The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, November 30, 1916, Image 11

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Box & Side Pleated
Bill 111(1
Combination Heated Skirt
with alternate rroupa or box
pleats and aide pleats.
Everything In
Accordion, Side, Knife, Box
Sunburst and Combination
Pleats Sixty Models -
The Most Stylish
Shapes and Sizes
. llematiteh and Plcot Hding
Braiding;, Beading, Cording
Scalloping, done on Gar
ments Button Holes
The Ideal
Button & Plfcating
, Company
107-100-1 11 So. 16Ui Street
' omXiianebr.
Declares That Their, Opera
tion Should Nat Be Stopped
or Interrupted by the Con
certed Action of Organized
Bodies of Men Until a Pub
lic Investigation Shall Have
Been Instituted.
N one of the shortest memuure
vee aent to congress President
Wilson urges that early action
be taken to complete his pro
gram of "settlement and regulation"
recommended at the last session. The
message In full Is as follows:
Gentlemen of the Congress:
In fulfilling at this time the duty
laid upon me by the constitution of
communicating to you from time to
time Information of the state of the
Union and recommending to your con-;
slderatlon such leglslatlTe measures a
may be,Judpcd necessary and eipcrtl
ent I shall continue the practice, which
I hope has been acceptable to you, of
leaving to the. reports of the several
heads of the executive departments
the elaboration of the detailed needs
of the public service and confme my
self to those nmtters of more general
public policy with which It seems nec-,
essnry and feasible to deal at the pres
ent session of the congress. !
I realize the limitations of time un
der which you will nwessarlly act at
this session and shairmnke my sug
gostlons as few as possible. But then
were some things left undone at the
Inst session which there will now be
time to complete, and which It seems
necessary In the Interest of the public
to do at once.
Ths Railroad Problem.
In the first place, It seems to me Im
peratively necessary that the earliest
possible considers t Ion and nctlon
should be accorded the remaining
monsures of the program of settlement
and regulation which I bad occasion to
recommend fo you at the close if yonr
last session In view of the public dan
gers dlscloHcd by the unaccommodated
difficulties which then existed and
which still unhappily continue to ex
1st-between the railroads of the coun
try and their . locomotive engineers.
conductors and trainmen.
I then recommended:
First. Immediate provision for the,
enlargement and' administrative reor
ganization of the Interstate commerce
commission along the lines embodied
In the bill recently passed by the house
uf 'representatives and now awnltin
T pass a law which forbad or
prevented the individual work
man to leave his work before re
ceiving the approval of society
in doing so would bo to adopt
new principle into our jurispru
dence whioh I take it for grant
ed wo are not prepared to Intro
duce. But the proposal that the
operation of the railways of the
country shstl not b stopped or
interrupted by the concerted ac
tion of organized bodies of men
until a public investigation shall
have been instituted which shall
make the whol question at is
sue plain for the judgment of the
opinion of th nation is not to
proposs any such principle. It is
baud upon the very different
prinoiplo that the concerted ac
tion of powerful bodies of men
shall net bo permitted to stop the
industrial processes of the nation.
Will outlast several steel tanks
ereral tanks made from other
tertal, and cost less money. The
tanks will keep the water cooler i
summer and warmer In wlntec S-n
for price list today.
Fred llolseu. Manager,
1102 W. IV V. IlldB.. OraattA. N-b
Best saddle
made. Hare 4
tood the test s
m in ........
Write for free
Alfred Cornish & Comp'y
SuceeKMtr to Collins & Morrison
1210 Far nam St., Omaha, Neb.
W 1
'Ho Theue of Courtesy"
I loom without bath
llooui with bath
$1.50 up
Modern Lunch Room
er of the Interstate commerce coramls- 1
slon to grant an Increase -of rates on
the ground referred to Is Indisputably '
clear, and a recommendation by the
congress with regard to such a matter
might seem to draw In question the
scoiw of the commission's authority or
its inclination to do justice when there
Is no reason to doubt either.
