The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, January 04, 1917, Image 3

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n a ; i
uto Owners
We are nSw located in our
Second Street
ly equipped
Machine and
and are in position to make any kind of repairs on all makes of
autos.. Cold feather is the time to have your car overhauled.
It will then be ready for use in the upring. We make repairs
quickly and pfoierly and guarantee our work.
; t ra ;
Cold Weather is
r s YT7a 1
v ne uto nappy tu siate mat
here, you will
want it that is
day. It's better coal, too
ISBi '5 fJust telepho:
Send up a ton
three), we need it quick, it's
cold,' and you'll get action.
1 m
Wlie ii you are In Omaha come where all Stockmen atop. You will
always find your friends and acquaintances at the
Omaha's new absolutely fire-proof hotel. We welcome the Stock
men. We'll make you comfortable and our rates are ost reasonable
In the city. Rooms with private both, $1.50 to $1.75. Rooms with
private toilet $1. Good car service to the Stock Yarda and Depots.
Have your commission firm telephone for room reservation.
new building at the corner of
nd Laramie Avenue, where we have a compile-
Repair Shop
a i a iv.i
,- ,.v. ' '
-: .-'t .' i
find coal when you
a big thing these
ne us and say,
(or two tons or
Phone 73
of Serviceable Age
Good Individuals and Triced to
Ranch adjoins town.
J. M. Tollmuii, Prop.
Maryland, Nebraska.
Hand made from boat material
Outlatt aay factory aiade goods
Call and see.
Harness repairing by experienc
ed harness maker.
At M. D. Nlcholj' at and, AlUanra
Notlc Is hereby Riven tht by vir
tue of an Order of Sale. Issued by
the Clerk of the District Court of the
Sixteenth Judicial District of Nebras
ka, within and for Uox llutte county,
In' an action wherein The Alliance
Building and Loan Association of
Alliance, Nebraska, Is plaintiff, and
Edward Whetstone, 1 al. are 'de
fendants. I will at 11 o'clock, A.
M., on the 27th day of January A. D.
1917, rt the west door of tlft Court
House in the city of Alliance, Nebr
aska, offer for sale at public auction,
the following described property,
lands and tenements, to-wlt:
A tract of land commencing at a
point on the north line of lot 65, In
County Addition to Alliance, accord
ing to the recorded plat thereof, 4 6
and 2-3 feet from the northwest cor
ner of said lot 65j thence south par
allel with the west line of Lots 65.
66 and 67, In said County Addition,
to the south line of said lot 67 thence
west on the said Bouth line of said lot
67 to the southwest corner of said
lot 67; thence north on the west lino
of said lots 65, 66 ,and 67 to the
northwest corner of said lot 65;
thence east 46and 2-3 feet on north
line of said lot 65 to the point of be
ginning, the Intention being to con
vey the west one-third of said lots
65. 66 and 67. County Addition to
Alliance, Box Butte County, Nebras
ka, together with all the appurten
ances thereunto belonging.
Given under my hand this 27th
day of-December, A. D., 1916.
C. M. COX, Sheriff.
Burton & Reddish, Atorneys.
Notice is hereby given that by vir
tue of an Order of Sale Issued by the
Clerk of the District Court of the
Sixteenth Judicial District of Nebras
ka, within and for Box Butte County,
In an action wherein The Alliance
Building and Loan Association of Al
liance, Nebraska, Is plaintiff, and Ed
gar B. Ozmun, et al, are Defendants.
I will at 10 o'clock A. M. on the
27th day of January, A. D., 1917, at
the west door of the Court House In
the city of Alliance, Box Butte Coun
ty, Nebraska, olTer for sale at public
auction, the following described
property, lands and tenements, to
Lot 1, Block 10, first addition to
Alliance, Box Butte County, Nebras
Given under my hand this 27th
day of December, A. D., 1916.
C. M. COX, Sheriff.
Burton & Reddish, Attorneys.
Notice is hereby given that by vlr
tue of an Order of Sale Issued by the
Clerk of the District Court of the
Sixteenth Judicial District of Nebras
ka, within and for Box Butte County
in an action wherein Charles F.
Kroll la plaintiff and Thomas J. Law
rence, et al, are defendants.
I will at 2 o'clock P. M. on the
27th day of January, A. D. 1917, at
the west door o: the Court House in
the city of Alliance, Box Butte Coun
ty, Nebraska, offer for Bale at public
auction, the following described
property, lands and tenements, to
NE14 of Section 32, In Township
26, N.. range 47. W., 6th P. M.. in
Box Butte County, State of Nebraska.
Given under my hand this 27th
day of December, A. D. 1916.
