The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, October 26, 1916, Image 10

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JUew I'VdiTnI I'artii lnnm Hanks Prob
ably f lor IfcMlelit Ut Went
llinn Any Other Hertioti
It la generally expred that the es
tablishment of the new Federal Farm
Loan Hanks wilt brlnK down tho in
lerest rates on nmnty tni'tied on real
fRtale In (ho 1'itltt ,S'hih. Iiui it
docs not look Hi Ihe rae will be
much. If any, low r limn wlmt t.wii
run bo seeuied for now on farm lands
Ui the older mill b'sf ilmelo ted f.trm
Int? sections of tli eonntry. itenee
It does not seem limine new la
will lt of hp much bi n-fii to the. asi
rn Hint central io lions of this coun
try as it will be to the western pari.
At one of the Knrm lyoan Itank
hearings recently held thruosH the
rountry, a farmer was, asked what
mto of Intercut farmer lioped to get
toney for under the Federal I,oan
Act. lie mentioned four per cent.
One of the members of the board, Mr.
Quick, made this Htateinenl:
"The best that the Federal Farm
I .nun Hanks can offer you In money
at coi.t. What that. coHt may be we
annot pay. The original fTKn.OOO
for which the district farm loan bank
la capitalized would eiy mum bo ex
hutiHted were it not pOMSiblo to Ihhui1
bonds and thus -' tire additional
funds for the making of further Inana
These bonds must fce mild to invest
or.'t in the open market tii competition
with othrrs bidding for the hho of the
Inventor's money. The rate of in
terest which the. bond will draw
must depend upon tlie commeniat
rate at which the investor la willing
to let his money go Into uho. This
may bo four or even live per cent. In
addition to the I nt crust paid on the
bond enough moro nnul be charged
the farmer to pay the cost of trans
acting the business."
Where money can now be secured
on land at from four to Ave per cent,
it does not appear that there will be
much benefit derived In the way of
reduced interest rates by farmers
and land owners who borrow money
on real estate. The. principal benefit
to them will probably be from the
long time with privilege of making
partial payments at their option.
Undoubtedly the land owners of
the west, where internal rates on real
estate loans are higher will be bene
fitted more than. Many companies
that loan money on real estate do not
rome far west of the Missouri river.
They remember the stories of finan
cial reverses in the early days of thl
country, and have not yet learned
that a new area has dawned In the
central west. The land of this coun
try, as its proped appraisement, furn
ishes as goo'l security as the land::
farther east at the prices placed upon
it, probably better; but tbo mone
lenders of the east have not yet
learned that fact.
Hy getting the It. S. government
back of the paper ns'eived thru the
Federal Farm Loan Hanks, it will sell
as readily and at as low rates of In
terest aa that on land farther east
came to a stop.
The conductor niched In and ar.kod
loudly: "Wlv pulled that boll-cord?"
"I did," cal nly replied the old lndy
"Well, what do you want?" shout
ed the conductor.
"A cup of coffee ami a ham sand
wich." "Wli ' i the I I. on the Tonkin"
"They's something Undo' harty-llke
ehoct t l.o attl'O'.frro
VI en t!.e hr:, "f Hiinimer'fi over and
the co( lin" fall I here
Of course wc m'isi the flowers, and
the blossoms on the trees,
ul tl:e i Tin Me of tho hummln'
bnis and huzzin' of the bees;
Mut t'i" a'r'? ?o jippt tizln'; and the
latidt . through the. liazo
Of a crisp and sunny morning of the
airly autumn days
Is a pltur that no painter has the col-
orln' to mock
When the frost is on t ho punkin and
the fodder's In tho shock."
James Whltrornb Itiley.
Poor Mating
The colored parson wns discouro
Ing on Daniel In the lion's den. At
th- conclusion of bin sermon he
roared :
"Now, kin enny ob you sinners tell
mo why do lion didn't cat Dan'ul?"
Nobody answered.
" Wal. Ah'I tell yer,
hunch o' onbelievcrs,"
" 'twas 'cos the most
backbone, an' th' rest wuz grit
a man stopped and
They Didn't Itothcr Hint
Moved to pity at tho Bight of a
small boy lureing n monetrous bundle
yer ornery I of newspapers,
he yelled; i nuked:
o' him wuz "Don't all those papers make yu,.
"Nopp," the little newsle rcpllml.
cheerfully. "I enn't read."
Try an ad In The Herald.
