The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, November 30, 1916, Image 5

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Fart that no Many Arr (kitJnjr Mr
ried This Moirth Irftok Like In
ducements Were Offered
Either Dan Cupid, that little Rod
of lore, has returned to Alliance and
opened op an establishment after an
absence or else the attnoRpheric con
ditions here are such that y6ung men
and women, and old ones, also, can
not resist the mating call. Some
say that It Is the result of continued
prosperity under the democratic ad
mlnltsratlon, while others are of the
opinion that Cupid and County Judge
Berry are In partnership In some
sort of a fifty-fifty arrangement, Cu
pid's part in the game being to sting
the couples with his darts, while the
Judge either gives them a license to
allow them to hare the nuptial knot
tied or else does It himself, in either
Instance there being a fee connected
with the transaction.
At any rate up until Tuesday of
this week Judge Berry had issued
twenty-three marriage licenses this
month. Fearing that some couple
might have the happiness of the
Br st few days marred by the knowl
edge that they were one or two
of twenty-three, and twenty-three be
ing regarded as an unlucky number
by some. It was necessary to scour
around and rake up another couple
or so, with the result that the desired
end was accomplished.
Alliance is getting to be some mat
ing point for sure. Couples were
married here this month from the
east, the west, the north Rnd the -south,
and some of them came a
great distance to have the deed per
formed. Licenses were Issued to
residents of North Carolina, Illinois.
Wyoming, South Dakota and Nebras
ka. The following have been issued
licenses- this month:
John L. Hitter. Ellsworth, a-nd
Mary McKlnley. Ellsworth; Michael
Walters, Hemlngford, and Mary It. :
Shemek, Marsland; Walter Fimller, ;
Ravenna, and Ella Werner, Rock-;
ville; Ernest It. Marshall, Ashby,
and Fern M. FosiiU K. nyannis; joun
Lauerman, Tawlei, and Anna Swo
boda, Pawlet; Edward II. Cooper,
Ellsworth, and Mary M. Lerstriztx,
Lakeside; Milton Arrowood, Bess
nier City, N. C, and Jonla Self. Lin
colton. N. C. ; Frank Bartos, Hem
Ineford. and Elsie M. Leavitt, llem
lngford; Jesse M. McGown, Alliance, !
and Rosa Spifih, . Alliance; Edward ;
Utz, Sinzburn, ill., and Anna Mc-;
Sean, Ravenna, Nebr.; John 11. Rib-,
dor, Alliance, and Anna Mon, Alli
ance; Frank Abogg, Alliance, and
Mary Anna Newberry, Alliance; Al
vin E. Carpenter. Rackett, and Sola
A. Bartlett, Bingham; Joseph M.
Whalen. Douglas, Wyo., and Cather
ine S. Dearlng, Grand Island; Les
ter W. Harvey, Alliance, and Janette
M. Haney, Alliance: Joseph W. Lore
chek, Wayside, and Myrth F. llem
bry. Alliance; Arthur L. Grimes,
Super, Wyo.. and Eleanor Ironmon
ger, Jacksonville, 111.; Parsley M.
Better, Ellsworth, and Mable Mc
Klnley, Ellsworth; Frank Hearon,
Deadwood, S. D., and Grace G. Fic
kle, Alliance: Arthur M. Jergenson,
Poole, and Emms. Schneider, Poole;
1 Russell R., Jennings, and
Laura P. Shigley) Ellsworth; Lloyd
E. Harding. Mullen, and Rosa A.
Sweeten. Mullen; George Ilollenrake
llemlngford, and Mamie aGaseling.
Hemingford; Lester Bruce. Bingham,
and Carrie Heln, Ellsworth.
.... t
Catarrh Cannot lie Cured
they cannot reach the seat of the ,
disease. Catarrh U a local disease,
greatly influenced by constitutional
conditions, and in order to cure it
you must take an Internal remedy.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken inter-
naiiy uuu ucis iuiu mo uiuuu j w mo
mucous surfaces of the system. Hall's
Catarrh Cure was proscribed by one
of the best physicians In this coun
try for years. It Is composed of
some of the best tonics known, com
bined with some of the best blood
purifiers. The perfect combination
of the ingredients nl Hall's Catarrh
Cure Is what produces such wonder
ful results in catarrhal conditions.
