,- I . I- Th Alliance Herald The Leading Paper of Western Nebraska 5,000 Copies 16 Pages. 2 Sections READ BY EVERY MEMBER NEBRASKA STOCK GROWERS ASSOCIATION. ALL THE NEWS OF ALLIANCE AND WESTERN NEBRASKA OFFICIAL ORGAN NEBRASKA VOLUNTEEK FIREMENJS ASSOCIATION IT REACHES HEADQUARTERS FOR 16,000 FIREMEN ALIitANCU, BOX HUTTI2 COUNTY NK1JRASICA, TIIUIJSDAY, NOVKMHHIl 30, 1916 volumk xjcm . NUMBER 52 potatoes Worth : Million "Box Butt if ; 4 Means Paid Many Mortgages of f and Additional ANGRY MOB DEMANDED LIFE OF COLORED MAN Land Under Cultivation Present Crop a Bananza For Those Who Planted Large Acreage of Tubers Equal to , Bucket Full of Gold Nuggets Such as Prospectors Looked for in Days of '49 Sheridan Gounty A Close Second Wonderful Opportunity Here for Man With Some Money and a World of Energy Acre After Acrfc Waiting to Make Farmers Immensely Wealthy Hotel Keeper lit Antioch Faced Mob, Stand lug Ilia Ground, until Crowd Is Quieted, - Mob violence Is not common these days In western -Nebraska but It looked tike tnere was going to be something doing Friday night at An tioch when some of the people of that place got their bloods up and were going to have vengeance against Jess Selby, colored, who con ducts a hotel there and who was for merly a resident of this city. Mem bers of the mob wanted Selby's hide on the spot and It is reported that there were rles of "Lynch "bjin, hang him," etc. Selby knew for a certainty that he had done nothing to warrant such an outbreak and tsood his ground. In the end, the cooler heads carried the day and the affair pnsped into history. Trouble had been brewing for some time, It sooms, because the Sel by children had been attending "CUSSED" OPERATOR. WESTOVER CONVENES LOCKED UP OVER NIGHT DISTRICT COURT Officer Wheeler and Traveling Man linn Midnight Foot Rare Po liceman Got lllra In Hotel Some men have the Idea that they (.Vim against Pan Lyons Dismissed Itecaus Complaining WltneM Failed to Appear - , e, JerfeCt r,!lt to ha.?d U'to! Butte county district court Is now In I t l .f. ,nf tbKy wwlon. It was convened Tuesday ki" .VV it ' ,, " " . by Judge W. II. Westovcr of Rush a traveling man, will think twice now before be starts anything. Fuller has beon putting up at the Drake hotel a part of this week. Ho put a call In Tues day night for Scottsbluff and be cause ho didn't "get through" when he thought he ought he started to "call" the operator." That wasn't enough, so he went ovor to the ex change and proceeded to "bawl out' the young lady. She stood It as long as she couRl and then called Officer Wheeler, who was In bed at tho time. It being about 11:30 o'clock-at night. When Wheeler . appeared on the scene, Fuller mistook him for the manager of the exchange and pro se i o.ji mere wuu wU. r"u ceeded to "tell" him. Using a few U is reponea. opcaunn oeiuy amau cholce wordB The offlcer t0,d hlm LIVE STOCK AND GRAIN CROPS IN BOX BUTTE COUNTY THIS YEAR WORTH OVER THREE MILLIONS U. S. Helps Prosperity Along Total Valuation of Stock and Grain Crops in Box Butte and Sheridan Counties This Year Worth Almost Nine Millions . of Dollars Western Nebraska Comes Into Its Own after. Years of Watchful Waiting - .,: -;. "I . - '. . " .. ' Box Butte County. Nebraska--in the heart of the most opulent potato growing region on earth this year contributed better vthan I 742,200 bushels of potatoes to the almost six million raised in the state. No county in all the great state of Nebraska raised as many - acres of potatoes or sold them for such a large amount. Considering the average price for the season at $1.20 per bushel (the price Is now $1.35) Eox Butte county potato growers received a total of nine huni dred twenty thousand six hundred forty dollars ($920,640.00) for this product alone or almost one million dollaw ($1,000,000.00). .. v . . 6,000 ACRES OP POTATOE3 - The assessor's report made tins spring shows a potato acreage in Box Butte county of 5,577 aere.fi, but this is not the actual total be- r cause several growers failed to report and others planted a larger acreage than they had at fijgj. intended. .According to County Agent Seidell, a fair estimate will place the total al 6,000 acres. Is Rainier Potato Comity -. ' A bulletin JuBt Issued by the Nebraska State Board of Agriculture and known as bulletin No. 210 which Ib devoted to Nebraska crop statistics and Information on agricultural subjects, uses for Its basis of figuring the re port of'the assessors and places the Box Butte county acreage at 5.577. Using this bulletin, as a basis