The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, September 21, 1916, STOCKMEN'S EDITION, Image 7

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The human stomach should only
be thought of when It suggests the
need of food. The health of bo im
portant an organization should be so
perfect that It may be entirely for
gotten between meals.
But to millions of people the stom
ach is a continuous source of mental
as well as physical distress. Chronic
stomach trouble preys upon the
mind as well as the body. The mind
grows dull and tired.
Especially is this true in cases of
stomach trouble that affects the
nerves. The woman who is always
examining her tongue in the mirror,
Is a very pronounced type of nervous
Looking at the tongue for defects
f the stomach is the result of pro
longed gastric disturbances: indiges
tion, sour stomach, bloating, heavi
ness, dullness, biliousness and indi
gestion, headaches all make sharp
Inroads on the nervous system.
Good strong nerves are easily for
gotten. If they are weak and sensi
tive, they are fixed in the human
mind day and night.
The nervous dyspeptic shrinks
from the easiest tasks of life, and is
entirely unfit to grapple with the
harder ones. He goes through life
shuckeled to his imaginary fear, and
failure Is his doom.
"Why have I not succeeded as I
would have liked to?" thousands of
men and women ask themselves ev
ery day. The reanon is their health
and energy has been far below par.
Has your stomach been a failure
or a success? The stomach Is one of
the deep secrets of human success.
Tanlac Is the stomach tonic su
preme. Tanlac Is vegetable. It Is
a stomach fool, delicately adapted
to the needs of a stomach that is
ailing. It perfects digestion, purl
fies and enriches the blood and tones
up the nervous system, builds up the
health and strengtht of thin, weak,
nervous, run-down men and women.
TanUc now is being specially in
troduced In Alliance at the Thlele
drug store
Adv It
Special Jeatures tvhich give ATHENA Underwear its daintiness.
comfott qualities and perl.t Ltikrtd ft:
All Athena garments made
hill over bust and narrow
.across the back.
. Cut lot in frsnt. Strap cannot
lip down.
Sloping Wt mmj tlmm
o body aod tm
SfioolJtr q, hotdt m
i FX
cloud and i Jwy coWoftobh.
aKSa'alaSOTB aVsajaaaAaf lnaft
imim toofar
ATIIENA Uuderwear is
tailored to fit Other
underwear has to be
stretched to the shape of
t!v.- figure.
AT II UN A Underwear in
r.s JiiTerer.t from other
un;' . -wear a; a perfectly
tsl! .1 coat is dir. -ent
from a shapeless coat.
The correct tillering; of
ATHENA Underwear
r.ia!:es i comfortable,
dainty anl in exact con
formity with ths figure.
' 1 I IN
It affords freedom of the
arms and body. There is
no stretching of the fabric
at one point and no loose
ness or wrinkling any
where. ATHENA Underwear is
made in all sizes, weights
and qualities, at the prices
you have been accustomed
to pay.
Each time you put on
ATHENA Untferwear
you will realize that it is
the only kind made in ac
cordance with correct
GEO. A. MO I, hit I NO
"The Store of gaality"
Hot Water Each Morning
Puts Roses in Your Cheeks
3 &i . Xfcs
, . ::::-. :: i, '
-.- .-N-v:- ::
y 5 is
- ,
To look one's best and fee! one's best
is to enjoy an inside bath each morning
to flush from the system the previous
day's waste, sour fermentations and poi
sonous toxins before it is absorbed into
the blood. Just as coal, when it bums,
leaves behind a certain amount of in
combustible material in the form of
ashes, so the food and drink taken each
day leave in the alimentary organs a
certain smount or indigestible material,
which if not eliminated, form toxins and
roiaons which are tben sucked into tlie
tood through the very duct which are
intended to suck in only nourishment to
sustain the body.
If you want to see the glow of healthy
bloom in your cheeks, to see your skin
get clearer and clearer, you are told to
drink evsrv morning upon arising, a
i'lta of hot water with a teespoonfol
of lime tone phosphate in it, which is a
barmlea means ot wasiunir we waeie
maUiial and toxins from the stomach,
f rer. kidnevs and bowels, thus eleaae-
itjr, swevtoniag and purifying the entire
alimentary tract, before putting more
food into tne stomaon.
Girls and women with sallow skins,
lirer spots, pimples or pallid complex
ion, also those who wake up with a
eoattd tongue, bad tavste, nasty breath,
others who are bothered with headaches.
bilious spells, acid stomach or constipa
tion ttbonld begin tnis pnosphsted not
water drinking and are assured of very
pronounced results in one or two werke.
A quarter pound or limestone phos
phate, costs very little at the drug store
but U sufficient to demonstrate that just
as so. ip snd hot water eleansea, purifies
snd freshens the ekln on tne outside, so
hot water and limestone phosphate act
on ti e inside orpans. We must always
tmnsMer thst internal sanitation is vast
ly mre important than outside cleanli
ness, because the akin pores do not ab
sorb impurities into the blood, while the
bowel pores do.
