Democracy Means Efficiency, Prosperity, Economy and Peace With Honor! YOUR VOTE FOR Y IU1 Jl MB For State Representative Means Able, Adequate and Efficient Representa tion For Box Butte and Sheridan Counties in the Nebraska State Legis lature. .' He stands for an economical and business administration of the affairs of our state govern ment; for better roads; for the development of the resources of western Nebraska; for better working conditions for the farmer, the laboring man; and the railroad man; for better regu lation of public service corporations. He favors the enforcement of our present laws and the enactment of laws which will give the boys and girls of Nebraska every opportunity to be come useful, . contented citizens. WHAT OTHERS SAY Lloyd C. Thomas, of the Alli ance Herald, has filed for nomin ation for state, representative on the democratic ticket. This makes two democratic editors in the race. Bro. Thomas is a first class newspaper man and able to All the office. Rushvllle Record er, Republican, Jan. 28, 1916. Lloyd Thomas, editor of the Alliance Herald, has filed for rep resentative on the Democratic tic ket and intends to make an active campaign for the nomination and election. There Is no question of bis high standing with the Alli ance fire department that will .fire him strong prestige In the 'race here In Alliance and his wide acquaintance over the district will be io his advantage. From the tandpolnt of ability to fill the position thero con bo no Just crit icism and he will bo no small fac tor In the race. Alliance News, Democratic, January 2V, 1916. LLOYD C. THOMAS of Alliance DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE for StateRepresentative 73rd District Box Butte and Sheridan Counties WHAT OTHERS SAY Lloyd C. Thomas, of the Alli ance Herald editorial staff, has cast his hat into the ring fdr the nomination for state representa tive for the 73rd district, com prising Box Butte and Sheridan counties. Lloyd Is an energetic young man possessed of the nec essary ability for the position and is an enthusiastic pusher for ev erything that will benefit the state In general and the northwest part In particular. Crawford Tri bune, Democratic, Jan. 28, 1916. The Alliance Herald Bays that Lloyd C. Thomas of that city will jtrobably file ns a democratic can didate tor ropri' ontatlve from this, tii 73rd, dir.tiict. Lloyd conducts a funny column in the Herald, but we did not Kt this informal iuii from that depart, luent. Since Alliance has prown larger than the district Lloyd should have ma do the announce ment In his department. If the district Is to be represented by a democrat, Mr. Thomas would be the proper man to send. Gordon Journal, Republican, Jan. 27, 1916. . The republican newspapers up in Box Butte and Sheridan coun ties are confronted with a strong deolre to support Lloyd Thomas, democratic candidate for repre sentative and who Is also a broth er newspaper man. From many years' acquaintance with Lloyd we consider him one of the clean est, brightest and most progress ive young men in western Nebras ka. It is no wonder that the re publican editors feel Inclined to support him. Bridgeport News Blade, Republican, October 6, 1916. m Plenty of political timber is springing up for the nomination for representative from the 73rd district. Gordon has three can didates' in the field and Alliance has one, with a strong possibility that Lloyd C. Thomas, business manager of the Alliance Herald, will file. He stated in a recent issue that he was being "pushed into the race by admiring friends" and that it was possible he would enter. Mr. Thomas has a wide ac quaintance throughout the dis trict and this should enable him to make a ctrong run for the hon ors. Alliance Times, Republican, Jan. 25, 1916. The Courier learns that Lloyd C. Thomas, editor of the Alliance Herald, has filed for representa tive on the democratic ticket for the 73rd district, composed of Box Butte and Sheridan counties. Although the Courier and its ed itor are not In that district and are republican and not supposed" to butt into the game, yet is going to do so, far enough to say if he is nominated and elected the in terests of western Nebraska will get earnebt boosting by that live wire editor all the time. Craw ford Courier, Republican, Jan 28. 