A LECTURE ON CHRISTIAN SCIENCE By William II. lUthvon, V. 8. R, Member Hoard of lxvturrfhi) of The Flint t huirli of Christ, Nck-nt- Ixt, of liofttlHI, MSNM. On Friday evening, Sept. 8, Wil liam K. Hathvon of Denver, Colo., delivered an interesting and well at tended lerture on Christian Science ia the Phelan opera house. He was introduced by Mayor Ko mlg, who said In part: "My Friends, I am indeed worry to fay that up to this time I have never taken the opportunity of reading any of the teachings of Christian Science. My knowledge of that faith la decidedly limited. "It is a known fact lhat that faith is based upon the teachings of Christ ' Jeus, who taught his disciples to heal the sick and the sinner through prayer. The rapid expansion of the Christian Science movement through a comparatively brief period of. years should set to thinking those 'of us who have neglected to make a study of Its valuable teaching. One of the foremost questions In the mind of the seeker is: 'How does Christian Science heal without the use of drugs?' My knowledge of the Bi ble would cause me to say that it is by the same application by which Jesus healed 1900 years ago. I "I believe that these lectures make ! It possible for more people to have a correct conception of how Christian J Science works." Founded tiH.n the llible To be healed in Christian Science,! oae does not have to understand it. : Iafldels frequently have been healed ! by it, but if one would understand it I or apply It for himself he must be- Here in the Bible, for from first to last, from beginning to end. Chris tian Science is founded upon the Bi ble of our forefathers. Besides the Bible there is but one other text book of Christian Science, the book, "Science and Health, with Key to the Scriptures." by Mary Ba ker Eddy, and this book I would oommend to every one who would learn for himself at first hand the teachings and practices of Christian Science. A copy may be obtained through any Christian Scientist. How comprehensive and Inclusive Is that book may be seen when I name to you the headings of some of its chap ters, as follows: Prayer; Atonement and Eucharist; Marriage; Christian Science versus Spiritualism; Animal Magnetism Unmasked; Science, The ology, Medicine; Physiology; Foot steps of Truth; Creation; Science of Being; Some Objections Answered; Christian Science Practice; Teaching Christian Science; Recapitulation. It is not the power of the human mind that heals in Christian Science, but the power of the divine mind God Himself. The word "mind" as used in Chris tian Science has a two-fold applica tion. When used in its highest sense it always means Uod, unchanging good, and when so used In our liter ature it is always capitalized. This marks It clearly and differentiates it from the word "mind" as ordinarily used, as when one would speak of the mind of man, the human mind and the like. When the despondent invalid rec ognizes that Uod never made a man sick nor a sick man; that on the con trary He has given to man unbroken health; that sickness is an imposi tion of mortal mind and is illegiti mate, abnormal, unrighteous, with out divine law, recognition or sanc tion, he is then ready to turn to di vine Mind, Uod Himself. "Who for- giveth all thine iniquities; who heal- eth ail thy diseases." (Psalms 103: j 3.) I A man's highest ideas of !od can ' be no higher than his highest con-' ceptlons of good, but they should al-; ways be that high, for God is Infinite, ; unchanging good. i A thought of some kind is the foundation, the starting point of ev-1 ery action and right habits of think-j ing lead to right habits of living. j Prayer i riefly to consider what constitutes prayer In Christian Science, let us' take a few extracts from its text I book. Science and Health. On the , fourth page of the remarkable chap-; ter on "Prayer," Mrs. Eddy uses these words: i "The habitual struggle to be 1 always good is unceasing pray- ! er." ! "What we most need is the j prayer of fervent desire for growth in grace, expressed in 1 patience, meekness, love and I good deeds." And again on page 15: i "Self forretfulness, purity and affection are constant pray ers." The Lord's Prayer is repeated in unison at all Christian Science serv ices, and It is invariably preceded by a few moments of silent prayer by the congregation. Besides this, there Is one short prayer recommended for dally use. So simple la It, yet so reverent In Its phraseology, so direct, yet universal In Its Inclusions, so free from every suggestion of sect or doctrine is it, that it can be unre servedly used by any sincere man or woman of any church or of no church. Here It is as Mrs. Eddy has given it to us: " 'Thy Kingdom come;' let the reign of divine Truth, Life and Love be established In me, and rule out of me all sin; and may Thy Word enrich the affec tions of all mankind, and gov ern them!" (Manuul Art. VIII Sec. 4.) Healing in Christian Science is al ways by means of prayer. The word generally