her mother, Mrs. J. G. Beck, at lndlanola, the mother having been visiting there They completed the Journey together. The deceased was burled at Avoga, Iowa, Deceased had recently been mus tered into the regular army as sec ond lieutenant. He was taken 111 on his way to Fort Leavenworth. The Alliance Herald la $1-60 per year. Issued 62 times. Runs from 12 to 24 pages per issue. Subscribe now. We do not claim that the mere USe o want aJs wjU produce pro8. i ! perity. But it seems more than a coinci- dence that most prosperous peo- pie are quick to recognize the val ue of classified advertising. II Let us supply your want through these columns. MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Old newspapers in five cent' and ten cent bundles at the Herald office. FOR SALE Herald WanTAda! Spend fifteen cents and seo what a want ad yill do for you. Color prTnTlng done by expert printers attracts attention and brings prompt results. Try The Herald's Job department for your next Job Phone 340. LOST LOST Leather bill book on Bo, Butte Avenue between Burlington depot and post office. Return Her ald office. Reward 7-2t FoiritEC2Ko6isT' ROmXKjrTTent Cher one Avenue, Alliance, Nebraska. 4-tf-7682 FOR RENT Four-room suite in the Norton block. W. W. NORTON. 8-2t-8064 AUTOMOBILES AUTOij FRATEAseconT band roadster and a second-hand Ford touring car for sale cheap. In quire at the Sturgeon garage. 52-tf-7848' 1 We have some snaps iu used cars jail in good mechanical condition, j some carrying the same guarantee as i a new car: ! 1. Packard 2-T8 touring, 7 pas senger, 6 tires, 2-mounted on rims for extras, new Beat covers, new paint complete equipment. Good mechan- leal condition. 2. Packard 1-25 Twin Six Phae ton, 5 passenger, 6 tires, repainted, seat covers and bumper. Mechanical condition guaranteed. 3. Packard 1-38 Twin Six Phae ton 5 passenger, fine condition. Me chanical condition guaranteed. 4. Cadillac "8," 1916 touring car 7 passenger, 6 tires, repainted, con dition first class. 5. Hudson "54" 7 passenger tour ing, 6 tires, good paint, seat covers, condition good. 6. Abbott 1916 chumy roadster, 4 passenger, practically new, condi tion excellent. 7. Franklin touring 1914, 5 pas senger, repainted, good condition. 8. Franklin roadster. 1915, 2 pas senger, absolutely first class in every way. 9. Peerless 6-8. 1914. overhauled and repainted, first class condition. 10. Chandler 1916 Sedan, ni fine condition. 11. Alco "6" overhauled and re painted. Close-coupled 6 pasconger body. Can be used as roadster or 5 passenger or could be made Into a dandy truck. 12. Lozier light "6" in good con dition, price right. THE MOUNTAIN MOTORS CO. 25 Oilfax Ave. Denver, Colo. 8072-9-2t-$ FOU HALB FOR SALE Water-motor wash ing machine, in first-class condition. Inquire 320 East Third street. 8078-9-2t-$ mm 4