The Gasoline With A K-I-C-K We wish to call the attention of automobile owners and drivers to the gasoline which wc are Rolling at our garage at 27 'fc cents per gallon Manhattan Gasoline Head what Eddie Hickcnbacher, the famous racing driver, Kays about this gasoline: Prest O-Lite Racing Team Racing Maxwell Cars E. V. ItlCKENBACKEU, Manager Des Moines, Iowa, June 25, 191 G. TO ALL MOTORISTS : The gasoline used by me in SPEEDWAY RACES of June 24th was STRAIGHT RUN MANHATTAN GAS. My Max well racers demand positively the cleanest gas of the highest efficiency. The gas used in this race was superior to any I have ever used. YOURS FOR THE GAS WITH THE KICK. (Signed) KDDIE R1CKENBACHKR. NIGOLAI & SON 116 BOX BUTTE AVENUE. ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA The Simon Spry Feed & Sale Barn Now Doing Business Geo. Roach, an experienced man in the business, has re-opened this well-known barn. Farmers and Ranchmen will find the Simon Spry Barn oper ated by Mr. Roach a good place to tie up. You get service here. GEO. ROACH, Manager. OLD RANCH HOUSE BURNS TO THE GROUND House Completely Destroyed by Fire fin of Sou Const ructioi Old Landmark i.s No More Fire completely destroyed the house on the Avery ranch, thiity-flve miles southeast of Alliance, Wednes day morning of last week, only sum of the personal effects of the family being saved. The greater portion of the furniture was destroyed although I some pieces were saved as was some of the bedding. The house was built I of sod with board covering. ' The J night before, the family had been burning some grass close by, and it is believed that the sod became ig nited and smoldered there for hours. The blaze did not break forth until almost noon the next day. The only member of the family at home was Helle Avery and the hired girl. Neighboring ranchers were summon ed but the fire had done Its work be fore help arrived, about half an hour later. The bouse was one of the oldest in that section. Will outlast several steel tanks o eeveral tanks made from other sna terlal, and cost less money. Thest tanks will keep the water cooler It summer and warmer In winter. Send for price list today. ATIiAS TANK MFG. COMPANY, Fred Boise n. Manager, 1 102 W. O. W. Bid.. Omaha, Wek HOTEL ROME 'Ho Theuse of Courtesy" Omaha I loom without bath l. OO up Koom with bath 91.50 up Modern Lunch Room ROME MILLER Owner Harking Cough Weakens the System Don't suffer with a hacking couch that has weakened your system gel a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery, In use over 4 0 years, and benefiting all who use it, the soothing pine bal sam with tar heal the irritated air passages soothes the raw ppots. loosens the mucous and prevents racking the body with coughing. Dr. King's New Discovery induces natur al sleep and aids nature to cure you. Adv 2 PARTIALLY PARALYZED AS RESULT OF FALL Young IUuh her Falls from Wagon Seat Placed on Three Sideboards Light on Hi Head Ah the result of a Till from a wag on Thursday afternoon, Tom Manlon, a progressive randx-r operating twelve miles northeast of Alliance, received severe injun.M to the extent that for several hours following the accident be had no control over his limbs. Mr. Manion att n pt d to assist a number of school hi! !ren into his wagon In the vicinity of the Law rence school, Intending to give them a lift. The wagon v.a was on top of three side-boards and some dist ance from the groutil. Ho attempt ed to lean over and in ' doing tipped the seat backwards. He fell to the ground, his bead receiving the full force of the fall. Partial paralysis resulted from the fall, but later re ports are to the effect that he Is con siderably improved. Dan Lawrence, a neighbor, was notified at the time of the accident and assisted Mr. Man ion to his home. I am in the market to buy your fmtatoes. See me for prices. Phone 24. It. W. HEAL. OlUce corner 2nd and Boi Butte Ave., basement Iteddlsh block. 4S-2M668 Save money by buying a used auto from The Kuroer Motor Company, ttee Jack True. Mr. Stockdale, Miss Georgia Can field and Miss Mary Wilson, Instruct ors at the high school, left Tuesday night for Omaha to attend the con vention of the Nebraska State Teach ers' Association In session there Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of this week. No one Is In attendance from the Emerson school. Students at the high school are re porting for class work to those In structors who remained here. Mrs. 1). W. Kenner Is substituting for Prof. Burns. No stone has been left unturned to make this convention of the state teachers' association a banner one. An unusual number of high-class speakers, men of national reputa tion, will address the convention. Delegates in attendance have the privilege of hearing Helen Stanley, dramatic soprano of the Chicago Grand Opera Company, and one of America's foremost singers, as well as Francis MacMUlen, noted violin ist. There Is a large delegation In at tendance, all of whom will return to their homes filled with a new Inspir ation and force to go about their du ties and give better Instruction to the students under their charge. PUT CREAM IN NOSE AND STOP CATARRH Tells flow To Open Clogged Nos trils and End Head-Colds. You feel fln in a few momenta. Your eoll in bead or catarrh will he gone. Your clogged nostrils will open. The air passage of your brad will clear and ytm can breathe freely. No more dull ness, headache; no hawking, snuffling, mucous discharges or dfyncus; no strug gling (or breath at night Tell your druggist yon want a small bottle of Ely's Cream Halm. Apply a little of this fragrant, antiseptic cream In your nostrils, let it penetrate through very air passage of the head; soothe snd heal toe swollen, Inflamed muCous membrane, and relief comes innUntly. It is Just what every cold and catarrh sufferer needs. Don t Mr. Business Man, on your next trip take along some artistically printed business cards. The expense is light and they are business get ters. The Herald's Job printing de partment will turn them out prompt ly. Phone 340 and we will call. and miserable. stay stuffed up western Australia, the premier stat d that during the last four and one half years the government had con structed 900 miles of railways. The expenditure on theso extensions was perfectly Justified and a ocntlnuance of such a policy was essential to the best Interests of agriculture and the Jtate as a whole. The new linos provide long-looked-for facilities for the settlers of the Wagln-Kukerln and Inke Grace districts to forward their wheat and other produce to market. DKNNY LANDKIGAN ENJOYS A VISIT TO ALLIANCE POTATO MAHKKT REVOKTS NOW CO.MK FItOM DENVER The United States Department of Agrlculutre, Office of Markets and Hural Organization, through Its spec ial representative, A. K. Prugh, who has been located In Alliance during the potato digging and shipping sea son, Issued Its nual potato bulletin from the Alliance office for the pres ent year on Friday. Mr. Prugh left the last of the week to spend a day at Lincoln snd then went on to Washington, where he reported for further service at the office there. As the Denver office is In a posi tion to give the best mall service, that office has been Instructed to; send dally potato bulletins to all ! postmasters and county agents for ' posting at loading stations where po tatoes may yet be shipped. Those who desire Information per talnlng to the market may have same at any time by calling up County Agent Seidell at his office In the ; court house or by Inquiring at the j postofflce. In the event that It is 1 ilesired to have the buleltln mailed i direct write the U. S. Office of Mar-' kets and Hural Organization, 215. Federal building, Denver, Colo., stat- ! ing for what length of time you de-, Hire to receive the buleltins. Those i In eastern Nebraska who aro Inter ested are requested to get their In formation from the office at Kansas City, 205 Produce Exchange build-, ing. 1 FEMALE LAIlOlt IN MINKS From the very beginning of the wnr the Gorman mining Industry has been very seriously handicapped by the shortage of labor, and female labor Is now being exploited on an Increasing nriil' It Is new tnl. i-t the numbor of female hands employ ed In the mining Industry ot tier-' many amounts to 4f,500, against 1 5,500 at the beginning of the war. RAILWAY nNlucTION IN WESTERN AUSTRALIA At the opening of Lake Grace rall- way (twenty-live miles), the latent agricultural railway extension In' Denny I.andrlgan and his son were In town the first of the week. Den ny left Tuesday noon for Kllsworth where he went to cast his vote for President Wilson snd the dry amend ment. He says he enjoyed his visit to Alliance this time more than any othr time he can remember. When asked why, he said: "1 saw all the railroad boys and they all said they were going to vote for Wilson and the dry amendment. Do you know this Is the first time I can remember when the boys could go down the street and say without fear Just whom and what they were solng to vote for. In the old days, when I worked on the railroad, they told us how they wanted ns to vote and we didn't do much talking." Denny left Alliance about eight ears ago. He Is now making money raising cattle and doing other things about four miles from Ellsworth. He used to tend engine and later ran an i engine out of Alliance. For two years be was on (he Alliance polls force. Denny says that police was the worst he ever had. "I'd go to get a dog that we t4 received a complaint about ao4 would have to meet the woman f the house and that generally spell4f trouble. 'What do you want to taM our dog for,' she would say, 'Tberw Mrs. Smith's dog over there snd a hundred times worse than ouvsV "It wss a dog-on hard Job," sfv Denny. TWINE- FOB POSTAL SEHVICB Twine enough to encircle la earth twenty-seven times, or (I0 000 miles of cord weighing 2,00 000 pounds, will be used by taw United States postal service mH year In tying up mall matter. INJIHEH KING Kit CAISES MAN TO FALL; THINK II H MAY Dlf Harrison, Neb. On Thursday Wis llnm Taylor Injured the small flugf of his lert hand. On Friday he coNf not use his arm and was attemptVof to climb the ladder on a silo, getting fifteen feet from the ground when M missed his hold, falling and nilgai Ing on his head and back. He iM talned a concussion of the brain awl although the prospects of his recev ery are good, he Is still scmlcousclovf He was the thirteenth uiembero f S crew of men working on the SaA Knorl ranch In tho valley. Color printing done by expert printers attracts attention and bring! prompt results. Try The Herald1 Job department for your next Job Phone 340. nMnnntHnmmmimmnmmmmmim: Your Interests will be well Looked After When You Consign Your Cattle, Hogs or Sheep to Omaha Live Stock Com. Comp'y Particular attention given to the business of Nebraska cattlemen. We make a specialty of handling stockers and feeders, both cattle and sheep. We Invite A Trial Shipment EXCHANGE BUILDING, UNION STOCK YARDS SOUTH OMAHA t;mrn:tnatntmunat Great Western Com. Co. OMAHA-DENVER DONT BE SORRY THIS YEAR THAT YOU DID NOT SHIP TO US. TAKE NO CHANCES. WRITE US NOW, AND BILL YOUR NEXT CON SIGNMENT TO US. i- v-.-j'. r l - iT,'x Great Western Com. Co. OMAHA-DENVER LET THESE SPECIALISTS SHOW YOU THE QUALITY OF THEIR WORK, WHICH HAS MADE US THE LARGEST RECEIVERS OF LIVE STOCK AT OMAHA. Mm Look GoodFeel Good No one can either feel good nor look good while suffering from con stipation. Get rid of that tired, drag gy, lifeless feeling by a treatment of Dr. King's New Life nils. Buy a box today, take one or two pills to night. In the morning that stuffed, dull feeling is gone and you feel bet ter at once. 25c at your druggist. Adv I if- ' . Yj4 '-?a- ri, . t--''-mm: .- t jie, ... iu'--' '-' i IK'AL TEACHERS ATTK.NI STATE CONVENTION Professor W. R. Pate, superintend ent of schools; Principal U. M. Burns of the Central school; Rex Truman. 1111111 0