1916. A Native of Western Nebraska ELECTION NOVEMBER 7, 1916 Lloyd C. Thomas is HiimIiich Manag er of The Alliance Herald, the lead ing newspaper of Western Nebraska; Nwretary of the Associated Commer cial Clubs of Western Nebraska; Kef retary of the Western Nebraska I'ub lithers Association; Stato Publicity Chairman for the Nebraska State Volunteer Firemen's Association, and during tils residence of nine years in Alliance he tins devoted a large share of his time to work for the bene tit of this section of the state. If elected his time will be given to serving In the Interest of western Nebraska. He believes that lie knows the needs of llov Unite and Sheridan counties and that he has the ability to serve the citizens of these counties in an eflliient manner. Your MtiMirt U respectfully solicited. WHAT OTHERS SAY Lloyd C. Thomas, the business manager of the Alliance Herald, Is said to be a prospective candi date for representative In that district to follow b M. Broome, who has been appointed to the re ceivership of the Vulentlne land oflice. Lloyd is a particularly bright young man, Is popular and progressive, and if it were not for his doiiiocratlc tendencies would make a good representative. The republican candidate will have to go some to beat him. Bridgeport News-Blade, Republican, Jan. 28, 1916. Lloyd Thomas, editor of the Al liance Herald, publishes one of the best papers In Nebraska. Of course he has a good field to cov er, and he covers It thoroughly. Mr. Thomas is tho Democratic candidate for state representative from his county, and, no doubt, will be elected because he and his newspaper rank first among the boosters for Western Nebras ka. Orleans Chronicle, October 19. 1916. Lloyd Thomas, a prominent fireman of Alliance, newspaper publisher and editor, and public ity man during the convention In Nebrarka City last winter, will be candidate for the legislature ac cording to word brought back from Crawford by Nebraska City firemen. Mr. Thomas handled the convention for The Press last win ' ter. He Is a very able young man, a live wire and an, lndefa-tig-table worker. Nebraska City Dally t'ress, January. 1916. Lloyd C. Thomas, the able ed itor of the Alliance Herald, has thrown his hat into the ring for the oflice of representative. All anyone needs la to read a few cop ies of the Herald to know that Lloyd Is there with the goods when it comes to ability. Hay Springs News, February 11, 1916. From th Nebraska Daily Press, January 21, 1915: Lloyd C. Thomas, state public-, ity chairman for the state volun teer firemen's association, who Is assisting ' The Press In reporting the convention, although only twenty-six years of age holds a conspicuous place in Nebraska newspaper circles. He is business manager and city editor of The Alliance Herald, the official organ of the associif Inn, and the lead ing western N hraska newspaper. Mr., Thou as. or 'Lloyd" as he is called by delegates, the major ity of whom he is acquainted with, has been In the newspaper business for six years at Alliance. He is a good talker and a ready mixer. During his newspaper ex perience be has held such posi tions as state press chairman for the Nebraska Division of the Travelers' Protective Association, .representing 2,000 Nebraska trav eling men, and as secretary of the Alliance Commercial Club. From The Nebraska Daily Press, January 22, 1915: Mention of the convention would not be complete without some reference to the work of Lloyd Thomas, publicity chairman for the state association. While other delegates have been Jiaving a good time after the close or the sessions, Mr. Thomas has been pecking away at his typewriter in rooms G and II at the Grand Ho tel. He has more capacity for hard work than any other man at tending. the neeting and his fel low townsmen have said of him that while other fellows were "ratting around." "Lloyd" was al ways n work. And they spoke the truth. Thomas Is all busi ness there is no foolishness about him. The bright lights have no appeal for him. The con vention did a wise thing in keep ing him on the j( b as publicity expert and in keeping his paper, The Alliance Herald, as the offic ial organ. The Press has been under obligations to him for his woik and for the cheerful man ner in which he bandied it. Es pecially was he appreciated for heving submitted plainly-written, carefully executed "copy" for the printer;, copy that needed very little revision. VOTE FOR "LLOYD therewith submit to you a few reasons why you should vote and support GEORGE M. ADAMS for State Senator of the 28th Dis trict: Iam a native of this state, bora at Tckamah, Nebraska, in the year 1872. Thirty-one years of my life I have lived at Crawford, Nebraska, and, from years of ex perience I have had in the mer cantile and other lines of busi ness, I am in position to say what I think we need in this part of th state in the way of legislation. Of my record in the 1907 ses sion of the State Legislature I am not ashamed, and you are now, certainly, enjoying the social and financial benefits of some of my work performed at that session. I believe in making all improve ments possible for travel on our public highways; also