The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, December 28, 1916, Image 3

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    ill f t
The old Blow-going, picturesque
horses-drawn stages have been passed
forever from the Yellowstone Na
tional Park. They will be supplanted
i ext summer by comfortable, ten-pas-.
: -wager-iiiloniftjptI .. which will run
. ,,, .the visitor rapfeitj through the long
' stretches of lotifc fole forest that
intervene between; the spots of special
interest. The nitf-rled visitor may
then spend a minimum of time in
travel and havenore time at the ppy
. sers, the' lake and the canyon. The
v leisurely visitor-nay 'linger as he
pleases at the points which command
'.'' his special interest; But one may,
if he chooses,: aire, a horse-driven
' " aurry.
The passing of the horse is one of
the results of an etitlre reorganiza
tion of the llvlngand transportation
facilities of Yellawstone. By agree
ment of the concessioners, three new
companies will supplant the half
dozen or more wjhlch hare existed
heretofore. t With (the decision ot Air.
F. J. Haynea to rejtira I from active
business, a new transportation com
pany has been oijaanized to furnish
motor service for r the entire park.
The hotel company' win also reorgan
ise on a broader baals, and the camps
will combine on abaots which, with
new equipment and increased facil
ities, will give the "public a greatly
bettered service. . $
Secretary Lane alto announces that
an arrangement in the public pervlce
has been effected aroVingtthe railroads
leading to Yellowstone,? which will
enable the round-trip traveler by
any railroad to entei Ui park by any
entrance he chooses and returu by
euner or tne otners.'
The , passing of tbJ Ji
in rroodness and
in pipe satisfaction
Mr- a
is all we on Jt enthusi
1 astic friends ever claimed
fox it I , 'I
It answers every
or any othoriman
cool ana iragrant
smokeappepto that you will get chummy with
it in a mighty, short time !
- ' ! I ' '
Will you invest 5c or 10c to prove out our say
so on the national joy smoke?
U. 1
Piumcttuire Proof
WHY bow to Puncture and Blowout the
enemies that DESTROY the best ordinary
pneumatic tires, wasting tire money in millions?
There is just ONE tire that SUCCESSFULLY,
-resists puncture .
n rp ft3 7
Against Puncture mf
any kind, or Money
The GIANT of the
Exclusive Lee Tire Agents
A ftill line of auto repairs, accessories, gasoline and oils.
Auto repairing and storage.
Phone 19.
stages has enabled the Department to
so simplify the schedules that the
private motorist will have as. much
freedom in the park, within reason
able regulations for the public safe
ty, as upon the common highways
The Harries nhotoernnhlc business
which has been effectively conducted '
In the park for thirty-six years, will
be continued.
With those sweeping constructive
changes, and the spiirit of hearty
cooperation shown by the railroads
and concessioners, the Department
believes that the Yellowstone Nation
al Park will now enter upon a period
of extraordinary public usefulness
and comfort.
Will Sloan's Liniment Relieve Pain?
Try it and Bee -one application
will prove more than a column of
claims. James S. Ferguson, Phila.,
Pa., writes: "I have had wonderful
relief since I used Sloan's. Liniment
on my knees. To think after all
these years of pain one application
gave me relief. Many thanks for
what your remedy has done for me."
Don't keep on Bufferfhg, .. apply
Sloan's Liniment where your pain Is
and. notice bow quick you get relief.
Penetrates without rubbing. Buy it
at any Drug Store. 25c. .
