The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, September 14, 1916, Image 15

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    C5TABU3MCD l6S
in w-mmwrn
Oldest Piano House in
! Piano S200 430
Player Pionos 373600 !
Is the time to buy a piano or a player piano if you
wish to save the middleman's profit amounting to
$100 or more.
We sell only direct from Factory to Home,eliminat
ing Agents, Music Teachers and other commissions
and expenses.
Pianos heretofore $350 $450 $500 are now offered
and sold at $200 $225 $250, prices not duplicated
Easy Terms $5.00 per month and upwards will do. '
Write today for free catalog and special offer to first
buyers in your locality it means dollars for you.
1311-13 Farnam Street
Dept.D 133 Omaha, Neb.
lil Transfer Lim
moved promptly, and
Transfer Work solicited.
Dray Fhon 64
Residence phone 636 and Bine B7
tHinmitT ttnfTtttit;iritmTnrti'nttntTTT
Lloyd's Column
5TY.V , -V. I
. $ .- ". , J
- . .. .....
ter his defeat, he heard that Wash
had voted against blui
"He sent for the old man.
" 'Uncle Wash.' he said, 'Is It true
that you voted a gal nut me yester
day ?
" 'Vas, Mars Charles; I done voted
de Republican ticket, Uncle Wash
" 'Well, said the defeated candi
date, 'I like frankness, anyway; so
here's a dollar for your rundor.'
"Uncle Wash pouched the dolar.
Then he scratched bis head, chuckled
and sitid:
" 'Mars Charles, If you's buyln can
dor you owes me fo' dollars nio' kase
I voted agin' you five times.' "
Wanted Ileal Cow's .Milk
Wayne MacVeagh the lawyer and
diplomat, has on the outskirts of
Philadelphia an admirable stock
farm. One day last summer some
poor children were permitted to go
over his farm, and when their Inspec
tion was done, to each of them was
given a glass of milk.
The milk was excellent. It came,
In fact, from a $2,000 cow.
"Well, boys, how do you like It?"
the farmer Bald, when they had
drained their glasses.
"Gee! Fine!" said one little fel
low. Then, after a pause, he added:
"I wisht our milkman kep' a cow."
Tlie Compliment In Appreciated
After a newspaper man works six
and three-quarter days a week, six
teen hours each day; gets up at one
o'clock In the morning and works for
the next six hours on a murder case
In order to get the news first hand;
meets the four o'clock morning train
to Interview W. J. Bryan; rides
eighty miles In the hot sun and wind
In a Ford auto to visit a fair at a
neighboring town getting sunburned
until he looks like a boiled ham;
rides most of the night the following
night In the selfsame Ford In order
to be back In time for work the next
day, besides doing u few things not
mentioned, he feels pretty well re
paid for his efforts to tlnd compli
ments like the following, which ap
peared in the oGrdon Journal last
week: "The Alliance Herald reached
us last week with twenty pages of
home print. It was full to overflow
ing with good live news and adver
tising matter. It certainly looks like
Alliance was made up of Rome live
wires and business boosters."
Want to Nell UN Outlit
On opening up the otlice one
morning last week we found the fol
lowing nolo underneath our door
"Deal mister editor, do you know of
envbudv who wants to buy a kun-
duckters outlit. including uniform
koat, kap and kit. also a tiket punch?
I wuz agoin ter be a strike breaker
but them dog gon mutts didnt go out
and I htv no use fer the outlit.
need the mun and wil pay you wel
ef you w ill git me a buyer. I Won't
Work at not bin' else pence I jined
the I. W. W.'s. I em agin Wilson
bekaws lie stout the strike, ain't
The Bungalow
Bungalow homes arc becoming
more popular every season. But why
waste your time looking about at ran
dom? We have plans for scores of
different designs that may suit you bet
ter than any home you have ever seen.
Lumber and All Material
Wc can furnish you material as
well as ideas. Our yard is well stocked
with flooring, siding, shingles, sheath
ing, dimension lumber, building paper,
lath, roofing and building materials of
all kinds.
Costs nothing to talk with us and
we can save you money if you buy.
His Ambition
I wish I was a rock a-sittin' on a hill
A-doiu' nothin' all day long
Hut just a-sittin' still.
I wouldn't eat,
I wouldn't sleep,
I wouldn't even wash.
I'd Just nit there a thousand years
And test myself, by-gosh!
Mi-Clary's Magazine.
The lo:saKe Indicated It
Johnny: "Pa. did Moses have dys
pensia like you?"
Father: "How do I know? What
makes you ask such a question?"
Johnny: "Why our Sunday school
teacher says the Iord gave Moses
two tablets."
MMook His "falling"
A parson of a country church re
cently tenderly announced that he
had received a call to another field.
After the service, one of the deacons
approached the parson saying:
"I've been thinking of the an
nouncement that you made. Are
they offering you more money in that
new tleld?"
"Oh, yeB. brother," was the reply.
"Three hundred dollars more."