Women who desire to enhance the
bntutv of their complexion should just
try this for a week and notice result.
potato tTMr i,h;k
In spite of the discouraging out
look for the potato crop four weeks
ago, Sheridan county will harvest
the tartest crop in her history. We
have always held the belt for the big-
gest and best potatoes of any county
in the state or nation for that
matter, but this year brats all for
mer records. Fields, which four
weeks ago, looked as though they
would amount to little, are now
yielding upward of 100 to 250 bush
els per aero, and they are nice,
large, smooth, nieuly fellows. The
town is overrun with buyers and
from five to ten ear loads are being
shipped daily. There promises to
be a car shortage. Hushville Stand
Will My Chihl Take Dr. King's New
This beBt answer Is Dr. King's New
Discovery itself. It's a pleasant
sweet syrup, easy to take. It con
tains the medicines which years of
experience have proven best for
coughs and colds. Those who have
used Dr. King's New Discovery long
est are its best friends. Besides ev
ery bottle is guaranteed. If you
don't get satisfaction you get your
money back. Buy a bottle, use as di
rected. Keep what is left for cough
and cold Insurance.
Adv 1
Fire believed to have been of in
cendiary origin completely destroyed
a barn owned by C. A. McCloud in
the rear of the residence occupied by
W. II. Maupln, editor of the York
Democrat, 222 West Tenth street.
No sooner had the firemen succeed
ed in extinguishing the flames, when
another fire broke out In a coal
house belonging to A. F. Bloomer in
the same section of the city. The
buildings are a total loss.
Suspicious circumstances under
which the fire originated suggests
the belief that a fire bug is busy. An
Investigation Is under way by the
The firemen were greatly hamper
ed in their work at the Maupln home
by an extremely low water pressure.
After about fifteen minutes, though,
it in. proved. A strong wind was
blowing and sparks were carried for
several blocks. Total damage of the
two buildings Is estimated at about
1800. York Dally News.
Hoes Sloan's Liniment Help IMieunia
Uhih? Ask the man who uses it, he
knows. "To think I suffered all
these years when one 25-cent bottle
of Slonn's Liniment cured me,"
writes one grateful user. If you
liavn Rheumatls.ii or suffer from
Neuralgia, Backache, Soreness and
Stiffness, don't put off getting a bot
tle of Sloan's. It will give you such
welcome relief. It warms and
ftiothes the Bore, stiff painful places
and you feel so much better. Buy
it at any Drug Store, only 25 cents.
Adv 1
The high Bchool football squad,
some twenty-four In number, are out
practicing steadily these days, under
the direction of Coach Ernie Frank.
The ground north of the high school
has been plowed and leveled and
gives the boys a very fair practice
Suiamer Burnham is the only
member of last year's team who has
reported so far, but there is prospect
of a heavier and Btronger aggrega
tion this year. Judging from the looks
of the "rookies" and their behavior
on the field. The first game for the
seuRon is scheduled to be played at
Alliance, September 29. Scottsbluff
Alliance Testimony lU'inain I'u
hlniken Time is the best test of truth. Here
is an Alliance story that has stood
the test of time. It is a story with
a point which will come straight
home to many of us.
Mrs. Cilia Weaver. 122 Yellow
stone Ave., Alliance, says: "I was
troubled by kidney complaint for
sometime and learning of Doan's
Kidney Pills as u j:ood kidney medi
cine, 1 began taking thm, procuring
them at Holsten's Drug Store. I can
Bay in all earnestness that they can
not be excelled for curing backache
and kidney ailments. It took only
Hhort use to rid me of severe pains
in the small of my back, enabling me
to stoop and straighten my back
without a painful effort."
The above statement was given
July 20, 1910, and on June 7, 1916,
Mrs. Weaver said: "I seldom have
need of Doan'a Kidney Pills now. I
am never troubled the way 1 was be
fore using them. I take a few now
and then and they always drive off
any threatened return symptoms and
keep me in good health."
Price 50c. at all dealers. Don't
simply ask for a kidney remedy
get Doan'a Kidney Pills the same
that Mrs. Weaver has twice publicly
recommended. Foater-Mllburn Co.,
Props., Buffalo, N. Y.
Adv Sept
Clear Kkln Comes front Within
It is foolish to think you cau gain
a good clear complexion by the use
of face powder. Get at the root of
the trouble and thoroughly cleanse
the system with a treatment of Dr.
King's New Life Pills. Oentle and
mild In action, do not gripe, yet they
relieve the liver by their action on
the bowel. Good for young, adults
and a red. Go after a clear complex
ion tod.xy. 25c at your druggist.
Adv 1
Eat less meat if Kidneys feel like lea;
or Bladder bothers you Meat
forma ario acid.
