ATTENTION! Auto Owners We arc now located in our new building at the corner of Second Street and Laramie Avenue, where we have a complete ly equipped Machine and Repair Shop and arc in position to make any kind of repairs on all makes of autos. Cold weather is the time to have your car overhauled. It will then be ready for use in the spring. We make repairs quickly and properly and guarantee our work. NICOLAI k SON SAGE TEA DARKENS HAIR TO ANY SHADE (SM! ...jiJ',J Don't stay Gray! Hero's Old-time Recipe that Any body can Apply. an PHONE 164 The 110 of Rage and Sulphur for re storing fade.!, gray hair to its natural color date back to rrn ml mother's time. She used it to keep liir imir beautifully dark, glossy and attractive. Whenever her hair took on that dull, faded or streaked appearance, this simple mixture MEXICAN AXI 1-YEAH- was applied with wonderful effect OM GIRL Mtl'MI IN ROOM But brewing at home ia mussy and out-of-date. Nowadays, by asking at Scottsbluff Star-Herald : any drug store for a 60 cent bottle of Chief of Police Marlnl placed a I "Wycth'a Sage and Sulphur Compound," Mex'can and a 13-year-old Mlnatare n VP night when he got It caught In a belt i Dawes county la represented by tha on a pully section, and It was crush .d following fighting colonela: L. J. P. bo badly that amputation wan necoB- Iaegcr, liny Tlerney, of Chadron: sary. He wan taken to the hospital Wm. J. A. Raum, P. a. Cooper of and Dr. Knode was summoned, glv- n a iu7 nviriuiuu i'i;pniuirt niiu li iamoa oia preparation, gin unuer arrest Sunday nigtit. with ha8 UP,,n n, bnrl condition since but Improved b the addition of other In- the alleged charge of uaing rooms for ' thla time he Is urn rHients. fr1.ieh can be depended upon to Immoral purposes. A moro serious ,n' " ?Jm VZX two?. restore natural color and beauty to the complaint maybe made against the I er though "ft?. shocT nndYoss'of it i ... ' Mexican. Hoth are lodged In the blood made It a rrltlml niteiitlni. fur u A well-known downtown druggist says county Jail at (iorlng. Sanday even- ! ttm 1 crlUc!il tor it darkens the hair no nnturAllv find inn- rhinf inAnin,i k ii v evenly that nobody can tell it has been a local rooming house. Ho suspicion-' SUPERINTENDENT YOUNG rP. fT v ,ut,y,da,Tn, PW td that "omcthlng was wrong and WIMi MOVK CARS IV 5 or soft brush with It and draw this wpnt to the room and talked with' AIIH IN 5 RAYS A 1 I uro.ign jour nair. laicing ono strand at him. They told hint thrt they were ZrZSr J yi .f ninK;.ne Ty. "R'r "- married, and ho left, the room. I ?rerrl'LVV"?. V?'"0" I Shortly after he received a telephone ,r, w.r. vuw...jr u.iH. uu mossaee from a woman llvhm nnnr AUTO LIVERY AUTO REPAIRING GARAGE TIRES AND SUPPLIES 80O ROOMS SAFETY FIRST 300 ROOMS When you are In Omaha come where all Stockmen stop. You will always find your friends and acquaintances at the HOTEL CASTLE 16TII AA'D JONES 8TS., OMAHA Omaha's new absolutely fire-proof hotel. We welcome the Stock men. We'll make you comfortable and our rates are most reasonable In the city. Rooms with private both, $1.50 to $1.75. Rooms with private toilet $1. Good car service to the Stock Yards and Depots. Have your commission firm telephone for room reservation. FRED A. CASTLE, Prop. COMFORT WITHOUT EXTRAVAGANCE glossy. Wyeth'a Sage and Sulphur Compound la a delightful toilet requiHit.! for those who desire a more youthful appearance. It is not intended for the cure, mitigation or prevention of disease. Minatare, who stated thnt her daugh ter had run away with u Mexican by the name of Hon Garcia. The chief, upon receipt of thla mer.sago, return ed to the room, found tho pair In bed and arrested thorn. They were tuken SVAV TRIAL IS .:;k;:i to Gerlng and lodged In tho jail, IX WILD HORSE CASE ' awamnK u,e 'om,"R niotnor HEREFORD BULLS of Serviceable Age Good Individuals and Priced to Sell Ranch adjoins town. PINE RIIKJE CATTLE RANCH J. M. Tollman, Prop. Marslnnd, Nebraska. Omaha, Neb., Four of nine men convicted rei vt nlty In federal court here of use of the maila to defraud in the sale of imaginary wild horses, aliened to range the government re servation in Coconino county, Ariz., filed a motion for a new trial, advanc ing among sixteen