Absolutely Pura No Alum No Phosphate r LOCAL UAPrEMNOS Remember that Lowry has a Urge assortment xt shoes on hand. A. O. Wright was at Hyannis on business the first of the week. L. P. LeaTltt, of Hemlngford, was a business caller In the city Satur day. H. II. Dushnell was at Deadwood, S. D., on business the last of the week. v John Rice left for Sheridan Bun ' ay, going on business for the com pany. The Prank Neal family arrived here Monday from Omaha to make their home. Fred J. Welma of Omaha arrived here Tuesday morning to become a resident of Alliance. A little money will bay a (rood Bed an to cheap. Bee Jack True, Ilumer Motor Company. P. M. Seidell, county agent, ex pects to leave Friday for Lincoln to witness the Nebraska-Ames football game. Miss Blanche Kibble, secretary of the Nebraska Potash Company at An- tioch, was visiting In the city the last f the week. John McCoy, M. D. Office! and Hospital Reddish Block Telephone 81 Mrs. E. Carroll was a business vis itor at Chadron last week. L. P. Leavltt was here from Hem- ingford on business Thursday. Elmer EnKlehorn made an auto mobile trip, Sunday, to ScottsblufT Miss Eva Seldow spent the week end at Chadron, returning Monday. Mrs. E. E. Thompson was here Tom Poole of Crawford was In town on business a part or iasi week. Mrs. 8. L. Ralls left for Omaha Monday, going there to take treat ments. For a good selection of good prices in shoes go to Lowry, 206 Box Butte avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Kooley of Crawford have been visiting friends here the past week. Exerett Eldred last week sold 4 00 head of cattle to be delivered at Seward, Nebr. www Jess Barnett. clerk at Newberry'". en loved a week-end visit with his family at Gordon. m 9 9 Jack Brookley, a brother of W. C, Brookley, has been suffering from an attack of appendicitis. W. C. Brookley has been enjoying visit from his father, Senator Brookley, of Edgar, Nebr. ucMiNncnnn ntP'T I minium mm uli Elmer Nohe returned from the southern trip Monday. Mrs. Belle Brown has been on the sick list the past week. Miss Johnson was an Incoming passenger on 43 Sunday. Hay Woods made a trip to Lake side Monday, returning Tuesday Fred Mollrlng was Interviewing the Voters in these parts Tuesday. Miss Opal Russell was up the first of ten week doing some campaign lug. MIbb Alice Enyeart of Marsland whs a Sunday guesi oi Airs, ira Phillips. Mrs. B. U. shepherd and Mrs. Ma ble McClung were Alliance visitors Saturday. Will and Charlie Moravek were over-night guests of friends in town Saturday night. With the Churches There will be a meeting for men and women at the City Mission Sun day afternoon at 3 o'clock. All are welcome. The Methodist Ladles' Aid Society met with Mrs. II. J. Kuhn Wednes day afternoon. A most enjoyable program was given, and all present had a most delightful time. The regular meeting of the O. I. A. will be held at the I. O. O. F. Thursday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. Mrs. Louis Mclntyre was hostess to the members of her Sunday school class at her home Saturday after noon. Games provided the pastime for the afternoon. All had a most pleasant time. A delicious lunch was served. D. A. McGaghey, state agent for the Home Life Insurance Company, was in the city a part of last week on a business mission. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Becker, liv In twentv-flve miles southwest of Alliance, are the parents of a baby girl, born Friday. Philip Pitts, who is operating a ranch north of Hemlngford, was in town Saturday arranging with his father for more land. A special meeting of the Rebecca lodge will be held at the I. o. u. r. hall Saturday at whicn time inuia tlons will be in order. Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Barnum ar rived in the city Tuesday morning from Detroit and will make thoir home here in the future. Dan F. Oscood. a candidate for district Judge in the district lmmedl ately east of here, was in Alliance Monday calling on friends. He lives at Hyannis. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Hicks moved into their new home, 724 Toluca ave- ue. Saturday, and Mr. and Mrs Lloyd Johnson will move into the house at 615 Larumie, vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Hicks. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Burns left last week for Jacksonville. Florida, to spend the winter. It is hoped that the change will prove of benefit to Mr. Burns, who was Injured at the stock yards several weeks ago, ana who is not fully recovered. A vote aghut Senator HItrhcock Ih a vote asaliibt Wood row W 11 sou. "I want you to remember that President without a Congress that Is heart aud soul for the things that he represent is absolutely at useless ax - a tiguif head." Woodrow Wilson. Adv. F. D. McCormick, president of the volunteer fire department, 1b plan nlnx on purchasing a diving suit for use while hunting. Mack likes to hunt but lately on his trips he seems to have found it difficult to stay in the boat and hip boots prove a poor protection when one is in water up te his nock, or when one falls into the water head first. "God has never made a cleaner, better, or more patriotic citizen than Ubert M. Hitchcock. The adminis tration owe a debt of gratitude to Senator Hitchcock for the part he took In perfecting the banking aud currency act." lce iTeMueni Mar hall. Adv. The men of the Christian church Mrs. Best returned from Wyoming h,,i j their get-together meeting Tuea Tuesday. She reports her son Har- joy night In the parlors of the cal as improving. church. Mrs. D. W. Kenner was visiting Th C. W. n. M. society of the friends In and around this place the christian church met with Mrs. J. A. first of the week. Wolverton Wednesday afternoon Mrs. Nellie Holloway and baby areMrB. Long had charge of the pro- i visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. Robt. Tllford. Arthur Carroll returned the latter part of the week from a few days' stay with friends at Lincoln. Miss Bowman of Alliance made her usual weekly visit to this place Friday, remaining over Saturday. The box social at the M. E. church last Friday evening was well patron ized and a neat little sum netted. Charlie Michael is nursing a "pet' at present in the shape of a huge carbuncle on the back of his neck. grim. Pleasing reiresnmenis were served. A special uieetln of the W. C. T U. is called for this afternoon at the home of Miss Mabel Young. The meeting starts at 2:30 o'clock. The members of the union have all been requested to be present as special business is to be taken up, The Ladles' Aid Society of the Baptist church met Wednesday af ternoon with Mrs. A. H. Bobbins for the regular monthly business meet Ins and nroeram. All report a very Mounts, irisn ana uarnes, repuo- nlnaa&nt afternoon lican candidates for election, were jlev q. w. Dunlap, from the Phil looking after their interests here on iDDine Islands, addressed an audi Tuesday. ence at the Presbyterian church Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Donovan and Wednesday evening. Rev. Dunlap Is family came up from Alliance and lin ttDie Bpeaker and pleased the au- spent sunaay wun airs, uene urown dience with his talk and family. Tno Ladles' Auxiliary of the First Chas. Baling, wife and baby arrlv- rrenhvterlan church met Wedrosday ed Sunday from Missouri for a visit afternoon at the church. All spent with his rather, William sanng, ana nlRsant afternoon. family of this place. Mrs. A. P. Haynes was slightly In disposed the latter patr of the week. 1 . 1 T I r ":"" ' ':ra. I turned Friday from Wyoming. ii- tK.. ramrh.ii O. E. Phillips was an Incoming passenger on belated 4 3 Saturday, EATS EM ALIVE Your Furnace eat up a pile of money. The onlj taring yon effect is by Ming HARRIS -Colorado Coal GEBO-Kjrby or Southern Wyo ming Coal. KOOI-Northern Wyoming Lig nite Coal. Order today and avoid the rush BUY YOUR FEED HERE I Corn Oats Wheat All Kinds of Chicken Feed HIGH TEST Gasoline, Kerosene, Oils VAUGHN & SON PHONE 5 Order the day before you need coal. braska, for the taxes for the year 1913; that he has since and after the same became delinquent paid, as subsequent tax, the taxes for the years 1914 and 1916; that said land was taxed and assessed for the years 1913, 1914 and 1916 In the name of uy Mrs. Robert Campbell. 9 9 9 F. F. Peterson has Bhlpped five car loads of calves here which he pur chased In Omaha last week J. W. Guthrie and Miss Agnes Kniest went to Omaha the last of the week to attend an insurance meet ing. Mrs. J. A. Sheldon left Sunday for Wall Bachs, Nebr., going because of the critical illness of her mother, at that place. 