Adv a
The average value of all the feed
to live stock on 301 farme in the coi n
b elt part of the statu for one year
was $1G59 per farm according to
surveys made by the farm manage
ment extension service of the Uni
versity of Nebraska. This la great
er than all other current farm ex
penses which amounted to $1032
per farm, not Including Interest on
the national joy gmoke
y'OU'LL find a dtmmrj hotrdjr-do
matter how much of a mtrangat yvm
tea of too wood yom amp into, for, fnnom
JUbort right thrm at tho Krnt plaoa you
paam that Mils tooaceo t t no toppy ton
hat Mill for a njeiW and tho tidy rod
tin for a dima; thon thoro ' tha hand
aoma pound and half-pound ton
huMUdora and tha pound
oryatai-fitaaa humidor with
apongo-motatmnor top
that haapa
smoke desire you
ever had! It is so
ana appealing to
For 9,000 Mile of
service, under written
Tire World
Alliance, Nebraska
There is littlo opportunity for re-
uucing tne current operating ex
penses of the farm but a big saving
can De made in feed, according to
the farm management extension ser
vice. Of 509 farms in all parts of
the state, 37 per cent showed live
stock receipts not large enough to
pay for the feed consumed by the
biuch. tuero is proDaDiy no problem
of the farm that needs more careful
study and will pay so well for tho
time expended as the problem of nro
perly disposing of the feed to the live
To all automobile owner You rat
my your 1017 license now. Eugim
number and make of car must ac
company application. All licence
(!fiiii(iic nt January Ilrst, 1017.
County Treasurer
' In on of the near-by states, a farm
survey was recently made to deter
mine the profit made per 100 birds on
the farm as kept under ordinary con
unions, 'ltie live best docks aver
aged as follows: $247 per 1000 birds,
$154, $153, $107, $104. The five
poorest flocks averaged from 67 down
to $15 profit per 100 birds. From
these flguros, It is plain1 that every
flock surveyed was kept at a profit.
To know exactly what profit your
flock is producing, it is necessary to
keep records. Blanks for thlB pur
pose may be obtained from the poul
try department of the University of
Offlce supplies at The Herald of
flee Phone 340.
Prince Albert gives
smokers such
delight, because
iU flavor is o different and to
delightfully good ;
it can't bite your tongue;
it can't parch your throat;
you can smoke it as long and
as hard as you like without any
comeback but real tobacco hap
piness! On the reverse side of every Prince
.. Albert package you will read :
JULY 30tm, 1907"
That means to you a lot of tobacco en
. joyment. Prince Albert has always been
sold without coupons or premiums. We
prefer to give quality I
my K. J. KcjmatAt
am tap
art in Ihm
I i' ' .! r li'.l
ii rvn spiwiuju unvui mi
. ' r ui win r n i ij i wm
tha to-
tn aotm
vr 1 1
hant-up trim
WiiuroaSAUft.KC.U4A; p
! 1 Ml''i!..i:r."i':illitt
Tkl A imna alia at Ika
Trim AIW bdf r4 Urn. a4
that " ratamtad froaam" mama
hmtam amd waaiiaa wma k
la Pm AArt mm i
1 !
5tW I
; D I lit 3 ?T'
:TVK.'0. Sl t.l.KKH, Artm Director ot
l SumUjr fchool mriM tn llm Moody
ll l-l Inatltuit ot C'lilcngo.)
(CoprrltM. lll, Weatrrn Kwipapr Union )
ItEADINa I.rcsgON-.rtev. 16:.
OOLtJKN TKXT Th spirit and th
brlils ir, come. And ha that hmreth.
let him say, cotiw. And h thut la athlrat,
Ift him come, lie thnt wills, let him Uke
ot the water of life freolrKev. 22:17.
It Is possible In. lessons one to nine
to review the pnst qunrter's work, In
I loulcnl; oirronolojilenl ninnner, but
lessons seven and nine are not In their
proper chronologlrnl setting. These les
ions extend over Ave yenra of Foul's
life from about 58 A. D. to 03 A. D.
Thoy nre flvo wftwlerful years, and the
Inst of tho nutheiitlc yeurs we liuve of
Hie life of this wonderful limn. The
review should of course center la Paul,
his conduct, rhnrncter und tenchlncs.
The first twelve thinners of the Hook
of Ads, In which we hnve chiefly been
studying, cover n period of about six
teen yenra, A. D. 80-4(1, with Jerusalem
is the center. The rest of tbe Hook of
Acts "cover another period of approxi
mately 10 years from 40 to 02, and Is
tho record of the foreign nilsKlonury
work of I'nul and his companions, Paul
being of course the central character.