working the state penitentiary convicts on the public, .roads, utilizing the. money so earned, if they have any dependent parents or family, in. filll for their support. I believe the automobile should pay a single tax for road purpos es only. I believe in th,e state printing the text books for the publit schools. I believe in sending the sample ballot out to every tax-paying voter, at least, ten days before election. GEORGE M. ADAMS . Z Candidate for State Senator ! y voter in the cml'; u T?ted ' in some other precinct than where 28th DISTRICT he lives I believe in preserving our State Railway Commission, and am opposed to the Republican idea of surrendering our rights to the federal government for control over all public service corporations, for they yield to no principle of progress that is not forced upon them through legislation. I believe you should vote the Democratic ticket because it has brought prosperity; it has given the country a financial system which makes money panics impossible. The Federal Reserve and Rural Credit acts arc two of the best financial laws ever enacted for the benefit of the cattlemen and farmers, which will enable them to borrow money at the rate of six per cent interest. ' Safety First! Let Well Enough Alone! Vote for GEORGE M. ADAMS for State Senator 4 I fa J v liJs V ? 1 r I i -'...if..-...' v S ' : v. L ,. jSK r : v. It. II A UP Kit lU-piiblicaii Nominee for It K P U HSKNTATI V K Trd niSTUICT OF MJJItASKA 1U Unite and Sheridan Counties A man of Integrity and ability; one who knows the needs of the district from the standpoint of the railroad man, the stock man, the farmer, the laborer and the business man; and knowing these needs he will strive o bring about legislation that will advance their Interests. A speaker of ability and a student of public af fairs. A man who knows how to get results. VOTE FOIl W. U. IIAUPKlt and Have No Uegrets JOHN J. MANION l'niK ratlc Candidate for Count) Clerk Box Hutte County Election, November 7, 1916. 26 years a resident of the county. He has never before sought public office. Your support for a Box Butte boy will be appreciated. The Man for the Place VOTE FOR J M. WANEK County Commissioner First District - Progressive and Economical Good Roads Champion Chief Justico Andrew M. Morrissey Non-Partisan Candidate to Succeed Himself. The Judiciary has been taken out of politics. Judges are not nominated by political parties, but are voted for , on a separate non-partisan ballot. ' Judge Morrissey's work as Chief Jus-, tice has been heartily commended by , those having business before the Su- j preme Court, in the April primaries; the voters showed their appreciation1 of his efforts by giving him a splendid majority. Out of 93 counJes he re-1 ceived a majority of 80; and in the whole state he received 9,993 more! votes than were cast for any other candidate for Chief Justice. He Is in vigorous health; in the prime of life:! has demonstrated his fitness for the' position, and for these reasons you are' asked to help elect him to succeed himself. ' Wm. H. Smith, State Auditor. State Auditor Smith1 is serving his) first term and Is a candidate for re election. His motto has been "Bust noss Methods Applied to the Public' 4 Hairs." The cost of operating hit dt'partment was reduced 15,039.62 dur ing the first 18 months of bis term. Ilia, influence and vote were exerted in securing a $1,018,000.00 reduction lk state taxes in 1915-16, and in raising the valuation of the railroads 5,000 000.00 for taxation purposes in 1911 CHARLES W. POOL Secretary of State - V. E. WILSON The "people's attorney", in rate cases before the state railway com mission is himself a candidate for election to the commission this year. He is among the most widely known Ncbraskans from his authorship of the bank guaranty aim the 8 o'clock saloon closing laws, and his great fight against the increase of tele phone rates. His years of experi ence successively as farmer, business man, bank examiner, legislator and attorney, in connection with the soundness of his views on telephone and railway regulation, especially fit him for the office. Voters, don't fall to voto for him Victor E. Wilson, for state rail way commissioner. He is on the democratic ticket, but he thinks that the office should be made non-parti san. VOTE FOU VICTOIl WILSON -is: 1 Caniddate for Second Term As a member of the State Board of Equalization and Assessment I voted in favor of reducing the tax levy for state purposes in 1915-16, and as a result of such reduction the taxpayers of Box Butte county were saved J4.802.97 In those two years as compared with the preceding two years. I believe I have earned your confidence and am deserving of your support for re-election..