used is "treatment," but it is always to he understood that a Christian Science treatment is a prayer, and Just in the proportion that It is a righteous prayer, does it heal the sick and reform the sinner. I rat it tide Vcrsim Discouragement Christian Science is showing that true gratitude, the gratitude that is expressed in deed as well as in thought and word Is more than a mere Christian grace, it is a Chris tian necessity. Not that God needs our gratitude, but that we need to give It to Hlin. Gratitude takes our thought from getting to giving, and he who gives good gets good. For every good that comes to you, let some thought of gratitude to God ring through the innermost cham bers of your heurt of hearts. Do this faithfully and soon you will be doing it easily and soon, too, you will find yourself so frequently In the sweet company of happiness that life will seem to be beginning anew. And It will be the beginning of new things, for gratitude is one of the gateways through which God's blessings enter men's lives. If we keep it shut, need we wonder why more of good does not come to us? The man who is ill, the man who is unfortunate, the man who is af flicted, the man who has not that which he needs, if he wonders why, will do well to ask himself often, in Open sluices of system each morning and wash away the poisonous, stagnant matter, says authority. A glass of hot water with a teaspoonful of limestone phosphate in it, drank each morning before breakfast, keeps us looking and feeling fit. Life is Tint merely to live, hut to live well, eat well, di-jrest well, work well, sleep well, look well. What a Ittiiuiis condition to attain, and yet Iimv very easy it is if one w ill only adopt the morning inside latli. I nlks who are accustomed to 1'eel dull and heavy when tl.ey arise, splitting headache, stuffy from a cold, foul tongue, nasty breath, acid stomach, can. instead, feel as l ieh as a daisy liv open ing the sluices of the system eaeh morning and Hushing out the whole of the internal poisonous stajrnant matter. Everyone, whether ailing, si-k or well, should, each mornin-jr, before breakfast, drink a ulass of real hot water with a teaspoon ful of limestone phosphate in it to wash from the stomach, liver, kidneys and bow-l the previous day's indices"? i hie wa.-tfo, sour bile and poisonous toxins; thus cleansing, sweetening and puri fying the entire alimentary canal before putting more food into the stomach. The action of hot water and limestone phosphate on an empty stomach is wonder fully invigorating. It cleans out all the sour fermentations, gases, waste and acidity and gives one a splendid appetite for breakfast. While you are enjoying your breakfast the water and phos phate is quietly extracting a largo volume water from the Llmxl and getting ready for a thorough flushing of all the inside organs. The millions of peope who are bothered with constipation, bilious spells, stomach trouble, rheumatism; others who have sallow skins, blood disorders and sickly complexions are urged to get a quarter pound of limestone phosphate from the drug store, which will cost but little, but is sufficient to make anyone a pro nounced crank on the subject of internal sanitation. "Am I grateful enough for what I slresdy have?" And the man who is discouraged has but to invite grati tude Into his consciousness to see discouragement vanish like darkness before the undimmed sun. And here let It be said that there Is not one man on this green earth today, but who can find something for which to be grateful to God. If he will but hunt for It honestly and earnestly. Christian Science Is tearing the mask from the gloomy face of dis couragement and is exposing It In its true colors. It may be truly said that nine people out of ten submit to discouragement without resistance because they do not know any bet ter. The ydo not know that it is not only bad, but dangerous. They do not know that It Is a mental In truder, a moral nuisance that should never he tolerated but always shun ned as one would shun Infectious disease. I 1 1 1 1 M 1 1 1 1 1 1 t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 a 1 1 1 t t r 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 iiiiiiiiiiiin ,. I,,,,,,, ENTERS LIKE A THIEF IN DEAD OF THE NIGHT Devoid of ail Hy, catarrh fasten It clutch on lis victim uiuiwarett Catarrh Is one of the most preva lent .f all diseases. Why? Because it steals upon Its victims like a thief; In the night. To be forwarned Is to ! be forarmed and ready to combat the condition, but catarrh gives no warn ing. Before you know It you have ca tarrh. Catarrh usually Is very hard to overcome. Catarrh affects almost every organ In the body and will finally produce a condition known as systemic catarrh. The circulation becomes poor and the organs Buffer. The patient has a gen eral despondent feeling. Sometimes catarrh resembles chronic malaria and again it resembles nervous pros tration. The kidneys become affect ed, and