other reasons that the Jurors were prejudiced by news paper accounts of the trial which they wewe allowed to read, and that one Juror was "Interested and biased." It Is also alleged the presiding Judge, U. W. Woodrough. erred four teen times in admission of govern ment evidence and that tho prosecu tion was guilty of "misconduct" In arresting Charles Acker ofMinnca polis, who testified he came here at his wife's request to "help out" ono of the defendants. The four applicants for a new trial are: J. Sidney Smith and C. A. Smith Omaha: William Hinkley, Drayton, Neb., D. F. Iiurwlnkle, DeB Moines. Iowa. The other five men convicted will probably appeal. Edgeniont Express: General Superintendent E. E. Young passed through here Wednos day enroute to Sherldna where he will personally overseo the opening of the yard whlcvh Is badly congested. Mr. Young stated that he Intended to move every ear of delayed freight out of Sheridan and Hillings in the next five days. Consequently our local yard crews are looking for an even heavier run of business than at to me complaints r-gr.inst the Mexl- present. Mr. Young stated that can. Tho mother stated that her , there were 1 B67 cars In tho Rllltngs daughter was Inclined to be wayward .yard. Mr. F. Cone. Superintendent and wished to have her sent to the Industrial school. She also Btated that it was her deslro to Bend the Mexican to tho penitentiary. BEATEN AND THROWN INTO PLATTE RIVER PIMNK HOT TEA . FOR A BAD COLD '-: a t-mull pHckage of Hamburg iirrast Ten. or as the German folks all it. "Hamburger ISrust Thee," at any pharmacy. Take a tablespoonful of the Gerlng Courier: Vernon Western, a young man who was the complainant in a bootlegg ing charge against G. W. Hamilton, who holds out In a wagon Just out Bide of Scottsbluff near the bridge, was held up at the point of a gun, ac cording to his statement, by Hamilton brother-in-law Monday night and marched down to tho river where he was badly beaten up by Hamilton and two other men. As a finale to their treatment of Wentern they threw him into the river and pushed him under the ice. The three men were placed under arrest by Chief Martin and lodged in Jail In this city. Hamilton and his brother-in-law are being held for results, but Cox, the third man said to be Implicated, has !: been released becnuso Western failed I to Identify him. If tho charges should . . Ka a ii lict ii ii 1 1 ii t iirifn a hnnrlnv If uHtl be a pretty serious matter for the aggressors. of the Sheridan division, will go to Gillette while Mr. Young Is at Sheri dan to personally see that tho cars are kept moving through the Gillette yards. RAYARD ROYS GET DITKINO IN DITIH Mlnatare Free Press: Friday night four young men, who had come up from Hayard to attend the dance, received a rather cold bath when the car they wer riding in missed the side of the bridge over the Minatare Drainage ditch two miles eaBt of town and they were all thrown into the ditch with the car on top of them. Fortunately none of them were caught by the falling car and all got safely out of the wat er. Trouble with the lights of the car caused the accident. They were picked up by a car that Was Just be hind them and brought back to town for a change of raiment. LEARN SHORTHAND RY THE NEW, SWIFT, SURE KNELL INDIVIDUAL INSTRUCTION METHOD Let me tell you a bit of a secret, don't let anybody teach you short hand by the "class" method. It's the slow way, it holds you back, you've got to wait on somebody else. The longer he takes, the long er it takes you. Snell Shorthand is entirely different. The teach ing is individual. We study YOU see Just what you want, then plan out a course for YOU you can advance as fast as others. If you're apt, studious and persevering you can complete the course and qual ify for $60 to $100 position in only three to four months no charge if It takes you longer. Send today for full information. CIVIL SERVICE SCHOOL, KITTREDOE RLDG. DENVER HARM ESS Hand tnade from best mainat Outlart aay factory toade govas Call and see. Harness repairing by experienc ed harness maker. i. M. COVERT At M. D. Nichols' aund, AllUnc Every Housewife or Mother is ever under that Nervous Strain which so often results ( in Headaches. Dizzv , , A owustcuiuiia, raininess, S&?J2J?A' Depression and other If Nervous Disorders. Dr. Miles' NERVINE . is Highly Recommended in Such Cases. IF FIRST BOTTLE FAILS TO BENEFIT, YOUR MONEY WILL BE REFUNDED. PA . BADLY RUN DOWN. "I had become grMty run dawn and my nerve wire tn terrible condition. I had frequent lit ad adipg and been mo vrry weitk and was unaMe to do arivtliuiR. I bought a bottle of Ir. Miit-a' Nerv ine. I soon began to fed better, my nervea were quletfd. I re covered my MreiiKth. and have ainoe recommended lir. Mllea' Nervine to ninny of my frienilM who have lined It with (ntlfa' tory i.