Her Order
An old woman with a peaked Mack
bonnet got aboard a train In Ken
tucky, and afier calmly surveying
everything In the coach she turned to
a red-haired boy ami, pointing to tho
neu-coru asaed.
"What's that, and why' does it run i
Into the car?"
"That's th hell-cord; it run into
the dining car. 1
The old woman ItooUed the end of
her parasol over the tell-,cord und
gave It a vigorous l-rlt. Instantly
the brakes were ho! and 'the train
I Combination II
I Box & Side Pleated I I
I Skirt 1 1
I Combination IMeuted Skirt
with alternate groups of box II
H pleats and side pleats. U
H i:erj thing In R
a i : o i - rr : r t D
ih m iTi'fiiiiifiTi riiiir" rvn in. n x I w.w
I Sunburst and Combination 1
Pleats Sixty Models B
The Most Stylish
Shapes and Sizes 3 y
Hemstitch and I'icot I'dging Ejj J
3:Mding, Beading, Cording H
Scalloping, done on Oar- I X
Imenis a 5
Button Holes I j
The Ideal I '
n..ii o- m III V
Company I
IOMMII-II1 So. I Oth StrtHt I J
OMAHA. XI. nit. I j
. :
Steer Salesman
U1LLI13 LYNAM, Sec.-Treas.
Cow Salesman
Represented at Chicago By
Expert Salesmen in Each Department
Frazier-Johnson Co.
Live Stock Commission
W are one of the oldfst firms ioinr lmsit-t'ss at South Omaha and h,
had years of experience in handling Sandhill
the same careful and efficient service to the
larjre. Market reports furnished on request
esiern tattle. e render
ship er that we give to the
Exp3rt Yard and Brand Men
Union Stock Yards
Office on First Floor
New Exchange BIdg.
South Omaha
We Make a Speciality of Handling Sandhill Cattle
Cox-Jones-Van Alstine Company
Live Stock Commission Merchants
H.() TEL
1017 South lOtli St.
T. V. IKt ;,.S. M:r.
OinaliH, Nebraska
First luilllng south of
Hurlin'ton Station,
one blix k Houth of Un
ion Station. When you
in i ofT the train come
to the Pullman Hotel
and leave your bap
kiaue. You will bo
1 -'eased with the com
t ns of the Pullman
. ' l 1-1 and the rnnven
- me in stoi'iilng here.
Itooniii with nv wit lutut private bath at leas iu.ible rates. European
plan, run n s wlit:out meals. Cafe an! ri" '. i.;ant lu connection
It pays to do business with a Commission Finn Lhat h in a position to
help you. For instance, being located in Denver we can l'uiimh you rantfe.
cattle at reasonable prices and the same class of cntt!" that l:r.vo 1 cei tried
out in your country and proved to be money maker. Wc Lave placed many
thousand cattle in the Sand Hills, all of which have made a wouderful showing
and it will pay you to consult our Denver house when in need of cattle.
When it comes to shipping matured stock we solicit your shipments
knowing that we arc in position at all times to give you first class services, se
cure the HIGH DOLLAIi, and we guarantee the HIGHEST possible NET RE
TURNS. We have been in business for many years and recognized as a LEADER
and BOOSTER and a Firm who can deliver the GOODS. Manv of the Sanrl
PjlH 1 ii'ii Bfl Hill men through comparison have decided that COX-JONES-VAN ALSTINE
OdllU Hill USIIIB lYl6n F0, are best e(luiPPed t0 handle their shipments and today we handle a very
large percent of he sand hill trade.
If a customer of ours you know what we can do, if not consult any of
our customers (no trouble to find them, there aro many) and you will be con
vinced that we are the Firm to tie to.
Market quotations furnished on application Free.
South Omaha
Nebraska Tent & Awnine Company
Tents and All Kinds of Canva tloo-ls for Kamiimen. Hunters. Au
tomobile Owners and everybody dsn-. Send for Illustrated
Catalog rtiid I'rice hist. Write us for estimate on anythinK
special you may want made. If if anything made from can
vas, we ran furnish It at a reasonable price.
GUARANTEE: All of our Goods are Guaranteed Absolutely
Full Weight
1204 Faraam Street, Omaha, Nebraska
OMAHA "Grow with Growing Omaha"
Who is Doing It
vers BroSo & Go
Live Stock Commission
- w m .
BECAUSE They will stand on their heads if
necessary to get best results for their cus
tomers. Try them with your next shipment
and experience the joy of real
"Satisfactory Service
9 9
ltOV It. (iltKF.K. row Snlewian