Optr-a House, Friday,, December 29, 191(r i he- Great Song Play- '- Prices D 25c, 50c, 75c and $1.00 K3 W.w HI, I... I n I ii ' mi ' WtSW-' THE ALLIANCE HERALD L1X)YI 0. THOMAS. . Iliwlness Manager JM w THOMAS. Flti.r GEORGE KDICK, City Editor Published every Thumlay by THE HBRALL) PUHUSHINQ COMPANY Incorporated tJoyd O. Thorn ft. President J. Car! Thomas, Vice Prea John W. Thomas. Rwretary Entered at tbe pott office at Alliance, Nebraska, for tranimlailon through nalia an second-class matter SUBSCRIPTION PRICK. II. BO PER YEAR IN ADVANCE If your copy of Tbe Herald does not reach you regularly or sattsrac "wniy, you should phone 140 or drop a card to tbe office. Tbe best of serv Is wnaf we are anrous to five, so don't hesitate to notify us wltboo' 1r wfcer mnr pspr mi NEBRASKA PRESS ASSOCIATE ;iiiMiiiiiiniiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiirrmTTTr Nebraska State Volunteer Fire men's Association President, J. P. Hoffman, Ord. First Vice President. Harry Mauser, Fremont. 8econd Vice President. Jobn V. Guthrie, Alliance. Secretary, E. A. Miller, Kearney. Treasurer, H. A. Webbert, Kearney. Doard of Control! Jacob Goehrlng, Seward, chairman; William E. Mote, Cbadron; F. B. Tobln, Sidney; O. A. Rboades, Scottsbluff ; Bert J. Galley, Columbus. A department devoted to tbe Interests of tbe Volunteer Firemen of the state of Nebraska. Edited by Lloyd C. Thomas, state publicity chairman. rogramme Thirty-Fifth Annual Convention Nebraska State Valnnteer Firemen's Association v AUBURN, NEBRASKA JANUARY 18, 17, 18, 1917 And We Hope You Enjoy It All The committee in charge has arranged the program as fol lows, exclusive of the business sessions which will be held each forenoon and afternoon in the Maclay Opera House. TUESDAY, JANUARY 16 Afternoon Registration, Initiation and Exploration. 7 :30 P. M. Meeting called to order by President Hoffman Special Music. Invocation. Address of Welcome. Response by President. Short Business Session. Special program, consisting of five Vaudeville Acts, af ter which the band will play on the street, where the key to our City will be cremated, and you will partake of the hospitality of our Commercial Club at a Smoker and Lunch in tho Club Rooms. N There will be no strangers there. , WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 17 9 :00 A. M. Open Air Band Concert. 9 :30 A. M. Business Session. 11 :50 A. M. Convention Photographed, J St. and Central A v. 12:45 P. M. (Sharp) An Automobile trip to Peru, for special program. 3 :00 to 6 :00 P. M. Business Session. 7 :30 P. M. Band Concert. 8:00 P. M. Professional Athletic Contests, Battle Royal, Ten-Round Goes, Wretsling, Etc. THURSDAY, JANUARY 18 . Your Deal 1 :00 to 2:00 P. M. Put your town on the Map. 7:00 P. M. Banquet-Business Session. The "Iron Cross" will be presented. Banquet will be. held at 1107 J St. 10:30 P. M. Farewell at Club Room and Free Movies. Come Back Again Registration will take place at the Club Rooms where the musicians will be at your command plenty of daily papers, stationery and stamped envelopes for the asking and you 11 be as welcome as the flo.wcrs in May. And the End Is Not Yet t FRIDAY, JANUARY 19 The Nebraska City Firemen have arranged to give the Of ficial Firemen's Ball, and extend a cordial welcome to all dele gates. In addition they have arranged a fine program. We are now negotiating for a special train which will leave here Friday morning at 9 :00 A. M. over the Missouri Pacific for Ne braska City. AUBURN FIRE DEPARTMENT C. II. MASTERS, Sec'y. sOOATTON). NKYVM niOM FREMONT FIRE DEPARTMENT , The Fremont Volunteer Fire Department, of which Harry Hauser is chief, will go to Auburn In a private car. Tbe following clipping from a Fremont newspaper tells of tbe new delegates and their plans for tbe trip: Fremont firemen who attend the thirty-fifth convention of the Nebras ka State Firemen's Volunteer association at Auburn January 16, 17 and 18, will make tbe trip as usual In a Pullman car which they will use for bead quarters during their stay at the convention city. Fire Chief Harry Haus er of Fremont is making tbe neceBKary arrangements. In addition to the Fremont delegation which will number upwards of twenty