the bladder and the stomach. Then comes indigestion, pains and cramps after eating, kidney affections which so frequently cause backaches, especially upon arising in the morn ing, and many other ills tooo numer ous to mention. At the first sign of catarrh you should do something to check its course. Ten most reasonable ration al treatment Is with a tonic; one that wil aid digestion, enrich the blood and build up the muscles. Hundreds of thousands of people have proclaimed Tanlac an excellent remedy for catarrh. First aid should be through the stomach, causing good digestion and from this "hot bed" of human ills, good influence is sent to every portion of t lie body. latilac is composed entirely of vege table Ingredients selected for their purity ami potency and gathered in many parts of the world. Tanlac may he obtained In Alli ance at Harry Thiele's drug store. IU:IO INJ (' AltlJON Auto owners who wish to remove carbon from the gas engine cylinder by means of a carbon 11a me may do ho without injuring the mechanism if the following precautions suggest ed by the department of agricultur al engineering of the college of agri culture areohtserved : The radiator munt be tilled with water in order to keep water around the cylinder walls and valves. Both valves must be closed and the piston is placed at the top of the cylinder to confine the oxygen In the combustion chamber. If compressed ulr Is at hand after burning the carbon out. the engine is turned over until the exhaust valve is open, and a jet of air intro duced into the cylinder to blow all loose particles of carbon which will prevent it from proper seating, mid so I in pa re the compression. a II ---v- - ml Jim m (I J&.J&ii m m If Cliniuberlalu'M Colic, Cholera and lLitrrliM- Itemed) This is a medicine that every fam ily should be provided with. Colic and diarrhoea often come on sudden ly and it is of the greatest import ance that they be treated promptly. Consider the suffering that must be endured until a physician arrive or medicine can ue obtained. Chamber lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy has a reputation second to none for the quick relief which it af fords. Obtainable everywhere. Adv Sept rut in: on, Kiii.s i n i: Hog oileiK are the cheapest and most efficient means of ridding the hog ol lice, nays the veterinary de partment of the college of agricul ture. One application of crude oil kills both lire and nits. The most con venient method of applying the oil is by means of a iiog oiler, of which there are several good types. They are always ready and require little attention. The best oiler allows the pig to rub the oil on any part of the body. Tli oiler can also be applied with a sprinkler, spray pump, broom, or brush. If there is any indication of (ikitl disease, the parts may be scrub bed with a broom or brush so as to get the oil well into the skin. When crude oil 1h used, the appearance of skin and hair is greatly improved. HANKING YOUt MONEY IS ONLY (iOOO AKITHMETH!. CAItUY YOUR MONEY IN YOl'lt rtHJKET; YOU HIENI IT; YOU HU1ITIUCT FltOM WHAT YOU IIAVK. PUT YOUH MONKY IN OVH IlANKj YOU HAVE IT; YOU AW) TO WHAT YOU HAVE. THE OARRFUL MAN ALWAYS "ADDS TO" WHAT II E 1IA8. BANK WITH US WI3 PAY FOUR PER CENT INTEREST ON TIME DEPOSITS FIRST STATE BANK A THE Germans, even centuries ago, were famous all over Europe for their ability as bread and pastry makers. They are said to have first invented the doughnut, now popular throughout the entire world. Our Doughnuts are famous throughout this entire community . Our customer's tell us they are "like those mother used to make,' and that is the best recommendation a doughnut or any other article ot pastry can have. Quality and clcanlmcu are the twin mottoes ' qf thu bakery at all timet. F. F. Stephens Successor to Nohe Bakery and Cafe tiitiuiiiiinunuiiinuumiiiiiiuiHtnHiiiiiiimmuuiiiiiiiiiiiiir Are You lookin Old? Olr age comes quick enough with out inviting it. Some look old at forty. That is because they neglect the liver and bowels. Keep your bowels retular and your liv.r heal thy and you will not only feel young er hut look younger. When troubUd with constipation or biliousness take Chamberlain's Tablets. They are in tended especially for thene ailments and are excellent. Kasy to take and mo!, atreeuble in effect. Obtaina ble everywhere. Adv Sepl Our modern, sanitary cleaning and reNiiij( rusts no more than Hie tli. The most practical ideiis of Kl.vle, iiiality, refine ment ntul com fort embodied in the p'ortl Coupolot. A storm-proof, oozy closed oar, or a snappy roadster the ohang;e oati be made in 2 minutes. The deop cushions, the wide, richly upholstered Neat, mean com fort and pleasure. Itunaliout Jf-34." ; Touring Car $360; Chassis $325, f. o. b. Detroit. On sale at FORD GARAGE Keeler-Coursey Company GAS, OIL, STORAGE r IS : r i A f , er kind Keep-l'-Ncat Cleaners, 20 - It a mine Avenue, llione inn mumumiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiniiiiiommc