VAN I AD DEPARTMENT FOR RENT 'Two Furnished Rooms for rent 3M Big Horn. Thone Walnut 8092 JO-2t-784 .Furnished room for rent in mod rn residence close to down-towi Rainess district. Furnace brat anr. :ktb. Phone. 175. ""tnooNilT cbe ane Avenue, Alliance, Nebraska. 4-tf-7682 WANTED JrVANTFJ) A partner silent o dive for a hotd of the high payim kind. Must have 11600 rash. Se r. L. Smith, Alliance, Nebr. At tb Jtox Butte Hoomlng House. 62-SM863S 1L KM Y OmTWATlTEDrwItbou '. lldien. For ranch work. Pbou Ml FOR SALE AUTOS FOIl ALK A second "di&nd roadster and a aocond-ham JtorA touring car for sule cheap. In -alre at the Sturgeon garage. 2-tf-7848 ""TRHTluLE within tei italles of Alliance. 1000 acres, in ludlng some farm land suitable fo Alfalfa. Will sell part Interest o uerhole ranch. A bargain and a mon iffy-maker. - Addresa Box 7823, car .Alliance Herald. - B0-tf-782: Good second-hand Sewing Machln "for sale cheap. See at Keep-U-Nea Tallor Shop. FOR SALE One lot. Situation JLot 10. block 3 of Hitchcock, Hill nd Snedeker'a addition to 'Alliance iNebr., to highest bidder for casL Write Mrs. pella S. Dalnton, Dan Itott. Iowa. 61-61-7793. FOR SALE Heating store li ,gdod condition. Cheap. Phone 34b iUaji Thomas, Herald office. ifl-t MODERN nine-room house, local d In choice residence district In Al -tiJance, for sale at reasonable prlct f iione 340 or lnuuira at Herald ol ilea. 42-tt-768 THREE good organa for salf iPractlcally new. Taken In exebang am pianos. For sale at bargain prlc ,m. Wiser Musle House, Alllanct kitebr. 42-tf-72t lqSIJLANEOUa MONET TO LOAN On Box But' onnty land Knd ranches In the san (Bills. No delay In making the loai '- ara Inapeet ov landa and furnish tfc tawoney at once. J. C. llcCorkle. M Ooraie Building, Alliance, Nebr. 14M654 PARTTEa WISHINO SINGER SKWINO MACHINES should phom At or leave word at Snyder's Clgai .Ittore. I'iioue and the local agent Sr. O. Bates, will call on you... ;l-3t-7828$ record roM thauum Railroad m can Meur a vary tii dock at Tt Haraia one, it u dally tlma book for tralomaa and claamtn. The prlea le raaaooabla. -4-U-C7SS MOVE FURNITURE 8AFKI.V Wa have eaulnned our dray wat si and auto truck wltb the late appliances for moving furnltur without , marring or scratching Carnage. Up-to-date wagon par will be used by us on all moving Job JOHN R. SNYDER, Phone 18 f-tt-6960 Money to loan on real estate. N snneceasarr delay In aettin i. Apply to II M. BuUock, Room 4, Red eusn uioea. Alliance. rxJLUAft HAYWARD IS NOW A MLTRO PLAYER Tainouf Actress Appear with Harold I.oi hwood and .May .llllaon. Lillian Hayward. ono of the teat known, of motion picture .artistes, has been added to the Metro-Yorke xoster at the company's studio In Hollywood. Cal. Hayward Is o te seen In the part of the jnother, la the Metro plcturiiation f Marie Van Vorst's novel. "Big : -1 v. - a V. .v .: .4 v, y,. CLAIMS CONSPIRACY) TO SI OP SHIPMENTS HVSSIL!?0' 'CO PLAYIIt WHO Tremaine." In which Harold Lock - -wood In the name part and May Allison as Isobel Malvern, are starred. Mlaa Havward la ' a "n.i -tlanghter" of California, and was' 'uucaiea at ieiana Htanrord Uni irslty. Beginning her theatrical areer In stock, she was for fifteen -years a leading woman, touring jAala and the Orient She left the speaking atage for motion picture awork In 1911. Among her promi nent appearances have been In -The Devil." "The Servant and the Man," ""Unto Those Who 8in," "At Lfiney Ridge" and The Black Or. . SfcL" Ih Tiiere a f'omltlne Iv t -wn Mliira and IUtllrtmK to Ho .1 Ilnrh " . hhlpinenta Of Coal? I The nnlninn nf RrwrotArv It. M. ' nunhnell. Jr.. of th Alliance Com- mprrtnl ("luh rocnrdlns who Is at fault in the present serious coal sit-, uation as eipresaed In the Hern Id of last week seemn, In a measure, at lpnst. to ho that of othera who have hIno conducted Investigations. The Alllanro Commercial CIUD throuch Mr. Binhnell Investigated the situation from every angle and woen through tli" opinion wa sum-, med up In one paragraph, as follows: ' VOiip rnnnnt. fiiiin A loral Vision center the blame for these conditions but It Is safe to say that while there in Just cause for soie increase in tlm nrlepa vpt the mine owners are vmfubteliy tnklna; advantage of the excuses nd are Increasing the mar gin or pront." Also inveetiKatea TIia rnnntv attorney of Douelas poutity has been conducting an Invea- tlKittlon brought about oecaune Mor ris M. Rosenblatt, a coal dealer of Omnia, notified the county board that ho could not secure the coal specified In his contract and would hnve to substitute. The county at torney also found that the locol deal ers wrre not at fault for the shortage of coal or for the big Increaae In price. This was also the finding of le local commercial club after Its invert Igatlon. The Omaha coal deal er st-ys that be can't get shipments of the Iowa product mined winthln K.O in'les of Omaha. llelleves Combine Fxluts Thm nmislas county attorney de clares that he believes a combine ex ists between the mines and railroads to hold back shipments a condition that n hi nnlnlon has resulted In the piescnt scarcity of fuel and the hirtt prices. , Ha commented on waht he cnarac- -r A an nhvlmia combination, of mines and railroads in regard to the fuel cltuatlon when corresponaence tniiimr nf thA scarcity of coal was re- rrraA tn htm hv the county commls- fpr th coal dealer had no tified them that it would oe impos sible to fulfill the contract with the county fo rfcupplylng Iowa coal to the poor cf Douglas county. nv.iinwinir hi lnsnectlon of letters written to the coal dealer by large coul and mining companies the attor ney asserted that in view or me iaci that the Iowa product was mined hoot 150 miles from omana ana hit thm railroad companies were iikinr nvor shlnments for tnem selves In large quantities, It was evl- -tant Viaf mrna kind or a comDine ex isted between the mines and the transportation systems. Ixval !vilem Not to Blame Tko rtmiffina conntv attorney aver ed that the local dealers could not be blamed for the scarcity of coal or tne hi nrira. 