The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, January 04, 1917, Image 1

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    The Alliance Herald
Newspaper of
"s.rn iCebraska
I i
r j
The "Committee of Five" Completes
Bill to Knforce New Nebraska
Prohibition Amendment
Alliance Police Force Was Actlv
Almost SltOOO Collected In
Fines and Fees
During tb
Some Members Doubtful If Will Will
Tass as Drawn up Others
Say It Suits Tbetn
(By iAof& Thomas)
Lincoln. Nebr., Janr 1 The an
nountment on Saturday that the
committee of five appointed by the
Nebraska Dry Federation to draft a
"irI to enforce the new prohibition
institutional amendment was greet
ed with much Interest by the mem
bers of the legislature who were al
ready on the ground. The newspa
pers Sunday morning published ex
cerpts from the bill, the Lincoln
State Journal being the only one to
publish the bill In complete form.
Discussion of the bill overshadow
ed the wire-pulling which has been
going on among members who are
laterested In the election of certain
candidates for speaker or who are
desirous of getting a place on certain
The writer found many of the leg
islators who believed the bill was too
rustic and that it would re-act and
bring about a movement toallow the
sale of liquor. Others stated that
they believed the bill as drawn up to
be O. K.,.and expressed themselves
as being in f avor of it.
' Mt. ...c-f.r---,iirt h bill!
t V'L Here's what the proposed Nebras-
7 . j , atatuta nrohiblts:
The sale of any liquor with alco
kni inr hnveraee Durposes.
VI The shipment Into the state or
V..- . t,i. tn nlare In tho State of
llUUi v' "w ,
llnunr fnr HUCh USC.
HUJ I5U.A it4- -
The circulation of any liquor ad
vertising whatsoever, the soliciting
of sales or the giving of information
where liquor can be procured.
The shipment or the carrying Into
withnut notifying the rail-
road or express company of any suit
case, trunk or coutainer nneu
linuor without an
affidavit from the consignee that it is
for medicinal. t,clenunc. meiuuu".
or surra mentnl nUl'DOBeB.
The KlvlnK of a prescription by a
alcohol, unless ne
tajffis out a 'state license. Then he
"--t "kTvelhe day and hour, and
eH whal the disease is and sign his
Aaia rtf issuing.
The selling of liquor by a druggist
without an affidavit rui-hito t -Star?
public that it is not tor a bev-
"lt will be a parched, barren, sandy
waste in Nebraska f
coes dry. Not an oasla In the des
ert not a drop for the thirsty f the
wmV w drafted by the legislative
committee of the Nebraska Dry -lea-
me cuii"6
1916 Just closed
the A''tVt-ncVu partmcnt made
. nVV .... accord tne to a
INTKRK .-e by Polico Majcstrate
..ooerts. The nncs ana costs
.nected from thope arrested amount
ed to 1997.60. While fines to a much
larger total amount wore assessed
against those arrested this sum repre
sents the total actually collec'ed. in
many instances those arrested could
not or would not pay their fines and
they were housed In the city Jail and
allow-l to work out their sentence..
In other Instances the fines were re
mitted where It was believed tho
proper lesson had been taught.
September saw the larges number
of arrosts of any month during tho
year, fifty-four having been provided
With $170,575 Worth of Proierty In
Danger, the F.iitlre lioss To
tals but 4Ul,2ftO
Of Total lire I.oss During 1916, the
Insurance Carried for All
but $780
The report of Fire Chief L. E.
Pilklngton for the year ending De
ce j ber 31. 1916, brings to light the
J. Stearin Kills Mrs. Nelson In Lin
coln Monday Night and Then
Shoots Himself
Murdered Woman Divorced Wife
Sklnney" Nelson, Engineer
St eo nut a Former Cook
Jack Stearns, a former Alliance
cook, shot and killed Mrs. Nora Nel
son, divorced wife of Herman Nel-
wlth the value of the buildings sub
Ject to theso fires totaling J179.B75.
But the more astonishing fact 1b that
with the opportunity of says, "Morn- the total damage done by these for-
astonishing fact that during tho year! son, better known as "Sklnney Nol-
1916 there were 41 llreB in tne cnyjBon, or mis city, on me biucwui iu
front or me joe.wingen cigar Biore,
1341 1 street, In Lincoln, Monday
night about 7:20 o'clock. He thou
turned the gun and killed himself.
