Special Prices on Groceries Call on the Standard for your GROCERIES and FRESH MEATS. We are prepared to give you your Money's worth. Satisfaction Guaranteed. 12 Pint Mason Jars 12 Quart Mason Jars 24 Jar Rubbers Feerless Flour, the highest patent, per sack Cut Stringless Beans, per can 10c ; 3 for 1 Can Kraut, No. 3 Cans, per can Can Hominy, No. 3 cans, per can 82-os. Bottle Jams - No. 2 White Cherries in syrup No. 24 Y. F. Peaches in syrup, 2 for 7-oz. Tumbler Preserves, 16c value . 7-os. Tumbler Jelly, 15c value . Dried Beef in Glass, 16c value Sunbrite Cleanser, 6 cans Try our Coffees you will get honest values. TRY US FOR YOUR FRESH MEATS. 7 Bars White Russian Soap 6 Bars Bob White Soap 6 Bars Flake White Soap 6 five-cent packages Hippo Washing Powder 25c Gold Dust, 2 for I Pound Calumet Baking Powder, per can : Bottle Ketchup, 10c, 15c, 20c and - - 15c Quaker Rolled Oats 4 Bars Castile Soap Try us for MEATS and GROCERIES. Let Us figure on your WANTS in our lines. We will appreci ate your Trade Standard Mercantile Co. The Originators of Low Prices in Alliance 60 .65 15 $1.95 . .25 10 .10 .... .30 . .15 .... .35 ...... .10 .10 .10 25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .45 .20 .25 .10 .10 the city Tuesday on business. Iarge shipments of sheep are. be ing sent to the feeding pens at Scottsbluff. Thirty cars were loaded at Clearmont. he has been railed as a court witness. 8. K. Stewart of Ellsworth will act as agent during his absence. Jerry Madden, formerly clerk In the trainmaster's office In Alliance, hns been made second clerk at Sherl-dun. General Superintendent Young and Superintendent Weldenhamer have returned from Omaha where they spent several days on company business. General Superintendent Young and Superintendent Dungan of the Sterling division made an Inspection tour In the Inspection engine as far as Guernsey, Wednesday. Dispatcher A. J. Welch took a lay off Wednesday and will enjoy a va cation of two weeks. Railroad Notes Effective October 1, No. 4 4 will ar rive and leave Alliance ten minutes arller and No. 43 will arrive and leave ten minutes later. The change In time la caused by heavy traffic along the line between Alliance and Lakeside. Second operators have been In stalled n P'vo in I ."inland to take care of (! i irrcasr.l onslncss. W. P. Warner l: t':t agent at Scottsbluff. 1;. v. as transferred from EnglewooU. Mr. Anjal resigned tho agency at Scottsbluff to become sec retary of the commercial club of that iy. General Superintendent Young and Superintendent Weldenhamer went to Omaha Monday on company business. October 1st Trainmaster I). J. Nel son will go to Omaha to take charge there and J. K. Johnaon. present trainmaster at Omaha, will come to Alliance. Trainmaster Daley at Sterling and Trainmaster McHride of Lincoln will change places. W. E. Ilawley. agent of the com pany at Grove, has returned to duty alter a short vacation. Operator Newman of Seneca is again on duty after a two weeks' va cation. Oil from the now fields at Grey fcull, Wyoming, Is going forward at th rate of three traltm a week The trains average over 44 cars each. I C. II. Jones of Ellsworth was In Operator Hull has gone to Colora do to get his furniture which will be sent to A nt loch whore he will be In stalled as agent of the company. L. L. Smith, who has been clerk in the office of General Superintendent Young at local Ilurllngton headquar ters for several years, has been pro moted to the position of chief clerk on the Sheridan division, with offices nt Sheridan, Wyo. Mr. Smith lert Monday for his new location. Mrs. Smith will probably leave within the next week to Join him. Mr. Smith has made a rapid rise since entering the employ of the Burlington and his many friends here learn with pleas ure of his well-deserved promotion, although regretting to see him and hia estimable wife leave our midst. Mr. Lau, of the Safety staff of Chicago, is in Alliance on business in regard to accidents and injuries L. L. Smith of the general super Intendent's office at Alliance left Sat urday for Sheridan where he has been promoted to Chief Clerk to Sup erintendent V. Cone. Mr. Tunnel, new claim agent, is here, to take up the duties of Claim Agent J. K. Walker, who has resign ed. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Weldenham er who have been visiting ut the home of W. M. Weldenhamer left Sntnrdav for Sterllnir where thev will stop a few days for a visit wnti F. I). Weldenhamer. F. A. Hlvely was In Omaha th first part of tho week on company business. Taking effect the first of October train No. 4 4 will arrive ten minutes earlier than It has been doing, mak Ing the regular time at 10:48 Instead of 10:58. Also train No. 43 will ar rive later. Switchman P. O'Corry has resign ed and has gone to Denver to engage in other business. M. M. Reynolds, traveling auditor and wife, left Saturday for an east ern trip. They expect to make Chi cago, New York. Washington ana Philadelphia as well as several otnei points of Interest. They expect to be gone at least two weeks and no doubt will have a good time. Mr. Cookley is In the city taking the place of Traveling Auditor M. M Reynolds, who Is on nis vacation. Koadmaster .1. Kno ison went to Omaha last of the week to bring his family to Alliance. C. 11. Hughes, time keeper, was called to Uushvllle on company busi ness Monday of this week. Agent A. A. Spradling of Mullen leaves Monday for Valentine, where V y '4 y T j v -f T -f V y v y v y y y y y y y y y Y Y y y Y y y An Every Day Market For POTATOES We have arranged to handle potatoes in connection with Albert Miller Company Their large outlet and their ware house on track will enable us to take in potatoes any day you want to haul them. See us on your spuds of all kinds. Don't Forget We Handle Coal, Feed, Flour ROWAN &. WRIGHT Alliance, Phone 7 Nebraska x x x X X X X I X y y y y y y y y y y y y I Y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y Uutland was opened as a telegraph office Thursday. E. S. Van JJusklrk s acting as operator there temporar ily. Oneratnr I.. Hall And wife of Son. eca left for Colorado points Wednes day. On their return Mr. Hall will check in as permanent agent at Antl- och. The agent at Lakeside moved Into the new depot at that place Wednes day. I'rovo, S. D., is now a continuous station. Mrs. W. M. Weldenhamer and son Harold went to Denver Monday. Effective October 1 the Edgetnont- Hot Springs local train, No. 215, from Edgemont, 4:45 p. m., connect ing with No. 43, and opposite train No. 216, from Hot Springs at 2:45 p. m., connecting at Edgemont with No. 43, will be discontinued. The Frannlce-Cody branch Sunday trains will be discontinued. Sorietv 5ol. Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Neimann en tertained at an elaborate dinner Sun day for tht families of L. L. Smith and L. H. Highland. Mr. and Mrs. Roy (Jrepg entertain ed as dinner guests Saturday even ing. Secretary of Stute Chas. W. Pool and State Auditor Wm. H. Smith. Mr. Smith Is an uncle of Mrs. Gregg anil Miss Mary AncWson. Little Dorothy Armour entertained ten r.f her little girl friends Saturday afternoon nt 4:30 o'i lock, the occas ion being her seventh birthday. The children all had a Joy vide and then played games until about 6 o'clock. when Mrs. Armour, asilpted by Miss es F.li.abcth Conley. Georgia Can- field. Mary Wilson ii'vl Gladys Sher idan, served a delightful lunch to the children. Tho guests were Dor is Miller, Ellen Frances Allen, Louise Cogswell, Dorothy Itarnes, Falba Cole, Cecil Weidenhamer, Jane IloKue, Virginia Eubank. Nell Gav in, and Irene Ilolllette. HAITI ST CHURCH SKHVICEH Sunday, October 1: liable school, 10 a. m. Preaching, 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m Young people's service, 6:30 p. m. Morning subject: "Can Man Live without the Bible." Evening, sel ected. A. A. LAYTON, Pastor. NOTICE FOR Bn8 Notice Is hereby given that bids will be received at the office of the city clerk for the laying of sewer In districts 13 and 34 In the city of Al llance. Bids will be received until 8 p. m., September 26. 1916. Plans and specifications can bo seen in the otiice of the city engin eer. The council reserves the right to reject any or all bids. CARTER CALDER, City Clerk. 