a?. . " ; - . - lilMli. .MJ mm gfstfe "Just What I Want!" 'Give me cake made with Calumet I know what I'm getting I know it' pure,wholesome, nourishing, tempting and tasty. "It's all in Calumet's won derful leavening and raising power it absolute purity. Use Calumet for uniform results and economy." Received HisHwt Awards h'ru Cwi But Frtr tit Slip In Ptumd Cm. mi I Til Jil liVI.. ICAGO Cheap and big canB&kJngPowdersdo not aave you money. CnTtnctt'oos It'sPurc and far superior to sour milk and soda. Lloyd's Column How to Hturt a Garage Bliss Sturgeon, of the Sturgeon Garage, tells of a friend of his. Tru bert by name, who has a recipe for getting started in business very cheaply. Trabert says that all that is needed to start an uuto garage is six Ford spark plugs and four tim ers. The first Ford owner who comes along says his motor is not working properly. You take out his four spark plugs and take off the timer, putting in four new plugs and a new timer, charging him therefor' $6.50 for the new plugs and the tim er, and $11.75 for the work. You then clean up the plugs taken out and monkey with the timer a little ,you are then ready for the next one who comes along. Dy repeating this performance only a fewtimes a day your profits will be very heavy and your nean iigm, wmie me nappy Ford owners go blissfully on, run ning their cars on their reputation. PHILOSOPHY he late Henry Janus, the novelist used to poke a good donl of fun at "pragmatism," Uis brother William's new kind of philosophy. "Philosophy," he once said, "has been liked to a blind man searching a dark room for a black bat that Isn'tJ there. "Pragmatism, on the other hand rather reminds me of the dialogue of Mike and Put: "Can I know what I don't know?" says Mike, s "No, Bays Pat. "Well, there's a certain thing I don't know and I know it. Then don't I know what I know." "I don't know." Washington Star -AN ACCOMMODATING HTHANGKIt One of our friends, one of the few who voted against the dry amend ment in Nebraska this fall, recently shipped some stock to Denver. After he had disposed of his stock at the stockyards he remembered that Col orado was dry and started on a still hunt for some place to procure a drink of "red eye." He accosted a stranger who was passing with a package under bis arm and said. "Say stranger, where can I get a quart of good whiskey?" The stranger re plied, "If you'll give me three dollars and hold my package a minute I will get a quart for you." Joe, being very dry, dug up the three bones and held the stranger's package. After waiting an hour for the stranger to return be became convinced that he had been buncoed and opened the package to find what waa contained therein. Imagine bis surprise to find that the contents of the package waa a quart of fine whiskey. Joe is still wondering bow it happened. I'atei families, (reading doctor's bill): "Well, doctor, I bare no objec tion to pay you for the medicine, but I will return the visits." There is talk of lynching the man who evolved this toast: "Our fire-engines, may they be like old maids ever ready, but never wanted." A physician has discovered that the pall of a rattlesnake will cure Iti bite. Out the same thing Isn't true of a book agent. A difference: A friend of mine, when told of the death of a well known stock dealer, replied: "Why, he's worse off than I am. I'm dead broke; but he's a aead broker." Teacher: "You must not come to my school any more Tomir.y, until your mother has recovered from the smallpox." Tommy: "There ain't a bit of dan ger. She ain't going to'give me the small pox." "Why, how is that?" V "She's my step-mother; she never gives tne anything. A Connecticut woman has embroid ered the words and music of "Home Sweet Home" on a linen sheet which is on the spare-room bed.' Her guests have not decided whether the hostess means to Indicate that they must feel at home or had better go home." A man will excuse any fault In the woman who is not his wife. A man's work Is from sun to sun, and woman's work descends from daughter to daughter. It Is said that three of the stingiest men in