The series for this quarter close with
the vision of the final triumph of Chris
tianity as seen by John In the Reveln
tlon. Maps should be employed If pos
sible to 8how the Journeys of Paul.
The rlMen Christ and the enduement
of the Holy Spirit were the vision and
the iKiwer which wrote this first
Church History, and which have been
writing Church History ever since.
The home church (Chs.2-7) began with
about 120 praying men and women.
Peter's first sermon brought Into "tlio
way" 8,000 more. From time to time
others were added. Persecution and
deliverances, the first martyr, Stephen,
and the dissatisfaction which led to
the choice of the deacons, nre the out
standing events of this period. Tho
home nil.islon period, with Jerusalem
as the center and Palestine as the field
(Chapters 8-12) covers a period of
about ten yeors. Persecution scattered
the disciples throughout the country.
Paul was converted on the rond to
Damascus, Philip goes to Samaria, and
Peter curries on the work throne!. out
Lydda, Joppa and Caexarea. In thin
section we hnve the story of Philip
and the Ethiopian, of I'eter curing the
palsied man at Lydda, tbe ml slug oj
IJorcns and Paul and Unrnnbas return
ing to Jerusalem with help to those
at thnt city who were suffering from
famine. Then begins the period of for
eign Missions, covering about sixteen
years, from alout A. D. 47 to 02. The
principal characters begin of course
with Paul and llurnabas, though Paul
soon tnkes Lis place of leadership.
Paul's first Missionary Journey lusted
for about two years, from sny A. O.
47 to 49, BnrpuhiiK being his prlnelj al
companion. Returning to Ahtloch fr m
Jerusalem, I'nul soon begun bis seen id
Journey, this time taking with Mm
Silas. Again there Is a period of about
two years, from A. I). f0 to 52. Paul
hud his Macedonian vlsl in during this
lime, and the gospel first entered Knr-
oh, beginning with the conversion of
the Phllllplun Jailor. Paul's preuchlug
at Athens and his service at Coridih
are perhaps the most outstanding fca
tures of this Journey. Paul's third Jour
ney lasted nearly three years, A. D. 53
to GO or 67. He re-vlhits the Asia Minor
churches to strengthen them, spends
nearly three years at Ephesus, and bus
some outstanding adventures as, for
Instance, the riot at Ephesus about
the shrines of Diana. Returning to
Jerusalem to take part la the feast, he
Is told of the ultimate persecutions
which he must endure. For a Ion?
time be has desired to preach the gos
pel In Rome. Everyone of the trials,
hindrances, oppositions and allacks
proved to be the menus by which he
gained that desired end.
In this particular quarter, tn lesson.
one, we see Paul's calmness In persecu
tion, bis prudence under danger. In
U?sson two.' his delicate courtesy nnd
shrewdness In seizing 'every opirtu-
nlty thnt be might witness for his Lord.
In lesson three Is manifested bis un
nhnken belief In everything found la
the Scriptures, and bis wise use there
of In leading men to Christ. In lesson
five, his fearlessness amidst dungcr
and his absolute ci.nttdence In Uod. In
lesson six, bin humility. In lessoc "ev
en, bis well buhmced common oense
and bis love of pence nui ig his breth
ren. In lesson eight, we see Um long
ing for human companionship und
sympathy, and have an evidence of his
love for his own countrymen, ..d yet
tls faithfulness declaring tho word of
Ood to them as well as to ttr entiles
Last Sunday we stood ih Isiilnh.
looking down through the centuries to
the man of Gslllee 700 years hence.
Toony, as we review this quarter and
the lessons of the past year, we are
looking back nearly two thousand j ears
to the one who wrought out our salva
tion on Culvnry, but we '.any also
turn our faces the other way, and look
tor him whose returning will bring
peace to the earth, and at whose com
ing the brightness of his glory shall
corer the earth even as the waters
cover the sea.
We have seen the breaking down ot
'armed Deac.
