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Phone 340 KSE .TALK A HOLT PAVING BUSINESS STREETS (Continued from page 1) TU cost of Daring Is assessed pro- tsortlonately to the benefits on the ; property especially benefitted. vAny ijrmX eeute belonging to any school iitUatrtct, county, municipal or quasi tosanlclpal corporation abutting upon iUm street where the paving ia to be tJid, ft shall be the duty of the prop .wr officials to pay such special taxes . assessments. The council may irder abutting property owners to -?JT gas or water service pipes to con SMet with mains. The cost of paving Intersections eaay be paid by assessment on the .jMiTing district in general or by the tAtitr corporation. The payment for tth paring shall be made by the 1s- . awing of district paring bonds, paya ble In not over ten yenrs or at the op inion of th ci'y at any Interest paying .date. The lotal amount of the cost mast bo i.v!', t nt o n". One-tenth xto be delinquent l'i ufty days and ; one-tenth mutually thereafter. Each Installment to draw six per cent in tierest, Installments . delinquent to tlraw thrvliMirthn of one per cent f rmonth. To pay the cost of Ini .provemenu in paving on Intersec .Hons, the city may issue bonds call- mA "paring bonds" to run not over twenty years. This is the procedure tin the event that the coat of Inter iswctlon paving is not charged to the jwoperty in the district. The Usu ries: of Vpavlnp bonds" by the city ,erill be assented to a r ajorlty of the tVOters after being submitted to the Hectors. Street improvements in eluding pnvmont shall be done by i contract with the lowest responsible (JtlAde ras determined by the council. 6ecrtny Huahnell has been in strutted to interview all resident .property owners that might be af started by the pavement to determine ,;the sentiment regarding this lm-j-jrorement.' Other Matters Taken up The proposition of having automo fJMles parked in the center of the All EXPERIMENT By FANNY GRAY. street was also talked of. This plan is followed in many towns and cities some larger and some smaller than Alliance. The fact that at times the mud is so bad that such a plan would not prove satisfactory was also dis cussed, but the opinion seemed to be that the Idea was carried out at oth er points where there was no paring and It could be carried out here. TWO HOY HOIK)i:s ARK AKRKSTKD ON MONDAY Two boys, Ererett Bookstove and Walter smith, age about 18 years, were arrested Monday morning on the charge of having stolen 1 4 in cash, a knife, a raxor, and a bottle of whiskey from a man who roomed ut the same place they put up. They Rare the local police a chase but were apprehended. Alter being locked up one of the lads endeavored to pick the lock at the" Jail In order to secure his liberty. He used a button hook, but without success, The lads were fined 10 and costs with the fines suspended If they got out of town by noon. They made themselves scarce. FINDS ;K1)S THAT WKHK HTOLKN FltOM CA1W John Dullraan. a laborer, who lives In a little cottage near the via duct was scouting around Saturday evening looking for an old shovel to dean out his stove, when he stum bled on to a quantity of merchandise hidden In a pile or tile which were plied on the land owned by the city, this side of the viaduct. lie imme diately notified the police. The Bur lington's special agent was notified and an investigation showed that the merchandise was a part of what had been stolen from Burlington cars on November 19. There were four un ion suits for men, one box of six la dies' hose supporters, fourteen pairs of men's hose supporters, one bath robe, and one work shirt In the lot The Alliance Herald is 11.50 per vear. Issued 52 times. Runs from 12 to 24 pages per Issue. Subscribe now. A Gift Suggestion i V-V : .1 rot-trait of the children or of yourself make a pleading aa well as lnfttlng Utristmas Calf t. We make pictures after the Ut latmt approved styles . and mount them in the newest, unique and tasty designs. Call or houe for an appoint moot. Smart Pictures for people who desire an Artist's skill In the making of them. P. VAN GRAVEN The Photographer In Your Town Over ZIollring't Hundreds of Things Suitable for Giving Shown in Profusion Through out Our Store After two weeks of blissful honey . moon In Ms modest new borne, Harry Carr firmly believed that all newspa per Jokes about newlyweds. Including wife's biscuits, cranky cook stoves, burned steak and the like, were Just aealrpsper Jokes and nothing more. - Of course, there was a maid In the ; kitchen, but Harry never doubted for a moment that It was his bride, Molly, who really made It possible for these wonders to be evolved. Now, Molly had about as much con fidence In her own ability In the kitch en as Harry had, although she had never been put severely to the test, where everything depended npon her alone. So, when Bridget's first