firemen, Columbus firemen have asked for reservations and other towns are expected to arrange to join the Fremonters on the trip. According to reports from Auburn the fire department at that place la making preparations to entertain the visitng firemen n grand style. A trip to Peru where the Peru firemen will furnish entertainment has been pain ned for one afternoon while on the return trip the firemen will stop at Ne braska City, where a banquet, ball and theatre party will be given. Following are the delegates from the Fremont companies. The board of directors voted to send tbe entire board: Cleland Hose company, Charles Porter. Dorsey Hose company, Jobn Betkle. Hook and Ladder company, Roy Strata. Chemical Engine company, H. C. Meadows. Mercer Hose company, George Howe. Manufacturers Hose company, Gus Marquardt. Mechanics Hose company, H. D. Ludvlgsen. AUBURN PUBLISHES CONVENTION PROGRAM Elsewhere on this page will be found the program for the anfltial state convention at Auburn. Every department In the state should send a large delegation to the convention. The boys are planning on five hundred plates at tbe big banquet. Among tbe speakers there will be Governor Morehead, Governor-elect Neville, John W. Guthrie and Lloyd Thomas of Alliance, and others whose names will be announced. With the exception of the athletic contest on Wednesday night, the 17th, the entire program will be free. The Fullerton department basketball team has challenged the team from Any other department In the state to a contest during the con vention. They will undoubtedly be accommodated. The gamo will be played at 1:30 o'clock Tuesday afternoon or at 10 p. m., Thursday night. WAN! AD DEPARTMENT FOR RENT ROOMS FOR RENT 132 Cbey me Avenue, Alliance, Nebraska. -f-7?2 Four-room cottage' for rent, fur- nlshod. Light and water. Phone Dlack 858, or call The Herald of- flee. 4-2t-7929 . FOR SALE AUTOS FOR SALE A second hand roadster and a second-hand ""ord touring car for sale cheap. In lulre at the Sturgeon garage. ,. 2-tf-7848 FOR SALE Ranch within ten -lies of Alliance. 1900 acres, fn- 'ludlng Some farm land suitable for; malta. will sell part Interest or 'hole ranch. A bargain and a mon-' v-roaker. Address Box 7823. care' Mllance Herald. 50-tf-7823 MODERN nine-room house, local d In choice residence district In Al- ' tlance, for sale at reasonable price j Phone 340 or Inquire at Herald of fice. 42-tf-763 THREE good organs for sale Practically new. Taken In exchange, on pianoM. For sale at bargain prlc : . Winer Music House, Alliunce I Jebr. 42-tf-762 MONEY TO LOAN On Box Bui ounty land nd ranches In tbe san illls. No delay tn making tbe loan we Inspect ou" landa and furnlab tk money at once. J. C. McCorkle. II Corkle Building. Alliance. Nebr. l-tf-6654 Railroad mn eaa aeur very ful book at The Horald offle. It Is tally tin hook for trainmen ana cinmn. The nrlee U reasonable. t-tt-mi MOVE FURNITURE SAFELY We have equipped our dray wa ins and auto truck wltb tbe late ippltances tor moving tornltor without marring o? scratching o damage. Up-to-date wagon pad will be used by us on all moving Job JOHN R SNYDER, Phone 16 17-tt-5950 Money to loan on real estate. H 'jnnecessary delay In getting lan pply to H M. Bullock. Room 4. Red liah Blork. Alliance. Dr. L. S. Cantwell arrived home Friday from Lincoln where be bad been in attendance at a meeting of the Nebraska Medical Association. While there he explained to tbe as sembled physicians the nature of dis ease of tbe mouth that has caused trouble to stockmen In this section of the country. CHRISTMAS An"uOOE8 DIDN'T MIX WELL Tuesday morning was a busy morning in police ruort. The local police had rounded up ten drunks which were lined up before Police Judge Roberts that morning. Tbe Judge handed them justice according to their deserts. Thorn arrpfttari gave their names as Riley Wright, Jim Eiuott. joe Galllger. William Corbet. J. B. Wright. Leo Dunning. Bob Reese, Tom Harris, Carl Clossen and William Gunn. Some were old offenders and were dealt with as such. Too much Christmas mlved with boose was the prtnclpat cause of their visit to Judge Roberts. So :ieiy Column Mtss Minnie Reed, daughter of A. S. Reed, formerly of Alliance, was