C. M. COX, Sheriff
Burton .& Reddish, Attorneys.
. Yon, and each of you. are hereby
notified that the city council will sit
as a board of equalization on Decent
ber 28, 1916, at 8 o'clock p. m., for
the purpose of. tho hearing of com
plaints, and equalizing the benefits
and levying the special asseasments
against the property In pavement dls
trict No. 1, for the purposo of pay
ing for the construction of paving
along and abutting upon the proper
ty In Bald district, by virtue of a res
olutlon adopted by tho said city
council in the words following
"Be it resolved by the Mayor and
Council of the City of Alliance, Box
Butte County, Nebraska, that the
Mayor and Council meet as a board
of equalization, on December 28
1916, at 8 o'clock p. m., for the pur
pose of equalizing tho special bene
fits, If any, to the property in pav
lng district No. 1, In said city, for
the purpose of levying a special as
sessment against said property, to
pay for the construction of paving
abutting and adjacent upon the same
and that notice of said meeting be
given to the owners of said real es
tate In said district by publication
of this resolution, for at least ten
days prior to December 28, 1916, In
tho Alliance Semi-Weekly Times and
the Alliance Herald, newspapers of
general circulation, and published
within Alliance, Nebraska,
(Seal) P. E. ROMIG. Mayor.
i 3-21-788-7535 City Clerk.
Notice of Final Account
In the matter of the ectate of Hi
ram Wilson, deceased, in the County
Court of Box Butte County ,x Nebras
ka. The State of Nebraska, to all per
sons Interested In said estate, take
notice that the executor has filed a
final account and report of his ad
ministration and a petition for final
settlement, distribution and dis
charge as such, which have been set
for hearing before Bald court on De
cember 13th, 1916, at 10 o'clock A
M., when you may appear and con
test the name.
Dated November 16, 1916.
(SEAL) County Judge.
Burton & Reddish, Attorneys.
Serial No. 015956.
Notice for Publication
Department of the Interior, U. S.
Land Oitlce at Alliance. Nebraska.
Dec. 13. 1916. ,
Notice Is hereby given that Emma
Gentle, of Alliance, Nebraska, who,
on May 15, 1913. made Homestead
; Entry, No. 015956, for the SW'4
Sec. 25, and NE4 NEV4. SH NE4,
and NV4 SE4, Section 26, Township
ii iNortn, Kange 50 Went of Sixth
Principal Meridian, has filed notice
of Intention to make final three-year
proof, to establish claim to the lund
aove described, berore the Register
and Receiver of the United States
Land OUlce, at Alliance, Nebraska,
on the 22nd day of January. 1917.
Claimant names as witneiucs:
Leo Carnlne, of Angora. Nebras
ka; Alvtn Turman, ot Angora, Ne
braska; Glen Gentle, of Alliance, Ne
braska; Mrs. Glen Gentle, o.f, Alli
ance, Nebraska.
T. J. O'KEEFE. Register.
To Hamilton Hall, John Hall.
Mary Hall Bills, Je.i ima Hall Mur
phy, Iva Hall, Charles Hall and How
ard W. Hall, heirs of Hamilton Hal!.
the unknown heirs, devisees, legat
ees and personal representatives, and
all other persons Interested in the
estate of Hamilton Hall, deceased,
will take notice that on December 6,
1916, Elizabeth Hall, Plaintiff, filed
uer "petition In the District court of
liox Butte County. Nebraska, agalnsi
said defendants, the oject and pray
er of which are to foreclose a mort
gage deed executed February 6.
1913, by Robert C. Wright and Llna
Wright, his wife, defendants, to
Hamilton Hall, defendant, upon the
NW14 Section 28, Twp. 28, N. of
Kange 49, W. 6th P. M. in Box Butte
Cotuity, Nebraska, to Becure the pay
ment of three promissory notes foi
$300 each, and becoming due and
payable . March 1,- 1916, March 1,
1917. and March 1, J918. respective
ly; Bald mortgage, provided that de
fault of payment of the Interest or
principal on any one of Bald notes,
when same shall become due and
payable shall cause all ot said notes
to become due and payable; that de
fault in payment has been made and
there is now due and payable thereon
the sum of $998.90, with interest at
7 per cent per sfnnum from Septeni
ber 25, 1916, for which sum, with
interests and costs, plaintiff prays
for a decree, that defendants, Rob
ert C. Wrlpht and Llna Wright, be
required to pay same, and in default
of Buch payment, said premises may
be sold to satisfy the amount found
due; that said mortgage and 3 notes
were assigned by said Hamilton Hall
to plaintiff; that plaintiff Is now the
owner and holder of same; that each
and all of the above named defend-
-ants may be forever barred an dforc-
closed of any and all right, title, In
terest or equity of redemption In and
to said premises, and for such other
and further relief as may be Just and
You are required to answer said
petition on or before the 5th day of
February, 1916.