the state were In town yester day. One of them will not drink as much water as he wants unless It is from another man's well. The. sec ond forbids any of his family from writing anything but a "small hand" as It is a waste of ink to make large letters. The third stops his clock at night In order to Bavo wear and tear on the machinery. All of them de cline to take their county paper on the ground that It Is a torrlblo strain on their spectacles to read newspa pers, even In the day time. There have been times, no doubt, when many of the boys , and girls have been puzzled about the prope'r use of el and le In such words as receive and believe, which have the I, the undersigned, Commencing 26 Head of 8 Milk Cows 1 Milk Cow with calf by side 5 Yearling Heifers 3 Yearling Steers 8 Spring Calves 1 Registered Shorthorn Bull 5 Head of 1 Span 2-Year-Old Mules 4 Yearling Mules 20 Heads of "eight about 100 1 HIM 1 4-Horsepower Gasoline Engine 1 Power Washing Machine and Wringer i 1 Feed Grinder 1 Tank Heater 1 Feed Cooker 1 10-ft. Acme Hay rake 1 Johnson Mower, Thoroughbred Geese and Turkeys. F R E E L U N C HI A T IN Q O IN T E R M S : SIX MONTHS TIME WiB. Auctioneer: H. P. long e sound, nor need they feel ashamed to acknowledge It, for many grown-upn confess to the same weak ness. There In a very simple rule, however, easily borne in mind, that will help you forever to overcome this donbt. The consonants c and s should be followed by el, and all oth er consonants by le except that In two words "alego" and "sieve" the a Is followed by le. Is not this an easy thing to remember f OPEN NOSTRILS! END i A COLD OR CATARRH now To Get Relief When Head and Nose are Stuffed Up. Count fifty I Your cold In head or catarrh disappears. Your clogged nos trils will oprn, the air passages of your head will clear and you can breathe freely. No more snuffling, hawking, mucous discharge, dryness or vMdache; no struggling fur breath at nighi Get a small bottle of Ely's Cream Halm from your druggist and apply a little of this fragrant antiseptic cresra in your nostrils. It penetrates thrmiuh every air passsge of the head, soothii.g and healing the swollen or Inflamed mucous membrane, giving you i lists nt relief. Head colds and catarrh yield like magic. Don't stay stuffed up and miserable. Relief is sure. - ALLIANCK MAN TO ADDRKKS OIMJAMZKO AGKKTLTIU1C The opening address at the annu al meeting of the twenty-eight bodies of Organized Agriculture to be held at Lincoln, January 15 to 20, 1917, will be given by F. M. Seidell of Al liance, county agricultural agent for Dox Butte county. Ills subject, which Is one of the greatest Import ance to the farmers of western Ne braska and also to prospective farm ers In this territory, will be, "The i Importance of the Potato Industry in Nebraska." It Is but natural that Mr. Seidell was chosen to address Organized Agriculture on this Im portant subject for he Is perhaps In j closer touch with the potato actlvl-i ties of Nebraska as It effects the v3 will sell at Public Auction at my farm 9 miles east of Alliance, Nebraska, on at 11:00 o'clock sharp, the following described property: Cattle 26 Mules Shoats Pounds Each 20 Farm Machinery, Etc. ON BANKABLE PAPER ON Riist, Coursey grower fan anyone else because he is county agent for Nebraska's ban ner potato county Box Butte. Speakers are now being secured from the various society secretaries for the different programs and a thorough discussion In each depart ment of farm life will be one of the leading features. Kach one of the twenty-e'ght organization, will hold business meetings and elect officer for the coming yi nr. jA general committee of seven have charge of the arrangements, of which W. R. Mellor Is chairman and C. W. rugs ley, University State Farm, Lincoln, Is secretary. lilt) STOCK SHOW ON IN ( IIICAOO THIS W KKK This, the first Week In December, is the big week for farmers to visit Chicago as the International Live Stock Show Is the event which calls together the members of the Nation al Organization In the various breeds of animals. .Many other farmer organizations