Send for testimonials, free.
F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Props.,
All Druggists. 75c. Toledo, O.
Hall's Family Pills for constipa
tion. Adv Dec '
MoiiiIhis of llox Butte County liar
Pay lU'pvU to Memory of jnl
)'uirtt'd It. P. (IUuau (
With the doath, of B. F. Oilman,
Alliance lost a valued member of so
ciety and i he members of the Alli
ance bar lost a valued friend and
brothtT. Following his death the
court appointed a committee com
posed of members of the Box Butte
county bar to draw up resolutions of
respect and condolence, which reso
lutions were submitted to the district
court wlu-n it convened here last
week. The resolution. follow: i
To the Honor hie District Court:
Your committee, appointed to pro
Siiu r.Holuuons regarding the death
of B. F. Oilman, respectfully report
Consign Your Shipments to the
Blain Horse & Mule Commission Co.
Grand Island, Nebraska
Our Motto: "Service and a Square Deal"
Auction Everv Tn-sday and Wed tesdav. Private Sales, Daily
For Information write or wire us
Whereas, our friend, associate,
and brother, B. F. Ullman, an honor
able and efficient officer of this court,
has received his summons from that
Silent Messenger, calling him to ap
pear before that Higher Court from
whence issues no stay of proceed
ings; And whereas, we recognize B. F.
Oilman to have been honest and
faithful In the Interests of his cl'efits,
always industrious In the prepara
tion of his cause, zealous In the pre
sentation of a Just contention, al
ways respectful toward the court
and considerate of counsel;
And whereas, he stood for the law
and Its enforcement and his face was
always set against violations and vio
lators of the established rights of
state and community; and was a cit
izen, Interested In the welfare of the
city and well-disposed toward the
full performance of official duty by
all public servants.
Now, be It resolved by this court
and Its bar that his departure Is a
distinct loss to the bar of this district
and state, to the municipality where
in he lived, and to the citlzenshop
thereof, as a distinguished citizen,
monitor, and example to his juniors.
Be It further resolved that our
sympathy goes out especially to the
bereaved widow, who soothed and
supported, him during the vicissi
tudes and against the cares of a long
and useful life, and who now doubt
less takes notice hourly of his depar
ture, unwillingly, from her side, and
to his son and daughter to whom his
life example and accomplishments of
real worth, along the line of his pro
fession and as a distinguished citiz
en, shall be always an incentive to
their best- endeavors, In confident
hope that they may emulate him and
make for themselves nn equal place
in the history of the state and of our
mutual community.
Be it further resolved that these
resolutions be spread upon the rec
ords of this court and fair copies
hereof certified and presented to his
bereaved widow and to his son and
dauphter, and published in local pa
pers; and his memory, in every char
acteristic worthy of sincere Imita
tion, be retained always In the
hearts of members of the bar.
A short memorial service was' held
Tuesday noon st the first court in
remembrance of Mr. Oilman. Short
talks were made by Attorneys Mtt
chell, Boyd, Tuttle and Metz of Alli
ance, and Attorney Fred Wright of
ScottsblufT. Judge L. A. Berry pre
sented the resolutions to the court.
Judue Westover then adjourned
court for the balance of the day.
Eat less meat if Kidneys feel like lead
or Bladder bothers you Meat
forms uric acid.
MoBt foils forrct that the kidneys,
like the bowt'lg, put sluihh and clogged
and need a flushing occasionally, el no we
have backaches and dull misery in the
kidney region, severe headaches, rheu
n.utio twingt'S, torpid iiver, ucij ftonuich,
tleelt!.8ne&8 and all got U of bladder
orders. ,
You simply , must l:eep your kioi.. v
active and ch-on, and t!ia m?twnt you
feel an ache or pain in the kidney
region, get al.out four ' ounces of Jad
'alts from mry- psoil drefl ("tore here,
".ike a tablospoonful in a glass of water
In fore breakfast for a few days and
our kidneys will then act fine. - This
famous salts is made from the acid of
grapes and lemon juice, combined with
lithia, and is harmless to flush clogaed
kidneys and stimulate them to normal
activity. It also neutralizes the acids
in the urine so it no longer irritates,
thus ending bladder disorders.