Most folks forprt thnt the kidneys,
like the bowels, get sluggiiih and clogged
and need a flushing occasionally, else we
linrs backache and dull tnixery in the
kidney region, severe headache, rhen
timtio twinges, torpid liver, acid stomach,
sleeph-Rsneaa and all sorts of bladder dis
orders. You simplv must keep your kiduevs
active and clean, and the moment you
feel an ache or pniii in the kidney
nfion, get about four ounces of ,)ad
-nits from any good drug store acre,
ike a tablcHponnf'il in a glass of water
i . fore breakfast for a few days and
our .kidneys will then act fine! This
fanums salts Is made from the acid of
I' rapes and lemon juice, combined with
I it liia, and is harmless to flush closed
kidneys and stimulate them to normal
nrtivity. It also neutralizes the acida
in the urine so it no longer irritates,
lima ending bladder disorders.
Jad Salts is harmless; inexpensive;
makes a delightful effervescent lithia
water drink which everylwidy should taks
mow and then to keep their kidneys clean.
'urn avoiding serious complications. '
V well known IocaI druggist snys he
lis tuts of Jad Salts to folks who believe
" .u looming kidney trouble while it is
'!' trouble.
The Alliance contingent of the G.
O. P. are having their linen launder
ed and the wrinkles pressed out of
their Sunday clothes In anticipation
of a visit next month from Charles
E. Hughes, republican nominee for
the presidency, a clothes-line mes
sage having been received by some
body from someone somewhere that
he wan to come to Nebraska In Oc
tober and had the name of Alliance
on his itlnery. The campaign has
progressed fairly well without pipe
dreams, but now they have started
we may expect them to come thick
and fast and conUnue until after
election day. Hyannis Tribune.
Well Children Are Active
If your child la dull, pale, fretful
and wants to lie around, chances are
it is suffering from worms. Kicks
poo Worm Killer, a pleasant candy
confection, liked by all children, Is
what your child needs. You only
give one-half to one loxenge at a time
and you get immediate results. Ev
ery mother should have a box on
hand. 25c at all druggists.
Adv 1
Secretary of the Interior Lane an
nounces that during the month of
August nearly 4 57,000 acres of land
heretofore included in coal land
withdrawals In New Mexico, North
Dakota, Utah and Wyoming were
classified and rentored to entry, tin
largest acreage In nny one xtale m,
( lasHllled and rentored tx-lng 324.000
acres in Wyoming. In New Mexico
the restoration amounted to a little
over 113,000 acres, and In Utah to
about 18,000 acres. About 3,600
acres formerly withdrawn for power
in Arizona, Idaho, Montana, Oregon
nnd Wyoming, but later found to be
not valuable for this purpose, were
restored to entry.
State of Ohio, City of Toledo,
l.ucas County, ss.
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that
lie is senior partner of the firm of F.
J. Cheney & Co., doing business in
the City of Toledo. County and State
aforesaid, and that said firm will
pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED
DOLLARS for each and every case
ot Catarrh that cannot be cured by
the use or HALL'S CATARRH
Sworn to before me and subscrib
ed in my presence, this 6th day of
December. A. D. 1886.
(Seal) Notary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in
ternally and acts through the blood
on, the Mucous Surfaces of the sys
tem. Send for testimonials, free.
V. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O.
Sold by all druggists, 76c.
Hall's Family Pills for constipa
Adv Sept
The city of Chadron will have a
new city hall, the votirs ot Dawes
county having voted bonds for that
The supreme court of Nebraska
convened Monday at Lincoln. Dur
ing the week about twenty canes will
be heard by the court.
How ( (jre ;mh1 Advice
The best way to give good advice
is to set a good example. When oth
ers see how quickly you get over
your cold by taking Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy they are likely to
follow your example. This remedy
has been in use for many years and
enjoys an excellent reputation. Ob
tainable everywhere.
Adv Sept
W. II. Myers, living two and one
half miles west of Peets, was In
stantly killed by a tractor engine.
He was operating a traction plow
and as the morning was chilly wore
a heavy duck coat. He reached for
something and the fly wheel, revolv
ing rapidly, caught his coat. An ord
inary garment would have torn and
left the wearer safe, but the stout
material held and slammed the vic
tim against the side of the engine,
crushing the head In and meting out
Instant death. The tragedy is most
deplorable as he was an exemplary
citizen in the prime of life and leaves
a large family. He would have been
forty-one had he lived two days long
er. His family consists of a wife
and six children. Sidney Telegraph.
If you want to build a uotne see I,
O. McCorhle and get the money.
mntMiimnimiiiimimiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiMimii llllllll"'llllllliirl
THE Germans, even
centuries ago, were
famous all over Europe
for their ability as bread
and pastry makers. They
are said to have first invented the doughnut,
now popular throughout the entire world.
Our Doughnuts
are famous throughout this entire community Ou r
customers tell us they are "like those mother used
to make," and that is the best recommendation a
doughnut or any other article ot pastry can have.
Quality and cleanliness art the twin motion
rf thss bakery at all tana.
F. F. Stephens
Successor to
Nohe Bakery and Cafe
More tliiin half the ears von s e are "I'onls." Over
a million I'ord oar are in use tolay, rendering ef
ficient economical service under all kinds of condi
tions. 500,000 will he built and sold this year. Ixw
price places it within your reach. Touring car
$360; Runabout $345; Chassis $325 f. o. b. Detroit.
On display and sale at
Keeler-Coursey Company