day out trrlved, she and Harry both looked for ; ward to It as a sort of lark. As they i were drinking their coffee that morn Ing, the following conversation too place: "Now don't go and try to get tip regular dinner tonight, honey. I'm eat ing too much, anyway. And I won't have you getting all ho and tired working over a store V That's very aweet of you, Harry, but don't Imagine that we can't have dinner just because Bridget Is out. I shall enlov setting It. And I don't : think much of wives who set out. cold bites because they're lazy. You'll seel" j "All right, pet, suit yourself, but bs ready on time, and if the dinner Is very good, I might have something In my pocket It might be tickets for the Hippodrome 1" "Oh, how lovely! Of course Til be on time. Don't miss the early train T In the middle of the efternoon, Mol ly descended to the kitchen, clad In a neat blue linen drefts, and tackled the dinner. About half-past five, Mrs. Webster, a near neighbor, who had made friends at once with Molly, rang the bell of the Carrs house. Molly answered, sat down with her caller, and apologized for her dress. But she was so evident ly nervous and left the room so many times on one excuse or another that her experienced friend oegan to realize that something must be wrong with the kitchen arrangements. At last the truth came out and Mol ly explained her predicament, between tears and luughter. "Why, Mrs. Webster," she cried, "It never occurred to me I couldn't get whole dinner alone I I've done lots of cooking!' "Come on out and let's see how bad It Is," suggested Mrs. Webster. It did seem rather hopeless. On the tables lay a fierce-looking collection of cooking utensils and dishes, all Boiled Mrs. Webster peered Into 'everything, while Molly explained. Mock bisque soup being Harry's favorite, she had decided upon that. nm'. had -made It early to hnve it out of the way. Thert It stood on the back of the stove, a fine curdled mean, "keeping hot." The rotiHt beef she had put on good and early in the new double roaster, laboring under the delusion that the Invention absolved one from giving ony further attention to the meat. A glance at It, Just before her neighbor's arriv al, had revealed n little, dried-up. hare piece of beef, utterly unfit to serve. Molly and Mrs. Webster looked at each other a moment and then clearer the ntiuopphere by laughing Immod erately. When Molly could get hei breath, she said : "What shall I dot Of course, my pride Is hurt, and I hate to tell Harry but I suppose I must" "Why tell him that you tried to gel dinner ut all? He has suggested th theater, you say. It would be most natural for you to have a light supper to save trouble, as you may be going out" "But I told him this morning 1 didn't mind the trouble, and that I was going to get dinner." "Never mind. People sometlmei change their minds. I don't want to corrupt your morals, but I advise you to do as I say. If you will, I can help you out." Molly nodded assent "Good ! Now, what salad have you gotr "Lettuce and tomato." "Couldn't be better. Any canned soup In the house f "Only rendy-made tomato." "The ' very thing ! . Haven't you learned the secret of putting hot milk and a bit of butter to that Just before serving T Yery likely It will be mis taken for your own brand of bisque." "Great I You're a wonder, Mrs. Web ster." "No, Just an old housekeeper. Now, I've got cold ham and a cream cheese I etui fimre, and I'm going to send them over. If by any chance you hare your dessert don't you see that with a pot of coffee you'll hare a delicious and hearty snpier, after allf At 6:30 Unriy un met at the doot by a smiling bride. He held up an en velope, teaslngly, high above her head. "Do I get some food, or do we stay at home tonight T No nice dinner, no Hippodrome, you kno ." "I guess I can get dressed In time,' said Molly demurely, and, hand. In hand, like two children, they went Into the dining room. As Harry took the last swallow of the delicious, piping-hot coffee, he rr marked: "Bully supper, Molly. Took my ad vice, after all. didn't you? I'm glad you didn't spend the afternoon fussing over a hot dinner." Molly smiled At him across the table. Copyrtbt, m, by th MnClure Nawapa- OVERCOATS and SUITS for Men and Young Men ' Many Hew styles from America's Best Manufacturers Suits for men and young men, from the conserv ative business suit to the suit with slight waist and knife pleated pinch-back. Orercoats from those with all the quality In the fabric, the tailoring and the dignity of style to the extreme models designed especially for young men's . wear. In no Instance wilt you find the suit or the overcoat you choose from this splendid stock of clothing offering less than the fullest pos- ' .... ajble value for the price. All sixes for young men and for men of every build. E. fi. LAING - "MODERN CLOTHES FOR MEN" TIM MALONEY NOT GUILTY OP DESERTION The matrimonial trials and tribu lations of Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Ma loney were heard in district court the first of the week, when the case of the State against Mr. Maloney was heard, Mr, Maloney being charged with wife desertion. After listening to the evidence given by sereral per sons, Judge Westover ordered a di rected verdict for the defendant. According to the defendant, Mrs. Maloney was Jealous of him and be was unable to live with her with peace and harmony. The wife claim ed there was a woman mixed up In the deal and that it was because of her that she waa neglected, .'