- Jad Salts is harmless; inexpensive;
makes a delightful effervescent- lithia
water drink which everybody should take
-now and then to keep their kidneys clean,
'on avoiding erio-,is complications.
Midi-known local druggist says be
t lots of Jad Salta to' folk who believe
overrunning kidney trouble while it Is
v trouble
With the advance In tho cost of
living, with eggs 50 cents a dozen,
butler 40 cents a pound and better,
and round btcuk and bologna still
going up, teh vuluo of dog3 remains
about the same as in former years
$1 per head or dos according to
figure prepared by Labor Commis
sioner Coffey.
The assessment figures show there
are 103,444 dosa in the state, of
which number 474 have their abode
in Box Butte county. These dogs ag
greffute an esso;;sed valuation of
$110,515. a little more than $1 per
dog. Whether it is the Box Butte
county variety that makes this In
crease is not stated. This, accord
ing to the labor commissioner, Is
about the same valuation as In for
mer years.
The Alliance Herald Is fl.50 per
year. Issued 52 times. Runs from
12 to 24 pages per Issue. Subscribe
now. ,
Serial No. 016956.
Notice for Publication
Department of the Interior, U. S.
Land Office at Alliance, Nebraska,
October 25th, 1916.
Notice Is hereby given that Emma
Gentle, of Alliance, Nebraska, who,
on May 15th, 1913, made Homestead
Entry, No. 016956, for SWK Section
25, NEUNEK. SHNE4. and NH
NE4 , Section 26, Township 2S
North, Range 60 West, 6th Princi
pal Meridian, has filed notice of In
tention to make Three Year Proof,
to establish claim to the land above
described, before Register and Re
ceiver United States Land Office, at
Alliance, Nebraska, on the 7th day
of December, 1916.
Claimant names as witnesses: Leo
Carnlne. and Alvln Turman, of An
gora, Nebraska; Glen Gentle, and
Mrs. Glen Gentle, of Alliance, Nebr
aska. '
T. J. O'KEEFE, Register.
Clyde T. Pigman will take notlct
that on the 21st day of October.
1916, The Mallery Grocery Company
filed suit In the Justice court of T. D
Roberts, a justice of the peace, with
in and for Alliance, Box Butte Coun
ty, Nebraska, against said defendant.
Clyde T. Pigman, the obligation and
prayer of which Is to recover Judg
ment for $44.05, interest and cost
upon an account for goods sold and
delivered, and with said petition an
affidavit to obtain an attachment
against the property of said defend
ant. Said attachment has been made
upon a Studebaker automobile and
said suit Is now pending. Said cause
will be continued until December 8.
1916. Said defendant Is required to
answer said petition on or before De
cember 8th, 1916, at 10 o'clock A
M., and upon failure so to do, Judg
ment will be rendered against him.
and the property so attached will be
sold and the proceeds of the sale will
be used to apply upon said Judg
ment. Mallery Grocery Company,
Burton & Reddish, . Plaintiff
47-41-777-7524 . '
To Allen O. Fisher:
Notice is hereby given you that
Frank Abegg on the second day of
November, 1914, purchased at a pub
lic tax sale of the County Treasurer
of Box Butte County, Nebraska, the
following described land, to wit: the
northeast .quarter of the northwest
uuarter of section nineteen, town
ship twenty-seven north of range
fifty-one west of the Sixth Principal
Meridian in Box Butte County, Ne
braska, for the taxes for the year
1913; that he has since and after
the same became delinquent paid, as
subsequent tax, the taxes for the
years 1914 and 1916; that said land
was taxed and assessed for the year
1913, 1914 nnd l915 In the name of
Allen G. Fisher; and that said land
stands In the name of Allen G. Fish
er In tho register of deeds' office In
said county and that after the expir
ation of three months from the datf
of service of this notice the said
Frank Abegg will apply to the Treas
urer of said county for a tax deed
to the said land.
