The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, February 01, 1917, Image 10

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And this is only Tuesday
Unto mrs 6 AD.'
frrfl) COM r Lnt. ,10
look AT Ou
W OH Tut &Te
- -----. I HI . I III 1
i4 Wi W i n OT jSxIW
ry f
iiiu comlt comin(. soon
If you tire easily, are subject to cold hands or feet if yo.
catch colds readily or have rheumatic pains your blood o;
circulation is probably at fault and you need
which is nature's easily-assimilated food, to merer.; :
your red corpuscles and charge the blood with life
sustaining richness. Scott's creates warmth to throv
oil colds and gives resistance to prevent sicknesi
No Alcohol in SCOTT'S. Every Druggist has
SCOTT Jk B0WNE. Bleomf U. N.J. is
Interesting Infoi-iuutloii Itcgurriing
the Work of a (Irent Interdenom
inational Organization
"Comet It Ifllfl" IMie to Arrive With
in Sight In April Nays Astronom
er Culled "Comet H 1010"
According to information given out
by astronomers nnd being published
by the prcesB of thin and other coun
tries, there will appear in the spring
a groat heavenly phenomenon a
mighty comet blazing forth night af
ter night, with it3 tail sweeping an
Immense arc through the heavens, a
source of terror to the superstitious
and of immense Interest to all.
"Comet B 1916" Is tho name of the
stranger. It is so called because it
was the second comot discovered In
that year. Professor olf, ofW Kocn
Igstuhl, detected the ruahlng body's
faint picturo on a photographic plate
last April and proceeded to telegraph
tho news all over the world with great
The statement that tha new comet
will bo a monster rests principally on
th j fact that it was discovered when
fully 400. 000, 000 miles
Well-known Alliance Fireman Would
Make An KJIlcicnt and Capable
Man for the l'lace
to all Alli-
who is
Hustling llcniiiigford Ileal rotate
Man Doing "IjukI Office IIiihI
i less in Ileal Kstate
The American Sunday School Un
Ion, announces preparations for the
celebration of Us Ono Hundredth
Annniverslty tho coming year. It has
had a remarkable record of results
and Is now widely known ns a power
ful factor In the religious and nodal
development of rural America. Ap
proximately 120.000 Sunday Schools
have been founded, or an average of
C. o. Rosenburger, hustling teal
estate dealer of Ilemingford, stopped
In Alliance on business the latter part
of last week, enrouto to eastern Ne
braska where ho went to meet Borne
prospective land buyers.
They men on tho high-priced
lands of eastern Nebraska and farth
er east are geteting interested in
the land proposition of Western Ne
braska. And fly shouldn t they i
farmers and ranchmen in this coun
try are making more money on the
u Knit t i n iliv Tliua II lni".i 1 1 tr
mmincm of chiiiirVn liV beer taught" 1 ftI"t '"Vted than they are farth-
I i I uau ill wit ii ii i; U4 ituiu n imiiii uiv
next lew years is practically sure 10
be much greater hero than here.
The Indications now are that with
in the next six or eight months more
land will change bauds In Cox Butte,
and adjoining countleu than in the
same length of time la many years.
er east, besides tho percentage of in
advantages of upright living
In addition to these millions of child
ren, many thousands of parents have
becomo converted to Christian liVfH
ns a direct result of tho society's
At the present time thero are more
than 230 -active field missionaries
promoting the work of tho American
Sunday School Union thruout the
country. It is tho particular work
of these missionaries to establish and
equip Sunday Schools In communities
which are without religious develop
ment. Much of their work Is In un- !
developed sections of the country and
Hlftlrnlt nf nri'i'tn Mnnv tit Ihnrn
have experienced the most severe j Bat leu meat if you feel Backachy or
hardships. A. W. Marls Is the nils- j have Bladder trouble 8alU
glonary for northwestern Nebraska, j fine for Kidney.
the territory comprised In his district i" '
consisting of tho following named I "
counties: riox Ilutte, Sheridan.
Dawes, Sioux. Soottsbluff, Morrill,
and Garden. Mr. Marts has his head
quarters and makes his residence in
Alliance, lie has been HI but has
sufficient! recovered to take up the
correspondence part of his work.
The Sunday School Union Is non
denoruinattonal in form and lnter-de-nomlnattonal
In Its work. Its head
quarters are at 1816 Chestnut St.,
Philadelphia, l'a., fully occupying a
large four story building where an
extensive force of people is employed.
Its board of managers consists of lay
men represent nig seve'i different de
nominations. No publications can be
Issued by the society to which any one
member objects. In summing up, it
might be paid that tho whole object
of the organization is to serve as a
practictl and efficient agency in the
promotion of Sunday School work and
in social, intellectual and spiritual
development of rural communities
thruout the country.
The principal officers are as fol
lows: President. Martin Luther
Finckel; vice presidents. Clarkson
Clothier and James K. Stone, M. IV;
recording secretary, Win. 11. Hirst;
treasurer, John N. Stevenson. Kev.
