The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, November 30, 1916, Image 10

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    Absolutely Puro
No Alum No Phosphate
Don't forget the firemen's annual
ThankBglTlng ball at the opera house
aonlgut November 30. Everybody
invited. Come and have aood time.,
. Miss Minnie Gilbert of Omaha was
In tho ptv lnnt week.' She Will here
In the Interests of the Nebraska
Children's Home Society at Omaha
ud returned to Omaha ,witb, two
, small children. '
After spending a week here under
the doctor's care, II. IL Best return
ed to his home at Hcmlngford the
last of the week. -.
Mrs. Field and. little son Albert
are enjoying a visit in Denver with
her parents. They will not return
for a week or so yet Mr. Field, ac
companied theui to Denver last
wnok. -
Mrs, It. It. Kincald was here from
Bingham the last of the week hav
ing some dental work done. .
Following a few weeks' visit here
with her sister, Mrs. I C. Douck,
Miss Elizabeth Plckhan returned to
her home at Maralaod last week.
Mrs. Elizabeth McCauley Is here
from Livingstone, Mont., the guest
of her daughters, Mrs. A..E. Nelson
and Mrs. Sadie Cremln.
Mrs. Jack Miller of Iloffland was
an Alliance visitor last week.
Mr. and. Mrs. A. W. Tayler were
kere from Lakeside Thursday on
Mrs. Charles Ferguson of Antloch
has been visiting her daughter, jurs.
ti ry . tha na at WAP If
' Don't forget the firemen's" annual
Thanksgiving ball at the opera house
tonieht November. 30. "Everybody
. V
' iavited. Come and have a good time
Fred Trenkle was here from Ells
worth the last of the week on ousi
Mnrr Itust recently bought a new
Podge oradster from Lowry & Hen-
. -
' Mrs. Q. L. Mllliken has heen en
loving a visit from her daughter,
Mrs. Charles Weatherall of Casper
flbe past week. .
Miss Florence Williams was a
week-end" visitor at the home of her
parents, at Hot Springs, s. u.
Walter P. Peterson, from the Pet
arson ranch near Hickory, spent sev
eral days In Alliance last week.
X 1 . .-:iAM Alaonlnit
and pressing costs no more than
the other kind. Keep-U-Neat
Cleaners, 205 Box Butte Avenue.
Phone 133. .
No football game was played by
tho Alliance high school squad last
week. A game had been scheduled
for Friday with Sidney, to be played
here, but It was thought beat to can
eel the game In view qf the fact-that
Sidney was defeated so badly by tho
Alliance boys Just a couple of weeks
ago. The game might have been
played Saturday had It been possible
for the Sidney team to come on that
date. Friday was an examination
day at the high school and this Was
another -reason for the canceling of
the game.
Today, Thanksgiving day, will see
the final foot ball game of the season
for . the Alliance ,hlgh school team.
The game Is to be played at Scotts-bluff-thls
afternoon with the high
school team there. At "first it was
Intended to run a special train from
here to Scottsblutf for the game but
that idea haB been abandoned and
Instead it Is planned . to charter a
special car. Many Alliance, people
are planning to see this game. The
Alliance band will help liven things
op there. It Is reported that, the
Scottsbluff. team has been stre'ngth-
j.nnnr,lAnKlw olnna thalr Dnltlfl
hefe early in the season and they
hope to give the Alliance boys a run
for their money. .
w n J
2 -
sL Si ft B
H jU kw,
a , o ft
o - to
5 ' . 88;
Kenny Mahaffy, who had been at
Omaha, St. Joseph and Kansas City
on business, returned home last
Mrs. D. E. W. Jones left Thursday
for a visit of about two weeks with
friends at Lincoln,' Topeka and KanH
sas City.
Judge John McCauley was here
from Kyannls on business. He re
turned to Hyannls Thursday.
J. E. Itlce, who had been at .Den
ver buying cattle, returned to Alli
ance Thursday. . .