The other suggestions the Increase
In the Interstate commerce commis
sion's membership and in- its facilities
for performing Its manifold duties, the
provision for .full public Investigation
aud assessment of Industrial disputes,
and the grant to the executive of the
power to control and oiierate the rail
ways when necessary In time of war or
other like public necessity I now very
earnestly renew.
New Legislation Necessary.
The necessity for such legislation Is
manifest and pressing.' Those who have
Intrusted us with the responsibility
and duty of serving nnd safeguard im;
them in such mutters would tlud it
hard, I believe, to excuse a failure to
net upon these grave .matters or any
UiUiecesNary postponement of action.
Not only does the Interstate com
merce commission 'now find It practical
ly Impossible, with its present member
ship and oi'vnnt.ation, to perform Its
great functions promptly and thorough
ly. lKit It Is not unlikely that It may
, presently be found advisable to add to
J Its duties still others equally heavy and
exacting. It must first be perfected as
an administrative Instrument.
Tlu country emmot and should not
consent to remain uny longer exposed
to profound industrial disturbance
for lack of additional means of arid
Urges the Passage of the
Corrupt Practices Act Reg
ulating the Expenditure of
Money In Elections and Fa
vors More Freedom of Com
bination to Those Engaged
In Foreign Commerce.
motlog the foreign , commerce of the
country than Is now thought by some
to be legal under the terms of the
laws against monopoly, the bill amend
ing the present organic law of Porto
Rico and the bill proposing a more
thorough and systematic regulation of
the expenditure of money In elections,
commonly called the corrupt practices
act I need not labor my advice that
these measures be enacted Into law.
Their urgency lies In the manifest cir
cumstances which render their adop
tion at this time not only opportune
but necessnry. Kven delay would se
riously Jeopard the Interests of the
country and of the government.
Immediate passage of the bill to reg-
ulote the expenditure of money In
elections may seem to be less neces
sary than the Immediate enaetmeut of
the other measures to which I refer,
because at least two years will elapse
before another election In which fed
eral oilto'9 ore to be filled, but it would
greatly relieve the public mind If this
Important matter were dealt with
while the circumstances and the dan
gers to the public morals of the pres
ent method of obtaining and spending
campaign funds stand dear under re
cent observation nnd the methods of
expenditure can be frankly studied In
the light of present experience. And a
delay would have the further serious
disn Ivantngc of postponing action un
til another election was at hand and
some speclnl object connected with it
ml-rht be thought to be In the mind of
tin se who unred it. Action can be
taken now with farts for guidance and
without suspicion of part inn' purpose.
Enlarging Our Export Trade.
T s''nH n ? n-iri'p at length the de
sirability of jiving a freer hand in the
matter of combined and concerted ef
fort to those who shall undertake the
essential enterprise of building up our
export trade. That enterprise will
presently, will Immediately assume.
fl j aiwfnwiillaT rifmnn i u m run - -mis i ,
LrfOlCiS- A trinity of evils, closely allied, that afflict I
wvtstet vA4-k-tl,r. Arts! srliVfe f n! lttir nnA fvfi thA &
VOUilS other, in the order named, until the last one
is spread through the system, leading to
CjTl1'AfTrl many evils. But their course can bechecked.
It fa of creat value when used promptly for a cold, un-
pily checking it and overcoming it in few days.
Ample evidence baa proved that it is even of more value in over
coming chronic catarrh, dispelling the inflammatory conditions, enabling
the diseased membranes to perform their natural functions, and toning
up the entire system.
The experience of thousands is a aafe guide to what !t may be ex
pected to do for you.
liquid or tablets both tested by tba public and approved;
tration nnd conc-lliatloii which the con-
action by the senate in order that the i gn,HH ,,nu ,.lHuv m promptly aupply.
commission niav be enabled to deal
with the. many great and various du
ties now devolving hjmih It with a
promptness and thoroughness whlcji
And all will agree that there must !e
no doubt as to the wwer of the execu
tive to make immediate and uninter-
j rupted use of the railroads for the con
are. with its present constitution ,-iitriitliiii of tho military fnr-esi of the
Factory Expert
Phone 352.
means of action, practically Impossible
Second, the establishment of an eight
hour day as the legal basis alike of
work and of wages In the emirtoyment
of all railway employees who are ac
tually engaged lu the work of oiKrat
Ing trains In Interstate transportation.