.et a smsll package of Hamburg
.lrmt TVs, or as the flerman folks
call it'lUmtmrger Hrut Thee," at any
iliarnisry. TK a taMmpoonful of the
tea, put a cup of boiling water upon
it, pour through a sieve and drink a
tracup full at any time during tha
day or before retiring. It Is tha most
elTeotive way to break a cold and eura
rrip. as it onrna the nnrea nf the akin.
relieving congPKtlon. ,Alo loosens the
bowrla, thus driving a cold fnm tha
Try it the next time you suffer from
a cold or tht grip. It Is Inexpensive
ami entirely vegetable, therefor saf
and harmleaa.
Rub Pain and Stifiaess away with
a small bottle of old honest
St. Jacobs Oil
When your back It sore and lame
or lumbago, sciatica or rheumatism hat
you stilloned up, don't suffer! Oct a
25. cent bottle of old, honcut "St
Jacobs Oil" at any drug store, pour a
little in your hand and rub it right
into the pain or ache, and by. the tiint
you count fifty, the soreness and lame
ness la gone.
Don't stay crippled! This soothing,
penetrating oil needs to be used only
once. It takes the ache and pain right
"lit of your back and ends tne misery.
It is magical, yet absolutely liarmlrag
and doesn't burn the skin.
Nothing else stops lumbago, sciatica
and lame back misery so promptly I
According to reports from Wash
ington the reclamation service Is to
make a survey next summer for the
proposed construction of a ditch that
will supply water users In and
around Bridgeport. This Is the out
come of a hearing held before the
dlreotor which Governor-elect Keith
Neville. Senators Norrls and Hitch
cock, Representative Ktnkald and
Fay Williams, representing Bridge-
port would-be water users, attended.
Partial survey of . the proposed
project has already been made. The
survey to be is to secure the estU
mated cost of constructing a ditch
about twenty-Ave miles long that
will Irrigate in the neighborhood of
20,000 acres. -
Director Davis thinks that If this
ditch were constructed It tmlght no
tesBltate the construction of the pro
posed dam at Guernsey, a bill for
which Senator Hitchcock la to Intro
duce. HaregtiAra Your Child
If your child is pale, dull, at times
flashed, Irritable and fretful you
should attend to tats condition at
once as the chances are your little
one. Is suffering from worms. .Klcfe
apoo Worm Killer Is what you should
get. This well known remedy In lox
enge form Is pleasant to take and ex
pels the worms at once, the cause of
your child's suffering. Only 35c, at
all 'druggists.
Adv 3
J. G. Woodman, of Morrill, the re
cently elected head of the Nebraska
State Irrrlgation association, which
held its annual meeting at Bridgeport
on December 1916, baa an
nounced his committeees for tho ct ru
ing year, as follows:
Legislative Committee F. M.
Sands, Gerlng; B. K. Bushee, Kim
ball; W. Hiersche. Scottsbluff; J. G.
Beeler, North Platte; A. W. Atkins,
Bridgeport: W. M. Barbour, Scotis
bluff, and Judge Hunt, of Bridgeport
The executive commltttee will consist
of the following members: R. H. Wil
lis, of Bridgepart; H. II. Andrews,
Callaway; J. J. Halllgan, North
Platte; S. P. Delatour, Lewelllen;
Paige T. Francis, Crawford; J. 8.
Walker, Kimball; O. W. Gardner,
Gerlng and W. V. Harvey, of Cul
bertson. The drainage committee
will consist of J. F. Whitehead, of
Mltchelll; Otto Juergens, Miaataie,
and L. A. Frlcke ot Bayard.
Your Dowels Should Move once a Da)
A free easy movement of the bow
els every day la a sign of good health.
Dr. Kind's New Llf Pilia will i
you a gentle laxative eOuct without
griping and free your system oi
blood poisons, purify your blood, ov
ercome constipation and bavw an t-x
cedent tonic etlect on the enure ss-
teiu. Makes you fuel lihe living. On
ly 25c at druggists.
Whereas, sorrow has entered Into
the home of our brother, C. M.
Looney, God having seon fit to take
from the family circle the on Ivon
and while we dare not question why
the summons should come to one so
Be it resolved, that we as mem
bers of Post M, T. P. A., express to
Mr. Looney and to bis family our
sincerest heartfelt sympathy In this
tehlr hour of trouble.
