TOi n MORK CROW tXK-IIARTO fKM PI HI Nil TIIK TAST WKl'.K The Ilumer Motor Company In do tal! 10 me rwil business thoan days, celling the Crow Elk-hart cam. I)ur ftajt the paat work cars wore sold to Meaara. J. K. Parker, J. C. Andoraon, C. E. Lyons and I. 8. Terklna. Add ing the four new aales to the lint the Knn er Motor Company haa aold twenty-four Crow Klk-harta In a por ted extending over nbout two Months. Having Implicit faith in Che Crow Klk-hart, In fart bo tntirh flth that they add their personal guarantee to that made by the man ufacturers, and bnrklng this with an MtenaiTe advertlninK ranipiilpn in The Herald, the Humer Motor Com pany are making a big dent In the automobile buslnena In the Nebraska "panhandle." DAIRY MIIOW AT IHIXVKH One of the moat Interesting fea tures of the next annual National Western Stock Show at Denver, rhlch opens on January 20, will be a wll-fledged Dairy Show. The rapid development of the dairy industry flaru the Rocky Mountain statea has made this feature of the annual show an absolute necessity. The coming exhibition will be held under the aus pices of the Colorado State Dairy men's Association, and will contain dairy cattle of all the principal breeds from practically all of the Rocky Mountain states. A full class ification has been provided, with more than 16.000 In premiums. The show will have the support of the principal breed record associations, and It la expected that it will be of wonderful value In the dairy Indus try of the West. Lloyd's Column Our Country's Claimant, Wcxxlrow Wilson Whose rhetoric makes the Old Guard nore, Several others, and some more? Woodrow Wilson's! Whoytelds when reason shows the wny, Though Roosevelt rip, and tear, and flay? Woodrow Wilson! Whose Judgment pave us sound fin ance, And scaled the vulture's broad ex panse? Woodrow Wilson! Who gave the farmer means to do, And put the act that does It thru? Woodrow Wilson! Who forced the "employers' " cruel clip, That held the child within its grip? Woodrow Wilson! Whose courage turned the strike aside Bespeaking all, In faith, abide? Woodrow Wilson! Who turned from strike to media tion And Bheathed the sword 'gainst war's laudation? Woodrow Wilson! Who knows the sorrows that enthrall The unhappy land adjacent? Who knows what horrors would be fall, Were he to war complacent? Woodrow Wilson! Who scanned the spreading confla gration, Saw 'twas past all limitation Acting, yen, with due allowance, Insisting thus, on dinavowance. Woodrow Wilson! Who spread the light of Peace on high. A newborn hope In ev'ry sky? Woodrow Wilson! Old resident: "Young man, you are about to start a weekly paper here?" Journalist: "Yes sir." Old resident "Well, take the ad vice of one ho has Been the rise and fall of seventeen weekly papers In this town." Journalist: "I will sir; what Is It?" Old resident : "Don't say In your salutatory: 'We have come to stay.' " Friend: "Hot water will cure your nervousnens." Mr. Ilenpek: "Not much. I'vo been In hot water for ten years ever Blnce I married. In fact. That's what makes mo nervous." "Perhaps If you heaped coals of fire on your wife's head she would do better." "Coals of fire? Why she's red headed already." Sunday School Teacher: "What can you say about Jonah?" Pupil: "Well, he was an honest man." "Why do you think he was hon est?" " 'Caune he didn't run a corner on flsh oil and whalebone." "I am strongly Inclined to think that your husband has appendicitis," said the physician. "That's Just like him," answered Mrs. Cumrox. "He always waits till everything has pretty near gone out of style before he decides to get it." Two little boys were discussing the strength of a bee. "He can pull more'n a fly," said one of them. "Well," said the other, "I dunno how much he can pull; but when he backs up to you and pushes, I guess, you'll fall back every time." Biggs: "l Just got something to prevent my hair from coming out." Dlggs: "You don't say so! What Is It?" Biggs: "A divorce." Mr. Sterne: fhis te Is weakP Mr. Price: "Then I would advise you to lean It against the butter." Jack front Is a person of low de gree below 32 degrees at the high est. "Is Jaglet adddicted to the bottle now?" "Great Scott no! It's sail to th contents." A lightweight tho burglar. lie waits until the light is gore. A plumber's helper Ten below xero. Calling cards for the ladles are printed promptly and neatly at The Herald office. The prices are reas onable. Phone 340 for samples an prices, or call at the office. on illillliiliynrtliiirtiVlf"'--l"":ir'rU'l'tl1"'1 V I v3 i 4 Phone 290 CROW ELK-HART OARS S U. 8. rL Offli i V VMS. i Phone 290 GROW ELK-HART GARS $795 F. O. B. Elkhart, Ind. Mr. Prospective Automobile Buyer DO YOU KNOW THAT CROW ELK-HART CARS ARE THE BEST CARS FOR THE MONEY THAT YOU COULD BUY? WE DO AND YOU WILL 17 YOU DON'T KNOW NOW AFTER YOU INVESTIGATE. THE CROW ELK-HART IS THE DOMINATING 1917 MOTOR CAR VALUE WITH ITS BIG, HANDSOME 5-PASSENGER, LIGHT-WEIGHT, 35-HORSEPOWER CONSTRUCTION. IT IS CALLED THE CROW-ELK-HART "ZV We Know the Best Motor Car Buy- WE HAVE TRIED OUT THE CROW ELK-HART. WE HAVE SOLD 24 OF THEM IN ALLIANCE AND VICINITY DURING THE PAST TWO MONTHS. WE KNOW AND OUR BUYERS KNOW THEY ARE GOOD CARS WE KNOW IT SO WELL THAT WE GIVE OUR PERSONAL GUAR ANTEE ON THEM AND WE BELIEVE ANY BANK OR BUSINESS FIRM IN ALLIANCE WILL TELL YOU WE WILL MAKE OUR GUARANTEE GOOD. Regarding Repairs- WE WILL FURNISH YOU WITH REPAIRS THE SAME DAY YOUR ORDER IS RECEIVED AND WE MAKE THIS GUARANTEE: If we do not furnish repairs the day your order is received we furnish the repairs ordered free of charge. Our Auto Stock Largest In Nebraska- WE CABRY THE LARGEST STOCK OF AUTOMOBILES IN NEBRASKA INVESTIGATE AND YOU WILL FIND THIS STATEMENT THE ABSOL UTE TRUTH. OUR CONTRACT WITH THE CROW MOTOR CO. REQUIRES US TO CARRY 25 CARS IN STOCK AT ALL TIMES. We Are Proud of the Crow Elk-hart AND YOU WILL BE, TOO, WHEN YOU SEE IT AND AFTER YOU BUY IT. IT EMBODIES PRINCIPLES AND EXCLUSIVE FEATURES WHICH CRYSTALIZE EIGHT YEARS EXPERIENCE WITH THOUSANDS OF CARS ON THE ROAD, SOME GIVING 40,000 TO 140,000 MILES' SERVICE. BEFORE YOU INVEST A THOUSAND DOLLARS IN A MOTOR CAR SEE THE NEW CROW ELK-HART "35M. SO EASILY DOES THIS LARGE CAR TOP THE STEEPEST HILLS AND SMOOTH OUT THE ROUGH COUNTRY ROADS THAT IT IS A REVELATION IN SURPLUS POWER AND FINELY BALANCED CONSTRUCTION. WEIGHT IS SO EVENLY DISTRIBUTED THAT THERE IS NOT 35 POUNDS DIFFERENCE, FRONT AND REAR PROVIDING RIDING COMFORT, ROADABILITY AND PREVENTING SKIDDING. See This Startling Car In Our Display Rooms Today- Ask For A Demonstration WE ARE ALSO DISTRIBUTORS FOR THE DORT AN D PULLMAN CARS WHICH WE CARRY IN STOCK. The Dort Sells for $750 and the Pullman $850 F. O. B. Alliance FACTORY DISTRIBUTORS FOR THE "PANHANDLE" OF NEBRASKA INCLUD DNG THE COUNTIES OF BANNER, BOX BUTTE, CHEYENNE, DAWES, DEUEL, KIMBALL, MORRILL, SCOTTS BLUFF AND SIOUX. Ira mm RG Alliance and Sidney, Nebraska. Dealers Wanted in Unoccupied Territory s -r? i' , ! J !-! : I I. J 6 P i J 1 m EH em m M m m m P 3 - - - t ' ' -- -- " - ' - i-r..-.. - - ...-ill..., .,.,,u.,,,i,n.,.i,..w- .. , '-"' ' 8 " ' '" , , . 1 iiMmiiim n-i lii.iiuniM -unit j .