The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, November 02, 1916, Image 15

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    Society Column
Tne twenty-eli guests In attend-
t the hallowe'en entertainment
by Mrs. M. M. Reynolds and
Dr. Spencer at the Reynolds
te Wednesday evening or last
were provided with a variety
hallowe'en entertainment that
make them remember the event
tome time to come. One of the
ling's delightful remembrances
-ariBl be the ghost song rendered so
BMceBfully by Mrs. J. S. Hheln. Mrs.
sin was dresned In the regulation
tume and appeared In the hull
intlng then dlsapepared through
4a crowd. A witch's room was pro
wled for the occasion, with a cauld
m suspended from a tripod, this
toiag in charge of Mrs. A. J. Me
ff of Philadelphia, who told for
aames In a manner little abort of the
twofesslonal. A variety of halolw
,4rtsa games were played and all en
leaved themselves greatly. The dec
orations were pumpkins, wttchea and
4tfcer hallowe'en Ideas. Toward the
.Nso of the evening the hostesses
served hallowe'en refreshments.
Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Baker enter
tallied a number of the commercial
-taen and their families at one of the
amoat delightful hallowe'en parties of
tfce season Thursday evening. The
-awning waa apent In playing games
JavUmlng to musio and In having
avneral good time. 8. W. Thorn p-
, Always efficient, lived op to his
rd ana WBB voted the DtUe win
rjor eating the most pumpkin ptft
The phonograph provided music that
(eased. The ladles were dressed In
appropriate costumes, many of them
Mlly unique and all looked so
harming that In several Instances
farlend husband opened his eyes In
.astonishment at the picture they
presented. The luncheon, consisting
f sandwiches, pumpkin pie and cof
fee, waa enjoyed by all.
Mrs. William Rusnlum, Mr. and Mrs.
II. I. Coorsey, Mr. and Mrs. E. L.
Blhnop, Mr. and Mra. W. Van Lan
tngham, and Mr. and Mrs. R. Evans.
On Friday evening of this week
Mrs. Kdlth Swan Zedtker and Miss
Eunice Hurnett will entertain the
members of the Women's Choral
Club of last season and the new
members of the present year at the
home of Mrs. W. H. Swan, 424 Ir
amlo avenue.
all thoroughly enjoyed themselves. I
Rome sixteen young ladles were
entertained Tuesday evening at the
home of Mrs. Ray Hoag at a happy
costume halowe'en party. The home
was becomingly decorated In true
hallowe'en style, while the menu
served followed out the Idea.
Seventeen members of the Child
ren's Choral Club met Saturday and
organized. Mothers who desire their
children to Join should have them at
the Alliance School of MubIc at 1
o'clock Saturday afternoon.
Mrs. L. S. Jackson and Mrs. Rex
Colerlck were hoRtessoa to eight
couples Saturday night at dancing
and cards. During lue evening a
two-course luncheon was served.
Miss Ola Durmood was hostess
Monday evening at a party given at
ber home at 723 Dig Horn In honor
of her bouse guest. Miss Agnes John
son of Oklahoma City. Carda and
dancing were the program. The
hallowe'en Idea was carried out in
the decorations, black and yellow be
ing the colors used very effectively.
A pleasing two-course luncheon was
served the following guests: V Miss
Agnes Johnson, Mrs. KoolPy of
Crawford and the Misses Maud
Spacht, Ruth Reed, Neva Howe,
Belle Reed, and Mesrs. Kooley of
Crawford, Norman McCorkle, Elmer
Kronevall, P. I. Beach, Herbert But
ler and Homer Cochran.
' Saturday at Newcastle occurred
tae marriage of Mrs. Emma B. Rock
to Frank E. Wilson. The groom re
turned to Alliance Monday, while the
bride left for Sheridan to aid in the
are of a sister who had been 111 the
past week. Mrs. Wilson wll arrive
here the last of the week.
Miss Grace Carlson was hostess
Tuesday evening at a sumptuous
four-course hallowe'en dinner party
The decorations were all appropriate
tor the occasion, being In yellow and
black. The Invited guests werethe
MtBses Edith Reddish, Helen Kice,
Dorothy Blcknell, Martha, RrfcV(
Tholma Fltzpatrlck, Rose Carlson,
and MeBsrs. Edward Froeshla, Frank
Ducchsensteln, Joe Williams, Oral
Harvey, Vivian Hall and Howard
A surprise psrty was given Sun
day afternoon by neighbors and
friends of Mrs. John F. Anstlce, the
party being held at the Anstlce home,
614 Missouri, the occasion bring the
birthday of Mrs. Anstlce. The thirty
two self-Invited gueBts gathered at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Eat
on, neighbors, and proceeded to the
scene of the activities. Several mu
sical selections were rendered by
Miss Chloe Richards and the Mcs-
dames Helling, Smith, and Anfltice.
