(, nr T-TTTi-T - - T t hi a v i In the Future ai In the Past, Our Work Will Remain, ax Always, UNSURPASSED KEEP-UNEAT Of Course Go to the RED DIAMOND BILLIARD PARLOR For a pleasant hour Haddorff Music House T. M. HAMPE, Mgr. Alliance Hotel Building Alliance, Nebraska Haddorff Pianos and Piano Players From Maker to You The Standard by Which Pianos Are Judged VVniKQ THE COMING YEAR THING OFTEN OP THE Standard Grocery Co. We do not fear mall-order competldonWo sell groceries at right prices. Think of us often this next year. Learn about our prices. M We take this opportunity TO THANK YOU for your past patronage and wish you A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR Phone 160 . ' ' j HBMBMaMHHHB1BaHBBBBBHBB,MSSlSMMSSSaSMSMSSBMMSI SBMSSSSSSSMSSSSSSSMSSSSSSSSSMSSSSSSSBSSSSSSSSSHP . , , , . . , SHERIFF'S SALE Notice Is hereby given that by vlr (tte of an Order of Sale. Issued by 4ft Clerk of the District Court of the Sixteenth Judicial District 01 weoras tfca. within and for Box Unite county, tim an action wherein The Alliance rjtollding and Loan AMoclatlon of Alliance, Nebraska, la plilntlff. and vKdward Whetstone, et al. are de---fradants. 1 will at 11 o'clock. A. ;.. on the 27th day of January A. D. i1S17, at the west door of the Court Jsou In the city of AtlHnce, Nebr- V nfTor for Haltt at liuMlC auction. ?ft following described property. Wta.lt ana tenements, to-wii; A tract of land commencing at a Mttnt on thn north line of lot 65. In Cuty Aidltlon to Alliance, accord ing to the recorded plat thereof, 46 ad 2-1 ftt from the northwest cor ner of rail lot 65; them-' south par Mt urirh i ha mifut ltn of Lota 65. a-nd 67, In said Con "y AldUlon. Co (b ow:ii 'tn- -t f i.' 67 thence 4ku.it oa ib n-.i 1 o uh il'ie of suil lot t to the southwest corner of said lot 67: thence north on th west line ef said lots 65. 66 an 1 67 to the . MrtfavMl rorncr of said lot 65: Utewce east 46 and 2-3 feet on north una nt ftnlrl lot 6 5 to the noint of be ginning, the Intention bo::ig to con vey the west one-tnira or eata lots J5. 66 and 67. County Addition to Alliance. Box Butte touniy. neDras Jta, together with all the appurten ascu thereunto belonging. Given under my hand this 27th flay of December, A. it., 1916. C. M. COX. Sheriff. -Vnrton ft Reddish, Atorneys. 4-it-792-7539 SHERIFF'S HALF. Notice Is hereby given that by vlr- tm of an Order of Sale Issued by the (Clerk of the District Court of the r Sixteenth Judicial District of Nebras- r Jul. within and for Box Butte county, fcn an action wherein The Alliance thudding and Loan Association of Al - Ua nee. Nebraska, is plaintiff, and Ed ,ar B, Otmun, et al, are Defendants. I will at 10 o'clock A. M. on the .TTth day of January, A. D., 1917, at the west door of the Court House in the city of Alliance, Box Butte Coun ty, Nebraska, offer for sale at public auction, the following described property, lands and tenements, to wn : Lot 1. Block 10, first addition to Alliance, Box Butte County, Nebras ka. Given under my hand this 27th day of December, A. D., 1916. C. M. COX, Sheriff. Burton Sc. Reddish, Attorneys. 5t-791-7638 SHERIFF'S BALK Notice Is hereby given that by vir tue of an Order of Sale issued by the Clerk of the Dtstrlct Court of the Sixteenth Judicial District of Nebras ka, within and for Box Butte County In an action wherein Charles F. Kroll Is plaintiff and Thomas J. Law rence, et al, are defendants. I will at 2 o'clock P. M. on the 27th dav of Januarv. A. D. 1917. at the west door of the Court House InJ the city of Alliance, Box Butte Coun ty, Nebraska, offer for sale at public auction, the following described property, lands and tenements, to wlt: NE4 of Section 32, In Township 26. N.. ran 47. W., 6th P. M.. In Box Butte County. State of Nebraska. Given under my hand this 27th day of December, A. D. 1916. C. M- COX. Sheriff. Burton ft Reddish, Attorneys. 