Third, the authorisation of the ap
pointment by the president of a small
IshI.v of men to olserve the actual re
sults In exerlence of the adoption of
the eluht hour day In railway transpor
tation alike for the men and for the
Fourth, explicit approval by the cou
gress of the consideration by the In
terstate commerce commission of an
Increase of freight rate to meet such
additional exendltures by the rail
roads as may have been rendered nec
essary by the adoption of the eight
hour day and which have not been oiT
set by administrative readjustment
and economics should the facts dis
close. I justify the Increase.
Fifth, an amendment of the exlstlnv
fedetal statute which provides for the
mediation, conciliation and arbitrator
V sued i.outioversies as the present by
adding to it a provision that. In cas.
the mctho.ltf of accommodation now
provided for hhonld fail, a full publl
investigation of the merits of every
Mich dispute shall be instituted an.l
completed before a strike or lockout
I may lawfully le attempted.
Control by the Executive.
And. sixth, the lodgment In the
hands of the executive of the sjwer,
in case vt military necessity, to take
outrol of such (tortious aud such roll
Ing stock of '. rsUways of the coun
try as maj it rcpiired for military
use and to oici;.t,i ilcin fr military
puriMtses, with authority to .Iraft into
the military service of the UnlteJ
State such train crews and admiuls
tratlve officials as the tircuuiBtauce
require for their safe and efficient us
I The secoud and third of these rec
omiucudatlou the congress Immediate
ly acted on: It established the eight
hour day as the legal basis of work
and wages In train service and It au
thorized the appointment of a commis
sion to observe aud report upon the
practical results, deeming these the
measures most Immediately needed, but
it postponed action upon the other sug
gestions until an opportunity should be
offered for a more deliberate consider
ation of them.
The fourth recommendation I do not
4eem It necessary to renew. The pow-
nation wherever they are needed and
whenever they are needed.
nils Is a program of regulation, pre
vention and administrative efuclency
which argues its own case lu the mere
statement of it. With regard to one of
Its Items, the Increase in the efficiency
of the Interstate commerce commission.
the house of representatives has al
ready acted. Its nctlon needs only the
concurrence of the senate.
To' Safeguard Industrial Processes.
I would hesitate to recommend, and
I dare aav the congress would hesitate
to act nHn the suggestion should I
make it, that any man In any occui
tlon should be obliged by law to con
tinue In an employment which he de
sired to leave.
To pass a law which forbade or pre
vented the Individual workman to leave
his work before receiving the approval
of society in doing so would be to
adopt a new principle Into our Jurls
nrndenee which 1 take It for granted
we are not pictured to introduce. Hut
the proposal that the oMration of the
railways of the country shall not be
,tonid or Interrupted by the concert
ed action of organized bodies of men
until a public Investigation shall have
iiccn Instituted which shall make the
.vho'e Mucstion at Issue plain for tb
hnK'nicnt of the opinion of the nation
's not to propose any Mich principle.
It is based uKn tin very different
irlncinle that the cowerted action of
Mtwcrful bodies of men shall not be
lrniitted to stop the industrial pro-
eww ' i tie nation, at any rate liefore
shall have had an opjortu
iity to acquaint itself with the merits
f the case as !etveeii employee aud
employer, time to form its opinion upon
an lmiart!:il statement of the merits,
and opportunity to coaslder all practi
cable meaua of com Hint ion or arbitra
1 can see nothing In that proposition
but the Justifiable safeguarding by so
ciety of the necessary processes of Its
very life. There la nothing arbitrary
or unjust In It unless it be. arbitrarily
and unjustly done. It can and should
be done with a full and scrupulous re
gard for the interests and liberties of
all concerned as well as for the per
manent Interests of society ttself.