Mrs. It. E. McKenzle and two
children were Scottsbluft visitors
Beveral days last week.
County Judge L. A. Berry made
another cauple happy Thursday af
ternoon when he married Miss Laura
Shigley and It. K. Wyland, both of
Second-hand cars tor sale cheap
See Jack True, Hunter Motor Com
Don't, forget the firemen's annual
Thanksgiving ball at the opera house
tonight November 30. Everybody
invited. Come and have a good time.
. -
Mrs. M. C. Beaumont of Hemlng-
ford was a- guest of Mrs. W. D. Ken-
ner last week. . .
' ...
Mrs. H. V. Clayton left Thursday
for Elkcreek, Nebr., for a visit until
after the holidays.
-Peter Swanson returned last week
from a business trip to 111 if . Colo. He
had been , there looking after, his
ranch interests.
Ten years ago Friday night there
was great excitement In Alliance
The fire whistle blew,-the fire boys
responded to the call and the fight
was on. It was ten years ago Friday
night that the old Burlington depot
and headquarters in Alliance burned,
with the result that the present edi
fice was erected to take Its place.
D.-E. W. Jones, superintendent In
charge of the construction of the fed
eral building now being erected, left
Friday noon for Kansas City -where
he went to appear as a witness In a
law suit to be tried in that city,
John Lawrence and Oscar and
Dlckq O'Bannon returned last week
from Oshkosh where they went on a
hunting expedition, the object, being
to bag Borne geese. They bagegd a
goose one and one only and re
turned wl'h It. For some erason or
other thegeese are more than scarce
right now. In years gone by the
country around Oshkosh -provided
quantities of geeBe for hunters who
made the pilgrimage.
Miss Delia Reed of Wetser, Idaho,
arrived in the city Monday. Miss
Heed is a former county superintend
ent of Box Butte county schools. She
came to Alliance to attend the dis
trict court. She has a case in court
in which she is suing Lewis FT Nee
land for breach of promise, asking
the court to give her 110,000 dam
ages. She expects to re mala in' Al
liance for at Jeast a couple of weeks.
Don't forget tho firemen's annual
Thanksgiving ball at the opera house
tonight November 30. Everybody
invited. Come and have a good time
The Elks will hold memorial serv
ices' Sunday afternoon at the Imper
ial theatre. All Elks are requested
to meet at the lodge rooias at
o crock Sunday afternoon, prior to
going to the theatre, in a body. . Mr.
Miles of Sidney will be here to make
the principal address.. William Mit
chell will act as Exalted Ruler. A
musical program that will be well
worth hearing hits been arranged
for. The services are of a public
nature'and the general public is in
vited to attend. . .
Charles PennycuU k Is back or the
road again selling b l ed goods for
the Loose-Wiles Li ruit Company.
He was confined to h's homo for a
number of days with la grippe.
Don't forget the firemen's annual
Thanksgiving ball at the opera bouse
tonight November 30. Everybody
invited. Coiiw and have. a good time,
William Murry, a former C. B. &
Q. employee here, has been made
night yard master at Chadron and
left list week to take up his new du
ties. ,
There will be a meotlng at the city
mission Sunday ufernoon at 3
o'clock. Everyone Is cordially In
vited to attend.
Buy a used auto at a cheap price
Kee Jack True, Itumer Motor Com
wny. .
M. P. Nason -returned Monday
from Weiser, Idaho, where he spent
three weeks visiting at the home of
his brother-in-law, . S. B. Libby.
While there he called on. Ira Reed
and Mr. Holllnrake. Mr. Hollinrake
was at one time a county commis
sioner of Box But(e county and lived
In the vicinity of Hemlngford.
