. THW FASHION HHOI lhadh, othfjw folinv TUB FABllfON BIIOP LKADH, OTIIFJCS FOLIjOW TUB FASHION SHOP LEADS, OTHERS FOLI)W We Will Give Every Woman Reason To Be Thankful During The Week of Our FIRST GREAT si 2 J I 6 X 'J"Mf VV1 ffb" o Tti jiving Sale! 5 v .V ; 5-' fa. s s 2 3 -1. i1 'J ft. I O x Commencing Saturday, Nov. 25, and Continuing Until Saturday Evenine, December 2 DURLNO THIS SALE WEEK WE WILL OFFER DIFFERENT "SPECIALS" EVERY DAY IN OUR STORE. EVERY "SPECIAL" WILL BE A DECIDED REDUCTION FROM THE REG ULAR PRICE OF THAT ARTICLE. EVERYONE LIKES TO "DRESS UP" FOR THANKSGIVING DAY. HERE IS AN OPPORTUNITY TO DO SO AT SUBSTANTIAL SAVINGS. DUR ING THIS GREAT SALE WE ARE COMPELLED TO MAKE A SLIGHT CHARGE FOR ALTERATIONS. EVERY DAY OF THIS SALE WE WILL OFFER DIFFERENT ITEMS AT RE DUCTIONS. .', ' here Are a Fe w of Our Great Money Saving Specials . ( -nmMm . m.OT - f Coats at One-half Price SUITS :..$33.75 $25.00 ....$20.00 -.$15.00 $67.50 values at . $50.00 values at $40.00 values at '. r $30.00 values at : . '. ; $25.00 values at ' $15.00 values at ; , $8.50 values at : DRESSES AT ONE-HALF PRICE This includes our entire line of silk and wool dresses. All ex tra good quality, very stylish make. Big Bargains. ..$12.50 - $7.50 .... $4.25 We have divided our entire stock of Suits into two groups GROUP NO. ONE Any Suit in the house formerly sold up to $25.00 during this money-savin p sale .'. GROUP NO. TWO Suits formerly sold up to $47.50 during this great money -saving sale r Latest fashion notes from New York tell us that' suits-are gain ing in favor as the season advances. This Rale gives you an opportunity to buy at a price not usually offered before Janu ary. They are all late stylos and include every popular mater ial and color. $8.98 $15.00 Skirts at J Price ' Any separate skirt in our entire stock one-third off regular price. Materials consist of Dutchess Satin Taffeta, Charmeuse, Gabardines, Pop lins, Serge, Velvet, in novelties and plain colors. ' " KIMONAS AT ONE-THIRD OFF Flannels, Crepe and Silk one-third off Regular Price. Silk Petticoats In Taffeta, Dutchess Satin, Jersey Tops, in all colors. Reg ular price $6.98 great money-saving sale price $498 '$5.98 values go at , , : S3-98 SATEEN PETTICOATS $2.00 values go at - $1.65 values ro at $1.25 values go at '. : .$1.48 .$155 .98o . 1 FURS AT ONE-HALF PRICE The usual price of our Furs is 35 t6 40 per cent lower than anywhere else in town. We have cut these astonishing low prices in half. You get the benefit. Waists Any waist up to $10.00 value for $6.88 Any waist up to $8.75 value for . $5.28 Silk waists worth up to $3.98 $2.95 We will place on sale about 60 silk waists in broken sizes, worth $2.98, while they lats . $1.69 IT WILL PAY YOU TO VISIT OUR CORSET AND GLOVE DEPART MENT. YOU WILL BE PLEASED WITH WHAT YOU FIND HERE 4i , Silk and Wool Sweaters $12.50 values Silk Sweaters go at $9 values Silk Sweaters go at $6.98 values in Sweaters go at $5.50 values in Sweaters go at, $8.8 ....$8.88 ..-.$5.25 -..$3.88 WE ARE THE ONLY EXCLUSIVE LADIES' READY-TO-WEAR SHOP IN WESTERN NEBRASKA , Night Dresses FLANNELS, MUSLINS and CREPES $2.00 values at $1.48 $1.65 values at I $1.25 $1.25 values at 88c Our Entire Line of Childrens' Coats and Wool Dresses go ' at One-half Price! THE SPECIALS ANNOUNCED IN THIS ADVERTISEMENT ARE BUT A PART OF THE "SPECIALS" THAT WILL BE OFFERED SALE WEEK. ATTEND THIS 3Sk. Great Thanjvsxiving Sale ATTEND THIS Great Thanksgiving Sale TUB FASHION HIIOl I.KAUS, OTHK1W FOLM)V TUB FASHION KIlOl' LKADS, OTHWtS FOLLOW TUB FASHION SHOP LEADS, OTIIiatS FOLIjOW GROCERY BARGAINS AT THE STANDARD ;35-cent can of J. M. Pineapple, f to 20 cents. 