of figuring and comparison Box Butte county proves to be the banner potato county of the state, and the figures are most conservative. For Instance, while the actual average price per bushel here ' is about 11.20, the bulletin in all of Its figuring for all counties In the state uses an average price of 80 cents a bushel. According to the bulletin, the average yield of potatoes In Box Butte county this year warl23.7 bushels td the acre. Using the figures of the bulletin still further tho 5.677 acres raised 689.875 bushels and these figured at the average price for the state of 80 cents a bushel make the total crop worth $551,900. Sheridan I Clone Second Sheridan county, according to the bulletin, ranks second In potatoes from everv.BtandDolnt. and in reality is righton the heels of Box Butte county on this crop. . In fact.. Box Butte and Sheridan counties, are twins insofar as the potato crop la concerned, and what applies to one county ap plies to the other. The opportunities In each county are wonderful, wait ing there for someone to cash In on them. A total of 5,4 60 acres were plant ed to notatoes in Sheridan county according to the bulletin." but it la very probable that an even greater acreage was planted than Was reported this spring when tho assessment was mad. Tho potatoes made an average ef 120.8 bushels to the acre or a total of 659,568 bushels. At the average price of $1.20 a bushel which is the price spuda sold at in both bnenaan ami uox liutto rm,nH..a ihn rrnii hrmu'lit Kherid.in farmers a total of $791,482. The combined yalue of the potato crop In Box Butte and Sheridan coun ties, which comprise the seventy-third representative district, for the year 1916 Is estimated at $1,712,123 and will probably really go better than tb. When it Is considered that this one crop alone has brought to the farmers -of these two counties almost tw millions of dollars this year alone. It seems safe to predict that this section has at last found the great crop orerops, ' that at last a new Klondike has .been opened up whereby the farmer may reao the benefits without all the hardshins cxnerlencd by thos carefree souls who took a chance In that far-off province of Alaska. . ' Growtrta Deinaud for Potatoes There is a growing demand for potatoes. Potatoes are now used In a commercial way that a few years atO were -unheard of. There are potato chips In packages, then there Is potato flour. The potato being use d in ,rnv hr wKvx.thnt the average nerson never hears of. ne potato crop Is a good crop to tie to. 1 - Made Good Showing - There aro counties Iqf tne stale wha? lie percentage of .yield 1b greater but these ate la counties where out few potatoes were planted and what . was planted was taqn t;t less hand ralssd. For in&tance, Kimball county averaged 222.6 bushels per acre but raised only a section of potatoes, or to be exact, $ acres. ' llox Butte liaised 7 Per Cent of Total According to the bulletin. 74.796 acres In Nebraska were planted to potatoes this year, of which amount Box Butte county raised 5.577 bushels or about seven per cent or the total acres. The total bushels raised In the state Is estimated at 5.922.279, of which Box Butte county raised 689.875 bushels. ' . - Over l.OOO Cur Load Figuring the total Box Butte county acreage at 6.000 and the average. hih n the averase given by the state, at 123.7 bushels an acre, the total 4 vi nn hnnhela, Fieurtn 600 bushels to the car. Box Butte county - 'raised total of 1237 cars of potatoes this year. To be ultra conservative and figuring the Box Butte county yield at 80 bushels to the acre And using the state's estimate of total bushels. Box Butte county raised some 1.146 cars plus. It is estimated that In the neighborhood of 800 ears will bo shipped from this county alone this year, the balance being either used lo cally, saved for seed, or stored. son na i oeen up u, yme to "beat" but he couldn't understand mrarf stunts. This coup led I J Mb th elanguaget Tho reBuU waB that he tfalm on part of J?' feh . he was taken to tho city .jail. - Just Mrs. Selby had tho power of a witch , h( t nH,dft fh ' h . . liual Bucket of Gold Nuggets Potatoes are to Box Butte and Sheridan countles'what a bucket full of pure gold nuggets wore to the California prospector In the days of '49. The 1916 potato crop In west ern Nebraska has ma It possibles for farmer nffer farmer to take up the 'indebtedness on his place, buy another section or so of land, pur chase an automobile, buy-a niano or a phonograph. In -fact this potato crop will