Several enthusiastic basketball
fans players who have been In the
. m a : . V. . II 1. .
f,auv irnu wni-iuuwn leanis just a
short time back have organized a
city basketball team and are plan
ning on playing nearby towns this
winter. They practice twice a week,
on Tuesday and Friday evenings. In
the high school gymnasium, and areUulte seriously burned when be' pull
getting in shape for some real snort ! a r.n ni hni r.m v .ki
Those about town who ar Interest-
ed In the game and desire to get In
to It are Invited to report for prac
tice on the nights mentioned.
Eight thousand pounds, that Is,
four tons, of assorted candles were
received In Alliance by J. F. Tillot
last week. This is said to be thr
largest shipment of candy ever re
ceived in the city and while it Is ex
pected to last for some time, still
with Thanksgiving and Christmas at
hand and with hundreds of children
In Alliance and vicinity with a sweet
tooth it Is probable that the supply
will go quicker than at first expect
ed. . Whether or not Mr. TUelr Is In
competition with Santa Claus was
not learned.
W. E. Spencer left the first of the
week for Lincoln where he attended
a meeting of tho Nebraska Dairy
men's Association. He will remain
there over Thanksgiving dayv spend
ing the. day with his son, Donald
Snencer. who Is a student at the Uni
versity of Nebraska. Ho will lso
witness the ' Nebrnskn-Notre Dame
football game at Lincoln Thanksgiv
ing day. ' '
Don't forget the firemen's annual
Thanksgiving ball at the opera house
tonight November 30. , veryooay
invited, t Come and have a good time,
Mrs. C. O. Kaester, following a
visit here with friends, left last week
for Superior Wis., to be in attend
ance at the Superior Hom-comlng
celebration. She stopped over nt
University Place,-Nebr., and saw the
football game between Wesieyan ana
Kansas and will visit her grand
mother at Milo. Iowa, before reach
irttf Strnerloi1. Her nephew, . Law
rence Conner, acocmpanled her on
the trip.
9 9 V
The roof has been put on the new
Masonic building and every effort is
helna nut forth to complete the work
as soon aB possible before a touch of
real winter sets In. The penoie aasn
ink will nrobabl? not De pui on umu
spring when a better and neater Job
can be done. '
Jhhn Krlsh of Heraingford is at
the local hospital. He has pneumo
nla. but did not realize the fact unm
physicians told him he must go lo
tne nospitai tor care.
WW w
Mrs. V. I. Thompson, who Is In
verv nnor health, was taken to . the
poor farm last week where she will
. . , - . . 4 1.... 1U.
De given care ana mieuiivjM.
Thnmnson is the wife of the black
smith who when he gets a bum on
wants to "end it all" or shoot a hole
In the celling with a shot gun or pull
some other peculiar stunt
Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Beck arrived
horn from Blnahan last week to
sepnd the winter In Alliance.
, Mrs. C. O. Finch and daughter are
home trom Julesburg, Colo., where
they were visiting Mrs. Finch's par
Mayor and Mrs. -P. E. Romig re
turned to Alliance . Thursday from
West Point, Nebr.. where they were
in attendance at the funeral of Mr,
Romlg a ratner.
The R. W. Colvln family of Pueb
lo, Colo., have moved here within the
pasCfew days and will make Alliance
their home.
Mrs. S. L. Ralls left Friday for
Brldcenort. where she met her fain
er, J. N. Fenton, of Morrill, and the
two went on from there to CalJior
nla, where they will spend the win
Real Estate. Loam and Insur
tnce. F. REDDISH, Reddisr
Block. 15-tf-6727
Mr. and Mrs. R. A. See returned
to their home at TorrlnEton. Wyo.
the last of the week. They had been
In Alliance about a week attending
to business matters.
Don't forget the firemen's ajinual
Thanksgiving ball at the opera house
tonight November 30. Everybody
invited. Come and have a good time,
Mr. and . Mrs. S. Hempstreet left
Friday for North Platte.
James Tollman was here from
Marsland a part of last week visit
ing friends.
" "
P. H. Zoble, Jr with his son Ar
thur, are spending Thanksgiving.
with his father. P. IK Zoble, Sr., at
the Zoble home In Alliance. The
Zobles make their home at Monk
land, Ore.
