v tstt 111111 mmtimmm; AM, AWL, 11 mtissm it A AndrewCarnegic 5aic;the man who does not and CANNOT oAYl MONCr CANNOT AND WILL NOT DO ANYTHING ELSE WORTHWHILE. THE. BEST WAY TO ACCUMULATE MONEY IS To &ESOLUTELYSAVC and Bank a toed porton or Your income, no MATTER HOW SMALL THE AMOUNT"? i ,0 . ah A rMu scotch hoy andki.w rAi;.i:.u; CAM II TO AMKHK A. WOl liH III'. HAVE IIIiCOMi: OXi: OC TIIK WOltMI'N iuchkst mi:n if hi: hah spent his "i insr i;ahmn;s? no. Hi; 11ANKI l AMI KAVF.O HIS MONEY AMI liEtAME ICIC'll and row I'm 1 1.. then hi: coi u ai 101:11 to 111: oi:m:u 01s. JJAXK YOl It MONEY. BANK WITH US WE PAY FOLK Villi CENT INTIIKEST ON TIME DEPOSITS FIRST STATE BANK HPHE French of today Jf are famous as pastry makers, but they would not now think of using the crude methods pic tured here that were employed by them some centuries ago. They, like ourselves, must have a Modern Bakery Equipment in order to produce the toothsome dainties that are demanded. Our customers tell us that our pastries are always as good and frequently better than the home kind. The secret is baking genius plus modern equipment Quality ana cleanlintu art the twin motion thb bkry at all timtt. F. F. Stephens Successor to Nohe Bakery and Cafe United Stated Lnil Office, Alliance, Nrbr. T. J. O'KEEFE, Keglster. J. C. MORROW, RecelTcr. Tbe Alliance Herald Is an offl tal newspaper for the publica tion of land office notices. Legal rates are charged for these no tices, as follows: Final proof notice, payable In advance $7.00 Isolated tract notice, pay able In advance .... $9.00 Land office application blanks for final proofs are kept at The Herald office and will be made out without extra charge. We are pleased to furnish Informa tion for Herald readers on land office matters, with the excep tion of legal advice. There are a nuir:r of able attorneys ad vertising In Tbe Herald's col umns who should be consulted on legal buslnens pertaining to tbe land office for Information eair at Tbe Herald office or write, I ii forma lion Department, The Alliance Herald, Alliance, Nebraska CRANK TRIED TO KILL PRESIDENT WILSON leapMl mi ItunnJng Hoard of Car Carrying Knife and Itevolver Was Thrown from Car II S Sheriffs Sale of Attached Property Not Ire Is hereby piven that by vir tue of mi order of H.ilo issued by L. A. Berry, county judi'e, in and for llox Ilutte county, Nebraska, in fav or of L. I llulen, and ORalnst Charles K. M:ynanl, nnd to me dir ected, I will at 1 o'clock 1'. M. on the 30th day of October, l!)li", at the northwest corner of lkix liutte ave nue and 2nd street, in Alliance, llox Butte County, Nehrsif.ka, offer for sale at public vendue the following goodH nnd chatteln, to-wit: 1 piano, 1 dining table, 3 leaves, 8 chairs, 1 buffet, 1 chiffonier, 1 dress er, 1 library table, 3 rocking chairs, 6 rugs, 2 beds, springs nnd mattress es, 2 tuba of cooking utenailn, 3 ta bles, 1 bundle curtains, 1 ironing board, 1 carpet sweeper, 2 sample cases, chinaware and silverware, and other household furniture taken on an order of attachment as the prop erty of Charlos E. Maynard. Dated this 16th day of October, 1916. C. M. COX. Sheriff. Burton & Reddish, Attorneys. 46-2t-776-7523 For a Muddy Complexion Take Chamberlain's Tablets and adopt a diet of vegetables and cer eals. Take outdoor exercise dally and your complexion will be greatly Improved within a few months. Try It. Obtainable everywhere Adv Oct While President Wilson was rid ing about the city of Pittsburg Fri day a man carrying a black satchel made a determined effort to Jump on the runninr board of the president's car. He was finally overpowered and husUed to the police station. At the station the man gave his name as Richard Cullen. He is a H.tsburger, twenty years old. When questioned he said he was dissatis fied with the president's handling