The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, November 30, 1916, Image 13

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may m ii.i) rnv iiM-i
K"Hf l!nrr. N(br. At a meeting
of tho Commercial Club n move wdk
nrtel for n burnt election ii raise
f SO, 000 t.i $10,000 for the erection
of ti iii-w rlty hill. 'The city rounoU
liii.t recently nkei for bids for p
:iu'ci:i.bi1 Tiro tmrk to topi Id tho
net jrhboi hood of $5,010, and ih"rp
:ie m building avail., hi,
at tli l'i's"iit tl ; ( to lor this
machine. Tho Commercial Chih I'!
b li'nil tho ii(.v to build unliable
t-tt y hall, unsl hits tho biiainoHB pub
lic or tho boh I ml It.
hjitrmi.-iru Your "f I
If your rir.M la i.k 1 tiHT : t tlitiPf
fluKhotf, IrrltnblM and fretful you
iliouht f!c....: o this roii'lltlon at
onc us tho rhniioos ar. your little
or.o U tmfiVrlnn from m-orrns. Kick
nton Worm Killor Is what you rhonld
yrt. This well known ronioily In loi
fnpe form In p1nnnt to tnho and ot
pf'l.j tin worniB nt onoo, the catiRe of
your child's Buffering. Only 2Sc, nt
all drn Faints.
Adv 3 ,
Th federal farm loan bvrd,
which hnn Juwt rot uf nod to WasbinR
ton from tin final tour of tho rountry
to dotormlne th best location for
the ofitahllohmont of the twelTe fod
cral farm loan banka, is now engag
ed In studying the mass of testimony
rervlved during Its trip. Announce
ment of the selection of the twelve
federal dlntrlrta In which the banks
nre to be located Is expected within
the next couple of weeks.
Company at that place. The (lret
WVHlern ! the only eoirpnny In tW4
I'nlted Platen, accordinn to Mr. Tark"
who dries If s pulp. Th'la pulp fc
oM by the car load to bo tined
plo'k food. One of the saniples eon-talited-about
:0 per cent t sugsf
while the otlxr contained pf thfW
1 per cent. The first nell for $1
a Ion and the n-ron l fur' f 17 ft tow
The exact efi'of.f of dried niE,ar pulr
for flock food in not yet known bnf
InveHllcntlons nrp being conduct"f
an J It t poasltdo that It will bn found
to make fine Ftocli food atid ns a re
mlf f-ov the means of making ad-
ditionul revenue for tho BUKar com
panys. Mr, Parks has been working!
In th !ii":ir factory nt (lerlng for thf
pnul three months, but prior to thai
time wa.i a renldont of Alliance for
some ten years.
When the Fall Work is Done
Vliy not join the numerous other
boys and girls from the farms ind
ranches who are taking our Special
Short Course in Farm Accounting
and Business:5
Just the thing for the coming Business
Farmer, No other school offers
this course.
Diploma awarded at end of twenty weeks
Special Folder on Request.
Other courses offered: Bookkeeping, Banking, Audit
Wot Id's 1 ' in pl m MxNii'iti Junior
4-jcar-UI tiae JUl.iT.tO.a l'oimiN
.r Milk iu O.-io Year
Qu-en I'id.. Merro.l. n 1 r, 4 1 0 11
V 11 II, the wonbafnl 1-year-oM llol
ntciit heifer bred ami owned ;y K. I'.
t-Vhroed-r. f Moor'vud. Mitm., liau
-"f.T-tly the Wefl.l eVl'l'MieO of
ii'.'i iv.iiiiikuMii ), (Mlii (t!i; nbitit
no rlmrnctiM h-tir rf t!i br-nl. Tlirt
tV'.u.'-fi of trr wml'l'.i incnt art 1 a
hsi'i'n- 4 5fir-ni i .no :io,.;;o.2 it. of
lr.ilh :'ivl 1,111. SO H .f f.,t. eiu
:i!.m.( to 1 . 3 S 9 . 1 5 II.''. of Ml per cent
initi'T. In no n.t.iih r.r lh' year did
r.Ur f ill below 2.00lb.v milk or b
low 100 Hh. bu'ter. Her aver;vv.i
f ;t test for th" wliolo jer wan 3 PS
j'tr rent. Uer.iii Iwl llnir t no
world's record for both n'llk and but
ter In tho Junior-four flaos, nho Is. I ho
ing, Commercial Law, Penmanship, English, Short- I
hand and Typewriting, Normal Training and
- many others. . - x
Nebraska School of Business
Cor. O and 14th Sts.,
Men whose wavy locks neeiV trlm
rshiR and who tind it neceiisary to
have the Job done In Omaha have
been digging t little deeper into
their Jeans since the Urst of the
month. The 11. C. I ha3 Jitt tho
barbers of the city on the MisfquH
Ha well as thos" In "The Hippest
little City In Nebraska", at least it
Ms hit mo-u of the Wgfier shops in
maha. On Deceiiber 1 tho price
of a hair cut Po;:re4 from two bits to
thirty-live cents, and Omaha papers
predict that shaves will so to twenty
cents. Here In Alliance men with
hair on their heads think nothing of
fork Ins over the thirty-five conpera,
'and thoffu with a crop on their necks
have become accustomed to paying
twenty cents for a complete Rhave.