Br Plaintiff.
Burton & Reddish, her attorneys.
Order of Hearing on Petition
In the Matter of the Estate of Fran
cis M. Watson, Deceased.
To all persons Interested In the es
tate of Francis M. Watson, deceased
both creditors and heirs:
You will take notice that a peti
tion was filed herein by George W,
Watson on December 9. 1916, Btat
ing that Francis M. Watson depart
ed this life at Atchison, Kansas, on
the 23rd day of May, 1910. being at
'.he time of his death a resident of
Atchison, in the county of Atchison
ind state of Kansas; that the said
Francis M. Watson died seized of an
state of inheritance of a seven-flf
eenths Interest in and to the follow
ing described real estate Bltuated In
Box Butte County, Nebraska, to-wlt
The east 23 feet of lot 9, and lots 10
ind 11. In block lettered "V", In
jherldan addition to Alliance, Box
Butte County, Nebraska, according
ro the recorded plat thereof.
That the said petitioner, George
W. Watson, Is a son of the said
Francis M. Watson, deceased, and
claims an undivided one-fourth in
terest in fee simple of the estate of
the Bald Francis M. Watson in tho
aforesaid property; that the said de
cedent left no will but died intestate
and that more, than two years have
expired since the death of the de
ceased and that no application for
administration of his estate has been
made within the State of Nebraska
and prays for a decree of the court
determining the time of the death of
the decedent, his place of residence
tt.e name of his heirs at law, the de
gree of kinship, and the right of de
scent of the real property in Nebras
ka belonging to Bald deceased.
It la therefore ordered that a hear
ing' be had on said petition at the
county court room In said county on
the 12th day of January, 1917, at
the hour of 10 o'clock, a. m.. and
that notice of the time and place fix
ed for the said hearing be given to
all persons, both creditors and heirs
by publication of this order for three
successive weeks prior to said hear
ing in the Alliance Herald, a news
paper printed and published in said
Dated this 9th day of December,
(Seal) County Judge.
LEE BASYE. Attorney.
--"" 4-
Says Cream Applied in Nostrils t
Relieve Head-Cold at Once.
If your niintriU are clnr;?e4 and your
head U BtnlTed and you can't lircntho
recly ticrnuKC of a cold or cafarr'i. ju-t
t a mmll Lottie of Ely's Croum I'ul'
.t any drti2 ftore. Apply a ll.ti.i o;
''ih fragrant, antiseptic t'lfa'ii into
vmr nostrils and let it -jicnt-f ra'tf
!ir.uil evi-ry ir pai!nte of your liea I,
- vtliihfj and healing tlict inll utn-. mw1
l"ii imii'ouN membra u and you get ii!
'.ant relief.
All! how pood it feel. Your Jios
nil M'e open, your H-ud is -!i-,ir, 1. 1
itinn? Iiiiwkiii'!, pnudling, blowing: i
IMOi c l:ti! l;telie, drvm-K or l nuvl'ni ;
iiT I reutli. Ely'a Cream Balm i jurt
vliat cuifrrrrA front luad coU au.l -a
rrh red. It' a drligbt
your nervous system is shattered; your strength is wasted
your digestion weakened, your blood impoverished.
is the rich tonic-food to nourish your nerve-centers, repair
the wasted tissue, improve" your blood-power,
sharpen your appetite and gradually re-establish
your strength.
Get SCOTPS for yourself, or remind some ailing
friertd that SCOTT'S has proven these words for,
thousands of others. Look for this Trade-Mark.
f flown n. Floomfleld. N. J.
Nebraska State Volunteer Fire
men's Association
President, J. P. Hoffman. Ord. -
First Vice President. Harry Hauaer, Fremont "
Second Vice President, John W. Guthrie, Alliance: '
Secretary, E. At Miller, Kearney.
Treasurer, II. A. VVehbert. Kearney". ,
Board of Control: Jacob GoehrlnK, Seward, chairman; William E.
Mote, Chadron; F. B, Tobln, Sidney; O. A. Rhoades, Scottsblufl.
Bert J. Galley, Columbus.
A department devoted to the Interests of the Volunteer Firemen
of the state of Nebraska.
Edited by Lloyd C. Thomas, state publicity chairman.