of European affairs. In the satchel, po lice say, was found a long-bladed knife and several chisels. The clasp oti the satchel was unfastened. Following an examination the po lice expressed the opinion that the in'in was insane and held him for in vestigation. His conversation, at 1 n,t in u quiet tone, became bitter it ii' i hostile. Cullen leaped on tin running board of the president's machine where the. crowd was very dense, and immediate!' tiied to open the door. 11-: was grabbed by the secret serv ice men and pushed into the stieet. Jumping up attain, he caught up Willi the machine i'.nd tried to get inside. Forced back by those on the car and pulled by persons in the crowd he fell down and was caught before he could again get to his feet. During the fchuffiu a loaded revolver fell In to the street. The president nnd Mrs. Wilson, Democratic State Chairman Guffey and two secret service men were in the car while the president's body guards twice threw Cullen from the running board. WHEN IN OMAHA VISIT THE Cim. CilttT f Mtrtilnnt. tnrytvtj 9w. ltd InrtM! Unit IIMC MiPNti CULT DONT CO HOME SAYING! I DIDN'T VISIT THE GAYETY lLCU5TRATOR5 IDMIQNcRi n i - BtNCRAVER5 PTC Ml fM a WORKING CAPITAL IS NOW POSSIBLE TO WAGE-EARNER 2K Kconomy in low first cost ami small cost to oper ate ami maintain. Strength altility to xtaml up Utnlcr the lianlest sort of tiso. Simplicity a plain sturdy motor in a wonderfully sttoi' ami light car, easy for anyone to run ami care for. The Ford car your necessity. Uunahout ;54."; Tauring Car $;!G0 f. o. Ii. Detroit. On sale and display at FORD GARAGE Keeler-Coursey Company . GAS, OIL, STORAGE Will Sloan's Midment I tell eve Tain? Try It and see one application will prove more than a column of claims. James S. Ferguson, Phlla., Pa., writes: "I have had wonderful relief since I used Sloan's Liniment on my knees. To think after all these years of pain one application gave me rel'.ef. Many thanks for what your remedy has done for me." Don't keep 'on suffering, apply Sloan's Liniment where your pain Is and notice how quick you get relief. Penetrates without rubbing. Buy l at any Drug Store. Z 5c. AdT 3 George H. Miller General Contractor and Uuilder Estimates Furnished Free Phone Black 413 H. A. COPSEY Physician and Surgeon Office Phone, 360 Res. Phone, 342 Calls answered promptly day and night from ofllce. Offices: Alliance National Bank Building, over the Pont Office. Dr. W. J. Mahaffy DENTIST Gas Administered Lady Anslstaat OVER POST OFFICE ALLIANCE : : NEBRASKA CLARE A. DOW PHONE: 233. Electrician IIOUSU HIKING Motor and Auto-starter Repairing ALLIANCE : : NEBRASKA JAMES M. KENNEDY Dentist Nitrous Oxide Administered PHONES: Office, 23; Res., Black 1 FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDQ. ALLIANCE : : NEBRASKA. C. E. SLACLE, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Office phone, 65 lies, phone, 52 ALLIANCE : : NEBRASKA Orle Coppernoll F. J. Petersen Res. Phone, 20 Res. Phone, 43 Drs. Coppernoll & Petersen Osteopaths ROOM 5. OPERA HOUSE BLOCK J. JEFFREY, D. C. Ph. C. A. G. JEFFREY. D. C. CHIROPRACTORS OFFICE HOURS, 10 A. M. to 8 P. M NKW WILSON IILOCK JACK MILLER Auctioneer Jve Stock and Farm Sales a Ssecialty. Write Me for Terms and Dates. Hest of References. ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA BURTON & REDDISH Attorneys-at-I.avf Ii lid Attorneys OFFICE, First National Bank Bldg. PHONE 180 ALLIANCE : : NEBRASKA H. M. BULLOCK Attorney-at-Law ALLIANCE : : NEBRASKA WILL CANADIAN I.ANDOWNEKS HAVE TO lltt'OME CITIZENS? Alliance people who chance to own land In Canada have found reason for worry in the discussion In tbe Dominion and England to the effect Aset for Foundation of Any Fortune! that after the war every lahd owner Now In I leach of Nearly All must be a resident and citizen of the Dominion. It Is the idea of states men in Canada that there should be no dependents on Dominion farmers. They wish all the land to be worked and every man a producer for him self, family and country. Whether will relm burse for lgners who own land In Canada Is not known. It Is under stood that one of the causes of the proposed move on tbe part of the Health is wealth. Health is the greatest wealth in the world the soundest capital, the biggest aeset. lWthout health, the bloated bond holder is a pauper. With health the plodding laborer Is rich. All the ninii'V in the world cannot buv this saii ot health that is absolutely nec- or not tne government eanar to success of any kind. The man without health Is beaten before be begins his fight. He does not ev en qualify for a trial. He is barred from ever trying. This Is Just as true of women as Canadian government was tbe exo- of men. Both men and women have I dus of the German farmers from the meir wora 10 ao. a womuu a juu Dominion at th twirinnlnff h L. W. BOWMAN Fhyslclan and Surgeon OFFICE: First National Bank Bldg. PHONES: Office, 362; Residence, 16 DR. D. E, TYLER Dentist PHONE 362 OVKK FIRST NATIONAL DANK ALLIANCE NEBRASKA PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER At The Herald Office REASONABLE RATES PROMPT SERVICE may be housekeeping home mak ing, and that is the most important job In the world. It is even more Important than the man's job of home-getting. Men and women with health can do their work if they wish. And if they have health they will wish to do their work, to perform their duty. European war. The Germans, it Is pointed out,' are now using the wealth accumulated in Canada to help their fatherland, to which they have returned, In the fight against the country of their adoption. Cana dian statesmen Intend that this situ- If they do not feel like working, It atlon shall not be repeated and so it may be made a law that land owners must be full-fledged citizens. Is because they lack health. If they Tatilac. Tanlac is a health-maker. OI im Iulure a strength-builder, a reconstructive tonic which creates health and strength through the stomach, blood and nerves, revitalizes the nervous system, restores energy and ambi tion, and gives that comfort and con tentment, cheerfulness and hopeful ness, readiness ana eagerness to work, that come from health and strength. Tanlac Is purely vegeta ble, a food and tonic that feeds while it heals sick, sore, starved stomachs. tiimmmninn """imn millTtTTTtrmt When You Have a Cold Give It attention, avoid exposure be regular and careful ot your diet also commence taking Dr. King' New Discovery. It contains Pine- Tar. Antiseptic Oils and Balsams. Ii slightly laxative. Dr. King's New Discovery eases your cough, soothes your throat and broncrial tubes checks your cold, starts to clear your Tanlac may be obtained in Alliance bead. In a short time you know your at the Thiele drug store. WILSON SMOl I.I HE Sl'STAINKD" Jl'IMi E W RAY Judge Arthur G. Wray of York, founder of the progressive party In Nebraska, In introducing Judge Al bert D. Nortonl of St. Louis recently, gave particularly Impressive review of 111 cold Is better. Itn the standard fam lly cough syrup In use over 40 years Get a bottle at once. Keep it In the house as a cold Insurance. Sold at your druggist. Adv 3 Geo. J. Hand.n.D. ASTIIAMA and HAY FEVER Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat PHONE 251 Calls answered from office day r night. J. D. EMERICK Bonded Abstracter I bar the only set of abstract books In Box Butte County OFFICE: Rm. 7, Open House Block "LET ME CRY FOR YOU" BARRY P. OOURBBY Live Stock and Genera Sales Specialist and Auctioneer FARM SALES A SPECIALTY Terms Reasonable PHONE 864 ALLIANCE : : NEBRASKA GEO. O. OADSBY Licensed Embaliner PHONE: Day. 498: Night, 510 ALLIANCE : : NEBRASKA THOMAS LYNCH Att'y-at-Law 1611-1621 City National Bask Building OMAHA Special Attention to Live Stock Claims PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHER All kinds of Photos. Interior an Exterior Views QUALITY PORTRAITS Alliance Art Studio M. E. Grebe, Prop. 114 East 4th. Phone Black 111 VARICOCELE ftllDCn WITHOUT UUllbk rwe KNtrm IT Since 18S5 In Kansas City. I have Hun-caHfullv treated thousands of cf of Varlcwrie, Hydro cele, and allied troubJ-s, The knotted veins, poln, enlarge-. merit. weakness and other. symptoms quickly disappear. Write for Illustrated book. "Without the Knife" and full particu lars free, sealed. Call or address S Kiam Ct. Mo. MuJj i mwm VMm -Clv-inn i- loa CORRECT ENGLISH HOW TO USE IT Josephine Turck Baker, Editor MAOAZ1N1 PAYS 9;l ALIMONY TO WIFE ALL IS PKXXIKS Cripple Creek, Colo. T. J. Scan- Ion sent by express to Colorado progressive acocmplishnients Springg 93 ln pennlt.8 t0 pay all. of the Wilson administration. "Wilson has put into effect twen ty-two out of the original thirty- three articles of faith proposed by the progressives in 'their convention at Chicago," said Judge Wray. "If ever there was a time ln the history of the republic when a president should be sustained, that time Is now." Safeguard Y'our Child Your Ilowels Should Move once a Day I If your child It pale, dull, at times A free easy movement of the bow-1 flushed, Irritable And fretful you els ever." day is a sign of good health, should attend to this condition at Dr. Kins's New Life Pills will give once as the chances are your little you a gentle laxative effect without one is suffering from worms. Kick- grlplng and free your system of a poo Worm Killer Is what you should mony the court has decreed his wife shall receive. The consignment of copper weighed sixty-four pounds. Scanlon has been ordered to pay bis wife 45 a month, and the amount sent today represents two months' payment with interest and costs. He paid about $5 for the satisfaction of "getting even" by sending pennies. Tinner METAL WORK Brazing We do all kinds of tinning, repair ing and metal work. Radiators and aluminum crank cases a spec ialty. W. E. I1AGAN The Tinner With Rbeln-Housey Co. Phones: 98 Res., 695 A MONTHLY For Progressive Men and Women, Business and Professional; Club Women, Teachers, Students, Mln Isters, Doctors, lawyers, Stenog raphers, and for all who wish to Speak and Write Correct English. Special Feature Every Month tfOUU EVKKY-DAY VOCABULARY: HOW TO ENLARGE IT Sample Copy 10c. Subscription Price. $2 a Year EVAXSTON, ILLINOIS Josephine Turck Baker's Standard Magazine and Books are recommend ed by this paper. blood poisons, purify your blood, ov ercome constipation and have an ex cellent tonic effect on the entire sys tem. Makes you feel like living. On ly Z5c at druggists. Adv 3 get. This well known remedy In loz enge form Is pleasant to take and ex pels the worms at once, tbe cause of I your child's suffering. Only 25c, at all druggists. Adv 3 The Sum and Substance of being a subscriber to this paper is that yru and your family become attached to it. The paper becomes a member of the family and its coming each week will be as welcome as the ar rival of anyone that s dear. It will keep you informed on the doings of the community and the bargain of t merchants regularly advert will enable you to save mar.jr jes the cost of tbe subscription. "WVTJfi KAMA, CAutAnvuj , I t OVi torid kjs A tlvt. t t ,09. Jjxomm and -OtAwtC. Q - M aYWt (Rt&A. LEG SOREST ULCERS Minn. lt6 m Kkbsmssi flltv I kawss 41 fullv iiviited tbtiUkhnda of - - -L od VAUICUSK LlAl- KH. My Ion eiiterifui-e. cvmninml with original land UMHleni nitlwMla Irscresiwiu. riiete uic), without knife orpatiia. n rii lot iiuv a tsouft - iijlAw Mtstlud. PAYWHiHCUnED I.' DlTH. J. WHIItiER. r Kiwm till. Ma