11 the situation was hinn ant nhnnt hv outside conditions This is the snme attitude as was tak en by the Alliance Commercial ciud following its Investigation. Whether or not the railroads are tn hi am la tint known. It is possi ble some of them are and others are Innocent. General superimenaeni vMir.a of thA nuritneton. located in Alliance, states that the number of cars delivered to the Sheridan ana Klrby districts this year Is greatly In excess of the number Inst year and offprs the figures in evidence. The flmirpa wpra rnntatned in the Com n'--trti riub renort printed last week. However one of the letters rpfprrnrf to Mr. Mucnev by the coun ty commissioners, the letfer being rrnm Allen & Hpvmoild Coal Co.. Omaha wholesalers, does blame the VM.-nnpt. stating thetr mining con nprtion haa Instructed agents that in.! it- nn cirriimBtii'noPB must com mercial coal be billed from the mine until the railroad s orders are taxen rara of -Thn lptter states'. ' "W boa to advlae you that the Burlinpton railroad, with whom our connection has aontract ror engine fuel, Is to demand the maxi mum imnunt paiiad for in their con tract and has Instructed their agents that under no condition must any pfTmercll roil be billed from the mines until the - railroad's orders have been taken car of. With the very inadpouate supply of cars, this means that the mines are able to fill but a very small percentage of their nhHeaHnna after taking care of the railroad business." . Th fiipl dealer stated to the coun ty commissioners that a couple of weeks of cold weather would bring a -oil t ffi-rine. Dealers' supplies, le bald, are much lower than at this time last ,r. Mr. Rosenblatt explained that Jlo w coal hns lumped from $1.50 to li. at the mines; Iowa screenings were 60 to 70 cents a ton, but are now $2.75, at the mines. Other grades, according to the coal man. have advanced in the same propor tion. One Proposition One of the letters shown to Mr. Magney was from the Carbon Coal Company, declaring that "we are in no pot-H Ion ""ke stated prices on lump ccal. but mlcht make a few shipments at 14 a ton. at the mine." The Northwestern Coal and Min ing Company, Kansas C(Vy. Mo., wrote Mr. Rosenblatt and warned that there will be great suffering from a coal famine if cold weather seta In. Letters from the Star Coal Com pany and the Mackie-Clemens Fuel Company, both of Kansas City, were to the effect that they are In no posi tion to make delivery on any grade of Kansas or Missouri coal. The condition was attributed to mining troubles and the car shortage. The Lehigh Coal and Navigation Company, Buffalo. N. Y.. blames the car shortage for the hard coal situation. . Calling cards for the ladles ar printed promptly and neatly at Th Herald office. The prices are reas onable. Phone 340 for samples anc prices, or call at the office. "Let's dance and sing, and make good cheer For ChriKtmaa rome Imt otic n year." Let There Be Music in Your t Home On Christmas v It Takes Music to Make a Merry Christmas v From the earliest times the gladsome Christmas spirit has sought expression in music. Today, as of yore, it takes music to pro vide a noutlet for our merry feelings at the Yuletide. Though no one in your family is a musician, this pleasure can be their gift of all gifts on Christmas morn. Get them a piano or player-piano. Get them a - ' - H . ... ...... Chickering, I vers & Pond or Kurtzman and Other High Grade Pianos ONCE YOU TRY EITHER OF THESE THREE WELL-KNOWN MAKES YOU WILL NOT BE SATISFIED WITH ANY OTH ER, INCLUDING THE SO-CALLED ''FACTORY-TO-HOME" PIANOS. ' Get them one of these pianos or a Victor Victrola Phonograph, if you prefer, and your house will ring with musicand you will "see more Christmas spirit than ever before. Make Your Selection Now And We Will Deliver it at Any Future Date You May Desire ON EASY PAYMENTS You should not buy an instrument until you have in vestigated our methods of doing business. We have been in the piano business in Alliance for nine years and during that time have dispose'd of hun dreds of pianos.- We can refer you to these customers who have purchased after full investigation and without being induced to do so by frenzied advertising. EXCLUSIVE VICTOR VICTROLA AGENCY We are the exclusive agents in Alliance for Victor Victrolas and Records. CALL AND HEAR THE LATEST. iker M o 11 sic Mouse EVERYTHING IN MUSIC VICTOR RECORDS SHEET MUSIC COMPLETE LINE OF SMALL GOODS MUS. J. T. WIKEli, Manager. ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA Across from Post Office