TitArrioN KMJiMiw hi:t Hur.M One or two rporU of fires started by tbn'Rhiii traction engines hate bi-rn rer'lvil wlmuly. Too much -re cannot ! pxrrolsori by crow driving about over the country for eterythlng i us lry as tinder Just now and a tire hn-nklup out where ran la hlh will he iitjMijr hard to fr-t under control .-- K.lM-mnnt Kn terrrlse. How to tilve JnmI Ailtc The heat way to give good advice la to set a. rood example. When oth ers see how quickly you get over your cold by taking Chamberlain's Cough Remedy they are likely to follow your example. This remedy has been In use for many years and enjoys an excellent reputation. Ob tainable everywhere. Adv Sept 1IU TO GOD'S COUNTUY The Omaha World-ITerald tells an Interesting story In a late Issue, about the fay In which western Ne braska Is settling op. Tart of the article is as follows: The western Nebraska country Is forging to the front and being settled up probably hh rapidly, if not even faster, than any other Meet Ion of the Wept, todny. Statistics JuM made public by t!ie immigration hureuu of Hie Hurling ton railroad at Omaha show that durinc the last twelve months near ly R.000 families, aggregating 20,000 individuals, moved Into the towns along the Alliance. Sheridan. Casper, Sterling and Mct'ook divisions of that railroad. Figures for the Im migration to Union Pacific and Northweptern towns in tl.e same ter ritory are not available, but proba bly almost as many settlers went in to towns served by these roads as went to Burlington stations. This aunrey only covert the eastern edges of Wyoming and Colorado, districts which look to Nebraska, rather than to their own commonwealths for their trade and business. The high er priced land dlBtrict of eastern Ne braska, similarly, Is unton tnd by the surrey. Any district that run attract a new population of this size In the space of twelve months certainly must have '"the goods" and that country Is "there slid over." Will Sloan's Mnlment Itelleve Tain? Try It and Be one application will prove more than a column of claims. Jamos S. Ferguson, Fhlla., Ta., writes: "I hare had wonderful relief since I used Sloan's Liniment on my knees. To think after all these years of pain one application gave me relief. Many thanks for what your remedy has done for me." Don't keep on Buffering, apply Sloan's Liniment where your pain is and notice bow quick you get relief. Penetrates without rubbing. Buy It at any Drug Store. 25c. Adr 3 IIOU.KA DKVAHTATKH HKK1 During the past week Jack Ttchar ner has had the misfortune to lose a large number of very fine hogs from cholera. About a week or ten days ago the hogs began to get Blck and die, and after s number of them had died Mr. Tscharner suspected that they had some contageous disease. County A cent Unruh was called to investigate and learned that it was cholera. The hogs still living have been vaccinated and all of the dead hogs burned. Kvery precaution is being taken by the county agent and the owner to prevent the spread of the disease. Mr. Tscharner thinks that the disease was contracted from feeding some eastern corn that was shipped In.--Chadron Journal. Coiiotipalioii the Father of Many Ills Of the numerous Ills that affect humanity a large share start with constipation. Keep your bowels reg ular and they may be avoided. When a laxative is needed take Chamber lain's Tablets. They not only move the bowels but improve the appetite and strengthen the digestion. Ob tainable everywhere. ST. JOE FEEDER SHOW Second Annual Rtoeker airwf Kwdcr Show Will be Held Hept. iH and 2, with fii.OOO rrwilitm The second annual stocker and feeder show to be held September 28 and 29 at the St. Joseph, Mo., stock yards promises well to eclipse the event held a year ago. The premiums offered of $2,000 serve to attract owners of the best herds of good cattle to place on sale at that time one or more cars of their cattle not alone for the prem iums but to obtain the advantage of the competitive bidding of the feed ers. The sale last year was well at tended by buyers of the central west as well as from Illinois, Indiana and Ohio, and the supply of cattle offered did not equal the demand. The stock was auctioned by the celebrated P. M. Gross, who probably is the best in his class. Mr. Oross will serve In the same capacity this year. Considerable depends on the Judg ing and this is attain in competent hands, the following well known feeders consenting to serve: A. W. Brage, Tuscola, III.; Oliver Chand ler, Fort Collins. Colo.; and E. S. Reeves of Hamburg, Iowa. Entries have already been received which assures a pood number of an imals to select from. The reputa tion gained by some of the cattle ex hibited and sold last year has been very gratifying to both exhibitor and feeder; one load sold In Chicago in May brought the highest price of any cattle except for Christmas cattle up to the day they were sold, and anoth er load was toppers in August. These are not exceptions, but indicate the class and quality of cattle