married at Phoenix, Arix., December 16 to Mr. Ray Cowden of that city. She Is the eldest daughter and lived nere wlin ner Parents most or ner nfe- Mr- Reed and family moved to Phoenix several years ago, although ne i8 BUU interested in property m the coanty. Mrs. William Mitchell entertained at a 6 o'clock luncheon and tbeatre party Wednesday evening for her lit tle friend Ann Ormsby, of Elmore, 8. D. Tbe seven little girls were served a three-course luncheon, af ter which they were taken to tbe Im perial theatre. The guests were Ann Ormsby, Elizabeth and Jose phine Wilson, Margery Grebe, Kath- erlne Harris, Betty Shaw and Nell Gavin. The Ladles' Guild of St. Matthew's Episcopal church will meet at the parish borne Wednesday, January 3. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Boyer enter tained Friday noon at a sumptuous dinner, the event being In celebra tion of their twenty-fifth ' wedding anniversary. Ou December 22, 1891, Capitola. Sturgeon and Enoch Boyer were united in marriage In this city in a house in Duncan's ad dition now known as the Zediker place, which at that time was the home of the bride's parents. The dinner was in tbe form of a reunion of relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Boyer received many beautiful and useful gifts. On Christmas day at the home of Mr. ana Mrs. J. F. Strong occurred the marriage of Miss Delia Strong to Mr. Charles B. Ward of Bridgeport, before a company of Immediate friends and relatives. The bride wore a handsome gown of white cere-de-chene and carried a- beautiful bouquet of bride's roses. The bride Is a former member of the faculty of the Alliance city schools, leaving here to accept a teaching position at Bridgeport that was more advantag eous. The groom is in the employ of the Burlington and is a young man well liked by all who know him. Mr. and Mrs. Ward will be at home to their friends at Bridgeport fol lowing their return from a honey moon trip to Denver. Kansas City and other points. On Christmas May occurred the marriage of Miss Mae Brandt and Mr. Vernon Hamilton, at Fort Mor gan, Colo. The groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. 11. A. Hamilton, held a reception for the happy couple at their borne here Tuesday evening. The reception was a great success, everyone enjoying the affair im mensely. Mrs. William Norton and Mrs. James Hunter have Issued invita tions for a 6 o'clock dinner to be held at the home of Mrs. Norton on Laramie avenue on Friday evening of this week. Mr. and Mrs. II. E. Gantx enter tained at a theatre and Christmas party Thursday evening. The party was a novel affair, eacb guest being asked to bring a present for another guest, the value of which must not exceed ten cents. The gifts were placed In a tasty manner on a tree, beautifully decorated. The distri bution of tbe gifts was tbe cause of much fun. Considerable merriment was also occasioned by tbe impromp tu poetry which accompanied each gift. A Santa Claua of tbe modern type . was. alaa present. A dinner Phelan Opera House One Night Only Sunday, December 31,16 Milea S. Berry Presents THE LAUGHING HIT OF THE SEASON "Don't Tell My Wife" A FARCE-COMEDY, WITH MUSIC BY JEAN BAJSTIIORE ? y FILLED WITH BtTLtlANT HUMOR CATCHY SONGS PRICES SEATS ON SALE was served at tbe close of the even ing's fun. The guest list Included MIbs Jobo O'Donnell of Omaha, Mr.' and' Mrs. William Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Was, and Messrs. W. R. Mets and H. M. Busbnell, Jr. The- Ladles' Aid Society of tbe Methodist church were entertained at the- home of Mrs. W. A. Bennett, Wednesday afternoon. Those in at tendance enjoyed the special pro gram which had been prepared: The Women's Missionary Society of tbe First Presbyterian cburcb met Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. J. Ji. Vance. Tbe annual meet ing was held at that time. Miss Winona B. Blair and Mr. El mer D. Brown were united tn mar riage 'on the evening of December 20 at tbe home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Blair, In this city. A large number of relatives and friends witnessed the ceremony, which was performed by Rev. J. B. Carna of the M. E. church. Both the bride and groom