40-cent Mogul, preserves for 28 tpnts. x 45-cent can, one pound, flat ; jockey Salmon, for SO cents. S0-cent can Mount Hamilton . peaches for 20 cents. .No. 3 Forest City sliced peach , S5-cent seller, 2 for 45 cents. No. 2Vi Tomatoes, $1.85 per .dozen cans, $2.60 per case. Jfo. 2 Iowa canend corn, $2.35 ' per case. Last chance on corn ' &d Tomatoes at the ' ; STANDARD GROCERY'S ANNIVERSARY SALE i the former. RefreehmenU will be served ana a pcnerni Kooa lime ex pected to be enjoyed. ADDITIONAL SOCIKTY Buy a silk or wool sweater cheap from The Fashion Shop during the big Thanksgiving one-half-price sale, starting November 25th. Read the ad In this paper. Mrs. A. P. Brown was hostess to Mrs. A. D. Conner and Mrs. C. O. Keester at a 6 o'clock dinner Satur day evening. Don't fail to take advantage of the Standard's big sale which closes Saturday night. The members of the O. I. A. are to be entertained this (Thursday) af ternoon by Mrs. O. W. Johnson and Mrs. . E. Lawrence at the borne of Mrs. A. Q. Isaacson will entertain -Friday afternoon in honor of Mrs. A. E. Swanson oi Winnipeg, Canada. Our entire line of children's coats and wool dresses go at one-half price. The Fashion Shop. Read par ticulars In the ad on page eight of this paper. The P. E. O. Society met with Mrs. A. V. Gavin for a pleasant afternoon Monday. This was the society's reg ular meeting. AT STANDARD'S BIO- SALE Four-pound package J. M. Roll ed Oats, 23-cent seller, at the Standard's sale for 20 cents. Five pound package of J. M. Buck wheat, 40-cent seller, for 30 cents. 15-cent package Advona Oatsv, 3 for 25 cents. 20-cent package Advona steril ized wheat food, 15 cents. 5-pound sack pure buckwheat flour, 40-cent value, for SO cents. STANDARD OROCERY COM PANY'S Special Anniversary Sale prices. Sale closes Saturday night. Coats at one-half price at the first great 'Thanksgiving Sale starting at The Fashion Shop November 25 th. Particulars can be found In the ad on page eight of this paper. Mrs. J. S. Rheln. Mrs. M. M. Rey nolds. Mrs. A. R. Reynolds. Mrs. R. C. Pearson and Maude Spacht will leave Thursday night to attend the Inter-community conference of Mu sical organizations of the state, at Lincoln. They will sing two num bers and will represent the Choral Club and the Alliance School of Mu sic. ' They will also take part in the big chorus of 700 voices which is to give a concert Saturday evening. Maude Spacht will act as accompan ist for the local ladies who will sing. The Alliance School of Music fac ulty gave a very successful concert at Lakeside Tuesday evening, which was largely attended. They were asked to return again. 'Doris Young entertained at a 1:30 Mrs. George D. Darling and Mrs. Lloyd C. Thomas entertained the la dlea of the Guild at the parish house Wednesday afternoon. There was a Thanksgiving surprise box given to Dean and Mrs. Shaw. Mrs. M. M. Reynolds and Mrs. A. R. Reynolds will go from Lincoln to Omaha to spend Thanksgiving. ' . Mrs. J. 8. Rheln will leave Lincoln after the convention for an extended visit through eastern Nebraska and Iowa Mrs. Rhein will be gone un til 'e first of the year. luncheon Friday afternoon in honor of her sister and Mrs. J. F. Bentley of 'Dead wood. There were about fifty guests present and the after noon diversion was bridge.