4-5t-793-7540 FOR RENT Five-room complete, ly modern, nicely furuUhed house, for three or four months. Rent re aouable to detdrable parties. 915 Ilox llutte avenue. Phone lira. Uoyd Thomas at 840 or call at The Herald office. 4-2t-7947 Mr. and Mrs. William Mitchell are enjoying a visit from little Miss Ann Orinsby of Elmore, S. D. H. M. Bushnell, Jr., secretary of the Alliance Commercial Club,, Is en joying a week's social and business visit In Lincoln and Omaha. He left "I Am For MEN' F. J. Spon 's Barber Shop Corner Box Butte and Second Shave, Hair cut, Massive. Baths i The FIRST NATIONAL BANK ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA Hcccpt ur Sincere. ZKDUsbes' for a Bountiful Hi anb a ovous IWew IDear The Right Place to Get A REAL LUNCH All New Equipment JOE SMITH Phone 172 Friday morning for Lincoln to spend CtrUimas with bis parents. While In Lincoln he will look after some buninefs matters for the club and before returning will spend a couple or three days in Omaha. While In those cities be expects to gather some Information pertaining to freight rates. FOH KENT Five-room complete ly modern, nicely furnished house, for three or four months. Itent rea sonable to desirable parties. 015 Ilox Itutte avenue. Phone Mrs. Uoyd Thomas at 840 or call at The Herald office. 4-2t-7947 Miss Jessie Burns, a student at Lincoln, Is here spending the Christ mas season with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Burns. Miss Helen Hewitt is sepnding the Christmas vacation at the home of ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. James K. Hewitt. She has been attending school at Lincoln. Mrs. A. T. Lunn and two children were over-Christmas visitors at Om aha wuh relatives. - Mrs. Charles Nation and daughter, Ethel, went to Lakeside Christmas day where Mrs. Nation played for a dance that evening. Miss Mary Barry is here from Hy annts, spending the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Bar ry. HERALD READERS HELPED MAKE CHRISTMAS COMPLETE No doubt Herald readers will be glad to hear the result of the work accomplished by the committee in charge of teh charitable work for the worthy p oor. Through the kind ness of the local papers the facts were widely published and the public responded In their usual generous manner. Many were the bundles of good warm clothing sent to head quarters, and five families consisting of about forty persons were thus fit ted with warm clothing. Besides 213 Box Butte these there were fruit and vegetables 1 and an abundant supply of toys and I small gifts to delight the hearts of the children. Those In charge of the work desire to express their thanks Dot a to The Herald and to those of Its readers who helped in making these people happier and more com fortable by their kindness. THIS COMMITTEE. WATCH-NIGHT SERVICES . At S p.'.m., on Dec. 31, the united young people's societies will meet in the Methodist church, for special service. At 9 p. m. the Watch-night serv ices will begin at the Presbyterian church, where there will be a music al program by the united choirs, consisting of solos, duets, quartets and chorus. 10 p. m. "Not Far" and "My Fa vorite Song". 11 D. m. Svmnoslum. or dtneua. slon and consecration for another year; addresses limited to ten min utes. WEEK OP PRAYER The week of prayer will be ob served In the Alliance churches be ginning at the Christian church Mon day, Jan. 1, 1917, 7:30 p. m. Rev. J. B. Cams, leader. Tuesday. 7:30 p. m., at the Meth odist church.. Rev. A. A. Layton, leader. Wednesday, 7:50 p. fli. at the Baptist church, Rev. Lewis Mclntyre leader. Thursday, 7:30 u. m., at the Pres byterian church. Rev. H. J. Young, leader. Friday, 7:30 p. m.. Christian church. Rev. J. B. Cams, leader. Saturday. 