ft m m i mm i m Dray Phona 54 BEAUTY IN DISTRESS HERE IN ALLIANCE Hilling Wife IHwcover Hint 932 Hubby tiave Her Shrank in 1 1 or Stocking to Only $1 Written for last week: What would you do if you were a woman and you received word that your mother was very ill in Arkan sas and your husband bought you a ticket from Hillings, Mont., to Den ver, Colo., and pave you what you supposed to be $55 in bills, and you put the bills In your stocking for safe keeping, and when you came to look found there was but four one dollar bills? But if you had gotten off at Alli ance and went to the Alliance Hotel where you telegraphed friend hus band and friend husband's boss at Hillings in an effort to get more funds and were then Informed that hubby had beat It-'-what would you do then? To finish off with, what would you do if the police at Alliance then In formed you that your husband was wanted for forging some checks In Bllligs and that they had been In structed to watch for him and 'get him if possible? Terrible, you say. Yes, yes. And suppose you were a good-looking blond, a real smart dresser, etc., and were left here In Alliance with a piece of a ticket to Denver and not enough cash to pay your hotel bill? Well, listen to this story. '" Mrs. Glenn Mahaffy is the woman referred to above. She arrived in Alliance Thursday as related. The husband had been employed at the plant of the PurKy Bread Company in Billrngs for two months past and is now missing. Mrs. Mahaffy se cured a loan from her former land lady in Billings and Wednesday night settled her bill nere and pro ceeded on her journey to Denver and Arkansas. Mrs. Mahaffy states that her hus band drew $4,100 from the bank at Colorado Springs a little over two months ago when they left there and is at a loss to understand why he would have to pass phoney checks. Th poltej say Mahaffy, before beat ing it, overdrew his account with the Purity Bread Company about $40, T. W. Farris TELEPHONES: DYE & OWENS liULI Transfer Line J- HOUSEHOLD GOOD? r moved promptly, and Transfer Work oltclt Residence phone 630 and Bine I7 borrowed $40 from a friend and left owing the landlady. j OLD-TIME COLD CURE j DRINK HOT TEA! J 'let n small T'roiit Ten. r eitll it. "liiutiMi : l. itcl:ii;i' if ITauiImn; i-' t ? tiiremn ffilks r .iii-t 'lliec."at nnv nine)'. I :;kr ii tii.il: spiMiiit'ul i the tc:t, !'i;t a uf 1. 1 :.''t wsit.T upon it. I'niir ti.ii.iinli ti si;'Ve and iliiitU n tvieti; full nt any tinn d"r'ii: tlie liny or In-fore retiring. It in tlie iiMHt effective ivhv to break a cold An 1 cure grip, n it open the pores of the skin, relieving eim'.'Pf.tion. ANo loosen t!i3 Uiwelx. thus breaking up a cold. Try it tlie next time you puller from a colli or tlie grip. It is inexpensive and ' entirely vegetable, therefore safe and harmless. mSM PROM STIFF. ACHING JOINTS " Rub Soreness from joists and muscles with a small trial bottle of old St- Jacobs Oil Stop "dosing" Rheumatism. It's pain only; not one case in fifty requires internal treatment. Rub (tooth ing, penetrating "St. Jacobs Oil" right on the "tender spot," and by the tims you say Jack Robinson out comes the rheumatic pain. "St. Jacob's Oil" is a harmless rheumatism cure which never ilHuppointi and doesn't burn the skin. It takes pain, soreness and stiffness from acling joints, muscles and bones; stops M'.atica, lumbago, backache, neuralgia. Linilier - up! Get a 25 cent bottle of old time, honest "St. Jacobs Oil" from any drug store, and in a moment you'll be free from pains, aches and stiffness. Don't suffer t Rub rheuma tism awav. HOIGUT TICKKT FOR OMAHA THEN GOT ON 1JKJ SPRKK Written for last week : Edward Howard giving his home as in Illinois, but who has been working In this vicinity was arrested Monday afternoon for being Intoxi cated, lie had purchased a ticket RUB RHEUM FARM We are Omaha to Omaha before starting on his spree and when arrested was practically broke. He was fined $1.00 and costs and same was remitted on condition that he