And be It further resolved, that a
copy of these resolutions be sent to
the family, a copy be apread upon
the minutes of this meeting and
copies be sent to local and official
llcrf'a Good News for Alliance Resi
dents Have you a pain In the small of
the back?
Headaches, dizziness, nervous
Are you languid, irritable and
Annoyed by urinary disorders?
Don't despair profit by Alliance
Alliance people know Doan'a Kid
neP Pills have used them-recom
j mend them.
I Here's an Alliance resident'! state-
I Mrs. J. M. Scott, 714 Missouri ave.
Alliance, says: "Thouah It has bee
sometime since I have used Doan'a
Kidney Pills. I don't hesitate to rec
ommend them. I have known of
; many people who, like myself, hare
found them good. 1 suffered from
kidney disorders for quite awhile. I
had backache, felt tired and languid,
; and at time was very nervous. Then
' too, my kidneys acted Irregularly.
Donn's Kidney Pills gave me relief
from these ailments."
Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't
simply ask for a kidney remedy
eet Doan'a Kidney Pills the nnw
that Mrs. Scott had. Koster-Mllburn
Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y,
Adv Dec
, ii;t it" advicb
; ness prospects In Nebraska now than
itlTere are In other slates In the un
ion." Mr. Short of tho Federal Ad
vertising Agency told the salesmen
of tho M. E. Smith company. In con
vention at Omaha. "The financial
yield from crops In Iowa and Nebr-
'iiRka this year was 1,000,000 more
'than last year. Does not that sug
gest possibilities to you 7 The mon
ey Is there. All you have to do Is to
put a worthy article on the market
and then; garner In your dollars."
One hundred thousand dollar
($lHt,0OO.0O) to loan at 6 per cent
interest on llox Itutte county land
and snnd hill ranches. We charge m
small commission. We examine our
own loans and pass on them and fur
nish mmwy at once,
dec 7-4M87J
Calling cards for the ladles ar
printed promptly and neatly at Tha
Herald office. The prices are reas
onable. Phone 840 for samples and
prices, or call at the office.
Clear, Peachy Skin
Awaits Anyone Who
Drinks Hot Water !
8aya,an Inalde bath, before break
fast helpe us look and fael
clean, awttt, fresh.
BnarkllnB! and vWnHiMia morrT
bright, alerta good, clear skin sad
a natural, rosy, healthy complexion
are assured only by pure blood. If
only every man and woman could be
Induced to adopt the morning Inside
bath, what a gratifying change would
take place. Instead of the thousands of
sickly, anaemic looking 'men, women
and girls, with pasty or muddy
complexions; tnateal of the multi
tudes of "nerve wrecks," "rundowns.'
"brain ' fags" and pessimists we
should see a virile, optimlstio thron
of rosy-cheeked people everywhere.
An Inside bath la had by drinking
each morning, before breakfast, a
glass of real hot water with a tea
spoonful of limestone phosphate In it
to wash from the stomach, Hver, kid
neys and ten yards of bowels the pre
vious day's Indigestible waste, sour
fermentations and poisons, thua
cleansing, and freshening
the entire alimentary canal before
putting more food into the stomach.
Those subject to sick headache, bil
iousness, nasty breath, rheumatism,
colds; and partlculary those who have
a pallid, sallow complexion and who
are constipated very often, are urged
to obtain a quarter pouud of limestone
phosphate at the drug store which
will cost but a trifle, but Is sufficient
to demonstrate the quick and remark
able change tn both health anOiappear
ance, awaiting those who practice In
ternal sanitation. We must remem
ber that Inside cleanliness Is more Inw
portent than outside, because the skin
does not. absorb impurities to con
taminate the blood while the pores la
the thirty feet of bowels do.
Factory Expert
Phone 352.
; !
Simon Spry
Feed & Sale Barn
Now Doing Business
Geo. Roach, an experienced
man In the business, has re-op
ened this well-known barn.
Farmers and Ranchmen will
find the Simon Spry Barn oper
ated by Mr. Roach a good place
to tie up. You get service