Three matters of capital Importance
await the action of the senate which
have already been acted upon by the
house of representatives the bUl which
seeks to extend greater freedom of
combination to those engaged In pro-
Your Friends
Can Buy Any
thing You Can
Give Them
. Except Your
Hlliance Hrt StuMo
You will
Immediate paseage of the bill
to regulate the expenditure of
money in e'ections may seem to
be less necccsary than the imme
diate enactment of the other
measures to which I refer, be
ciuse at least two years will
elapse before another election in
which federal offices are to be
filled, but it would greatly relieve
the public mind if this important
matter were dealt with while the
circumstances and the dangers to
the public morals of the present
method of obtaining and spend
ing campaign funds stand clear
under recent observation and the
methods of expenditure can be
frankly studied in the light of
present experience.
has indeed already assumed, a magni
tude unprecedented in our experience.
We have not the necessary instrumen
talitlcM for Its prosecution. It Is deem
ed to be doubtful whether they could
he- created uon an adequate scale un
der our present laws. We should clear
away all legal obstacles and create a
basis of undoubted law for It which
will give fmdom without permitting
unregulated license. The thing must
le done now. lecause the opportunity
Is here and may escae us If we hesl
tale or delav.
The argument for the proposed
amendments of the organic law of
Porto l;lco Is brief and conclusive. The
present laws governing the Island aud
regulating the rluht and privileges of
its people are not Jnt. We have ere
ated expectations of extended privi
lege which we have not satisfied.
There Is uneasiness among the people
of the Island aud even a suspicious
doubt with regard to our Intentions
concerning them which the adoption
of the pending measure would happily
remove. We do not doubt what we
wish to do In any essential particular.
Wr ought to do It at on -e.
Legislative Annals Enriched.
There are other mutters already ad
ranced td thu stage of conference' be
tween the two nouses or which it t
not necessary that I should speak.
Some practicable basis of agreement
concerning them will no doubt be
found und action Mkeu nxn them.
Inasmuch as this la. gentlemen. prol
ably the last occasion I shall have to
address the Sixty-fourth congress, I
hope that ou will permit me to say
with what genuine, pleasure and satis
faction I have co-o(erated with you In
the many measures of constructive
policy with which yon have enriched
the -legislative annals of the couutry.
It has been a prjvitege to lulsir lu such
company. I take the llbeity of con
ratulating you opon tha completion
f a record of rare acrviceableness and
I istlnction.
When you are In Omaha come where all Stockmen stop.
always nnd your friends and acquaintances ut the
Omaha's new abBolutely fire-proof hotel. We welcome the Stock
men. We'll make you comfortable and our rates are most reasonable
In the city. Rooms with private both, $1.50 to $1.75. Rooms with
private toilet $1. Good car service to the Stock Yards and Depots.
Have your commission firm telephone for room reservation.
FUEU A. CASTLE, l'rop.
Everybody goes to see Rentfrow at the
Especially the Stockmen
Under New Management L. RENTFROW, Prop.
1 1 i ? ii v.- irr
"v 2SW-ZD r H L.eTV if J
When travel- nTMSI
. . u
ing, attending
a l neatre or
some Social
i f e
it anopping, Mit
- Anti
with you. They are in
valuable for Headache
and all other Pains.
' 25 Doses, 25 Cants.
or mmmmm
i'.var irj : rw ? :i -. .-! i .m
"I have used Ir. MvUn" Anil-Fain
Fill for some time and nnd them
an Invaluable remedy tor lie.ivl.iche.
I have always taken great pli-ueure
In recommending' them to my
friends, being confident that they
will bring the dealred relief. I am
never without them and use them
for all attack of pain, knowing
that they will not disappoint me."
MR3. W. It. IiKNSON,
- W'Mt Haven, Conn.