The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, November 09, 1916, Image 7

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    Worth Careful Thought
Do you read the label to know whether
your baking powder is made from creani
of tartar or, on the other hand, from alum
or phosphate ?
Royal Baking Powder is made from
cream of tartar, derived from grapes, and
adds to the food only wholesome qualities.
OuV2r oaking powders contain alum or
phosphate, both of mineral origin, and
used as substitutes for cream of tartar
because cf their cheapness.
Never sacrifice quality and heaithful
ness for low price.
New York
LOCAL HAri'HMXWH , E. T. Turner arrived in the city
I Saturday from Newcastle. Wyo.. for
Mrs. II. D. Robinson is at Seneca, ja visit of a few dayB.
Oeoree Kale, a fireman on Hit! (;.
li. &. Q., loft Saturday to make his
home iu Denver, Colo.
Mrs. A. P. Roach returned to Hy
annis Monday. She had been visit
ing Mrs. Nettie Sowers.
The A. L. Emery family joined Mr,
T . t ... a. O 4l.l..fY 1
I U 11 II lUUIIUtt ttl'Ul IU OlUllbUlUU
Bart Young was here Sunday from
Leo Ilasyo was at Uushvllle on i
business Thursday.
Miss Delia Abbott was a Sunday
visitor at Crawford.
Emery at Lakeside Saturday and will
make their home there.
Mra T? T rtui'iflHnn linn rptiirmwl
Mra. O. D. Hobbs of Iloflland. was j ,Q her' ,Iome at BinBnam. Sne uu3
been at the hospital here.
an Alliance visitor Sunday
Thos. Priggs was at Rushville on
business the last of the week.
Frank Garrett was at Maryland on
business the first of the week.
J. i Harger left Sunday on busi
Bess to Scottsbluff and Goring.
Keith Pierce of Hemingford was
la town on business Saturday.
Mrs. Clias. Ponnyquick has begun
work at the llolsten drug store.
Mrs. J. E. Johnson was called to
Uncoln by the illness of hor son.
L. Pnlmer and H. D. Robinson
have left the Hurlineton service.
Mrs. Hoyd Painter has been here
tnkri Omaha visitine Mrs. J. Carr.
Frank Garrett, who was on busl
aess at Mullen, returned Saturday.
Erwin Peters of Marsland was an
Alliance visitor the last of the week.
Mrs. Ella Hawkins left for St. Joe
Friday for a visit of about a month.
John Moravek was here from Can
ton on a business mission Saturday.
E. A. Strand, engineer on the help
nr engine at Maryland, was in town
John McCoy, M. D.
Offices and Hospital
Reddish Block Telephone 8:
Clarence Kibble was a Sunday vis
itor at Antioch, visiting there with
his sister.
lioyle Johnson and Frank Feather
of Mitchell were in town the last of
the week.
D. V. nurton was here from Hem
ingford Sunday to spend the day with
hie family.
J. V. Thomas delivered temper
ance addresses at Bingham and Ash
by Sunday.
Ray Mark, conductor, has been off
duty a number of days because of an
' injured back.
J. S. Finn, brakeman, was absent
from duty several adys. He was on
the sick list.
Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Rowland left
Saturday for a two-weeks visit at
Ottumwa, Iowa.
Following a six-weeks visit here,
Mrs. W. II. Esses returned to Lin
coln Saturday.
Mrs George Deitlien and children
visited with Mrs. E. E. Thompson at j
Antioch Sunday.
A baby girl came Thursday to
make glad the home of Mr. and Mrs.
J A. Alexander.
W. L. Baldwin, agent at Hot
Springs, has returned from a vaca
tion of two weeks.
Fncene Burton arrived home Sat
urday from Rushville where he had
town on business.
Miss Bessie Kibble Is home again
after spending nine weeks with
friends at Lincoln.
The W. E. Spencer family were
the guests of the C. J. Wlldy family
at Hemingford, Sunday.
Max Colli n8 left Tuesday night for
Kansas City. He has been buying
potatoes In this vicinity.
Mrs. H. P. Warner and daughter
were here from Antioch Saturday
and a part of Sunday.
J. W. Jameson was here from An
tioch Saturday. He has a aaugmer
going to school here.
Our modern, sanitary cleaning
and TreKsinir costs no more than
the other kind, Keep-U-Neat
Cleaners, 205 Box Butte Avenue
Phone 133.
Mrs. E. A. Gilbert returned Fri
day from a few days business trip at
Rushville and Hay Springs.
Miss Grace Everett returned to
Ilyanins Sunday. She had been in
the hospital about ten days.
Mrs. A. Dunbar and children ere
at Antioch this week enjoying a few
days' visit. They left Saturday.