"Well. I don't blame you for go
ing, parson, but in making that an
nouncement you didn't use the right
term. That isn t a 'call ; it s a
'raise.'" Frances II. Phtpps, Flori
Eat less meat if Kidney i feel like leu
or Bladder bothers you Meat
forms uric acid.
Don't Stay Gray! It Darkens
So Naturally that No
body can Tell.
You can turn gray. faded hair beau
tifully dark and lustrou almost over
night if you'll get a 50-cnt bottle of
"Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound"
at any drug store. Millions of bottles of
thl of fnroo Sucre Tcfl florin, im
proved by tne addition of other ingredi
ents, are sold annually, says a well
known druggist here, because it darkens
the hair so naturally and evenly that no
onp enn tell it has been applied
Those whose hair is turning grav or
becoming faded have a surprise awaiting
them, because after one or two applica
tions the gray hair vanishes and your
Jocks become luxuriantly dark and beau
tiful. This is the ape of youth. Cray-haired,
unattractive folks aren't wanted around,
no get busy with Wyilh's Sasre and Sul
phur Compound to-night and you'll lie de
lighted with jour c!:irk, handsome hair
and your youthful appearand' within a
few days.
This preparation is a toilet requisite
and is net intended for the cure, mitiga
tion or prevention of disease.
Will be at the
Druke Hotel
Thursday, Neptemr 2H. Il
Hours 10 A. M. to 8 I'. M.
Remarkable Success of These Talent
ed Physicians in the Treatment ef
Chronic Diseases THFJK KKKVICK8
Most folks forget tlixt the kidneye.
like tiie bowels, get sluggish and clogged
and need a Hushing occasionally, else we
have backache and dull misery in the
kidney region, severe headaches, rheu
matic twinges, torpid liver, acid stomuch,
sleeplessness and all sorts of bla.ldpr dis
orders. You simply must keep your kiout-v
active and clean, and the moment you
feel an ache or pain in the kidney
region, get about four ounces of Jad
"alts from any good drug store here,
Like a tablespoonful in a glass of water
M:fore breakfast for a few days and
vour kidneys will then act fine. This
famous salts is made from the acid of
grapes and lemon juice, combined with
litbia, and is harmless to flush clogged
kidneys anil stimulate them to norma
activity. It also neutralizes the acids
in the urine so it no longer irritates,
thus ending bladder disorders.
Jad Salts is harmless; inexpensive-,
makes a delightful effervescent lithia
tfaler drink which everyliody should taki.
!"! und then to keep their kidneys clean,
' avoiding serious complications.
wi ll known local druggist siys ho
. , m lets of Jad Salts to fnlks v ho believe
i eve;. ' Miing kidney tioiil'le while it is
' t'euille.
Three ktmow liijurel lletweien 25
and no building wrecked by
the terrific wind
Fall Is the best time to start cows
on official tests, says the dairy hus
bandry department at the state uni
versity farm, Lincoln.
Saturday night's cyclonic storm at
Cairo and vicinity caused a loss esti
mated at Trom J20.000 to 125,000.
covered one-third by Insurance. Be
tween 25 and 50 buildings, including
half a dozen very large barns, Brod
erson's greenhouse, the Cairo alfalfa
mill, Rasmussen's implement store
house, the Harrison lumber yards and
the city's largest dancing hall, were
either partly or wholly wrecked.
The farms of Pat Swan. Krants &
Son, Teler Klllot and C. Miller were
most badly hit for farm property.
Mrs. Sylvester Deffenbaugh. who was
crushed by a falling wall when the
house was moved from the founda
tion, being in the cellar for protection
recovered consciousness and will re
cover. J. E. Uodgera and Mike Mar
tin were Blightly injured by flying de
bris. The greatest power of the storm
seemed to remain about 20 feet above
(he e;:i!li. or greater damage would
have b -en done. The area covered
was eb-oit 4 sipiarc miles. The de
luge of rain came suddenly and men
caught in it report that horses stood
stock-still in the roads and absolute
ly refu '-.I to budge.
The United Doctors, licensed bj
the State of Nebraska for the treat
ment of deformities and all nervous
and chronic diseases of men, women
and children, oiler to all who call on
this visit, consultation, examination
und advice free, muring uo charge
whatever except tL actual coat of
treatment for the puipose of proving
that they have at Ir.ot discovered a
system and metl i A treatments
that are reasona' i..e an.1 certaia
in their result'
These Doctoib ic uiiong Ameri
ca's leading stomuch and nerve spec
ialists, and are experts 'n the treat
ment of chronic diseases of the
blood, liver, stomach, Intestines,
kin, nerves, heart, spleen, kidneys
or bladder, rheumatism, sciatica, di
abetes, bed-wetting, ape worm, leg
ulcers, weak lungs, and thoso afflict
ed with long standing, deep seated,
chronic diseases, that have baffled
the skill of other physicians, shrould
not fall to call. Deafness has often
been cured In sixty days.
According to their system no more
operation for appendicitis, gall
stones, tumors, goiter, piles, etc., aa
all cases accepted will be treated
without operation or hypodermic in
jection, as they were among the first
in America to earn the name of
"Bloodless Surgeons," by doing away
with all pain in the successful treat
ment of these dangerous diseases.
If you have kidney or bladder
troubles bring a two ounce bottle of
your urine for chemical analysis and
microscopic examination.
Worn-out and run-down men or
women, no matter what your ailment
may be, no matter what you have
been told, or the experience you have
had with other physicians, settle it
forever In your mind. If your caae
Is Incurable they will tell you so.
Consult them upon this visit. It
tests you nothing.
Uemei br, this free offer Is for
this visit only.
Married ladies must come with
their husbands and minors with their
Lulxtratork's, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Then you realize the utter weakness
that robs ambition, destroys appetite,
The farmer also has more leisure i an(j wor a burden.
time to put the cows In shape fo care
for them during the early part of the
test. Information regarding tests
n ay be obtained from the dairy hus
bandry department. It is a good
plan to get full information on test
ing some time before you plan to
;iltL WANTKD Inquire at
ance Steam liauudry.
To restore tliat strength and staminathat
Is so essential, nothing has ever equaled
or compared with Scott's Kuiulsion, be-
! cause it. strength -sustaining nounsh
j inent invigorates the blood to distribute
i energy throughout the body while its tonic
' value sharpens the appetite and restores
health in a natural, permanent way.
If you are run down, tired, nervous
overworked or lack strength, get Scott' -Emulsion
to-day. It is free from alohol.
Scott flt bowur, Bloomheld, N. J.
Official testing has iocreased ia
Nebraska nearly 300 per cent the
last year, according to figures pre
pared by the dairy husbandry de
partment of the university agricul
tural college.
Fourteen breeders made tests in
the year 1915-1916 as compared
with 6 in 1914-1915. Many inquir
ies have been received at the college
of agriculture, and the indications
are that many breeders will start of
ficial tests this fall. This shows that
Nebraska farmers are realizing the
benefit of the official test. One of
the advantages that makes a specU.1
appeal to breeders Is that It adver
tises good stock the farmer may have
for sale.
The Common Prayer
"Johnny," said a Sunday school
teacher, "do you say prayer every
"No. ma'am, but my fother does
said Johnny, whose dad Is a hard
ware man.
"And what prayer does your fath
er say. Johnny?"
"He says, 'Oh, Lord, how 1 do hate
lo get up.' "
A Good Place to Stop
Western Hotel has been remodeled
and is the most up-to-date rooming
house in Alliance
4 6 clean, airy, modern outside rooms. Every one desirable.
Modern bath rooms on each floor. Plenty of bot water.
New mattresses, springs and beds. They sleep fine.
Ice water and other conveniences.
Location desirable. One-half block north of depot.
Prices are reasonable. Rooms rented by day or week.
Give us a trial. We guarantee satisfaction.
The Western Hotel
110 Box Butte Avenue
A. B. WHEKLEIt, Proprietor
Alliance, Nebraska
Man Want hut Little
It was In the far South.
"How's times?" asked the tourist.
"Pretty tolerable, stranger." re
sponded the old fellow who was sit
ting idly on teh stump of a tree. "I
had a pile of brush to burn and the
lightning set tire to it and saved me
the trouble of burning it up."
"That was good."
"I had some trees to cut down, but
the cyclone leveled them and saved
me the trouble."
"Kemarkable! But what are you
doing now?"
"Waal, stranger, I'm waiting now
for an earth quake to come along and
shake the potatoes out of the
Candor Uncanncd
Senator La Follette, apropos of
certain frank confessions In "high
finance," said:
"Candid, at any rate, isn't It? In
fact, it's all so very candid that it re
minds me of Uncle Wash White.
"Uncle Wash had been a servant
in the Carroll family for many years,
and so. when young Charley Carroll
ran for congress, he naturally expect
ed the old man to support him. Char
ley Carroll was a good deal disap
pointed, therefore, when, the day af-
: ' p. O. B. DETROIT
ll !
The world's record twenty'
two thousand and twenty-two
miles without stopping the
motor is held by a Maxwell
stock touring car.
NO other car at any price has ever approached
this wonderful record of endurance.
In addition to this proven sturdiness, remember that the
Maxwell averages between 25 and 30 miles per gallon
of gasoline.
Moreover, the Maxwell is complete. It has elec
tric starter and lights; demountable rims; one-man
mohair top; speedometer; roomy, comfortable seats and
an attractive appearance.
Are you particular about details? Do you demand
evidence of value? If so, you will investigate the
Maxwell, the features, record and reputation of which
proclaim it the world's greatest motor car value. Touring Cur, S59S S-pmamengur Cabriolet, S86S
3-paasener Romdater 580 6-paasemtvr Town Car, 915
5-p)t'6ar SoJai, fiSS
Geo. F. Hedgecock Auto Company
j I 5-pmaaenger Touring Cur, S59S 2-paaaenger Cabriolet, $863
I 3-psaenr Romdater 580 6-paaaenttur Town Car, 915 , III
; II rS
Hemlngford, Nebraska