CmTm I -w -w f Y V T t 4- Y y x U. U. S. Pat. OOc X Gome See the Grow Elk-hart 6635" Strdjr v6Pj!J MMmtt&W A Thousand Dollar Construction at with 114-inch wheelbase powerful 35 horsepower motor giving 18 to 26 - miles on a gallon of gasoline piston oil ports save oil and prevent smoking tapered frameallowing 49-inch rearseatand narrow nose, therefore short turn ing radius balanced construction, not35 pounds difference front and rear and a score more big surprise-advancements for 1917 of which several are an nounced below! ical trouble of any kind! Owners casually report getting 18 to 26 miles on a gallon of gasoline they are accustomed to economical Kervice. Steep hills are surmountcdon high. Its acceleration is a new surprise. As for easy-riding, you've never experienced such comfort as you enjoy over any roads in this car. The bigness of the car, the ample wheelbase help pro vide this important result. Here's the value-leader of the motor year America's largest automo bile at tho price a car that offers the most in mechanical and comfort improvements at anywhere within several hundred dollars of the price. Performance? Kight years of success have proved the unchanged basic principles. Individual service records runs up to the 200,000 miles thousands of these records denote this the great long-service car. A Crow Klk-hart "3.V recently completed a 1400-mile trip between Texas and Chihauhau, Mexico con quered mountain grades and trails never before attempted by any other car and returned without median- Additional Advanced Features Liht weight, 2040 11b. nutted lonp-grain upliolslery. Luxurious blue-black finish. Heuvy steel dome fenders. One-man top fastened to wiixlnhield. Quirk adjustable side curtains. Full floating type rear axle. Chrome nickel steel Rears jn rear axle. Removable head motor. Hot air intake from exhaust pipe. UnderelunB three-quarter elliptic rear springs. Concealed door hinges and latches. Kleetrlc horn double bulb headlights. Double action foot and emergency brakes. The bodies are Crow Klk-hart-built are of white ash, sawed, not bent. Braces are "vulcanized" in to the wood at white heat. Felt pad ding between wood and metal elim inates body squeaks. Honest work manship provides the highest grade body construction ever known in this price class. Come See This Great Car Today! Don't purchase an automobile until you know this magniliocnt roomy Crow Klk-hart "33" the pace-si tting car of 1917. Telephone or call for demonstratoin today! If we do not furnish repairs the day order is received we furnish the repairs ordered free of charge. The Crow Blk-hart 'Clover ieaf" Roadster is thesmart est 3-passenger car of the year a revelation in new ideas and beautiful lines! Twenty-four Crow Elk-harts Sold in Allianceand This Vicinity Dur ing Past Two Months. We will furnish you with repairs the same day your order is received and wc make this strong guarantee. We Are Also Distributors P'or the Dort and Pullman Cars The Dort Sells for $750 and the Pullman For $850 F. O. B., Alliance. RUMER MOTOR CO, ALLIANCE and Phone 290 Phone 290 X z z z z z z z z z z z z V I z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z X V t Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y z z z X X z I X z x x x X z z Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y v Y Y v t Y Y Y Y Y Y t Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y ti Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y IU.U 8.PU.OAM