L. A. Bertram, from Crcston, Iowa,
h is rone to work for the Burlington
:it Whitman, lie is an operator.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Poole have been
enjoying a nice visit from their
daughter, Mrs. E. Calkins, of Ash by.
no! f
I Said (Rjf f
Calumet!' L44
"I want what I k for
I know what if would
mean to go horrr vithout
i it. Motlici ,.o t take
cY:nccs she'--, ir of
F'-i c-i '.inct &r... : iifrnt,
K M.) v hoierorr 1 on
r'V-'1 It. mi r;5".!t . .' nuri
n .
an;! econonr, oo I,
).'. j.' nail yen u
back to L.
P'f-t i' tlif wn'd'8
Xy best r.aHn;.
rys ,l;.i--..t
! Mt
,,, .... .
Cheap and big canBaking Powder do not
u ve you money. Calumet doeelt't Pore
and far auperior to aour milk and aoda.
tl. W. Richford, bookkeeper for
the potash company ut Antioch. mov
ed his family to that place Saturday.
Chester Berk Is spending the week
nt Antioch. He left Tuesday and ex
pects to. return the first of the week.
A. Wltowack has moved Into the
Dr. Hershnian property at 705 Em
erson, which he recently purchased.
Mrs. James Fairfield Is enjoying a
visit at Mason City. Nebr., with her
parents. She left here Sunday noon.
Robert Williams of Milo, Iowa,
was In Alliance Saturday. While
here he bought a car load of pota
toes. e
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Rice, who live
northeast of this city some twenty
five or thirty miles, were In town
Mrs. John Young of Kansas City
visited at the E. E. Young home on
Thursday. She left here for Bill
ings, Mont.
dy, bookkeeper and stenographer.
Phone 919.
Mrs. A. A. Layion delivered tem
perance addresses at Gordon Monday
evening, and Newman Chapel Tues
day morning.
Miss Blanche Wlltsey returned to
her home at Hemingford Sunday fol
lowing n v sit of a few days here with
Mrs. C. A. Dow.
J. F. Hilton living south of Alli
ance is enjoying a visit from Mrs. E.
Evans of York. Nebr., and Mrs. C. C.
Pllug of Hyannis.
The V. H. Clarke family or Salt
Iike City, Utah, arrived in the city
the last of the week to make Alli
ance their home.
William Robinson, of Council
Bluffs, was in the city the first of the
week looking after his farm Inter
ests west of town.
John Rice left Tuesday night for
Pooi la where he will live In the fu
ture. He has resigned his position
wlih the Burlington.
Mrs. Lou Blake, who lives near
Bingham, was In town a couple of
days the last of the week to huve
some dental work done.
Mrs. Joo Collins and daughter re
turned Sunday to their homo at Ar
vada. Wyo. They had been guests
;t the Fred Betzold home.
Miss Lillian Shipp left Monday for
ii visit at Lakeside after visiting here
with Mrs. William O'.Mara. Miss
Shipp lives at Hay Springs.
Mr. and Mrs. S. V. Selfrulge re
turned to Hyannis Monday noon fol
lowing a visit of several days with
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Amsberry.
Mrs. J. D. Werdoy. who for tin
past two months has been a guest of
Mrs. S. (). Carr. returned to her
home at Casper, Wyo., Saturday.
Homer R. Cochran returned to
Omaha Saturday. He had been sup
plying at the depot tick office while
H. L. Ormsby was on his vacation.
Mrs. William C. Willi;' ms of Mor
rill is at the hospital here. Hor
husband accompanied her to this
city, returning to Morrill Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. George Snyder have
been enjoying a visit from their
daughter, Mrs. Jack Ward, of Edge
mont, S. D., and their granddaugh
ter. Z. L. Young, the Burlington agent
at Halsey, who had been absent from
duty for two weeks because of the
illness of his wife, has returned to
Mr. and Mrs. Cy Goddby were here
from Mitchell a couple of days the
last of the week. They came so
Mrs. Goddby could receive medical
The Misses Ethel and Mary Trout
of Hemingford. who have been visit
ing in Alliance, have returned home.
They were guests of their aunt, Mrs.
Gal Hendricks.
George Begerow, the national sec
retary of the T. P. A., was In Alli
ance Friday in the Interests of that
organization and on business con
nected with his oflice.
Mr. ami Mrs. Lloyd Thomas moved
nto their new home at 1)15 Box
llu"p avenue this week. They pur
chased tlv id:; i'o last week rrom V .
S. Ridu. il of Lincoln.
Mrs. Elliott Strand, who for tie-
past two months has been visiMir:
here with hor mot her. Mrs. Jenni--
Williams, ret u r in 1 to her home at
Arvmla, Wyo., Sunday.
Zed Gordon, of Mitchell, was In
town Friday enroute to his honi",
from Omaha. Ho was Interested in
political topics and nianaKed to get
a utile money up. u is hhiu.
Having received word that her
sister, Mrs. Lafe McKlnney of Beat
rice, was seriously ill. Mrs. William
O'Mara left for that place Monday
night to aid In caring for her.