to be fonnd at the Feeder Show last year and again on September 28 and 29. When You Have a Cold Gire It attention, avoid exposure, be regular and careful of your diet, also ccKrmrvee taking Dr. King's New Dlseorery. It contains Tine Tar, Antiseptic Oils and Balsams. Is slightly laxatire. Dr. King's New Discorery eases your cough, soothes your throat and broncrial tubes, checks your eold, starts to clear your head. In a short time you know your cold Is better. Its the standard fam ily cough syrup In use over 40 years. Get a bottle at once. Keep It In the house as a cold Iranrance. Sold at your druggist. Adr 3 l'LVHAIi "W IVES t'l LI.KH I.MiS Salt Lake City, 5ept. 14--Sixteen applicants for enlistment, whose right legs were longer than their port side members, were rejected at the local recruiting station of the United Slates Marine eorps, during the month of August, according to Sergeant Frank R. Bubcd, the non commissioned officer in charge. "I take no stock in the theory that It is a hereditary affliction with a Salt Lake locale," Bald Marine Ser geant Busch today, "but It Is a pe culiar fact that rery many mates of this city have starboard gamhs long er than their left ones. One expla nation Is that the male forbears of this younger generation had their legs pulled so often and hard by their plural wives during the spring bonnet season that the offspring h:n heen marked with a list a-port." for tpenditiirea of awr1y o bil lion' dollars were made. Six hundred millions were appropriated for nat ional defenses. J. ft McCarty of Linrnln has re turned from a trip throuxb' the state and delares Keith Nevilb of North Platte Is sure to be the next gover nor of .""ebraska. Wintield Scott Evans of Scotts bluff took second prize at the state fair in the boy baby contest. The Dutch again declare their neu trality In the great world's war now going on in Europe. President Wilson has gone to Shadow Lawn for an extended vaca t i' Tk attendance at the state- fair this year will eclipse all former fairs. The admissions will reach over 200,000, it is alleged. Your I towels Should Move once a Day A free easy movement of the bow els ever." day Is a sign of good health. Dr. Kins's New Life Pills will gire you a gentle laxative effect without i griping and free your system of j blood poisons, purify your blood, ov- t-ivuiim UMinupuiiiiU biiu uurc nil ex cellent tonic effect on the entire sys tem. Makes you feel like living. On ly 25c at druggists. Adr 3 haicgunru Your Child If your child is pale, dull, at times flushed, irritable and fretful you should attoiid to this condition at once as the chances are your little one Is suffering from worms. Klck apoo Worm Killer Is what you should get. This well known remedy In loz enge form is pleasant to take and ex pels the worms at once, the cause of your child's suffering. Only 25c, at all druggists. Adr 3 CONDENSED NEWS Congress adjourned Friday morn ing. The session is a record break er in some respects. Appropriations VICISSITCES Olv I.IEE The editor of this paper must be excused for several omissions made last week of important notices. His wife had been pone several weeks, his mother taken sick, he was un mercifully alone. Having never played the nurse before his hands were full and overflowing. lie hopes now to be at normal again. Broads water News. rrfj kj i MM f . L Ar Will outlast sereral steel tanks or several tanks made from other ma terial, and cost less money. Thes tanks will keep the water cooler In summer and warmer In winter. Sead for price list today. ATLAS TANK MFG. COMPANY, Fred Ilolsen, Manager, 110? W. O. W. Uldff.. Omaha, Near If you want to build a home see J. C. McCorkle and get the money. One-third off on Wellerware at Rhein & Rousey's. The goods are high class and the supply will Boon be exhausted at this bargain price. 40-2t-7596 HOTEL ROME "The House of Courtesy" Omaha ftootn without bath $I.OO up Itoom with bath $1.50 up Modern Lunch Room ROME MILLER Owner YOU CAN ABSOLUTELY RELY ON The Inter-State Live Stock Commission Company (INCORPORATED) For Results that You Can Show Anyone We Make Record Sales Our Customers Talk About Them Not Us Ship to Us at South Omaha-Look Oyer Our Force I'LL STlCK POQ J- PRES. 1 rar f .. A YJ v. . I n t f Ti Ml IJf -v nil Of -THE II III Ht H 1H" stCTiO J J I K 1IL I'SOJLorTM'Hr ONI - ill mflP F-it.1 RenjRN our ewoMPTvr r9 I J A65I I" COME IN AMI WATCH I ME OPEATe -I'LL. I GUARANTEE WOD SALES anu W6I0HTS JR.M?PHAIL HOG SALCJM'" AMD s lU'i A MOTORiWJ, f At- "MAC ft LlKt I Of THET-" K5 1VE:5 ATE OCK I'LL. MElPYtrtJ 1 6CT BCLI.X 1 PRiCtS J COMW5510NC& 5 JLTTt-AS CHUCK" cox; JIM DONAHUE AVJT. CATTit SALC&MAM y'3A tVtR. W?.M MIM PLt BLHR.IS t r . iinu'T takF (XTR4 CARfc OF VPuR INltReMS I DON' T WANT Mri T PAY , A" f GEO.ASH8URM W unc DFP'T. Y iTK FRANK ROBERTS I'LL NOT VW. ' . TAe a fjfK HAN E Y AJSIJ MIST ILL Sur YOwP RIGHT ho m5 MADE. ' 'IT. y 1 s I'VC. ECN ErM ALL ANX KNOW INTRA stats service has GOT ALL THEIR 5AM J fSfJS;1ty COFFMAN 7 AT ,U All mm.