9 9 Mr. and Mrs. L. H. MoBher, who have been enjoying a vUit in Pueb A linn f rinKmx m r A ..U 1 n The Ladles' Guild of the Episco- ,,,. .' Ih ' .,, n pal church met Wednesday after- er , (ho reKialer of dpeda ofllre , noon at the rarlsh home. Mrs. An-B(U(, coun,y and lQftt aftM. th(J fm derson was hostess. A short pro- utlon of (nrpe month from the date gram was rendered. Miss Dixie Mc- - of .h, notl- th returning from St. Jos, Mo., where he had been with several car loads of spuds. Aunls i leased with a dance. The ladles enjoyed the afternoon im mensely. The Christian Endeavor Society or the First Presbyterian church held a M. H. Vandenburg of Lincoln was delightful Hallowe'en social In the church parlors Monday evening. NOTICE To Allen G. Fisher: Notice Is hereby given you that Frank Abegg on the second day of November, 1914, purchased at a pub lic tax sale of the County Treasurer of Box Butte County, Nebraska, tho She left on 44 Tues- following described land, to wit: the here the first of the week looking af ter the business of tho Central Gran arles Co. here. The company expects to make some extensive repairs on their elevator here In the near fu ture Mrs. A. M. Miller received the sad news Monday night that a brother living at Mnrtinton, 111., had passed away Monday. day to attend the funeral. Mrs. Mil- northeast quarter of the northweHt lo Denver and Omaha the past two M'r l'9 the sympathy of the com- Quarter of section nineteen, town- weeks, returned home Saturday. ' J.k r 'Zx Meridian In Box Butte County, Ne- Sam Trenkle recently bought 840 acres of land near Letan from Guy Worley. It is said the consideration was in the neighborhood of $8,000. Mrs. Higglns and daughter, Mrs. Murphy, who have been guests at the John Hill home the past wotk intend to leave for their home the last of this week. W. S. Rldgell, state fire commis sioner, has been spending some time in Alliance. Miss Ruth Layton, who has been ill for several weeks past, is report ed greatly Improved. a George D. Darling made a trip to the Gorge Richardson ranch, south of Alliance, the last of the week. POSITION WANTED by young la- stenographer. Frank Abegg will apply to the Treas urer of said county for a tax deed to the said land. Dated this 2nd day of November, 1916. FRANK ABEGG. Purchaser. NOTICIO To Allen O. Fisher: Notice Is hereby given you that Frank Abegg on the second day of November, 1914. purchased at a pub lic tax sale of the County Treasurer of Box Butte County, Nebraska, the following described land, to wit: the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter of section nineteen, town ship twenty-seven, north of range fifty-one west of the Sixth Principal Meridian In Box Butte County, Ne braska, for the taxea for the yeas 1913; that he has since and afta the same became delinquent paid, W subsequent tax, the taxea for tl years 1914 and 1916; that said laT was taxed and assessed for the yeaas 1913, 1914 and 1916 In the name ev Allen G. Fisher; and that said laa stands In the name of Allen G. Flab er In the register of deeds' office tar said county and that after the ex pis atlon of three months from the dot of service of this notice the sake" Frank Abegg will apply to the Trfc urer of said county for a tax deas? to the said land. Dated this 2nd day of November,' 1916. FRANK ABEGG. Purchase. DIHTI RBKH KHCAP13 VIA KITVIIK.V AND HEAR IHXT Three strangers got Into dlfflca ties at the Silver Grill Thursday, with the result that Officer Wheels was called. However, before the of Deer arrived the man who caused tb trouble made his getaway via tfasv kitchen and the rear door. The ots er two were taken to the police sta tlon but were released when It vM' shown they were not responsible f the trouble. Our modern, sanitary cleaning and pressing costs no more than dy, bookkeeper and the other kind. Kecp-U-N eat rnone i s - . I a u 1 fvrvr Cleaners, 205 Box Butte Avenue Phone 133. L. L. Covington, retiring manager of the Haddorff Music House here was at Chadron the last of the wek In conference with the state inanag er of the firm. The state manager returned with him.' 48-lt-7797$ Mrs. G. M. Burns left for College Yiew, Lincoln, Tuesday night, called there by the serious illness of her sister, Mrs. Elwood. Mrs. Elwood's condition is such that but little hopes are felt for her recovery. - mm ? on o k-g ! i The Rebecca Circle will meet at the home of Mrs. J. R. Beach. 