Mrs. Frank E. Wilson, who was at
Sheridan, Wyo.. aiding In the care
of her Bister who has been ill, re
turned home Tuesday. The sister la
reported to be considerably improv
Train No. 41 on the Burlington
wa held four hours Monday morn
ing waiting for the arrival of No.
302 from Denver. No. 302 was laid
out close to Bonner with a broken
L. Gadlent, an operator of Hot
Springs, Is relieving II. Hammer,
agent at Rochford. Mr. Hamer was
taken to the hospital at Deadwood
last week, being seriously IU with
typhoid fever.
Mra. J. M. Bueher waa a guest on
Friday and Saturday of Mesdames
Jerry Rowan and Archie Gregory
She left here for Edgemont to visit
her on, L. II. Buebner, who is a
conductor out of there.
Praise meeting nt the City Mission
at 3 p. m., Sunday. Everybody wel
come. Mrs. Tom Iwler left Sunday for
a visit with her son and daughter at
Casper, Wyo.
The Rebekah lodge will meet nt
the I. O. O. F. hall Saturday evening
at 7:30 for Initiation.
Miss Llbby Grove left today noon
for Crawford where she will visit
her parents for a week.
Miss Grace Everett, who for some
ten days was nt the hospital, return
ed to her home at Hyannis Sunday.
Mrs. G. G. Holden has returned to
her home at Sheridan following n
visit here with her mother and sis
ter. e e
Mr. ami Mrs. E. J. Stroub of (tales
burg. 111., and Mrs. F. D. Weldenha
mer of Sterling are guests here at
the M. Woldonhamer home.
Homer Wilson and Billle James
havo bought the Edgar Wilson barn
Iocs ted nt Second and Cheyenne and
expect to open a feed barn
Miss Marian Grebe, who has been
doing tsenographlc work for Judge
Berry, on Monday morning will com
mence her duties as stenographer
for Superintendent of Schools W. R.
Word has been received here to
the effect that T. J. Rnycroft, a for
mer muster mechanic located here.
and who has been assistant master
mechanic on the Cumberland divis
ion, has been appointed master me
chanic of the Wheeling division of
the Burlington and will have his
headquarters at Wheeling, West Vir
ginia. Rev. B. M. Long, D.D., state sup
erintendent of evangelism for the
Presbyterian churches, will conduct
a series of meetings at the First
Presbyterian church hero In the near
future. Prof. Rundol, the Georgia
singer, will conduct the chorus choir.
The professor is said to be a mauler
in his line, Is a solo singer, chorus
leader and leader In personal work.
Your Furnace eats up a pile of money. The only saving you
effect is by using
HARRIS-Colorad o Coal
GEBO-K'rky or Southern Wyo
ming Coal.
KOOI-Nrt'lcrn Wyoming Lig
nite Coal.
Order today and avoid the rush
Corn Oats Wheat
All Kinds of Chicken Feed
Gasoline, Kerosene, Oils
I'll ON K 5 Order the day before yon need coal.
The city council will hold its rcc
ular meeting one week late this
n onth owini: to the fact that the
meeting nU:lit was Tuesday and it
was too much to expect the city of
ficials to keep away from the polling
places where election returns were
being received.
E. A. Fosdick and Mrs. Clyde Fos
dick, father and sister-in-law of tho
Michael J. Walters of Hemingford
and Mary R. Shlmek of Marsland
were married November 7 by Rev.
Chas. Keyser nt Hemingford.
prompt results.
Job department
Phone 340.
Try Tho Herald
for your next Jofr
Typewriter ribbons of all kinds -The
Herald carries the largest stock
In Alliance at all times. Phone 34 1.
( i pin hits three roi'ru's
John Savernion and Anna Svoboda
of Pawlett were married here by
Judm Berry today.
Ernest R. Marshnll of Ashby and
Fern M. Fosdick of Hyannis were
married here today by the county
Judge. They were accompanied by
A fire at tho potash plant at Hoff
land destroyed two bunk houses Sat
urday afternoon. Tho lire waa soon
put out and but little damage was
Calling cards for the ladles are
printed promptly and neatly nt The
Herald oilloo. The prices are reas
onable. Phone 340 for samples and
prices, or call at the oftlce.
Potato growers have been getting
good prices for potatoes this past
week. At Hemingford O. W. Ioro
received $125 for n loud. Pete Chrls
tensen $10f, and W. II. Rooster,
Color printing done by expert
printers attracts attention and brings
What You Want
How You Want It
When You Want It
For anything in tho
ina of printing come
us and we'll guar
antee yau satUfac.osy work
at prices that arc right
Soecial Suit Sale!
Your choice of any suit in our store
values up to $47.50, while they last
Can you ever remember having such a
wonderful money saving opportunity
in the midst of the san? That's the Fashion Shop
ida of saving money for you- not when the season ends.
Come in today and jet th- hest selection --plenty of at
tractive garments to choose from.
An attr ictive line of
Crepe de Chene and Georgette Waists
The most wonderful assortment ever shown in Alliance