-fsnHa." M "S. FIMNCK WHITIjIK. 179 Uroadway. 8i hanectady, N. T. CAIjLKI) TO AMJAM'K RY DAI (IITKR'H I MAINS Kdgemont Enterprise: Mra. M. Huff was called to Alliance last Friday by the newB that her lit tle daughter. Helen, who Is attending MI'irilKMi l-OMCK IOIU K St. Agnes' Academy, was oulte ill. RAIDS ROOMI.Vi IIOI'SK i MrB. Huff returned Sunday evening, n IT Ifi.'lf 4hu lift la irlf1 urna tea. put a cup of boiling water upon Mitchell Index: ' niuch Improved and, with pood nurs- it, pour through, a sieve and drink a &aiurnay nigm, or rainer uni:ty i (n wo,,i,i Boon k,, oomnletelv rpenv- . . . .. . . . i . ., n r ... " ipacup iuii ai any time during tne munnnn, wuuw ruro ion- " ered. day or l.efore retirinjr. It Is tho most Mitchell, to-wit: one Charles I,. Ken clVeclivp wiiv to hrenk a cold and cure yn- WHa called Into action for a raid crip, n it opens the pores of the ekin, on the Richardson Rooming house relieving congestion. Aluo loosens the where he had reiiHon to sunpect that bowels, thus driving a cold from the was not according to the oredr system. of things approved of by tho better Try it the next time you suffer from ,,aas t citizens or sanctioned by the ered. RKAT l'!' t'OI.OItM) ROY Crawford; J. A. Habbeger of Fort Robinson. The colonels selected are supposed to be good democrats, tried and trust ed In tho cause. IjATK HORTlNtl OF KIMWS RKSl'I.TS IN MO.MK IX)S3 Rushvlllo Standard: In sorting over thrlr potatoru and gelling ready for shipment, the Po tato Warehouse Co., found that a considerable part of thorn wore un fit for shipment This Is probnbty due to tho late storing of tho spuda and Jack frost got In his work on, thorn before they wcro stored away. ASK FOR HlMX IATi FX1X'TH).V AT HYANXI9 Hynnnls Tribune: A petition wns circulated and on Tuesday of this week presented to the Hynnnls school bonrd requesting thnt a special election be called to vote for and against the Issuance of bonds rn tho sum of $20,000 for the purpose of erecting a new and modern school building. The bonrd mnt Tuesday afternoon and compiled with the prayer hf tho petitioners by call ing a special election for tho purpona stated and designated Wednesday, February 14th, as the day for holding such election, the polls to bo open from 2 to o'clock p. ni. KNOTTY MW NUT TRIIOO AT RI SIIVII.LR Rushvllle Standard: . A knotty law suit was trie din County court on Wednesday wherein tho Collins Rtato bank of Mlarinurl nd the Gordon State Ilank of Ne braska were Involved to recover a deposit of some t8G0. from Wlllard Lefler. Lefler was Indebted to both banks and consigned tho amount of the deposit to the Collins Stato bank, and the Gordon stato bank gnrnlsheed the deposit to cover tho Indebtedness, owed them by Letter. J. H. Edmunds of Rushvllle) and B. P. McKolvey of Crawford were tho attorneys for th Missouri bank, while C. Patterson looked after the Interests of the Gor don bank. The Judge took n fw days for consideration before decid ing the ense. III.MI;i (IM liADDI KH WKRK NO WAMi FI.OWKRH WITH TWO-RY-FOl'R m a cold or the grip. It is inexpensive and entirely vegetable, therefore sail snd harmless. BACKACH AND E LUMBAGOJRIGHT OUT Bab Pain and Btiffiiesi away with a small bottle of old honest 'St. Jacobs Oil When your back is sore and lama or lumhsgo, sciatica or rheumatism has thpy canu,. ne waB kiIJ(j enough to statutes, l.arlier In tho night four girls had engaged two rooms ostenfibly for themselves and later four men, so e of them boys appar ently not above school ago and one married man, hnd engaged two other rooms, none of which were occupied until aftre