7:30 p. in. M. E. church. Rev. L. Mclntyre, leader. . "PEEP SIGHTS" TELLS OP WOMAN'S DRESS Peep Sights remarks as follows; "A woman from Denver hung an ex pensive dress on a nail In ber room and went to bed in one of the local rooming houses. She stated that when she came back both sleeves we: cut fro mher dress. Yet she Wiker Music House Selling Fine Pianos and Victor Victrolas Hundreds of Pleased Customers as Result of Over Nine Years Successful Selling You be One this Year Mrs. J. T. Wiker. Across from Post Office The Kind of Shave You Kike at John J. ReinkoberV Barber Shop Next Door to Herald Office A Smooth Shave is a Delight You Get it Here KING BILLIARD PARLOR Hank Keiser, Prop. Alliance, -;- Nebr. Snow White Bakery E. 0. MANEWAL, Prop. , 121 Box Butte Ave. Phone 745 BREAD YOU LIKE TQ EAT EVERYTHING IN BAKED GOODS Short Order Lunches You Will Like We wish the Readers of The Herald A Happy NNew Year and a Prosperous Year during 1917 ForBox Butte County E. T. Kibble & Company Real Estate, Insurance, Rentals had but one room." Perhaps she borrowed THE key. FOR RENT Five-room complete ly modern, nicely furnished house, for three or four months. Rent rea sonable to desirable parties. 915 Ilox Itutte avenue. Phone Mrs. Lloyd Thomas at 340 or call at The Herald office. 4-2M947 Miss Ella Moravek was In Alliance Friday doing some holiday shopping. A. M. Miller was in Alliance Sat urday. C. H. Burleigh had business at the county seat the middle of the week. Mrs. C. H. Graham was doing Borne shopping at Alliance the mid dle of the week. Mr. Hubbell, the congenial land lord at the Arlington, has been quite sick for a week past. The Christmas tree exercises at the M. E. church Saturday evening was well attended and a pleasant time was had. i Russell Mellck was in Alliance the latter part of the week. j H. R. Olds has sufficiently recov ered from his recent Illness as to be able to return to his home Sunday. He was met In Alliance by his broth er Alex and K. L. Pierce, making the trip from Alliance by auto. Mrs. John Florey and the children went down to Ravenna the latter part of the week to spend the holi days with her relatives. Neal Ersknle went down to Mina tare Sunday for a few days' visit with friends. Mr. and Mrs. M. C. eBaumont are I both quite sick at this writing. Mrs. ueaumont nemg under the doctor's care. Miss Ella Moravek spent Christ mas with her sister Mrs. Bert Lang ford. Mrs. Ben Price and son Gale re HEMINGFORO DEPX turned Friday from a two mnnlhi' visit with friends at Galine. Mich. Mr. ana Mrs. F. W. Melick and the children left here on belated 42 Frl- aay morning, going for a visit with Mrs. Mellck's parents, at Bennet, Nebr. They will also visit with Mr. Melick's relatives In Missouri before returning. There was a very pleasant surprise on Miss Frances Olds at her horn Tuesday evening. Her young friends met to remind her of old times and to bid her good luck and goodby. Miss Frances will return to her school work at Hastings In a few days. Mrs.' Grant Mellck and sister Miss Hattle Grimes left here on 44 Mon day, going to Chariton, la., for a vis It of a couple of weeks with relatives and friends. Miss Mary Kuhn came up from Al liance Sunday and spent Christmas at her home here, returning to Alli ance Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Elliott and daughters, Jessie and Leila, went to Colorado Saturday for an over Christmas visit with relatives. B. U. Shenherd m iiianHin. . - ft iu business matters at Alliance the first of the week. Mrs. Wm. Saling returned the lat ter part of the week from a three weeks' stay with friends in Sioux county. James Berry went over to Valen tine Thursday for an over-Chrlstmaa visit with Rev. and Mrs. N. O. Palm er. DIRECTORS OF FARMERS ASSOCIATION TO MEET The directory of the Box Butte County Farmers Association will hold a meeting at the county agent's office in the court house Friday af ternoon. December 26. starting at 1 o clock sharp The regular business for the month will be taken np and the plan of holding Box Butte count day at Lincoln In January during the week of Organized Agriculture and the potato show will be discussed. i8rS.Ucrib ,or Alliance HereJd, $1.50 per year.