Whoii Yon Have n Odd
Give It attention, avoid exposure,
be ttgular and careful of your diet,,
also cem.ience taking Ir. King's
New Discovery. If contains Pine
Tar. Antiseptic Oils and Balsams.
U slUhtly laxative. Dr. Klng'a Now
Discovery eases your cough, Boothes
your throat and broncllal tubes,
checks your cold, starts to clear your
head. In a short time you know'your
cold is better. Itn the standard fam
ily couch syrup In use over 40 year3.
tier a bottle at once. Keep It In the
house as a cold Insurance. Sold' at
your druggist
Adv 3
Clean cotton rags wanted at Th
H-val I ollieo. Wo pay three cenw
per pound. Woolen rat's not Wnntf'
... i. .u u u iMnnipi.yy.
,as you never thought
jould be is yours to
command quick as
you buy some Prince
Albert and fire-up a
pipe or a home-made
Prince Albert gives
you every tobacco sat
isfaction your smoke
appetite ever hankered
for. That's because
it's made by a patented
orocess that curs our
bite and parch! Prince Albert
been sold without coupons or
We prefer to give quality !
the- national joy tmoke
has a flavor as different as it is delightful. You never tasted the like of it I
And that isn't strange, either. '
Men who think they can't smoke a pipe or roll a ciga
rette can smoke and wilt smoke if they use Prince
Albert And smokers who have not yet given P. A. a try- N
out certainly have a big surprise and a lot of enjoyment
coming their way as soon as they invest la a supply.
Prince Albert tobacco-will tell its own story I
R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO, Winston-Salem, N. C.
s -until , I rttMV-UHlWt U H
' wmmn
fo;f$j&t On Ih. km aid f 4) I !
V- . ' W thM lidy rxi tw .. ,1 r W : I
K.. Ih! Ill
, . . cm Patented Julr
has always i-v' whict
meka pip whm
M mw.ii bWorl
ofi bbRNINO f IPt AN0
e Alieit
Bay Ptine Albert mvmry
pAr tobacco U told in
toppy red bag; Set tidy rmd
Zui half-pound tin Anm
wn and that corking finm
r with tpongc-moUtcncr
a that ftp th tobacco
mch cUvr trim ulwayl
only heifer In tvo world with 30,000
lbs. milk to her credit. Only one
oiher heifer has eouallod her butter
record. She also holds tho world's
record for combined milk and butter,
ovr all ages and all breeda. Aa at
2-year-old this heafor broke thej
vtuiian 1 1 vuiuo tit iixv i - aui uv-ua;
divisions, mr.klnp 29,833 lbs. butter
In 7 daya and 116.73 lba Iiv30 Uaya.
In 365 daya nhe pave 20.825.2 lba.
milk and 980.21 lba. butter. - Her
senior 2-year-old iecord und her 4
y ear-old record total 51,055.4 lba.
milk and 2.3G9.6G lba. butter, both
of those being world's records under
lull age. Courttns the 305-day div
ision, (she ban broken world's records
in 7 divisions, besides holding sever
al combination rerords.
Queen l'lebo Mercedes freshened ;
at the RRe of 4 years, 4 ninths and
17 dajB. She is u daughter of Kir!
Pioletju Ormsby Mercedes 41931
mid Oneen Tlebo of Falrvlow"7 1 G2 4. i
Sir I'ieterjo Ornibhy Mercedes is Rlre
of 50 A.Il.O. daughters, one of which
lias u record, at 3 years, oijii.ia JU3.
butter from 759 lba. milk. "the latter
behiK u world's record; she has hIbo '
a record of 33.23 lbs. ut 5 years, and
1P.7 OK lba. In 30 daVs. Two other
daughters with better than 30-lb. !
records, 13 above 2 0 lbd., 10 2-year-olds
above 21 lba., and lp Junior
twos from 20 to 2a lls., are convinc-,
lni! facts ns to the splendid dairy
qualities posncsmxl by this Bire,
whoae daughters have all ueen prom
inent in the leading prize rings ol ,
the country. j
Queen l'iebo of Fairview ha8 u 7-.
day record of 22.48 lbs. butter aild
582.40 lbs. milk, while her senii-of-ilcial
record for 257 days Is 662.13
lbs. butler and 13,769.80 lbs. milk.,
In addition to tho world's 'champion
4-year-old she has unother daughter
who haa a 30-lb. rttord at 4 years
and two with records of 20 and 24 -lbs.
The Brandsire and granda .1 of
Queen I'iebe Mercedes on her aire's
side are Jack Mercedes and Tieteijo
Maid Ormsby, the latter having a
record of 35.50 lbs. butter in 7 days
nd 14 5.60 lbs. butter and 2,5(57.60
lbs. milk in 30 days, thete thru res
onsiituting a world's record in
Queen I'iebe Mercedes was under
strict omclal supervision 82 daya, or
nearly one-fourth of tho full timo of
iiur tout. Her year's work. .was. bu-.
un in July, la if., in one oi ma noi
test streaks of weather ever experi
enced In the Mlddlo west, ami no
fici;il fuss was made over her dur
ing; the whole of the year. Her feed-,
iiK arrnnRenients were carireu oui.
hv rari Cockrell. who also fed tu
fiirnn Cowan, und it .
. Vtw II n " "
is very pleasing to iiote that the re-
ttlt of his initial atiempi ai itoi.neni
on. rcl inn kinii uurnassed Mumo Cow-1
in'a tirndiietioii bv more than 6,000
lba., milk and 17 lbu.. butter, th?
(luertisey being Tour years tno Bonior.
Ttve total cost of feed was 1190, and
allowluv, 4 cents a quart for her milk,
there remained an income of 1563.20
This cave Ir. S.hrocder approximata
ly J373.2 , In addition to a very val
uable calf, d.opp. d Just prior to the
i-st, whtcli, toifelher with the mag
nificent ho'iors pained by mo cow anu.
ii I'Wwv tii ns secured to her owner,
t :i vcrv -satisfactory ehowlnK
as the i. suit of an ordinary year's
work of this new 4-yoar-oia cnam
plon, which is due to freshen again
January 'ii, 1917.
Will Sloan' IJiJment Ilelleve Fain?
Try it and see one application
will prove more than a column of
claims. -James S. Ferauson. Fhua.,
Pa., write: "I have had wonderrul
relief si.-ice I used Sloan's Liniment
on my knees.. To think after all
these yrri ol pain one appucuuuu
gave me rl.ef. Many thanka for
what your remedy has done for mo."
Don't keep on Buffering. apply
Sloan's Liniment where your pain is
and notice how quick you get relief.
Penetrates without rubbing. Buy It
at any Drug Store. 25c.
AdT 3
Nervoim Womtw
When the nervousness In caused
by constipation, as Is often tho ense,
you will get quick relief by taking
Chamberlain's Tablets. These tab
lets also Improve tho dlRestion. Ob
tainable everywhere. -Adv
V. S. Parks of Cerlng was In town
last woek at d called at the Herald
ollice to leave two samples of dried
suRar boot pulp from tho sugar fact
ory of the Great Wente'rn Sugar Ileet
j '
to One
But an Advertisement in
this paper talks to the
whole community.
Catch the Idea f
j ,.J..-,,,.... - .... -sr
Your Future Depends
on Yourself
mrr l'Aio ix wiii:i:uiaiuuw
Fremont, Nebr. Charles Mllgrlra
wheeled John Kounovsky eight
blocks from the pqptofflce to the un
ion passenger station, thru the busi
ness part of town, in a wheelbarrow.
A big crowd trailed along behind.
Milgrim wagered that Hughes would
be president, agreeing to wheel the
barrow If he were defeated. Koun
ovsky carried a large American flag
in his hand as he rode in the wheel
barrow. Chief Hauser of the fire
department actd Judge and pro
nounced the exhibition satisfactory
and the election wager duly settled.
you fit ill be an untrained, underpaid worker,
or will you be a specialist in your clioscn line
wliere you can earn more in one day than the
untrained man earns in many dayst Your
future, depends on jouraclf. You must decide
now. The way to avoid the hard road of disappint
nicnt and failure is to get the special training that will
demand attention and a better salary from the man high
er up. Arc you interested enough in yourself to learn
how the National Business Training Sehool of Sioux City
can fit, you for a better job t No matter how little you
earn or what your previous education has tven, we will
show you the way to better pay and more attractive '
work. "Wcmember that every Monday is
Go to School Monday
at the
Students are entering every Monday and are taking up
their chosen line of scientific business training here at
the National. They are getting ready for one of those
good positions that will be on the market for them neit
spring and summer. Kvery student who attends the
National receives individual instruction and advances as
rapidly as his ability will permit. He is under the iiu
structiou of experts iu business training. If sufficiently
interested in yourself regarding a business training, just
drop a line to the National, asking for our catalogue and
general circular.
rvri rywfyt.yfwv.,. r ,y,fvffcriNy,i.y
Business Training School