A substantial luncheon was served at
5 o'clock. Mrs. Anstlce was the re
cipient of a number of handsome
presents. Including a number of
pieces of hand-painted china, fancy
work, pictures, stationary, a twenty-slx-plece
silver set, a 100-piece din
ner set and other presents. Those
present were Mr. and Mrs. Sly and
son; Mr. and Mrs. II. B. Williams
and daughter; Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Helling and daughter; Mrs. A. Smith
and daughter; Mrs. James Ellis and
son; Mrs. A. II. Volker; Mr. and
Mrs. J. Skinner; Mrs. C. Frederick;
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Hopples and
daughter; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Eat
on and family; Mr. and Mrs. J. E.
Whaley; Mrs. A. J. Fuller and
daughter; Miss Chloe Richards, Miss
Pauline tdd and D. F. Mahoney.
Nine of the friends of little Miss
Dorothy Davis wore entertained at u
hallowe'en party Saturday afternoon.
Games provided the amusement and
11 ha dndati dy time. At tun close
f the afternoon dellghtrul refresh
ments were served. Those In attend
ance were Misses Beanie Bacon, Thol
ma Campbell, Paulino Buck, Mildred
Dole, Mildred Gregory, Mary Hamil
ton, Myrtle Williams, Hazel Young
and Alice Zedlker.
Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Jackson de
lightfully entertained at a hallowe'en
party at their homo Saturday even
ing. The evenings entertainment
took the form of dancing to the nni
lc of the phonograph. An enjoya
ble luncheon was served. The fol
lowing guests were present: Mr. and
Women's Club will meet Fri
day evening at the homo of Mrs.
Earl Mallery. Literary program:
Roll call, Indians of Nebrnska. 1
Wars; 2 Chiefs and Tribes Mrs.
Ponath; 3 Slorles of Prominent In
diana Mrs. Campbell. Music
Mrs. Ilert Ponath.
The Degree of Honor ladies were
entertained Friday evening by Mrs.
L. Buechsensteln. All members
wore present and enjoyed a most
pleasant evening. The guests were
served with a dainty lunch during
the evening.
The. fllit public btudent recital of
the Alliance School of Music will be
held Thursday evening, November 2,
in the Reddish hall, at 8 o'clock. The
public Is Invited to bo present. All
recitals free. Voice, piano and vio
lin departments will be represented.
Mips Ola Burmood entertained
Tuesday evening at a luncheon and
keiiidiiiiion in honor of her house
guest. Miss Agnes .Johnson, of Dkla
huma City. Some twelve guests
were in attendance. Cards were tln
principal amusement.
The Alliance lire laddies held their
annual hallowe'en dance Monday ev
ening at the opera house. It was an
enjoyable affair from ntart to finish
and was a success from every stand
point. The hall was decorated in a
most pleasing manner, the color
combinations being very artistic.
Some fifty couples attended the
hallowe'en social given at the First
Presbyterian church Monday even
ing. Everyone present enjoyed him
self to the limit. Appropriate re
freshments were served.
Punch was served during the even
ing. The music was excellent and few days with her mother.
(Written for last week.)
l T. Smith spent Sunday in Hot
Maud and Grace Spacht and their
mother spent Sunday In Heniing
ford. Switchman A. C. Goodwin resign
ed from thp service and left for Oma
ha Wednesday.
Mrs. It. O. Antrim went to Craw
ford Friday where Bhe will spend a
Republican Candidate For
County Clerk
of Box Butte County
' ; . '
I wish to call your attention to the fact that I am a candidate for the
office of county clerk. 1 became a candidate for the nomination on the
olicitation of republican leaders, for the reason that our strongest man,
Mr. Hargravcs, who has been clerk for the past five years, did not want to
run again.
Having accepted the nomination it is only natural that 1 desire to be
elected and for this reason would ask that you give the following facts
due consideration before casting your ballot.
The county clerk's office is the most important office in the county
and carries with it about four times the work of any other county office,
for in addition to the duties of the county clerk 'g office, he also has to act
as county recorder, clerk of the district court, clerk of the board of in
sanity, clerk of naturalization, clerk of the board of equalization and
clerk of the board of county commissioners, in addition to which he has
the taxes to figure and turn over to the county treasurer for collection.
I have been a citizen of Box Butte county since its organization, serv
ed as county clerk for two terms (1908-1912), and retired, and point with
pride to my record as a citizen and efficiency as an official.
With all doe respect to my opponent I appeal for your support on
the strength of being a man of experience and efficiency and qualified to
fill the place. Yours for service,
"The World Do Move"
In this age it is the serving the public in the most DIRECT, faithful, honest and reliable way,
giving quality for value received, that appeals to the ever watchful eye of the parttawr.
Buying Direct One Price Factory Stores
has eliminated all unnecessary expense and profits in the selling of the Haddorf
Investigate this plan it means a saving to yoa
Interest on investment
Insurance on building and stock
Rent Light Heat Advertising
f Salesmen
Salaries toioffloe help
(Clerks, etc.
Traveling expenses of salesmen
Freight fFactory to
Unloading Wholesale House
Drayage Wholesale Honse
Reloading to Retail Dealer
Wholesaler's lroflt
Freight, Wholesale House to Store
Unloading and Drayage
Interest on Investment
Insurance t
Hired HelC
Expense of Auto Tassenger Service
Hetail Dealer's Profit
Wholesale Methods
Applied to
Itotall Belling
Greater Volume
of Sales
Smaller Profit
at the VKR.Y
kami: mien
the Vi:UV
Cull at the nearest following1 Factory Store and have this direct plan explained to jou. Si
in it. Payments arranged to suit your convenience.