.r Is understood Mrs. Maloney lntendu to appeal the . case to the supreme court. IRRIGATION CONVENTION Bridgeport. Nebr.. Dec. 6 The seventh annual convention of the Nebraska State Irrigation Assoc I a tlon was called to order at 10 o'clock this mornnlg by W. M. Barbour, president of the association. Speak ers during the day were Andrew Weiss, U. S. project engineer at Mitchell, and George E. JohnBon, state engineer, of Lincoln. An Il lustrated lecture was given In the evening by Dr. O. E. Condra of Lin coln. The program for Thursday and Friduy is as follows: Thumlay, December 7 0 A. M. Invocation Rev. H. R. Van Horn. Report of special committees. Drainage of Irrigated Lands J. T. Whitehead, Mitchell, Chairman or Committee on Drainage. Discussion. Report of Committee on Credentials. IP.JL Good Roads George E. Johnson, state engineer, Lincoln. Discussion. Address I. D. O'Donnell, supervisor - of Irrigation, U. S. Reclamation Service, Billings. Mont Federal Farm Loan Banks and Their Relation to Irrigation Interests H. H. Andrews, Callaway, Nebr. Dlbcusslon. 8 P. M. - " Smoker and Entertainment glren by Bridgeport Commercial Club. Friday, December 8 8:80 A. 31. Invocation Rev. G. F. McDougall, Bridgeport Report of Committee on Resolutions. Discussion. Report 'of other committees. Election of officers. IP. M. -Unfinished Business. New Business. MAY CREATE OFFICE OF CLERK OP COURT There Is a possibility that Box Butte county may hare a new county official- a clerk of the district court. The law provides that when a county has a population of 8,000 people the county must have a clerk of courts separate 'from the county clerk. The law also provides that five times the number of votes cast at a general election is a fajr basis for computation, allowing five per sons for each voter. ' A total of 1,640 votes were cast in this county at the recent election. Multiplying this number by five we get a total ' of 8.200. The county commissioners have the power to create the office and appoint a clerk for the remainder of the term, which in this Intaance would be for two years. The figures show that there has been an increase in population in Box Butte county, during the past four years of 17 per cent LIVINGSTON GETS TWO YEARS IN PENITENTIARY Xzavier Livingston, the colored man who was arrested Sunday night for carrying concealed weapons, waa sentenced to the penitentiary, at hard labor, by District Judge West over, for a term of from one to two years. Ue plead guilty to the charge and asked for the mercy of the court The negro dropped bis gun on the floor of Snyder's cigar store. Real izing that someone might report the incident he handed It to another man to take to his rooming place. He then went to the theatre, where he was arrested. When arrested he had the rerolrer shells tucked in his shoes. The gun was a 32-calibre automatic. At his preliminary hear ing he plead guilty XMAS CLUB CHECKS COMING The First State Bank announces that the checks, on the Christmas Saving Club accounts will be issued on Decern o'er 20. The bank will is sue a large number of checks on the accounts which were started months ago and which have been added to, . 1- k TV, I. 1. - n be. cashed and used for'buylng pres cjits or will make snug little sums w'th which to start an account in the (savings department. Next years Christmas Savings Club will start on the date on which this, year's closes December 20. vie X z z z z z z z z z z z V z z z z z z z z - z z Z z z 1 z ere z t y f t r t V I Christmas Suggestions From REGAN'S iff - V..--. ... i What could be more appropriate than a beautiful piece of hand embroidered linen handker chiefs, napkins, buffet scarfs, dresser scarfs LIST Specials 65c Traveling Cases 35c Traveling Cases" .49c 60c Silverware Cases .40c 39c Glass and Silver Towels 26c 60c Linen Hemstitched Towels .49c 65c Boudoir Caps 1 49c LIST Bath Mats Filipino Baskets Swett Grass Baskets Traveling Aprons Linen rolls Crib blankets ' Gowns Combination suit Coat hangers Combing capes Laundry bags, tea apron, boudoir caps, pin cushion tops, pillw tops, stamped towels, -flowe baskets, doilies, Pullman cases. All marked and ready for you to complete during your spare time REGANS , Opera House Block REGANS t x x X v ? y y y X X ? Y ptr Syndicate.)