F. L. Kerns, who was with the wo-
i T nrin crnur tho amfl tvnn flroa t'm hill l.t.:8U ana VI
number of arrests, there being but I this loss $2,500 was collected in In-, man a few minutes before, Identified
thirteen hauled ud that month. March ! aurance. These figures speak more both and told the Lincoln officers an
was the banner so far as the collect
ing of fines and costs was concerned,
those arrested having klcted in a
total of $214 during the third month
rst ,hn vanr Twotitv-B i dollars were
ii - j i - - - - .
collected in ocioucr, uuuik "
st amount collected any month dur
ing the past year
than words for the great efficiency , he knew aDout me case, uoiu
of the Alliance Votunteer Fire De- Stearns und Mrs. Nelson were known
nartment. No greater service could I in Alliance through their residence,
be rendered tho people of Alliance! The husband, Herman Nelson, is an
. a. l. ' . . . - K 111 Mn.l wna
hv a fullv nald nenartmeni man uub . pngiuuer oui ui .vininv-,
been rendered oy tue rnenioern ui
this volunteer department. Through
their efforts there has been an ac-
Tiwit TtnhortR ntntrs that it Is safe tiini loss of property from fire In Al
to say that 90 per cent of the arrests during the year 1916 or out
mndo in Alliance during the year,780,
1916 were for Intoxication or as the
rPBiilt of intoxication. The ronow
KUtv-ilve Active Members
Thnr are sixty-five active raem-
ine; table shows the number of arrests ( bers in the Alliance oVlunteer Fire
niAnth nf th voar toeether . nonaptnioi-it with one member In un-
L i (;nv u . " " v - i - - - - I1M1
with the amounts collected in ones
and costs for each month:
No. of
i 22
Fines and
Costn Coll.
$ 36.00
i..rm. helnE Chief L. E. Pilklngton,
who Is the only paid man In the en
tire department. Mr. Pilklngton Is
worth every cent he costs the city,
and more. He is an expert when it
comes to driving the truck. He is at
the service of the public twenty-four a .lav. and no day is too cold
62.00 tnrinv but that he Is on the
40.00 i0b. No night Is too bad, or sleep
78.00 too restful to keep him In his bed.
178.00 ; when an alarm is turned In Pilk
is on the Job to drive tho truck to
tha u-onn in- a hurry, and be gets
Kr. in rimihle-auick time. It is, In
and was
made an engineer here
Mrs. Nelson's hou.e was at Edge
mont, S. I)., and she has a sister,
Hernice Tipton, and a mother, Mrs.
Mary A. McElhaney, at Edgemont.
The mother Is old and in poor health.
Mrs. Nelson has a daughter, Bessie,
ago 13 years, at the orthopedic hos
pital in Lincoln.
Jealousy the Clause
A letter found on Stearns indicat
ed that Jealousy had prompted the
deed and that it had b een premcdi
tated for some time. The letter was
addressed to Mrs. Nelson's mother
Mr. Kerns said ho had gone to the
room of Mrs. Nelson and had arrang
ed to take her out to supper. He
had taken her to the matinee during
the afternoon. When they reached
tho bottom of the stairway they met
Stearns. Stearns asked Kerns If he
would permit him to walk a block or
so with Mrs. Nelson, as he had some-
thlne to tell her. Mr. Kerna con-
is so hedged
Miss Sara Anderson of Omaha will
In about two weeks open up a halr
dresslng and beauty parlor In the
Alliance hotel. Miss Anderson, who
has worked with the well-known
Schadell slaters' hair dressing par
lors In Omaha, will be assisted by an
other expert and all . ladles who de
sire expert wommansnip rnuiuru
with the very highest class of treat
ment will find a way to the Ideal
Hair Dressing Parlor at the Alliance
- ttiA fart that a-.i ,Hniij.i1 tkatn Tin wnt
a large measure, uuo ----- ; senieu, uuv iuv....
tho fir hovs eet to the scene of the ; no, far behind when the shooting
fire so quickly that me aius t00K place
kept so low. No member or me ae
partment was Injured on duty during
all of last year.
Excellent Equipment
The volunteer department owns
property worth $3,500. The city
owns fire-fighting apparatus valued
at $5,500. There are twelve miles
of city water mains reaching In ev
ery direction, ranging in size from 4
to 10 Inches In diameter.- ?ne-ba f
it He of new water main was laid this
year. . .