use his ticket to Omaha at the first opportunity. He was locked up until inertly before train time. The Indies' Home Journal, the Saturday Kvenlng Post and The Country (ientleman wish to secure the spare time of a man or woman to net as local representative In Alliance and vicinity, looking after the re newals of their many subscriptions In this section, and introducing these publications to new readers. Pay ment will be made in salary and com mission. Previous experience Is de sirable but not essential. For details address, with references, Box 654, The Curtis Publishing Company, In dependence Square, Philadelphia. ' 47-2t NEGRO PLEADS GUILTY TO ISH00TIN6 SAM HILL Is Held to District Court for Sentence under $1,000 HoiuIn Was He turned Here Sunday by Cox Written for last week: John Wilson, colored, wanted here for the shooting of Sam Hill, also colored, was captured at Sheridan the last of the week and returned to Alliance Sunduy by Sheriff Cox. At his hearing before Judge Berry in the county court late Wednesday af ternoon Wilson plead guilty an was held to the district court undpr $1,000 bonds. He could not furnish the bonds. Sam t Hill, Uie colored gentleman who was shot through the left shoulder, is being held as a wit ness by the slate under $100 bonds, and as he cannot furnish bonds is also spending his time in the county Jail. yWilson formerly was employ ed as a cook at the Alliance hotel. It will be remembered that Wil son, Hall, Arthur Smith and others of color were engaged in a little dice game Tuesday evening of last week, thousands of people and never dls the said game being staged In a bunk 'r.ppolnta them. Try It It only rosta car near the Burlington tracks In the irest part of town. There was a combination of dice, knives, pistols and booze that spelled trouble front the start. Wilson bad loBt money somehow and thought Hall and his partner. Smith, might, have a little of the coin of the realm and so at tempted to hold inem up result, ITall was shot through the arm. Typewriter ribbons of all kinds The Herald carries the largest stock in Alliance at all times. Phone 340 ARC Y COMPANY M Working for Your Interests and Appreciate Your Business Office, South Rooms 110-112 Exchange Building Stock Yards Station 9 HURLED TWELVE FEET, LANDS IN THE MUD Antrt Hun Into lniM Wagon- Force of Contact Give Driver Joy Hide through the Air Written for last week: i Herbert Anderson, Adams Kxpress Company driver, Is authority for the statement that Alliance mud Is the genuine article. He ought to knowt for he experienced an In'roduction to it the like of which but few have . i experienced. Monday evening Anderson wasnil.i, .Mi,irv 2400 driving on lower Box Butte avenue in blissful ignorance of what awaited him, when A. S. Mote drove down the street from the opposite direc tion In his car. In some way Mr. Mote's automobile became unman ageable in the mud and, taking the driving upon Itself, headed into the; side of the express vJagon. The force of the contact threw Anderson from the wagon, landing him some twelve feet away In genuine Box Butte ave nue mud. No one was Injured and the wagon was but slightly damaged. The horse broke loose" from the ex press wagon, going to a barn nearby. Both Mr. Anderson and Mr. Mote were driving on the right side of the street and had It not been that Mr. Mote lost control of the car In the mud the accident would not have happened. The accident happened In front of the Noho building. Now 1ookout a cold hangs on When a cold hangs on as often happtns, or when you have hardly got ten over one cold before you con tricl aiuther, lookout for you are liatle tc contract Rome very serious disease. This succession of colds weakens the system and lowers the vitality so that you are much more liable to contract chronic catarrh, pneumoTiia or consumption. Cure your cold while you can. Chamber lain's Cough Remedy has a great reputation. It Is relied Boon by a quarter. Adv 'Nov Obtainable everywhere. CIVIL 8KUVTC13 KXAMS KxamliuitionH for Important Posi tions to He Held In Alliance F. W. Hicks, local cretary of the United tSates Civil Service hoard, an nounces the following examinations to take place in Alliance on Uie datos given. The salaries paid are stated. Fll Information and application blanks can be secured from Wr. Hicks at the Alliance postefTlce. 