42-2t-7640 LLOYD C. THOMAS of Alliance DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE for State Representative 73rd District Box Butte and Sheridan Counties A Native of Western Nebraska ELECTION NOVEMBER 1, 1916 Lloyd C. ThoraaN U HujtneH Mfaaax tr of The A 11 Lance Herald, the lead ing nepaer of Wlern Nebrahka; Htx-retary of the Anmk-Uued Cotruner cial Clubs of Western Nthraka; Ker relary of the Wtorn Ne)raka Iib liHber' AMtociation; 8tate Publicity lluUnnan for the Nebraska htate Volunteer Firemen's Asportation, and during his residence of nine yeant in Alliance he ha devoted a large share of his time to work for the benefit of tills m-cUou of the ktat e. If elected his time will be 1(1 ven to serrlng In the Interest of western Nebraska. He believe UuU he knows the needs of llox Itutte and Sheridan counties and Uiat he haa the ability to serve the ritixena of these counties In an efficient manner. Your supfxtrt la respectfully solicited. A Shop of Firmly Grounded Principles In a Nutshell, here is why you should deal with us: 1 We carry merchandise of the highest type like A. B. Kirshbaum's Clothes. I 2 We offer you a money-back guarantee with every purchase you make. 3 We consider courteous, attentive treatment an actual part of your purchase. 4 We make no advertising claims which are not absolutely bona-fide. CHANGES MADE IN METHODIST PASTORS Itev. J. B. t'arns returned to Alliance for another year -Itev. Ilaker Alliance d 1st rice su't The 1916 seslon of the Northwest Nebraska Conference of tho Metho dist KpiHcopal church closed at Ains worth on September 24th. Bishop Homer C. Stuntz presided at the ses sion. Rev. J. B. Cams was returned to Alliance for another year. Rev. O. S. Baker, formerly pastor of the AUlnace church, was appointed dis trict superintendent of the Alliance district to succeed Rev. A. R. Bishop who tok an appointment as super numerary on account of ill health. Rev. Baker will probably make bis home at Crawford. Rev. E. D. Gideon of Thedford was appointed superintendent of the Long Pine district to succeed Rev. Baker. Rev. W. S. York, who waa re-elected secretary of the conference, was ap pointed to the Hemlngford church from Gering, succeeding Rev. N. G. Palmer, who goes to Valentine. Rev York stopped over in Alliance on Monday on his way home to Gering. He will establish his residence at Hemlngford this week. Following is a list of the appoint ments made: Alliance Inst. O. K. liaker, Supt. Alliance J. B. Cams. Bayard A. J. May. Bethel Circuit To be supplied. Brownlee To be supplied. Chadron C. V. Powell. Crawford M. C. Smith. Gering J. A. Johnson. Harrisburg To be supplied. Harrison O. H. Albertson. Hay Springs To be supplied. Hemlngford W. S. York. Lakeside To be supplied. Lewellen Edward Magill. Marsland Supplied by Harry Fuller. Mlnatare Supplied by C. K. Shackelford. Mithell Supplied by J. S. Shaef fer. Morrill Supplied by G. E. Martin. Mullen To bo supplied. Ushkosh To be supplied. Rushville--G. E. McCarger. Scottsbluff E. L. Baker. Whitney Supplied by C. E. Cal ame. Iitmg line IMst. I). Gideon, 8npt. Ainsworth O. E. Richardson. Atkinson H. K. Wells. Bassett E. L. Torrence. Butte W. E. Caldwell. Crookston Supplied by L C. Hicks. Gordon J. M. Wingett. Gordon Circuit Supplied by G. D. S. Johnson. Highland Grove Supplied by M. W. Glendennlng. Jamison To be supplied. Johnstown O. W. Gregory. Kllgore Supplied by L. H. Engle. Long Pine W. H. Guest. Merriman and Cody W. II. Mer rill. Newport W. D. Smith. Norden To be supplied. Sprlngview Supplied by E. L. Peterson. Stuart Z. L. Petty. Valentine N. G. Palmer. Valentino Circuit To be supplied. Wood Lake Supplied by L. M. Burson. Special Appointments Left without appointment to at tend school: Victor R. Bell, Clare L.' Van Metre. NOTICE Much complaint has reached me of late In regard to men and boys rid ing bicycles on the sidewalks In the corporate limits of Alliance. Effect ive at once: I have instructed our police department to arrest all of fenders In accordant with the ettv ordinances regulating same. This ia a warning to all concerned. PENROSE E. ROMIG. Mayor. 43-2t-772 The Herald's Job printing depart ment prints anything from a business card to a bound book. Phone 340 and we will call for your next Job.