lake advantage of the opportunity for a good attendance for their spe cific mcetiug co that a Chlcaro visit or this week finds meetings of some kind at nearly all of the leading down-town hotels In addition to those held at the Union Stock Yards. POULTRY WINTKIl QUARTERS Bulletin No. 211 of the Nebraska State Board of Agriculture has the following to say regarding winter quarters for poultry: "Have yon pre pared the poultry hoUBe for severe winter weatherf If not, why not do so at once? Do not wait until the damage baa been done, but get at it right away. By attention now you will relieve much suffering by your fowls and their comfort will repay in less fatalities In the flock and more eggs during the winter months. Those who fall to prepare for the comfort of poultry now will be com pound to work at It during the ley northern blasts of the winter, so why not now?" ToTilK PATRONS During the past year price of practically everything In the laundry business have lulvanreil. On account of Mil we regret that we are com- e3 19 Head of Horses 19 1 Span Dark Cray Marcs, 5 and 4 years old 1 Span Brown Geldings, 3 and 4 years old 1 3-Year-Old Black Gelding 1 Perch er on Stable Horse, black, 8 years old, range broke 1 2-Year-Old Bay Gelding 1 Span Sucking Colts 1 Roan Mare, Smooth Mouth, with foal 1 Gray Mare, 7 years old, with foal 1 Bay Mare, Smooth Mouth, with foal 1 Span 5 Years Old ' 3 4-Year-Olds 1 Span Yearling Colts About 500 bu. of Oats 1 Deere Mower 1 8-ft. Deering Binder 1 8-ft. Disc-seeder 1 8 ft. King Drill 1 3 section Harrow 1 Goodenough Sulky Plow 2 Sets Work Haruess 2 Sets Driving Harness Other articles too' numerous to mention ALL SUMS OVER $10.00, AT TEN PER CENT. Jr., Owner pellet! tr announce an ailvntxe of to per rent in our price, which will be whlcrt tn vv li t. j AM lAM'K STHAM I.Al NHUV. l-3t-W!T ; ) i - f i J. ' " " ' ' '- - ? DRINK HOT TEA ' FOR A BAD COLD (ft a small psrksgo of Hamburg l:-)i4't Tea, or.ss the German folks t all it. "Hamburger Brust Thee," at any pharmacy. Take a tablesponnful of the tea, put a cup of boiling water upoa it, pour through a sieve and drink a teacup full at any time during the dsy or before retiring. It is the most effective way to break a cold and cure grip, as it opens the pores of the skin, relieving congention. Also loosens the bowels, thus driving a cold from the system. Try it the next time you suffer fretn a cold or the V'P It Is inexpensiv and entirely vegetable, therefore sl and harmless. E LUMBAGO RIGHT OUT Bab Pain and Stiffness away with a small bottle of old honast Bt Jaoobt Oil When your lark is sore and lame ! or lumbago, sciatica or rheumatism has you stiffened up, don't suffer I Get a , 25 cent bottle of old, honest "St j aeons un at any urug store, pour a little in your hand and rub it right Into the pain or ache, and by the time you count fifty, the soreness and lame ness is gone. Don't stay crippled I This soothing, penetrating oil needs to lie used only nee. It takes the ache and pain right nt of your back and ends the misery, it is magical, yet absolutely harmless ami doesn't bum the skin. No tiling else stops lumbago, sciatica and lame hack misery so promptly I ' Office supplies at The Herald of fice, phone 30. ' miles north and 2 9 BACKACH AND r Clerk: J. M. Walker DRINK A GLASS OF REAL HOT WATER BEFORE BREAKFAST. v i 8yt we will both look and feel clean, swett and fresh and avoid Illness. Sanitary science has of late rapid strides with results that are at untold blessing to humanity. The la est application of Its untiring rcaearcV la the recommendation that it la aas necessary to attend to internal sanl&f tlon of the drainage system of the ls man body aa It Is to the drains of the house. Those of us who are accustomed t ' feel dull and heavy when we arfoev , splitting headache, stuffy from a coMU foul tongue, nasty breath, acid eta ach, can. Instead, feel as fresh a atf .' daisy by opening the sluices of the vyv tern each mornsng and flushing out ttw , whole of the Internal polsoooua etatT nant matter. Everyone, whether ailing, slckr sen" well, should, each