O. P. Williams, I). I.. is secretary of
missions and Prof. James McCon
aughy editor of the society's publica
tions. The Western District Includes the
states of Iowa, Nebraska and South j
Dakota. In these states are located .
40 Sunday school missionaries, whose;
work Is to organize and reorganlie
Sunday schools In needy districts,
visit the people In their homes, dis
tribute Bibles and othtr Christian
literature, hold evangelistic meetings
with their schools In the winter
months, and encourage and build up
the schools In the summer months
' by visits, rallies, and group gather
ings. In a word these men are, gen
eral pastors over their schools and
seek to develop them In general Sun
day school fficlency.
Some very interesting printed mat
ter concerning the work of the socie
ty Is now being Issued and may be
secured by wilting to the District
Superintendent, Rev. Joseph Welld.
407 Citizen. National Bank Building
net Moines. Iowa, or to any of the
society's missionaries.
T. P. Itolfson, known
a nee people as "Percy",
clerk in the Burlington headquar
ters, is being urged by his friends to
become a candidate for city clerk at
the coming election. Inasmuch as
It appears that the present incu :
bent, Carter Calder, will not run
again, the place" will be open for a
new man, and The Herald knows of
no better man than Mr. Ilolfsou for
i.his place.
Klliciency and ability should be
considered by the voters in selecting
a man for the Important position of
clerk. Mr. Rolfson has both. He
has been employed by the Burlington
at Alliance for eight years. He Is
secretary of tho Alliance Volunteer
Fire Department, for the past two
from the years having held this oillce and hav
Lodge In Alliance he Is doing im
portant work and adding further to
his experience In this line.
If Percy decides to make the race,
he will be a formidable candidate.
errth , Just within the orbit of the
great planet Jupiter.
All comets Increase greatly In size
and brilliancy as thoy approach the
sun. If Buch proves to be the case
this time, "Comet B 1916" should
make a big Impression.
Mow I lad Hacks Have Been Made
Strong Kidney Ills Corrected
ing been a member of the department
for five years. His training as a
stenographer and bookkeeper would
be of much value in his work. As
secretary of the Koyal Highlanders
$100 Heward, 9100
The readers of this paper will be
pleased to learn that there is at least
a j one dreaded disease that science has
he-en able to cure in all its stages and
that Is catarrh. Catarrh being greatly
Influenced by constitutional condi
tions requires constitutional treat
ment. Hall's Catarrh Medicine Is
taken Internally and acts thru the
Blood on the Mocous Surfaces of the
Syr-tem thereby destroying the foun
dat'on of the disease, giving the pa
tient strength by building up the con
stitution and assisting nature in do
ing Ita work. The proprietors have
so much faith in the curative powers
of Hall's Catarrh Medicine that they
otfer One Hundred Dollars for any
cm; that It fails to cure. Send for
list of testimonials.
Address F. J. CHENEY & CO.
Toledo, Ohio.
Sold by all Druggists, 75c.
son, about twelve by sixteen Inches
in size, left over from the campaign
last fall. They are suitable for fram
ing. Wre will give these, one to a
family, to the first nine persons call
ing at The Herald office and asking
for them, to be put up in their homes
or offices. -
Who want them? We have nine
pictures of President Woodrow Wll-
Mr. Business Man, on your next
trip take along some artistically
printed business cards. The expense
is light and they are business getters
The Herald's job printing edpart
ment will turn them out promptly
Phone 340 and we will call.
Itemove Face Blemishes
Pimples. Blackheads, Acne, Tetter,
Ring Worm and that dreaded Eczema
can be permanently removed from
your face and body by Dr. Hobson'a
Eczema Ointment. It Is no longer
necessary to go around with an un
sightly complexion and suffer the
pain and annoyance that goes with
unsightly ailments. Dr. Hobson'a
Eczema Ointment is a time tried,
guaranteed remedy, good for Infants,
adults and aged who suffer with skin
aliments. Buy a box today, start us
ing at once. Money back if not sat
isfied. 60c at your druggist
Ad? 2
Meat forms uric acid which excites
and overworks the kidneys in tbeir efforts
to iUU-r it from tho system. Regular eat
ers of meat must flush the kidneys occa
ionally. You must relieve them tike you
relieve your bowel ; removing all the
ucids, waste and poison, else you feel a
dull misery in the kidney region, sharp
pains in the back or sick headache, dis
KincM, your stomach sours, tongue is
coated and when the weather is bad you
imvo lui-uuiuuc twinges. in urine is
cloudy, full of sediment; the channels
often get irritated, obliging you to get
un two or three times during the night.
To neutralize these irritating acids
. i. J flush ofT the body's urinous waste
git about four ounces of Jad Salts
from any pharmacy; take a table
r noonful in a glats of water before break
fast for a few days and your kidneys will
then act fine and blaJJir disorders dis
appear. This famous salts is made from
tlie aeid of grapes and lemon juice, com
bined with lithia, and has been used for
generations to clean and stimulate slug
gish kidneys and stop bladder irritation.
Jvl Salt i inexpensive; harmless and
make a Mightful effervescent lithia
water drink which mill ions of men and
vfmen take now and then, thus avoiding
serious kidney and bladdsr diseases.