be felt all over the United States. Western Nebraska farmers "will be spending money for luxuries that before have been, denied them. This means additional sales, with ad ditional profits, means 'additional hauls for the railroads It all helps n teh general prosperity. Local banks have already felt it deposits are far greater than lust year. Federal Government Helped Everyone la prospering, because of the Box Butte potato. And the farmer got his price this year large ly because the government at Wash ington, of which Woodrow Wilson Is tho head, saw fit to favdr the pople of western Nebraska by posting them on th market,- so that the grower got every dollar he had coming to him. Truly the prosperity slogan of democracy has been brought close home to the, farmers of western Nebraska. Great Change Coming But Box Butte county Is more than just a potato county. The bul letin referred to shows that there are 339 farm' owners and 132 farm rot o' the town. There are reports to tV) eflect that the youngster hs 1 tb .i'ned a !f" , i,"loni,,,H, . e r-otner, as mothers" will, upheld the Ind. and she came ! In for her full qooto'of abuse. . As a result of this trouble the fa ther received the brunt of the abusi and nth of a portion of the resl dents cf the place. It Is Bnld. Tho Selby s lived In Alliance for reveral years ns peacefully as any whlie fnml, and were always reg.trdtf .is the hmest type of colored people In Alliance. UNION THANKSGIVING - ' BFUVICKS THURSDAY Union Thanksgiving services will be held at the Methodist church Thanksgiving day morning from 10:30 to 11:30 o'clock. Rev. J. B. Carns will be In charge of the pro gram. Tho music will be furnlBhcd by the choir of the Methodist church under the direction of Trof. 'Rex Truman. Rev. Lewis Mclntyre will offer the Thanksgiving prayer, and H. J. Yoyng of the Christian church will read the president's Tnanxsgiv; the officer if he was going to be locked up. When told "Yes," he said, "You've got to catch me first," and ran out of the door with OiUcor Wheeler after him. Fuller ran bare headed to the Drake hotel and into tho basement, where he locked him self in a room. Wbeolcr asked the clerk- to unlock the door, but the clerk said ho didn't havo a key. Th oillcer then kicked the door open and took Fuller.to tho "cooler" whore be had the night to think it over. Wednesday morning Fuller plead guilty to disorderly conduct and paid a fine of $1 and coats, a total of $6. . Joe Price plead guilty to being drunk, In police court Wednesday morning, and was given ten days on the streets. M. J. Armstrong, James vllle. Short memorial services were held In the court room Tuesday noon In honor of the late B. F. Oilman, who was a member of the Box Butt county bar. Following the services court was dismissed for the day. Wednesday morning the court grind started. Judge Westovcr mad the following assignment of cases: AHhlGNMKNT UK STATU CASUS Wednesday, November I2I State of Nebraska vs. Daniel F. Lyons. State of Nebraska vs. J. F. Kroll. Thursday, November 80 State of Nebraska vs. Walter Mar shall. Monday, December 4 State of Nebraska vs. Timothy Ma loney. . , Tuesday, December 5 State, of Nebraska vs. William Bil ling. . "' - ASSIGNMENT OF CIVIL ACTIONS , . Haturday, December 1 Martha Miller vs. City of Alliance. Wednesday, December G . Haddorff Music Houso vs. Geo. G. Gadsby. Thurwdny, IJecembeif 7 " Delia M. Reed vs. L. II. Norland. C. L. Powell vs. John M. Line. Friday, Dvcfiither H Anton Uhrlg vs. Box Butte county. Uoy B. Burns vs. II. U. Shepherd. . Lyons I '410 up in Trial A Jury was empaneled Wednesday morning to hear tho case of tho State of Nebraska vs. Daniel F. Ly ons, but was dismissed, owing to the non-appearance of the complaining witness. This is a case that has at tracted considerable Interest In Alli ance and vU'lnlty.-Lyons was charg ed with assault with Intent to do Marvin aud Mat Melbes each plead , grmil b0(illy i,arm 8tli also with th guiny 10 Deing arunK ana-were nnea carrylngf concealed weapons. Trou- $1 and costs each by Police Magls- b,, between Lyons and William trate Roberts. . , King, a saloon uiua of this city, re- OFFICEJl WIH KLKK WILL ul 'ZZl li ' NOT TAKE NIGHT JOIl!0"" V!r.lo LfX jTt.hai Honn T..r,rtrt h. itna . trlct court. Mr. King left Sunday- " . - - 1 n... Ofllccr A. B. Wheeler, who for the i for Denver and di I not appear nar the " - . .. y.au i,OArl j-v iiittv wou complaining wunm, so iu cm Ing proclamation. The sermon will ,n" nIL?ty , a?f" dlBmlH-ed. Lyons is a bartm be given by Rev