morning before breakfast, dr)nk a glass of real bos I water with a teaepoonful of llmestoenT'", phosphate In It to wash from the at a ' . ach, liver and bowels the previous? f day'a Indigestible waste, sour bile meK ' poisonous toxins; thus cleanalaRS- sweetening and purifying the enUMM ' alimentary canal before putting man"' food Into the stomach. The actios of hot water and limestone phosphate oe an empty stomach Is wonderfullr vtgorattng. It deans out all the anwC fermentations, gases, waste and acltfltjff and gives one a splendid appetite fee ' breakfast. While you are eujoytna your breakfast the phosphated boaf' water Is quietly extracting a large tdM ume of water from the blood and get ting ready for a thorough flushing ' all the Inside organs. The millions of people who are bote ered with constipation, bilious apelio stomach trouble, rheumatlo stlffneeen others who have sallow skins, blood disorders and sickly complexions atw urged to get a quarter pound of lime atone phosphate from the drug store. This will cost very little, but la sutV clent to make anyone a pronounce! crank on the subject of Internal san itation. , ll.MAH'H WON FHO.M StOTTSIlLlTF 111(211 (Continued from page 1) lood proved the most consistent" - ground gnlners for the locals. Theser three men also starred on the de fenso, stopping mnny of the visitor after they had pone through the line" Following Is the scoro by quarv ters: 1 2.3 4 A! Alliance 13 7 0 20 if SooMsbulff . . 7 0 0 7 ' The following touchdowns wert made: Alliance Hums. 2; nickinr son, 1; Davenport. 1; Fenning, li Lotspelch, 1. Bcottsbluff Burn ham, 1. . The, following was tho lineup fbr' the game: Turkey Day Lineup Alliance Hums scottsbie ar ia McCubbtnt It , . HoeeH Ig Beyer c ftaatma rg 'Westervert rt , Baldd re Harper' ilb II urn ham rh Hans Hi Parka lb H. Hot- Ponovan Thomas Ynndera Bennett Snyder Mutler, O'C'onn Dickinson Fenning liotspelch Davenport Th" offlVlals were: Dr. Ptannard of Morrill, referee; W. V. M,-Elroy of Scottshluff, uiepire. iyd J. J. Moth ersend of Scott.sbluff, head lineman. i:im.KK. mi;n wim, I H t.M I N AT I : 'ON V I .'NTIOX.e Omaha. N br. -Nebraska ni"n will lorninate the progra ;i of tht Nebras ka Far:i'Ci K' I'ougrera an 1 the Mi - '.Vest !riplemnt Dealers' AviocNtl' wumii th'?y hold their Flinu'taneou mot Intra in Omaha. Dtwi bor 12 t 1 1. On the frniern' program ar ibwe r .": 11. ('. Fil'.y. Unlvc of Nbrn. kn; T. !'. Siurgon, Ornatn: C. K. ,S!utt. E le:r; W. II Campbtll. CI irks; J. II. Under. Bcr- wynr Chns. Davis. Colon; D. H. An derson. NYligh; N. IV Lund, Blair: J. O. Shroyer, IIuj boldt; H. A. Ccl- llns, 1'Hpllllon; Chancellor S. Avery and A. O. Thomas, Lincoln; Cb.i. draff," Dean ,K. A. Burnett, and ProfT II. F. WJIilams. The Implement dealers will hear' talks fro;n C. K. Gallagher, Cole ridge; C. 11. Clancy, Omaha; 3. R McKelvle, Lincoln; A. K. Ilanseav Upland; Nathan Roberts, Lincolm A. K. Ilildebrand, Omaha; T. X Wiles, Cherokee. Kans., and N. ID Williams, Lincoln. COKN SHOW TO III'! IIKLD JANt'AHY 15 TO U4 A corn show Is to be one of the big features of Organized Agriculture r Week at the University Farm, XJnv- ' coin, January IS to 20, when twea-ty-elght agricultural societies mi simultaneously for annual session) The corn show is to be held in ro nection with the apple, flower, an potato show, both occupying th - same rlty auditorium. The bomev economlca association Is arranging: t ' have an exhibit at the unlversitjr farm campus. Special attention Is to be paid t . Nebraska youngsters who are gross lag corn. - Separate classes will IM provided for boys who have grow their corn without the help from ad ults, and for boys who personally and lnuependently select the earn they wish to enter from corn grow on land operated by a relative, en tries being limited to boys from It' to 18 years of age, inclusive. HARM AN NOT APPLICANT Clarence E. Harman, who for tk past four years baa been state foW commissioner, states that he la not av candidate for reappointment to bW position, and that he will retire wbew the new administration cornea Iniav office. t