34. o o o o I H(M SAFETY I, When you are In Omaha come where all Stork men stop. You will always find your friends and acquaintances al the HOTEL CASTLE 1ATII AND JONI-34 HTS., OMAHA Omaha's new absolutely fire-proof hotel. We welcome the flock men. We'll make you comfortable and our rates are most reasonable In the city. Booms with private both. $1.50 to $1.76. Rooms with private toilet $1. Oood car servlco to the Stock Yards and Depots. Have your commission firm telephone for room reservation. PRKD A. CASTLM, Prop. COMFORT WITHOUT EXTRAVAGANCE October 24. Automobile expert, November 7. Assistant in market- lnR gnule 1( na,Pf ga,nry lg00 to $2400. November 8. Investigator In poul try and egg handling, male, snlary $1200 to $1800. November 14. General mechanic, male, nalary $720. Assistant In warehouse investigations, male, sal ary $1800 to $2400. Expert elec trical and mechanical aid, male, $12.48 per diem. November 22. Assistant dairy hus bandman, male, salary $1400 to $1 70. November 22-23. Clerk-draftsman, male, salary $1200. Assistant en gineer and Junior engineer, male, salary $900 to $1500. If you are paying high Interest rates in the Building Al Loan call on the Nebraska Land Company and get the money at reduced Interest rates. Second-hand cars for sale cheap. See Jack True, Humer Motor Com pany. FAItMI.lt ANI RANCHMAN Joo Nerud was on the market with a consignment of cattle from his ranch up in Box Butte county. Ho was acocmpanled by his son, J. II. Nerud, who also was shipping cattle. Mr. Nerud has lived In the north western part of Nebraska for a pood many years and is well pleased with that part of the country. The ranchers have had a very good season this year, although part of the summer was very dry. Cattle raising and haying are the chief in dustries out la that sectlen. This 5ear they have a very good crop of potatoes and the price Is very good. Mr. Nernd says that they are getting as high as $4) cents per bushel on track taere. AlfutCa does very welt in Box Butt county, although it ia somewhat hard to get it started. Mr. Nerud says that although tbn country up there .his boen .settled for R. F. Night Calls, South 1498 Nebi FIRST 8(H) ROOMS neveral years there are still a few antelope to be seen occasionally. On herd roams on his range am i;ig hi cattle nt times. Dally Droveis Jour nal Stockman, Oct. 11. ALLIANCE TO BE SCENE OF STATE CONVENTION Nebraska County Com in I .loners, Ku pert I Mors aim! Clerks to Hold Annual Meeting Hero Written for last week: Alliance will entertain between 3 GO and 400 county official the middle of December when the unnu al convention of Nebraska county commissioners, supervlsorn and clerks will be held here. T!i dates, which as yet are subject to chance, have been announced as Pocember 13, 14 and 11. The Alliance Commercial Club wilt have full and complete chart " of the convention and Secretary 11. M. Bushnell, Jr., is already busy arrang ing for the program and entertain ment. It Ib not known as yet wli"ie the business sessions of the convention will be held but it Is stated trey will probably b held either at tho court house or the theatre. At any event the guests will be royally treated la the true Alliance way and will leave Alliance going to the four ends of the state, each one a booster for Al liance as a city and also carrying the message that Alliance known how to extend the glad hand In welcome. Po Toot Have Hour Stoma rh? If you are troubled with sour stomach you should eat slowly and masticate your food thoroughly, then take one of Chamberlain's Tableta Immediately after supper. Obtaina ble everywhere. Adv Nov Marcy