All over Alliance you hear It.
Ioan'8 Kidney Pills are keeping up
the good work. Alliance people are
tilling about it telling of bad backs
made sound again. You can believe
the testimony of your own townepeo
ple. They tell It for the benefit of
you who are suffering. If your back
aches, If you feel lame, sore und mis
erable, If the kidneys act too fre
quently, or passages are painful,
scanty and off color, use Doan's Kid
ney Pills, the remedy that has helped
so many of your friends and neigh
l.".r.i. Fellow this Alliance citizen's
advice and give Doan's a chance to do j
the same for you. - j
Henry Merk, C01 Yellowstone St.,
Alliance, says: "I haven't neeeded to
use Doan's Kidney Pill3 for a long
time because I have none of the kid
ney trouble of which they rid me
several years ago. They completely
relieved backache and other ailments
and I am glad to give them my en
dorsement." Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't
simply ask for a kidney remedy get
Doan's Kidney Pills the same that -
Mr. Merk had. Fostcr-Mllburn Co
Props., Buffalo, N. Y.
HH 1
Nebraska Retail Lumber Dealers'
Association Convention. Omaha, Feb.
State Volleyball Contest, York.
February 15.
Nebraska Clothiers Association
Meeting. Omaha, Feb. 20-21. v
Omaha Automobile Show, Feb. 26
to March 3.
Mid-West Cement Show and Con
vention, Omaha, March 6 to 10.
Claude 1 .enter Buy Quarter Sec
tion liuler CSovwrnmeut Ditch
Five Milew Kat of Bayard
Dr. C. L. Lester, veterinarian and
horseman, has been in the North
Platte valley, in the vicinity of Bay
ard, Minatare and McUrew, buying
horses for the firm of C. L. Lester &
Needing better facilities In his
business for feeding horses In the
winter, Claude recently purchased
160 acres of land in the irrigated
country, live miles east of Bayard.
He expects to move onto this place
next spring. It will be used for
growing alfalfa and equipped for
feeding horses. It enough alfalfa
cannot be grown on this place to
meet the feeding demands, plenty
more can be secured from the neigh
boring farms.
The Alliance Herald Is II 60 pet
vear. Issued 52 times. Runs from
Should Sloan's Liniment ( Along?
Of course It should! For after a
strenuous day when your muscles
have been exercised to the limit an
application of Sloan's Liniment will
take the soreness and stiffness away
and get you in-fine shape for the
norrow. You should also use it for
x sudden attack of toothache, stiff
neck, backache, stings, bites snd the
many accidents that are incidental to'
a vacation. "We t would ps soon
leave our baggage as go on a vaca
tion or . camp out without Sloan's
Liniment." Writes one vacationist
"We use it for everything from
cramps to toothache." Put a bottle
in your bag, be prepared and have
will occupy your. entire
time when yo j become a
regular advertiser in THIS
PAPER.. Unless you have
in sntlpsthy for Isbor of
this kind, csll us up and
we'll be glad to come and
talk over our proposition.
mm m m ."K'-v miai m wk-fl
Hopes every man and woman here will adopt
this splendid health habit.
Says a glass of hot water with a teaspoonful of
limestone phosphate in it washes poisons
from system, and makes one feel
clean, sweet and fresh.
Why is man and woman, half
the time, feeling nervous, despon
dent, worried; some days head
achy, dull and unstrung; some
days really incapacitated by ill
ness. If we all would practice the
drinking of phosphated hot water
before breakfast, what a gratify
ing change would take place. In
stead of thousands of half-sick,
anaemic-looking souls with pasty,
muddy complexions we should see
crowd's of happy, healthy, rosy
cheeked people ever-where. The
i-eason is that the human system
does not rid itself each day of all
the waste it accumulates under
our present mode of living. For
every ounce of food and drink
taken into the system nearly an
ounce of waste material must bo
carried out, else it ferments and
forms ptomaine-like poisons in
the lowels which are absorbed
into the blood.
Just as necessary as it is to
clean the ashes from the furnace
each day, before the fire will burn
bright and hot, so we must each
morning clear the inside organs
of the previous day's accumula
tion of indigestible waste and
body toxins. Men and women,
whether sick or well, are advised
to drink each morning, before
breakfast, a glass of real hot
water with a teaspoonful of lime
stone phosphate in it, as ti harm
less means of washing out of
the stomach, liver, kidneys and
bowels the indigestible material,
waste, sour bile and toxins ; thus
cleansing, sweetening and puri
fying the entire alimentary canal
before putting more food into the
Millions of people who had
their turn at constipation, bilious
attacks, acid stomach, sick head
. aohe-5, rheumatism, lumbago,
nerv ous days and sleepless nights
have lecome real cranks about
the morning-inside bath. A1
quarter pound of limestone phos
phate will not cost much at the
drug store, but is sufficient to
demonstrate to anyone its cleans
ing sweetening and freshening
effect upon the system.
no regrets.
Adv 2
12 to 24 pages per Issue.