V. M. Martin, the Uk. one of I ho Joba when, (!0k saloon. It evangelist now holding revival serv- Chief C J. Jefftrs wa fturned to i(l iMO in tho nntlRt church. Rev. Lay- nay outy, out aucn seems not to do . complaining witness, so the case was bartender . at seems . zo fignt . ti n..nt Bt church pro- the case. In an Interview with of- " '" ' ' ton of the Baptist durcn wui pro- .f.M.. - on l'ay 17, Lyons being one of the nourtce the benedictton. n oner- ' - Wfl,.,.or. w be tit Was stopnnd g taken at th . .service win : ne ' d" ; &r , nht ob aT n Land ; aud Lyons' got tho Idea that King by tne uuy wisaion- m umiu6 vu j sve.rea to mean it. poor of the city.. At the last meeting of the city council a moflon was introduced and passed returning Chief Jeffers to dayi He had been placed on the!; OH, Git IFF! OH, SORROW t Alvas. alas, 'tis too sorrowful al- ".?. most to tell. Dear old B. S. of the . temporarily some months The time of day was passed and, R i was responsible lor it in aomo way. Lyons and Uveret Cook met Wil linm King. Hi imuoh, Madin King and Frank Wilson on Box Butte ava- uie In the vniniiy 01 isewDerrys. aomi.WAAklT Times. the key to A. P. and breaks out with the following In tne last issue: . "Some of these days the Times Is going to copyright an Issue and then have, some fun with the Herald and the News when they lift out all the items bodily and print them as their very own." , For the benefit of B. S. we would tenant. In the county. That the "tll lV s neessahr to do U the farms and ranches of the county to-, J.?,T-!? h- LuXA first time published and he could aav timtt hv coovrlshtlng a copy of The Hexald when it reaches bis desk. Most of the material used in the es teemed Times costs only $1.50 or less per page In plate form, and comes in boxes In. long strips. And it wasn't so very long ago that a long article in the Times came out with the following line therein: "This article was set by and printed In The Alliance Herald." Remember? WILL DEDICATE THE HOSPITAL DEC, 1 3 HUhon Duffy Will He In 1arg of Oretnoiile Sister Will Serve Dinner Following Kxert-ifcJ . for his services In that position and Is now returned to day duty. J. C. Henley will continue on the night force, but who the new man will be is not yet known. tal 337.775 acres of which 49.188 areunder cultivation .and 142,871 remain uncultivated. Six - hundred fifty acres . are under Irrigation. When It is considered that fortunes are being made in one growing sea son In Box Butte county it seems certain that land now devoted to cattle raising or lying Idle within a very short time will be cut up In smaller tracts and, farmed.. This change Is coming and indications are that it is coming Boon. Box Butte has 50,703. acres of im I'lenty of Room for All proved land, 593,39,5 acres of unim proved land or a total of 634,098 acres. Certainly the opportunity . is here fbr hlm who will take advan tage of it. If the eastern tenant would but heed the advice to "Go West, young man," he would marvel at the golden opportunity that awaits him here. The improvements on lands In Box Butte county total $2, 211,385, really a considerable sum after all. Many Horses In County According to she assessor's report tehre are 8,088 horses and 156 mules in Box Butte county. Using the ' AotirpH an an avtrsira Ilia wrei u injr? vi.uuuj -.rvmntiloH The mm ,nv ,-., ..,..;. ' t aonu tfin .1,.,, r.t tA CorrWlOU'es, 4 (it? mem while the mules have an .average val- bera of the A!"ince commercial ciuo ue of $105 and are worth a total of $16,380. HKIIALD OUT ICAIILY THIS WF.EK On account of today being Thanks giving The Herald is being printed Wednesday1 night and delivered early this morning. This will cause us to a woman and fined $25 and corns, alleged, Lyons accused King- of be ing responsible. for the stopping of the bout. A denial was made and one word lea dto another. It was al leged that Lyons pulled a kuu uo King. May Settle Out of Court The cits of the State vs. J." V. Kroll was vskgnd for Wednesday afternoon. Kroll was found guilty In the county court of assault against He mlNS a few late happenings for this appealed the case. At the time of Issue but yon will find it crammed going to press Wednesday afternoon full of good, reliable news, and u.ore there was a movement on foot to dia pf it than you will find in any two is- -miss the rase, Kroll paying the fin sues of any other newspaper In this and Costs. section. The next rase to be heard is the State vs. Waiter Marshall. Marsnall being charged with wife rtwrnon. Beulab