midnight. At the un seasonable hour of H o'clock Sunday morning when the marshal called to j see if all were well, tho parties had ( I formed a different alignment and were differently paired and under conditions so compromising in ap pearance that the best they could ask of him was that they be permitted to return to Scottsbluff from whence ScoUfiblufT Star-Herald: According to reports George Dean, the colored boy, met with rather dis astrous consequences while attending a Saturday night dance In the east part of town. Some one evidently took offense at Dean's presence, and catching him outside the dance hall, proceeded to work Dean over with a two-by-four. Dean is said to be In rather a precarious condition and possibly there may be other developments. CHADRON TO IIAYK WIIITK WAY AT LAST you stitieued up, don't suffer I Get a 25 cent tattle of old, honest "St Jacobs Oil" at any drug store, pour a little in your hand and rub it right into the pain or ache, and by the time you count fifty, the soreness anil lame tiess is gone. Don't stay crippled! This toothing, penetrating oil needs to be used only nee. It takes the ache and pain right . 'it of jour hack and ends the miery. t i magical, yet absolutely harmles and doeHn't burn the skin. Nothing else stops lumbago, sciatica and lame buck misery so promptly I eoMHtFD not nut h i;;i:i WITH IM.KtJAI, OPERATION Grand Island, Neb., After a pre liminary hearing -in w'llrh the de fense madt eveiy effort to make the state show its ban I Dr. Chiirleu Flip pan was bound ever in tho district court on tho eharsro of having per formed an illegal operation on Miss Emma Staack, whoso death took place from peritonitis. The skirm ish between Attorney Prince for the defense and County Attorney Supr rel.ited to an alleged deathbed state ment by Miss Staack which the stato attorney did not see fit. If he has such to introduce at this time. County Judge Mullin after a hearing laliug about four hours bound tho defen dant over to the next term of district court In the sum of $2,000. assist In getting their auto from t'ie!nnB8e(j garage and at 4 o'clock the y set out ! We ' lor ineir nomes unuer ruver tu -juik Chadron Chronicle: Last Monday night at the regular meeting of the council, the lighting ordinance which was turned down over a year ago was brought up and a,.. I I. 1. ( l l a . T. T "IKE"1? ! " "ve. For a long time the party, who are highly respected citizens of the county, no names are published. OLD SOLDI KR AND WIFE AT CONVENTION wo have felt that there were a few thrigs of neede I improvement th t irifb: be done. Nov we are going t i have a well lighted bus res seen n o? the city. : Unoer the terms d this ordinance Ither-t will be roMcrable Im ' prt vements In the td-'clitc sei'vice. n iu: we tlo not bel.ev. b leiiKtt:er. .Severe CM (ulckly t'imtl "On December first I had a very severe cold or nttnek of the grip as It tnay be, and was nearly down sick In bed." writes O. J. Metcalf, Weath erby. Mo. "I bought two bottles of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and It was only a few days until I was com pletely restored to health. I firmly believe that Chamberlain's Cough Iteirfedy Is one of the very best med icines and will know what to do when I have another cold." Obtainable everywhere. John McCoy, M. D. Offices and Hospital Reddish Block Telephone ft) Nemaha Co. Republican: V T Klnalr.v nod wife arrived Sat urday to bo present during the con-(iug of the life of the franchise will ventlon that they might vinit with, work a hardship in any pslble way their son-in-law; P. J. Michael, who! on th" future ge.i"v . i i is f ' a delegate from Ilemiug-! roi'.i populace. ford. Mr. Michael and family have V? throw our 'la's l the air w;th been on a trip to different points In; Hi KFt of the jie;plM, and wo hope Iowa and comes to tho convention l'Jli will Hiow incr evlij.-rues of a while on his return homeward. Mr. flowing prospcrou-i "i'v Kinsley who is here from the Soldiers ........ ... ... Home at Milford for a visit during ,'' 1 the fire week, reports the other Nc- i . . v. t ... .. 