Dated this 2nd day of November
FRANK ABEGG. Purchaser
To Allen O. Fisher: '
Notice is hereby given you that
Frank Abegg on the second day of
November, 1914, purchased at a pub
lic tax sale of the County Treasurer
of Box Butte County, Nebraska, the
following described land, to wit: the
northwest quarter of the northwest
quarter of section nineteen, town
ship twenty-seven, nprth of range
fifty-one west of the Sixth Principal
Meridian in Box Butte County, Ne
braska, for the taxes for the year
1913; that he has since and after
the same became delinquent paid, as
subsequent tax, the taxes for the
years 1914 and 1915; that said land
was taxed and assessed for the years
1913, 1914 and 1915 In the name of
Allen G. Fisher; and that said land
stands in the name of Allen G. Fish
er In the register of deeds' office in
said county and that after the expir
ation of three months from the date
of service of this notice the ssaid
Frank Abegg will apply to the Treas
urer of said county for a tax deed
6 the said land.
" Dated this 2nd day of November,
FRANK ABEGG. Purchaser.
Notice of Suit and Attachment
Clyde T. Pigman will take notice,
ihat on November 2, 1916, L. H.
Highland filed his Petition In the
Justice Court of T. D. Roberts, a
I ust ice of the Peace, within and for
Alliance. Box Butte County, Nebras
ka, against said defendant, the obli
gation and prayer of which was to
recover a Judgment of $135.54 in
terest and costs, for inoiey duo on
an eccount, and with it an affidavit
to obtain a Judgment tgainst v the
mont-y and property of said defend
ant. Said attachment has been made
and said suit Is now pending; said
cause has been continued until De
cember 19, 1916, at 10 o'clock A.
M. Said defendant is required to
answer said petition on or before De
cember 19. 1916. at 10 o'clock A. M.,
and upon failure so to do'. Judgment
will bo rendered against him and the
property and money so attached will
be used on saldudgmcnt.
By Burton & Reddish,
His Attorneys." .
60-3t-781-7528 ,
Notice of Final Account
In the matter of the entnto of Hi
ram Wilson, deceased, In the County
Court of Box Butte County, Nebras
ka. The State of Nebraeka, to all per
nons interested In said cfltate, tuke
notice that the executor bus filed a
final uecount and report of bia ad
ministration and a petition for final
settlement, distribution and dis
charge as such, which have been set
for hearing before said court on De
cember 13th, 1916, at 10 o'clock A
M., wnen you may appear and con
test the same.
Doted November 16,. 191C.
(SHAM County Judge.
Burton & Reddish, Attorneys.
Notice of Suit and Attachment
Marie Ash will tako-notico that on
October 26, 1916. The Mallery Gro
cery Company filed its Tetitlon in the'
Justice Court of T. D. Roberts, a Jus
tice of tho Peace, at Alliance, Box
Butte County, Nebraska, against said
defendant, the obligation and prayer
f which is to recover a Judgment ol
74 and costs, from money due on an
account.- and also an affidavit to ob
tain a Judgment against the money
and property of said defendant, said
attachment has been made und said
suit is now pending; the paid cause
has been continued until December
28th, 1916. at 10 o'clock A. M. Said
defendant Is required to answer said
petition on or btfftre he 28th day of
December, 1916, at 10 o'clock A. M.,
and upon failure so to do, Judgment
Will be rendered against her and the
property and money so attached, will
be used to apply on said Judgment.
By Burton & Reddish,
Its Attorneys. 60-31-782-7529
WIT: Lota 68 to 91 Inclusive,
County Addition, Lots 4 to 9 in
clusive, Block 15, Lots 1 to 6 In
clusive, Block 22, Original Town,
all within said City of Alliance.