Fish was given a divorce from Gilbert R. Fish. rtH C . At 4:30" o'clock on the afternoon of Wednesday, December 13. the for mal dedicatlon-ot St. Joteph' hos pital will take place. Elaborate and aproprlate plans Lave been laid for the occasion and the program will be one well worth attending. Bishop this diocese will be in 'I'ANIIANDLK" DENTISTS 11FUE IN JANIAUY Alliance dentists are sponsoring a plea to form a district dental society , n0Ebins was granted a dlvorca from to be amiiatea wiui or bo a brancn ; Kre.l C. Robbins. or tne iNeorasita state uemai Jsocieiy, The proposed society would comprise the district known ns tho "paohan dle" country of Nebraska. PUus ure being made for a meeting to be hi Id in this city about the middle of Jan uary, 1917. The Commercial Club has. been atiked to join In the invita- UECEITION I "OK NFA'ILLK The Herald h received the fol lowing iiivitHiion to attendr"a public reo ption to I.iili .Seville, governor eltci, at Nort" Hiaite, I)ecember 5: You ure cordiel'y Invited to attend a public reception. to ba tendered lion of the lecal dentists to be ex-i Governor-elect. Keith Neville by tho tepded to dentists in the district i citizens of western Nebraska ut North Platte. Tuesday evening. De cember f. This reception will be non-political. A parade, fire' works and addresm-s will be features of -the evening. Western Nebraska has, In the .selection of a chief executive. Come aud belp Cattle Worth Large Hum Milk cows have an average value of $60 thejrtate over and Box Butte county has 2.291 of them worth $137,460 and other cattle to the cumber of 19,798 worth according to the tsate's estimate $40 each or a total of 791.20. Hogs to the num ber of 2.551 are to be found here, worth $51,020. Box Butte raises practically no sheep, there being but 69 In the entire county, worth 94 Is. The fact that this Is not a sheep growing country speaks for Itself. DoKs and Chickens In Numbers (Continued on page 8) and all cltlsens-of Alliance and all others interested are Invited to at tend. Following the formal dedica tion the Sisters will sere a dinner at Holy Rosary church. St. Joseph's hospital is without question the finest one In western Nebraska and through it Alliance is made one of the leading cities of the country as far as caring for the sick i roncemed. The formal dedica tion will be the means -of causing many to visit the hospital who might otherwise neglect to investigate what U has to offer. The nospuai is a credit to the -community and a last ing monument to the efforts and seal of those who labored and contribut ed to make the hospital an acu&llty. mentioned. It is expected that some thirty dentists will be in attendance at the meeting to be held here. Of ficials from the state association will be in attendance to aid In the forma tion of this new association. The plans Include the bringing to Alii- coxoe into Its own. atice of.some well-known man in the celebrate. . profession, who will deliver a loc-t ' -r ,,,. .n-ptrriK t ure to those in attendance. It Is I. O. . F. IXFtrn.D OrnCLftS possible that a clinic will also be , At the regular semi-annual elec . tlon of officers of Alliance lodge No. WELL-KNYAVN" FORMER ,168, I. O. O. F.. hem -J?- . ALLIANCE. ENGINEER DlrJ Ing the following were rn-tu S. A. Franklin, until nine years ' ensuing term: J. L. Overman, r.u.. ago a resident of Alliance and who'T. G. Waddell, N. G.; J. M. Kennedy, visited here a few weeks ago, died at V. O,; K. M. Martin, recording sec hls home in Billings. Mont., Friday, retary; F. W. Hicks, financial secm The funeral was held at that place tary; F.' A. Trabert. treasurer; A. O. Sunday afternoon. He was welt Rodgers. trustee for three years, known In this city and was a man Henry W. Beach. ' trustee for two prominent in the Masonic order. He . years. The regular session and con is survived by his wife and two , ferring of degrees was followed by -.hiiir-n r:in Vranklin of BilllnEs. 1 1 h servlnK of refreshments. Tne and Mrs. A. C. Gordon of Lincoln, j session lasted until a late hour. For years Mr. Franklin was an engineer on the Denver run out of here. Ill health compelled him to give up his work here about nine years ago. after which he vent to Mexico. He returned later and set tled at Billings, where he was em ployed by the Great Northern. OFFICER WHEELFn RESIGNS Officer A. B. Wheeler Wednesday afternoon resigned as a member of the police f ore. He will now & vote all of his time to mancglng hie hotel the Western. He has been on the force eince February. ' t