HadilorfT Music House,
111 S. Locust St..
Grand Island. Nebr.
HadilorfT Music House,
Op. P. O.. Norfolk, Nebr.
Trl-Oity I'Uik) Co.,
115 15th St., Moline, 111.
Trt-Clty Piano Co.,
Cor. 3rd and Main,
Davenport, Iowa
Haddorf f Music House
Alliance Hotel Bldg.
Alliance, Nebraska
Haddortf Marie now,
4905 S. 24th St,
South Omaha, Nebr.
Hadriorff Mnslc Honse,
Hubbell Building,
Des lfoioofl, Iowa
Haddorff Music Iloime,
3d Floor, Brandeis Store
Omaha, Nebr.
Thos. Rock is laying off on account
of having quite an attack of rheuma
Mrs. J. Emerson, wife of Road-
master Emerson, left for Omaha this
W. M. Weidenhamer and A. V. Ar
nold went to Ravenna last Friday.
Fireman R. O. Antrim resigned
from the service and expects to make
his future home in Crawford.
Mrs. W. M. Weidenhamer enter
tained at 6 o'clock dinner Tuesday in
honor of Assistant Superintendent
C. C. Holtorf and wife, of Deadwood.
Mr. and Mrs. Holtorf were just re
turning from their wedding trip,
which included several eastern
points, among which were Chicago,
New York City, as well as Cedar
Rapids, Iowa, where Mr. Holtorf's
parents live. Mr. and Mrs. Holtorf
were married Saturday, October 7, at
Deadwood. Mrs. Holtorf was Miss
Grace Jones of that place.
Mrs. W. V. Truitt left Wednesday
noon for the east, where she will
spend the winter with her parents.
Norman A. McCorkle was called to
Omaha on business Tuesday.
B. B. Greer, assistant vice presi
dent of the Burlington, was in Alli
ance Saturday.
vide the music for the occasion.
Invitations or announcements of
the smoker have been sent to all
members together with tickets for
the member and a friend. Admis
sion will be by ticket only.
One dollar and thirty-two cents a
bushel Is some price for potatoes and
in fact is a record price la Box Butte
county, yet that waa the bid of a
Chicago buyer at Hemingford Thurs
day for ungraded, bulk Ohlos. M
was a record day all around, 11.21
being the low mark of the day.
Color printing done by expett
printers attracts attention and brlnw
prompt results. Try The Herald's
Job department for your next Jot
Phone 340.
W. J. Root, cashier of the First
State Bank, has resigned his position
with the bank to accept a place in
another city. He has been connect
ed with the First State Bank for the
past year and has proved himself a
most courteous, capable and efficient
cashier. Since becoming a resident
of Alliance Mr. Root has made a
host of friends who very much regret
to see him leave the city.
At the first meeting of the board
of directors J. O. Walker will be ap
pointed cashier to succeed Mr. Root.
The Alliance Commercial Club la
making preparations for one big
smoker to be held at the opera house
Tuesday evening, November 7 elec
tion night starting at 7:30 o'clock.
The ararngements call for a pro
gram that Includes full and complete
election returns, by a leased wire,
long distance telephone and local
service. The event will be a big
feature and will give the members
and Invited friends a rare opportun
ity to get acquainted, while at the
same time satisfying themselves as
regards the outcome of the nation
wide election. Sandwiches of all
kinds together with smoke sticks
will be there for those who eat and
moke. The Alliance band will pro-
Mr. Voter
'Bootlegging" in Colorado has been REDUCED since
prohibition. Government licenses have been cut from 2500 to
103 since January according to the Internal Revenue coleletor
of Colorado.
The whole state of Kansas has only 89 government licens
es less than one-half the number Omaha has over and above
the regular number of saloon licenses.
Wet Nebraska has 825 saloons, and 2200 government li
censes, while Kansas, with prohibition, has only 89, and dry
Colorado only 103. In Omaha alone, there are 601 govern
ment licenses and 354 saloons.
Talk about "blind pigs' and prohibition! Wet Omaha
has twice as many "blind pigs" as both Kansas and Colorado
put together.
FURTHERMORE, Nebraska booze has put 75 per cent of
teh 350 prisoners in the Nebraska penitentiary.
Everyone knows that science, that railroads, that big bus--mess
of every description has denounced booze as its worst en
emy. The saloon has been responsible for more than one-half the
crime in Nebraska for the last year. Eight automobile acci
dents out of ten are caused by whisky.
Two divorces out of every three in Nebraska are trace
able to the saloons.
In Nebraska 75 per cent of crime, 4 Oper cent of the feeble
mindedness, 40 per cent of the pauperism and 25 per cent of
the insanity is the direct effect of the saloon.
The Nebraska saloon has not one excuse for existence.
Think It Over
Mr. Voter
Alliance W. C. T. U.