Dean Shaw of the Episcopal
church male a trip to Mullen Mon
y. returning home for Thanksglv
log today. .-
Dr. Foote of Hastings was a visit
or in Alliance Monday
Don't forget the firemen's annual
Thanksgiving ball at the opera house
tonight November 30. Everybody
invited. Come and have a good time.
A little money will buy a goodJ
lined auto cheap. Bee Jack True.
Rumer Motor Company.
- .
Mre. C' E. Amsberry left Monday
night on 42 for an extended visit with
relatives. "v
Mrs. W. J. Mahoney of Berwyn has
ben he" guest of her v friend. Miss
MaymeLee, the past week. .
Mrs, J. V. Bentley returned to her
home at I l aiiwud South DiKf.ti
the last nf the week following a very
pleasant visit here with friends
Dwtght " 7i dlker - went to Sldn-y
S'inrtay to be !n Attendance at te
wedding-of his Trli'nd Jack Ellicit, a
reLiy rider with vhom Mr. Zeditrer
was associated the past season.
Mrs. H. 1. Wlli-rx and daughter
arrived here Saturday to make Alli
ance their home. Mr. Wilcox Is with
the Had dor n Music House.
The little three-year-old son of
Mr. and Mrs. George Simpson, living
In the east section of the city, was
on to himself. The coffee landed on
h lsd's chest, with the result that
:e was severely burned.
Save money by buying a iimciI auto
roin The Itumer Motor Com pun)
Jack True.
Don't forget the firemen's annua
riianksglrlng ball at the opera house
onlgbt November 80. Everybody,
nvlted. Coino and have a good time.
Mr. 'and Mrs. J. II. Shaw and
daughter, Virginia, arrived homo
Sunday following a lengthy visit In
Chicago and Omaha.
Miss- Blrdlne Woods, who is teach-
ii g school near Bonner, was a week
end visitor at' the home of her par
ents, Mr, and Mrs. E. P. Woods.
Mrs. W. R. Mlzell and son return
ed to their homes at Lnkcnldo Fri
day. a
Mrs. S. J. Pchmoker of Bingham
returned to her home Pnturdny. She
was the guest of Mrs. Mnlnle Sward
and Mrs. Tom -Campbell whllo hero.
Th Royal Arch Masons held a
special session Tuesday evening
which was followed by a big food nt
ho Alliance Hotel Cafe.
Mrs. G. R. RusRon left for . her
home at Broken Row S;iturd;iy, fol
lowing a visit of. a week Jiere with
Uer son, w. u. uusson. . . .
w m
Miss Winifred Pickham nnd niece
Miss Elsie llouck, left Friday to
spend a week at White Clay, Nebr.,
with Miss Sara McCauley. .
Jay W. Mollrlng Is here to remain
until after Thanksgiving with hlfl
psretns'. Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Moll-
ring. He is located at Opal, Wyo.,
and arrived bore Tuesday.
. ,
Mrs. A. Curry and daughter. Lu
cille,, were guests of Mrs. E. .Garret
at the old ranch over-Sunday..
Mrs. Emma Llverlnghouse at
Wayne, Nebr.. and Mrs. W. B. Mlll-
Mser of Marshalltown. . were tveTk-
-nd guests at the horre of their
laughter and niece, Mrs. Lloyd C.
Thojnas. They, arrived Saturday
noon and remained until Monday
noon, when they left to continue
'heir Journey to Long Beach, taiir.,
where they will spend the- winter.
The visit was a surprise to Mrs.
Thomas. ,
Miss Cvnthla Davenport left Tues
day noon for Lincoln where she will
remain until after Thanksgiving. -
Ben Carlson is here from Grand
Island this week. He Is a switch
board man, and is overhauling the
storage batteries for this division of
the Nebraska Telephone Company.