You and each of you are hereby
notified that the city council will sit
as a board of equalization 'oh the
12th day of December, 1916, at 8
o'clock p. m., for tho purpose of the
hearing of complaints and equalizing
the benefits and levying special as
sessments for the payment of con
struction of curbing along the prop
erty above described within said im
provement district number 8, by vir
tue of a resolution adopted by the
said city council, and set out as fol
lows: Be it resolved that the Mayor and
Council of .the City of Alliance, Box
Butte County, Nebraska, that tho
Mayor and Council meet as a board
cf equalization on December 12,
1916, at 8 o'clock p. m. for the pur
pose of equalizing the special bene
fits, if any, upon the following de
scribed real estate situated In Im
rrovemeot District No. 8, to-wit; 68 to 91 inclusive, Coiiniy Ad
.I'tlon. Lots 1 to 6 Inclusive. Block
22. and Lots 4 to 9 inclusive. Block
IK. Original Town of Alliance, Box
But; County, Nebraska, and for the
purpose of levying a special assess
ment Against said property by reason
of the constructing of cuiblng along,
adjacent and abutting upon said
property in Bald improvement dis
trict, for the purpose of paying for
the constructing of same, and that
notice of such meeting be given to
all owners of said real estate to be
assessed and benefits thereto equal
ized, by publication of this resolu
tion for at least ten days prior to
December 12, 1916, in the Alliance
Semi-Weekly Times and the Alliance
Herald, newspapers of general cir
culation and published within Alli
ance, Nebraska.
Attest: Mayor.
Carter E. Calder, City Clerk.
(SEAL) 51-31-784-7631
Prnicfcure . Proof
WHY bow to Puncture and Blowout the
enemies that DESTROY the best ordinary
pneumatic tires, wasting tire money in millions?
There is just ONE tire that SUCCESSFULLY,
resists puncture
fl FF Er-v
Affmlast Puncture f
suiy kind, or Money
' The GIANT of the
TCvstlttatvrA T ia TIa A -
uavwoito juwo ins nvuM
A full line of auto repairs, accotworieH, gasoline and oils.
Auto repairing and storage. -
Phone 19. Alliance, Nebraska
Ering Back its Color and Lustre
with Grandma's Sage
Tea Recipe.
Common imriloii hikta trAttwl tni
, hrnvy t-a, with sulplmr nml alcohol
added, will turn prny, strcakM and
I failed lmlr bonutifully ,)aik and luxurl
' "'t. Mixing the Sngo Tea nml Sulphur
; recipe at home, though, in troublesome,
j An cRfier way ia to gebtlio rendv-to-iiHi;
r"!"'1"""" improved uy me cililUinii of
other ingredient, cutting about iV) cmU
a large bottle, at dmr store, known
"Wyetli's Saj.-o nnd Sulphur Compound,"
thus avoiding a lot of mux.
While gray, fnded hair is not sinful, wi
all depire to retain our youthful appear
mice and attract ivr ncai. By darkening
your hair with Wyetli's Sage and Sulphur
Compound, no one ran tell, liwausc it
does it go naturally, so evenly. You
just dampen a sponge or soft brush with
it and draw this through your hair,
taking ono small strand at a time; by
morning all p-ay hiurs have disappeared.
After anothci application or two your
hair becomes beautifully dark, glossy,
soft and luxuriant and you appear vears
Vountrer. Wveth's Krr ,! u,,fni..
vunininuu in a ueilgllUUI IOIICI rctiuiNite. j
It la not intended for the cure, mitigation
or prevention of dicsase. (
We , will ftu null (lie money tc
build homes in Alliance. We l!).ci
!ie u-operl oiirkelv. nnd furiiUI,
money ,! kly at h low rate ot Inu-r
cut. NHii-uka l-4i iid Company, AIll
a nee, Nebr.
Hebron, Nebr. A community
house with public auditorium, a
gymnasium and possibly a library,
will bo built here soon, according to
action taken at a meeting of tho Heb
ron Commercial Club. Following an
oyster supper served to seventy-five
members and v Isltors at tho ciub
rooms, the subject was brought up.
Talks on the benefit of such a build
ing were made by various members
and the assemblage unanimously vot
ed to erct a community building. A
stock company will bo formed and
business men, professional men and
farmers will be asked to co-operate
in making a success of the move.
The members of the club also voted
to change the name of tho organiza
tion from Commercial Club to Com
munity Club. It being agreed that tho
latter has a much brouder. scope.
I am In the market to buy your
MtAto-. Ke me for price. Phone
11. W. UKAIi. Ofllce turner
2ml and llox llutte Are., bitNcmciit
I teddih tlo k.
TU icivroi.n tintimoxy !