1 mana meiuue.a ... ........m ......... -; Scottsbluff Star-Herald: getttng along nicely and well pleased . K s Sh,om un( () Ku,( with surroundings. (,h npnBnrlia iaT11(u Mitchell section, left today for Yoko- )YS TO WEI) IN JAPAN Hemlngford liedger: Evidently our fire laddies were no wall flowers at the firemen's conven tion at Auburn, as witness tho fol lowing, from tho Republican :"Out In I.os Angeles where they hnve biff winter hotels snd resort cafes, tho mentis on the tables have 'Hemlng ford. Nebraska, Potatoes Used Ex clusively. Some advertising not? Well, when you see those Hemlng ford fire boys trotting around town all covered with eyes that see not nnd ears thnt hear not unless ytiu say "spuds", you will know the resson at once. T"..j are seven of them here a- .uey are certnlnly putting their town on the map." THOIRLK WITH FROZEN riPKM AT 1 1 KM I NG FORD Hemlngford Ledger: A large number of the citizens are. having a great deal of trouble with the city water works being frozen up and are busy trying to thaw out tho connections. The main trouble seems to bethst In the first start tho pipes were not laid deep enough. NEW HIGH M HOOL . . TEACHER AT MAIUSlJlM) Marsland Tribune: Miss Sturgeon, the new high school teacher, arrived Wednesday and Is g ttlng acquainted with her work tho balance of this week. Miss Adee will complete her work here Friday, when she goes to Peru normal to at tend Echool tho rest of this year. DAWES TOIMY AGENT ON THE STATE HOARD ALLIANCE MAN Hl'YS SCOTTSRLl IT THEATRE Scottsbluff Republican: A deal was closed Wednesday whereby Harry DeHuquo of Alliance became the owner of the Queen theatre of this city, Mr. Ilucy selling all his Interests in the same o Do Dunne, It is understood that Mr. noma, Japan, where they go to wed their boyhood sweethearts and bring them back to the United States. The boys, with their wives, expect to re turn to Scottsbluff county about May I. MODISETT ATTENDED CON ENTION AT CHEYENNE Rodell of this city will be thi local . Hushville Standard: " manager of the theatre when It Is a. M. Modisett, who Is attending ngaln opened. Tho building hisithe National Live Stock Growers been closed for a few days, and it has j Association convention at Cheyenne not oeen announcea as yri wnen n , sends us a urogram of the doings. will be opened. Dates for the open ing will be announced within a few days. We have not learned as yet what Mr. Bucy intends to do, but we understand he will return to Sterlnlg. Colo., where he has been llv'ng for the last two or three years. WORKMAN IN SUGAR FACTORY LOSES FOOT Gering Courier: Clay Patrick, a workman in the sugar factory, lost a foot Monday also a menu card of the big banquet given by the Industrial Club of Chey enne to the visitors on January 17th. Mr. Modisett Is a member of the com mittee on National Legislation, alsa a member of the Executive committee. DAWES COUNTY HAS FIVE COLONELS Chadron Journal: Governor Neville will be protected the next two years by 108 colonels recently appointed. Chadron Chronicle: At the meeting of the State Board of Agrb-ulture In Lincoln last week, the western part of tho state was recognized In a reallotment of mem bership, and In tho election of C. S. Hawk to the board. Since the death of Chas. Mann, I ha western half of the state has had no representation on tho board. A man wns appoint ed to til! the vacancy caused by this death, but he failed of re-election at the next meeting. This year the west end of the stato had untreasur able reasons for getting a member out here. In the reallotment, a mem ber was taken from the Fourth dis trict and added to the Sixth. C. S. Hawk Is one of the pure-bred stockmen of western Nebraska. Ills herd of Herefords Is well known. He has acted as county agent of Dawes county for two years and In tho work compelled recognition from the state university. He is now president of the Farm Management Association of Dawes county, and is also a mem ber of tho board of commissioners of the county fair. Dawes county Is to be coneratulat ed In securing this membership, par ticularly as this county had the rep resentative for twenty years. They also thank the men from Sheridan county who unreservedly gave their support to the member ''jora Dawes Old papers for sale at the Herald office. Papers are done up In bun dles at five and ten cents a bundle.