are well-known Alliance young peopie. Mrs. John O'Brien and Frances Nolan are entertaining a few friends at bridge tbia evening. Tbe Invited guests are- Jose and Nell O'Donnell, Doris Young, Mary Regan, Etta Keane, Marie and Mabel Carey and Mrs. Harry Gantx and Mrs. Earl Mallery. The marriage ceremony which united Miss Fay Allison of Sterling to Mr. Jesse Steele of Cerlng in tbe holy bonds of wedlock was perform ed at the First Presbyterian church parsonage Saturday, December 23, at noon, by Rev. Lewis Mclntyre. The uimtf was uicbscu iu a yivii; iiaTrr ing suit of seal brown. The groom is a well-known farmer living near Gerlng. Mr. and Mrs. Steele will b at home to their friends on the farm near Gerlng. On Christmas day occurred the marriage of Miss Adah Hill of Dal ton, Nobr., to Mr. Frank Englert of Wayne. Nebr. The bride Is a grad uate o the Alliance high school, ilasn of 1915. and has many friends In and about Alliance. A number of the members of the Methodist Epworth League sang Christmas songs at St. Josephs hos pital here Christmas morning tor the benefit of the patients there who were unable to be with their famil ies and enjoy the usual observation of the day. Some seventeen made up the- party. Following the singing of the songs each patient was pre sented with a Christmas remem brance to which was attached a card bearing a message of cheer and tbe compliments of tbe season. E. O. Austin, a former Alliance railroad man. was in town Friday with bis bride. They wers married a month ago at Edgemont. sr J i 1 BEAUTIFUL SCENES Y tOcJ 35c, 25c ; - , I HOLSTEN'S HEREFORD BULLS . .of Serviceable Aztt i pJd Individuals and Priced to Ranch adjoins town. i?FB RIDGR CATTLE RANCH J. M. Tollman, Prop. BlarslanoV Nebraska. , I f i sTLREMEN ELECT DELEGATES ' t the regular meeting of thm. at Milce Volunteer Fire DeDartment. hel 1 Wednesday evening, the follow ing delegates were elected to attend th( state convention at Auburn La Jai uary: Vivian Hall. Art Scbleb and Ft; nk Merrltt. There will probably be not Jess than eight attend from Al! ance. - In addition to the above th( e will be Fire Chief PUkingtoa.: E, 3. Lalng. second vice prcsident; J.! V. Guthrie of the state associa tlc4; Carl Spacht; State - Publicity Ckiirman Lloyd Thomas, and others. J ATPY XMAS AT llOFFLAND , ( brl8tmaa was a bappy time for tot i big and little folks at Hoffland, tb home of the big Potash Products Cod ipany. The company donated a bin Christmas tree and $125 with wl i h to buy presents for tbe child ren .Every child, from tbe bablea t t te big boys and girls, bad a prea eat. All employes of the company, wit bad .been -employed for six, racrths or longer, were -given gold Flf s. One of the most surprised rate at the Christmas tree was J. Ii. r3 r, tbe company managor. when . b tM presented with a very expens- in tfoia watcn, a gut from his em- PKJfcS. 'I LLLANCE MEN HONORED J' o members of the Alliance I. O. Canton have been honored by ntments to higher offices. T. 'addU has been annotated ma jor, land F. W. Rucbman lieutenant coljfel of the third battalion of the secid regiment of tbe first brigade of fttrlarchs Militant, of Nebraska, Ue hitly elected officers in the Allt- a 4 Canton are: T. M. Lawler. can- jAaLin F. O. Rowe, lieutenant; Frank Ep.t ensign; Elmer KronvaU. clerk. D. Rodger, accountant.? LD LOMK8 OFFICE , 1RL ELOPED VKD3EHDAY I aiding Illness, JIazil Cratuer, keeper for the Herald Publisb- Co., was excused from her du- Kyednesd&y afternoon. If was pull late in tne afternoon that learped that she had gone to a Bpw. mbr. where it is as- she was married to Ed. Thorn- oriner barber employed at the barter shop In Alliance and. orking at Broken Bow. Crrmer had written s letter mother, Mrs. E. V". Cramer. k Horn, which was delivered ' Weruday afternoon, the letter stat ing tat she was on her way to Bro ken iijw to be married. No further wordEias been received. 1 i Cramer had bevn employed at Tib Herald office for the past sev eral onths, and prior to that time was The i eurpr ber f i tlcii j ployed at the Golden Rule, adding comes as & complete t to her family as well as to nds, although it had been an 4 that she might be marrUi at eoi p date la the future. ! t