Broke Hear Axle
The first serious trouble with the
a n.-n osnerienceu u iJT
uiu -
hotel. Alliance is large enousu lu : cember 26. 1916. when the rear axie
support a first-class parlor and there : . d on parting the truck from
i. rAnnon hut what the business " ., Ford was requlsl-
here should be a great success 'romjtloned t0 carry the'chemlcals. which
the very opening day.
eration passes
imA-nnna1 llhertv
. " ".rw f.,v-ih. closely type
aooui. i-" . o Bivtv-two
written pages of uul.rfj;i7.tJ!;
sections that the only liberty for
thirsting will be to sign the
medge. Therein alone can he es
Spe he meshes the committee have
thrown around King Alcohol.
There is no "two per cent clause
to enable the drinker to step down
and out via the lighter beverage
"ute?io proprietary medicines com
pounded with alcohol; even the little
Tablets they say will produce fair
SSKS" 11 a substitute for beer will
be UbHU Patent Medicine
The statute Is designed to prohibit
the sale of those beverages patent
medicines and bitters classed by the
U S government as containing alco
hol and for which the government
renulres a federal HceiiBP.
NoTlquor can be advertised In the
. JiihP in newspapers or on bill
- board No enterprl'sing dealer may
nass among the cltHenry and solicit
Kr or contract to ship in booio.
and what the drinker may view with
r alarm the federal government
fnM liat Point assays ba
S fljSr from the outside Into he
tBte under the Wcbb-Kenyoii act.
ptate. una r ' letters on
or in windows advertl-
w'" . .,.,f h tnken do
l'' ' .I11';' fter the law becomes
,Tm-e o" th- owner of the prop
erty or the tenant in charge will be
"Tma'n vEfaTes the law who tells
..Teates to his friend where be
r in po an get a little anna
de unikwful for anybody
to stock up h
KiT. "e botUes Tn his ice box U
fZ K -reVot to be used
"TheVcommittee chose the most sue-
?Tont fBiriTfor good measure
Tt ran't fail to be effect ve sas
J '21 tii man who directed the
1, 0. 0. F. R0NVEN1I0N
however, were rtot needed. On New
Year's eve In answering a call, sup
posedly sent In as a prank by some
Joker, the truck In turning in the
street ran into a snow-covered curb,
. i. trVnnr a Tift
with the rwui ia wrb nlaced In the ambulance,
U.I.J - '-- - . K
Tells about the Tragedy
Kerns says that but two shots were
nrd. One took effect In Mrs. Nel-
bou's head. The bullet entered her
neck on the lert side under tne cnin
nd ranced down. Inflicting a mortal
wound, from which she died in about
.tn minutes. Another snot sirucK
fitpnrns lust below the heart and
near the center of the front of the
hndv. He dronned dead on the walK
, about fifteen feet from the body of
: Mrs. Nelson.
Three - discharged shells were
found In the revolver. At leaBt one
witness says she heard three shots
nil of them evenly spaced, the last
nprhnnn a little farther from the sec
ond in point of time than the second
was from the nrst.
Died In Ambulance
The ambulance was culled and the
bodies were removed to the morgue
of Castle. Ropers & Matthews in L,in
coin. Mrs. Nelson died after she
Iemocratie Caucus Selects Officials
and Employees at Monday
Night Caucus
(By Llloyd Thomas)
The democratic house caucus was
held In the Limlcll hotel at 7:30
clock Monday evening with W. J.
Taylor of Merna in the chair. Da
foe and Thomas were named as sec
retaries. The temporary organisa
tion was mado permanent before the
cadcus closed, to provide for future
Employees for tho lower house
selected by the caucus were: Speak
er, George Jackson, Nelson; chief
lerk. Ueo. W. Potts, Dubois; chair
man committee on committees, W. J.
Taylor, Merna; temporary speaker,
A. Ollls. Ord: first assistant clerR,
Lee Metcalfe, Omaha; second asslst-
nt clerk. J. W. Kelly, Merna; ser-
geant-at-arma, Jason Evans, College
lew; assistant sergeant-at-arms,
rtev. T. D. Davis. Milford.
The contest for chairman of the
committee en committees was a good
natured ouo between W. J. Taylor of
Custer county and J. N. Norton of
Polk, both of whom have been lead
ers In tho house at previous sessions.
Taylor won by the vote of 32 to 25,
nd Norton moved to make his elec
tion unanimous.
Lloyd Thomas will be a member or
the selective committee from the
Sixth congressional district. Its com
position Is as follows:
Chairman (at large; vv. j. iuy-
First district A. N. Daroe, jonn-
son county; W. F. Rleschlck, uicn-
second J. H. Bulla, omana J. J.
Shannon, Omaha; Jacob Sass, Chal
co. . .