The following from the Fremont Tribune of December tells of the
elevator loss the night ot the 19th:
Fire last night that brcko out shortly after 0:30 o'clock completely do
Ltroyed mammoth elevator B, of the Nye Schneider Fowler company, caus
ing a loBS of 200,000 bushels of wheat and corn and a total loss that will
run close to a third of a million dollars.
Thirty minutes after employes had left the building after their day's,,'
work, flames comemheed to burst forth near the top of the tall structure.
Rapidly they spread. At 7 o'clock the building reaembled a giant torch Il
luminating the city. The red glare was reflected on the white snow with a
wonderful brilliancy and afl of Fremont was so bright that it was almost
like day.
Firemen conducted a -fight In below tero temperature directed princi
pally toward saving nearby bulldlngB. The elevator, which burned like tin
der, was foredqpmed and water was not wasted upon it. Frank Fowler,
necretary and general manager of the company, said this morning that th
loss is fully covered by Insurance, amounting to about $300,000.
The heaviest loss was in grain. ' There wero stored in the plant 125,
000 bushels .of wheat, 60,000 bushels ot corn and 20,000 bushels of oats.
There will be some salvage of grain but the amount can not be determined
un'll the Are Is placed completely under control. The big heap of grain
and debris will smolder for days and weeks.
In addition to the loss incurred through the destruction of the grain
and building the compatiy la seriously handicapped through being deprived
of its storage and handling facilities in the mldat of the heavy shipping sea
son. The local plant was used for storing and cleaning the grain which tho
company buys at Its 100 stations throughout Nebraska and South Dakota.
It was modern In every respect'with the exception that it was not fireproof.
All the facilities for cleaning, drying, separating and otherwise preparing
train as it comes from the farmers' bins for shipment, were to be found In
Last year a fire-proof drying plant was installed to handle the crop of
roft wheat and corn. This plant was in a brick building erected in the cen
ter of the main elevator and went through the fire without showing any
signs of crumbling under the terrific heat. A dust-collecting system was in
the course of intsallation.
The original elevator was erected In 1892, but has since been added to
and enlarged until it was one of the largest in the state outside of Omaha.
An expenditure of thousands ot dollars had been mode almost annually to
keep the plant at the high Btandard of efficiency demanded by the company's
business. It was a landmark on both the Union Pacific and Northwestern
main lines as it stood at the Junction of the two companies' right-of-ways
in the southeast part ot the city.
The fire which started In the top of the elevator shaft was discovered
by Night Watchman Charles Temple. He at once notified Superintendent
John Miller, who had left a few minutes before for his home.
Some headway was being made against the flames with the fire-fighting
apparatus of the elevator when the hose was cut in two by a large piece
cf sheet metal which fell from the side of the building. Before the fire
men arrived the flames were shooting through the roof of the main build
ing and hope of checking its spread was abandoned owing to the height of
the structure.
Firemen devoted their attention to caving the frame buildings sur
rounding the plant of the Fremont Brewing con puny which is located a
block south of the elevator. A shower of sparks, driven by the stiff north
wind, fell for blocks south of the burning building and it was necessary to
keep a stream of water playing continually on the roofs of the frame bulld
incs. The slate roof of the brewery building saved it from destruction.
Fremont. Nebr.. Dec. 24 Fire today, starting in the furnace room of
the Clark Drug company's building, caused damage in the heart of the city
to the extent of f 25,000. The drug store was gutted. Tho building was a
two-story brick between the Empress theatre and the Loo ml a Miller block.
Dr. "A. C. Agee was trapped in his office on the vpper floor. When
nearly suffocated from the smoke, a ladder was reached to him and he was
assisted to the 6treet.
Both buildings adjoining that of the drug company were damaged. The
building partially destroyed was owned by Mrs. John McDonald. Loss of
$10,000 on the building is covered by Insurance. Loss to the stock of the
Clark Drug compiny was $15,000. The company carried $8,500 Insurance.
Beatrice, Nebr., bee. 24 Hose company No. 1, one of the oldest val
untoer fire fighting companies of the city, held its annual banquet Saturday
evening at department headquarters. President II. C. Leech of the depart
ment presided as toaostmaster, and toasts were responded to by John I.
Schick, John S. Walker, J. II. Ellis, John Scharton. Harry Whiteside, E. B.
Quackenbush and Fred Oeorge.
Your Publicity Cha Irman leaves this week for Lincoln to attend the
coming session of the state legislature as repreBenta'lve from the 73rd dis
trict Box Butte and Sheridan counties. He will be "at home" at all times
to the fire boys from over the state and trusts they will pay him a Tlslt
when In the city. He will break away long enough to attend the annual
state convention at Auburn, however, with Fire Commissioner Rldgell and
Governor Neville.
f i