Alliance Poop! Are loli(g' All Ttiej '
t'au for Pel low HufTcivrs '
Alliance testimony litis been pub-,
lished to prove thp merit of Doau's
Kidney Pills to others in Alliance;
who suffer from bad backs and kid-;
ney ills. Lest any sufferer doubt t
this evidence of merit, we produce'
confirmed proof statements from ;
Alliance people who aialii enoorol
Doan's Kidney Pills confirm their'
former-testimony. Here's an Alii-1
acce cose; ,
Mrs. C. Brown. 612 Box Butte
Ave., says: "I had a severe attack of
kidney trouble,, accompanied by diz
zy spells. I felt completely run
down and us if I would have to go,
away to some place and take a rest, i
Doan's Kidney Pills gave great re-'
lief from the first' box and when I
had finished three boxes, I didn't)
think it necessary to continue using.
them, as I was reeling well and
strong again." (Statement given
May 8. 1907.)
On June 7, 1916, Mrs. Brown
said: "Doan's Kidney Pills have giv
en me great relief and I have a high
regard for this good medicine. I
shall always recommend it to any
one suffering tbe way I did."
Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't
simply ask for a kidney remedy
get Doan's Kidney Pills the same
that Mrs. Brown has twice publicly
recommended. Foater-Milburn Co.,
Props., Buffalo, N. Y.
Dec 7-14
For 5,000 MiU of
service, under written
Tire World
The ;
Simon Spry
Feed & Sale Barn
Now Doing Business
Geo. Roach, an experienced
man in the business, has re-opened
this well known- barn.
Farmers and Ranchmen will
find the Simon Spry Earn oper
ated by Mr. Roach a good place
to tie up. You. get service
GEO. ROACH, Manager.
- 1 -' '-4'-- '
Ravenna, Nebr., Nov. 21, 1916
Throe years ago I suffered with a
very bad case of I'lles. I was so run
down physically with this trouble
thm lost over 20 pounds in weight
nnd found it v ry hard to attend to
my work. I was advised to see Dr.
Uich, pilo and rupture specialist, of
Grand Island, Nebr., which I did. I
aui now glad lo testify after three
yecrs, for Dr. Rich's benefit and for
the benefit of others suffering as I
did who wish to be cured without an
op -ration, that I am cured. I have
not had a single symptom of Piles
since 1 was treated three years age
and back to my normal weight and
health, in fitet I feel better than ever,
other troubles hsvlng left me whoi
my Files were cured. I had snfTre
with Piles for ten years, the last
three ywirfc of which time wna sim
ply the igPernal for me. For the
good I received from Dr. Rich I am
deeply grateful and I most sin
cerely recommend his treatment tu
any one who needs It.
C. R. NELSON. Ravenna. Neb.,
Engineer Burlington railroad.
Typewriter ribbons of all Hnjf
Tbe ilt-rHld carries the larrw oclt
in Alliance at all times. Pheie M.
Scottthiuff. This city wM soon the diHtinctlon of hnr" the
only Japanese newspaper In Nebras
ka. This pap.r will be pnblishod
here and will bo isued twice a week.
The printing of the paper will be
done In Denver .-.t present.- "Ziho"
Is J.ipnnese fr "niy News", this
briru; the name of tho publication.
I t will- have quite an extensive cir
culation u there me 500 or more
Jnpai.tK. families residing in the
North 1'lijtte valley.
Clean cotton rags wanted at The
Hrald office. We pay three rents
per pound. Woolen raa not wanted.
Danger, Signal
If the fire beli ehould ring would
yni: run nnd stop it or go and help to
put out tbe fire? It is much the
Hi'n w:iy with a couph. A coup-h
Is a danger signal as much as a fire
bell. You should no more try to
suppress it than to stop a fire bell
when it Is ringing, but should cure
the disease that causes the cough
ing. This can nearly always be
done by taking Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy. Many have used it wits
the most beneficial results. It is
especially valuable for the persistent
rough that so often follows a bad
cold or an attack of the grip. Mrs.
Thomas Beeching, Andrews, Ind.,
writes: "During the winter my hus
band takes cold easily and coughs
and coughs. Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy is 'the best medicine for
breaking up these attacks and you
rsnnct gft him to take any other."
Obtainable everywhere,
Adv Dec
Office supplies at The Herald of
fice. Phone 340.