908 Box Butte avenue at 2:38 Thursday afternoon. There will be a business meeting of the lodge. A large at tendance is desired. A new steam table has been In stalled in the F. J. Brennan drug store to help facilitate the prepara tion and serving of lunches, which has become a considerable factor In the business of the Flora. The B. S. Prout family will move to Omaha shortly w!i re they will make their home, the change coming in connection with tU promotion of L. L. Covington to i:. imager of the Omaha store of the liaddorff Music House. Senator Vvr. H. Rryr.olda of Chad ron, republican candidate for state treasurer, was in thi city Saturday meeting u'Ciiiiintan"M and looking after bis political intt-rests. He was a caler at the HoraM office while here. Hon. C. H. Durnnri failed to ar rive Monilav nit ht !eliver his ad- drena in tli interest ' f tho Nebraska Prosperity 1-oaguo r as advertised, owing, it i KiiUl, to a mixup In dates. He is exp', '"d lu re f r Friday even ing, wh'Hi w ill t! .-rtr an address at the opt".; house. Mr. and Mr K. C. Sheldon left for tiin r Lome ;it Anaheim, Calif., i iuonuay ni-';ji. i in y nave Deen vis iting at tLu home of their son, J. A. Sheldon, fir tho lust five months. The Shiddoiis are oi l residents of Uox I!u te county, having lived here for nine toon years. Tkcy loft here some fo.ir years upo, going to Calif ornia. Now that cool-r weather la here the flies are hunting warmer quar ters. However, the popular game of "lly-lou" wa3 discontinued some time ago, owint; to the fact that onn of the players had been carrying u lui: p of BUgar In liia pocket und when the proper tin.o came he would jut a lit of tho sugar on the coin. An c;her wlrfe, boy tried to train a buno'i of flies to do as he directed but gave up when he found that he could not tell his trained flies from the oth-is wheu they mixed. W. J. Johnson, living west of this city, received word of the sudden death of his father, at Gardner, 111 and left Immediately for that place The elder Mr. Johnson was eighty three years old at the time of his death. Dr. Joseph Jeffrey returned this noon from a trip to Omaha and Dav enport, Iowa. Dr. Jeffrey left Sat urday, making the trip in conection with the Nebraska Chiropractor's Association and on general state chiropractic matters. W. C. Woods, cashier of the Lin gle State Bank, Llngle, Wyo., was in the city Monday. He had accom pan'ed his wife, who was on her way to hr old hom In Virginia, as far as this city. While here he visited with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Thomas. Mr. Woods was formerly bookkeeper for Mr. Thomas on the big ranch at Lingle. George M. Adams of Crawford, democratic candidate for state sen ator from this, the twenty-eighth, district, was in the city Thursday, calling on voters and acquaintances. Mr. Adams says lie believes the voter should vote the democratic ticket this year because it has brought prosperity; it has given the country a lii:ancial system which makes mon ey panics impossible and has placed on the statute books the Federal Re serve and Rural Credits acts, two of the best financial laws ever enacted for the benefit of the cattlemen and farmers, enabling them to borrow money at a reasonable rate of inter est. Mr. and Mrs. (Jeor;re Mollring, who have been in the east on a buy ing trip for the Mollring ttore, are expected home today. The store force was very happily remembered last week by Mr. aud Mrs. Mollring, who m nt them a largo basket of de licious fresh fruit. Mr. Mollring has been making extensive purchases for hid Ftore, thu purchase.! including a large assortment of merchandise for the holiday trade aa well as mid winter and spring merchandise. Ship ments of the new purchases tire ex pected very boon and In anticipation of their arrival the Eton Is ma&iiig an effort to clear the shelves as much us possible and are offering special inducements this week to buyers. ill) Smart New Skirts There is such a preat variety of Htylc, material and color ideas that a skirt for any purpose will be found. Every woman contemplating the par chase of a skirt should see these extraordinary values. The opportunity for economy is exceptional. We will put these skirts up against anything in New York or Chicago style, quality and price considered. That's strong but we have the skirts to back up our statements with. A Complete and Beautiful Assortment of Skirt Models in SERGE POPLIN SATIN GABERDINE CHARMEUSE BROADCLOTH SILK VELVET PAON VELVET Paon Velvet in Charmeuse Combination, also Velvet Skirts Trimmed in Fur $2.50 up to $30.00 If It's From The Fashion Shop, It's Smart. 1 r