Third William O. J. uau, uoage;
Theo. Osterman, Merrick; .
Radke, Cedar.
Fourth J. N. Norton, rois; u. w.
rnllsr Rawnrd.
Fifth M. A. Bwanson. Jiay; rrou
Hoffmelster, Chase.
c..h c. W. TrumDie, snerman;
Crist Andersen, Boyd; Lloyd Thom
as, Box Butte.
Prion. if Tjcwls E. JohnHon and
Lorenza I Stolta were surprised
Monday night and Tuesday morning
when they learned that the couple
had been married tn uenver on rr.
was twisted.
tween three
It required
and four hours
Half Dozen Meetings and a Conven
tion to Be Crowded Into Oiks
Affair Next Week
Thursday of
next week, January 10 and 11, Alli
ance will be the scene of the I. O. O.
F.' conventlou. At this time there
. i-i .ni.lAn r, t ttiA frrnnfl
Will De a special riuu . ,
loils: a spt- iiil Bession of the depart
ment council, a special session of the
ii-b-tMi ussoii iJiy. a meeunK oi vutr
North Platte Valley district I. O. O.
K ;iss iHil'in ami a meeiinn tu
bekah dlUrlct No. 33. Alliance is
planning on giving the visitors a roy
al entertainment, and If the thing is
,m R well as other affairs have
-r - . .in
v . a r A In hnr o ff not
vn. . lA'LLt'lB wr c lyuuu m vs
v I . . . . . - J i v
l snowing tnai no naa aaurpwwj un
l. V. K A I at
v' 1 1 n n on inn lener your uuuui. n
teer Fire Depart menv ar '"V""
r iineninlik nrnsldent: W. W
w,. i 1 V v -1 ,
pair tneaamuBe. 411. a Vnlnn.'as Mrs. Jack St
The omcers oi -d the letter "your hubby.
ter was found In mearns enecis
mm i l ar n or i nor ana nun tt iiii i rnsrii uiui
Hall, vice president; T. P. L. her husband and that she had
secretary; K. u. uwuson. --- I alenpd ..your ,ovinK wife. Plc-
t. e. Pilklngton, cnier;
Thomas, assistant chief.
"Hello tilrl" and Fireman Believed
Alarm Was Fake Turned in to
Start CVleoration
rtniievlne some one saw the New
Year coming and In order to provide
Fanners Signed Articles of Asn'n At
Meeting Held at Court House
Friday Afternoon
About 910,000 In loana Already Ap
plied for .Temporary Ofllclals
Now Holding Ofltce'
The organisation of the Alliance
National Farm 1oan AHutH-latlpn was
porfectod at a meeting held with the
county agent in tho assembly room
at the Box Butte county court houao
r rlday nfternoou. Tho meeting was
attended by some twenty farmers of
this section who are either interested
In the Federal Farm Loan Act or who
desire to take advantage of the oppor
tunity afforded and borrow money
from the Federal Land B;ink for this
section which Is to bo located at Om
aha. The Itouivdrv Lines ,
The Alllntue National Farm Loan
Association will take care of the
want or ull farmers In Box Butto
county and adjoining territory. There
Is no limit to the territory which ona
association may serve, convenience
being the only element that ei)Jcus
Into It. Thus the Allla.ieo associa
tion will serve Box Butte county and
the territory surrounding It, so that a
farmer who lives over the line may
affiliate with the Alliance cssoclatloa
If he wishes and it is convenient for
him to do so. . This provision makes
It possible for those living In terri
tory outside of Box Butto county
where an association, which requires
ten members, may not have been
formed or wher It may not be con
venient to organise, to become a mera
ber of the Alliance association. The
articles of association drawn up at
the meeting held Friday stipulate
that the association Is organized to
do business in Box Butto and adjoin
ing territory. Anyone who desires
to borrow through the Federal Land
Banks must afffliato with this or a
similar organization.
To Make Improvements
About $40,090 in loans were ap
plied for at the meeting held hero
Friday. The money when received
will be used tn paying off mortgages.
dayi There were a very few who J buying more laud, buying more stock
had an idea something was1 making Improvements, or in other
coming off; but were nevertheless ; words, will be used only for agrlcui-'
surprised when they learned of the
event. They leri nere a
Tuesday for Denver. The groom is
proprietor or the Alliance uH-tuunis
Work, and haB many friends in this
tural improvement purposes.
OAker FJw ted
Following the signing of the ar
ticles of association by those apply
ing for loans officials wero elected to
section. The bride until a month ( hold ofllco until the first annual meet-
ago operated the uurnngion iuiuu
room, which she soia recenujr.-
OF Dili n-iUMWiiun
At a meetlne of the Box Butte Dry
Federation held at the court house
Friday Rev. J. B. Cams was elected
president; C. A. Dow, vice president;
A. Gregory, secretary and treasurer.
rri., .J.l.nn ttnnrrt Trill COnslBt Of B
X 113 idwi J - i - -
ronrAanntatlve from eacn cnurcn or irurinton: secretary-ireacurer, rroa
organization of the city which de- Mollrlng; and Directors, O. W. Nation
aires to co operate with the object of n. E. Purlnlon, Chris Nepper, O. U
law enforcement In mind. T. H.lWorley. Herman Trabert and Pat
itnrnea Is the retiring president; A. Dillon. The board of appraisers is
s Rnveart the retiring vice presl- composed of P. 11. Dillon. Herman
dent: and R. M. Hampton, the ro- Trabert and O. W. Nation.
tiring treasurer.
Ing of the asportation. This annual
meeting, which is the real big meet
ing, will be held at the Box Butte
county court house in Alliance Tues
day afternoon, January 9, 1917, at
two o'clock. All those who file their
applications for loans beforo this
meeting will be entitled to take part
in the meeting. The ofliclalH elected
to hold until Tuesday are: President,
O. W. Nation; Vice-President, D. B.
been in the past every Timor . "rth whne had decided
away a booster for the biggest little , freetlng "0 alarm to start the
" '. J?' ,9!lwh;8Utr.C bVwing. loth the telephone
the program for the convention
wednesuay, jauuiirj w
tina of Reception Committee,
headquarters at Alliance Hotel, af
ter train arrives.
Sp.-clal Session or urana lioane v
O. O. r . nan av i i.
t onera house at 7:30 p. m.
Address of Welcome . Mayor uomig
; . .Grand wssier w.
V. Hoagland
UeTons" ....
Pres. Rebekah
Assembly Hattle
Response .......... ;:
Grrniu P.itriartu u. tu. iui""6v
Dept. Comv ander C. M. Coffin
Decoration of Chivalry . . 8:30 p. ra.
Thursday, January 11
District Meeting at Opera House. .
9:00 a. m.
Competitive Initiatory Degree . . .
Scottsbluff. Gerlng and Itemingrora
Banquet at 6 p. m.
Competitive First Degree .. 8 p. m.
Alliance. Mitchell
There will be a meeting at the Al
t.i,. ritv Mission, at 3 p. m.. next
cv tamiarv 7. led by Mrs. Hale,
tiai nreanizer for the W. C. T. U
iwi Mrs. Hale is an Interest
ing ruaker. Everybody is invited
to come out and ln-ar her.
girl and the firemen donaicu a muo
Sunday night as to whether the
alarm turned In a few minutes before
12 o'clock should be answerod. The
barn belonging to P. J. Yount, 314
Third street, caught fire in Borne un
known manner a few minutes before
midnight Sunday. The fire boys
were on the Job but were expecting
false alarms and ono so close to the
limp when the whistles and bells of
the town were scheduled to welcome
In the new year led them to believe
Komc one was either in a hurry or
Vila wfllrh was fast.
However, the alarm was anawereu
whitn thosa in the homes oeneve.!
the whistle was Just one in celebra
tion. The damage by the fire is es-
nm.ite.1 at about 1200. Wiien aooui
five minutes afterward the whistles
again blew and the bells rang, many
believed some one s waicn s vnu
er fast or slow.
Alliance, Nebr.. Jan. 3, 1917.
Th annual meetlnK of the stock
holders of the Alliance Building and
Loan Association will be held in Its
nfflcfi. Tuesday. January 9. ar
7-30 o'clock -n. m.. for the election
of a Board of Directors for the en
suing year and for the transaction of
such other business as may properly
come before the meeting.
slsrned it "your loving wife."
tures of Stearns were found in Mrs.
Nelson's room and a picture of Mrs
Nelson was found in Stearns room
Mrs. Nelson was thirty years old an
Stearns was thirty-one years old.
Had Been tjoiiig Together
Bessie Nelson, daughter, said that
Stearns had been going with the mo
ther for about ten months. Her mo
ther apparently thought a good deal
of Stearns. She had never heard
her mention anything relative to
marrying him. She also asserted
that the mother bad told of Stearns'
nvfterate jealousy and had made
frequent protests as to the mother's
having anything to do witn ner ror
mer husband, who was In Lincoln
Saturday afternoon, and with the
mother visited the daughter, at me
State Ortheopedic hospital. tne
daughter believed that the tragedy
was the culmination of the Saturday
The dauKhter said her mother s
parents lived in Edgemont, S. D.. al
so divorced, and that her mother had
paid a visit to them in September.
Nelson Was to Marry
I cannot understand it," the
dauKhter said. "Everything seemed
all right, so far as I knew. I'apa is
an engineer running out of Alliance
and with mamma came out to see me
Saturday afternoon. He said he was
eoinr to marry an Alliance woman
this week and was going on a honey
moon trip to California. He bought
ine a coat and dress for Christmas.
When asked if the father bad ev
er broached the subject of remarri
age with the mother, the daughter
said she did not believe that he ever
had. . So fnr as she knew there had
been no tuch intention.
"My parents have been divorced
about three years. Mother has al
ways received alimony from papa.
For the first year after the parting
of my parents I stayed with mamma
then I came here. Papa wrote to me
quite often and seemed to be inter
ested enough in me."
R. Wilson, Burlington conductor,
tiirni th first of tne wees 101-
lowlng a short visit in Iowa.
Sheridan County Will SenJ IKvIega-
tlon of 150 What Will lx
Butte Count) Do?
A Pretentious District
The locating of the Federal Re
serve Bunk In Nebraska may well b
considered an honor for this stato;
Creating a territory with Nebraska
as a tenter and supplemented with
Iowa, South Dakota and Wyoming,
the Land Bank Board cctabllshed
what is genorallly considered to be
the most pretentious district of the
entire twelve. With long time loans
at forty years, and interest less than
six per cent, the farmers of this terri
tory will be enabled to start a develop
ment campaign which will be felt the
nation over.
Win. Martens of Chadron, one .of
Dawes county's successful farmers,
stopped in Alliance list Thursday on
his way home from Dalton where he
had been visiting at the home of
Banker Willis. Mr. Martens be
lieves In scientific farming, practical
ly applied, and knowing that The
Herald la doing much to encourage
the same in this country, he favors,
this office with a call when in Alll-
Thursday, J.inuary 18. l'J17. is Po
tato Day and Box Butte County day r.t
Lincoln during the week of Organized.
Aerii-ulture. It is also Sht-ilda:!
County day and some 150 residents of
WliprUlHii county have aireauy eii;ii!.u
up to make the trip. It is planned to
make the tiip a hummer and make
an tmnresBion on eastern Ne.bruska
hv this SDOclal stunt.
Now you potato growers u is ui.
a viiii Are YOU KOlUK lO lliiconi
and advertise Box uuue coumy aim
vourst-tf or are you going to lei
Sheridan county represent Box Butte
rountv. The triu will be worth wuue
A state potato grower s association is
to be organized on Box Butte county Pnisito Dav. Are you intese3t-
County Agent Seidell will present
the onenitiK paper on "The Import
ance of the Nebraska Potato Indus
try." Link Davis of Gordon win
talk on "Growing Potatoes Without
Irrieatlon" Secretary Milward of
tho Wisconsin Potato urowers a-
.Miatlon will address the assembled
potato growers on, "Organization. Its
Imnnrtanrn to the I'OlalO urowtTB,
A. S. Enyeart of Hetningord is onltian churcvh tonight and
the program on Tuesday. January is, yoursen.
when the Nebraska corn uroweri .as
sociation holds forth. Mr. Enyearts
subiect ia "Lessons From Drouth in
Western Nebraska." W. E. Spen
cer, manager of the Alliance Cream
K. H. Rny.1 expects to return to
Alliance about the middle of the
month. He has been spending the
Christmas season at Chelsea, Mich
igan with his father. Before return
ing to Alliance be will go to Atlanta
Georgia on some legal business.
The . double dissolving stereopti-
con. the artist-painted charts ana
Rev. Knowles himself make a com
bination that has never been equal
led in this town. Go to the Chris-
see for
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Seidell of
Chadron have rented the furnished
home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd C.
Thomas and moved in Tuesday. They
ery will attend the dairy meeting onlwtll occupy the home during the
Wednesday. January 17. uirecioru i time. Mr. ana Mrs. i nomas are at
of State, district and county fairs will
meat on Tuesday. On Friday. Janu
ary 19. Hon. Herbert Quick will dis
cuss the farm loan act.
Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. Seidell are
the parents of the county agent and
also have two daughters attending
the academy.
i '
'( ". ..
(Continued on page 8)