- W. E. Zollinger, Burlington con
ductor, returned from Lincoln Mon
day from a visit. N -
Mrs. John Ditch, living northeast
of town, was in Alliance Saturday. A
son of Mrs. Ditch when last heard of
was fighting on the. German battle
fields In Europe,, but she has not
heard from him since the beginning
of the war. . Whether he Is alive and
well - or whether-he Is a physical
wreck or whether he has been called
to the great beyond, she docB not
know. -
William Drlscolt has resigned Ills
position as a machinist with the Bur
lington and left tor Kansas City Sat
urday. -
J. H. Bailey, a Burlington machin
ist, has resigned and gone to Bill
ings, Mont.
Jack Miller of Hoftland arrived
here Tuesday from Omaha where he
uaa Deen auenaing a meeuug oi iui
Miss Marie Carey. Stenographer
In the office of the Commercial Club,
left Tuesday night for a two-weeks
vacation which she will spend at
Omaha and Lincoln. During her absence-
MIhs Charlotte Mollrlng will
take her place.
CO. Perry, an attorney of Bridge
port, was a week-end guest of his
friend, H. M. Bifshnell, Jr. ,
Raisin Bread at the Stephens Bak
ery , every Wednesday. - Order
through your grocer.
Mrs. G. W. Nation was at Ash by
Saturday nlght to furnish the music
for a dance held there that evening.
She returned Sunday.
Mrs. Anton Uhrlg and daughter,
Mips Ida Uhrif, and Mrs. Charles
Hookey and daughter, all of ' Hem
lngford. were Alliance visitors Fri
day. Mr. end Mrs. George Watson mov
ed to Hofflalid Sunday where Mr.
Watson la in charge of the Mallery
store.. '
Dr. L. W. Curtis made a profes
sional trip Friday to the Charles
Rook ranch near Hemlngford,
Mrs. W. R. Harper returned Sun
day from a 'three weeks' visit at
Denver "with friends. While In Den
ver Mrs, Harper on behalf of herself
and h unbind adopted a wee little ba
by girl,, which she brought back with
her. ' . ,
- Mr, snd Mrs. "it. A. Dubuque re
turned from Laramie, Wyo., Sunday.
They were there for several days
looking Into a theatre proposition
for that town.
. ' - .
Mrs. Elizabeth McCauley, her
daughter Mrs. A. E. Nelson, and
grandson Edward remmin, return
ed Monday from a few days' visit at
Clinton, Nebr., with Steve and. Pat
McCauley. . -
Mrs. E. L. Knapp and Mist Soper,
one of the Alliance school teachers,
left Wednesday for Broken Bow to
spend Thanksgiving at Miss Soper's
- -
T. J. Campbell returned Saturday
from a trip to Omaha. He la a Bur
lington conductor.
Worth a dollar, and costs you
nothing that smile of Kochenberg
er, at the Baptist church.
Buying Coal is
Uncertain Work V
.Be Sure You
Get The Best
Coal mines fret out all worts and urailcs. Perhaps you have
bren coal gold-brickcil by some you have purchased. "Don't
lot it happen again. Buy yvhero you get" value for your dol- .
larB. .
We offer tho best, smooth, Tlean-burning coal frco from -Rlatc for steady, uniform heat, and we guaran-
tco satisfaction. ' . .
. .
If we can got your first order it will do us both good. Do
good for you because it will twivc you money and give you com
fort in your home. Do good for us because ' we want your
trade. If we can get that first order wo know you will stay -with
Call, phone number five, or write. All orders receive quick
Are You G e tting the
the Highest Market
Price For Your
The Alliance Creamery is
. Paying .
Delivered at
Take Your Crenm to
The Alliance
and always get
j, ... 'r--.
TVS "T' , :
Price is not our your trade; we offer Quality and our
prices are based on Quality all the way through.
We know by experience the materials
- that give greatest wear and satisfaction;
You benefit by that experience here. ;
the Creamery
the highest price
,JB' ff 1V ft M M & S I
V -.
, V '